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File: 36 KB, 200x276, Anthony_Ludovici.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6167723 No.6167723[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Woman has no primary interest in a great or artistic man, she does not prefer him to a successful and rich soap-boiler, and what is more, she never knows he is great until the world acknowledges him as such. . . . If in the Europe of to-day, and in all countries like Europe, it is material success alone that is regarded as the highest value, and if money is the principal hall-mark of power and prestige, it is due to the ascendancy of women in our midst. Women cannot take any other point of view, and where their influence tends to prevail, as it does particularly in England and America, there you will find the worship of cash the principal religion of the community. . . .

>To-day this vulgarity can be detected in every aspect of our lives. Everything, every consideration of refinement, is overlooked, provided that money be present. And the man who kills most female hearts is he who can throw a rich fur round his capture and whirl her off in a sumptous Rolls-Royce. . . . Wives who have passionately loved their husbands will learn to dislike and despise them intensely if owing to some unhappy turn in their fortunes they become material failures. . . . Individually this vulgarity ramifies in woman as an inability to pursue refinement, unassisted or undirected; as a readiness to sacrifice refinement or else the fruits of cultivation, to any other sordid end, and as an inaccessibility to the finer nuances of thought. That is why the notion 'Lady' is such absurd nonsense. It is the grossest and most palpable fiction. No 'lady' has ever existed or will ever exist.

>> No.6167728
File: 49 KB, 460x276, Laurie_Penny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”

>> No.6167748
File: 12 KB, 241x231, 1421793418268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are significantly physically inhibited due to having to have the biological potential for children which is cumbersome and has cascading effects on the rest of the body which makes them weaker, have smaller brains, slower, increased ageing, fewer and simpler neurone patterns.

>Somehow expect men and women to have equal pay in spite of all this.

>> No.6167755
File: 84 KB, 800x579, nietzsche in his prime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Male suicide rate 8 times higher than female suicide rate

>"We live in a patriarchal society that oppresses women"!

>> No.6167765

preach it Anthony, boyz rule grillz drool

>> No.6167769
File: 5 KB, 250x166, le unbiased history man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this machine kills fascists

>> No.6167772
File: 76 KB, 640x432, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>> No.6167781
File: 34 KB, 333x339, hooters_protest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6167857

Absolutely correct.

>> No.6167881

Not really. Tons of women get horny from poor men. Artists, musicians, soldiers, rebels, etc.

They might not be interested in marrying them, but the sexual juices start flowing the moment they meet.

>> No.6167916

It's funny how misogynists seem to regard all women only as potential girlfriends, and regard girlfriends basically as a sidekick/pet (plus vagina, of course), and then they wonder why they always end up alone. It seems too obvious to have to say, but the only way to have healthy interactions with women is to first of all regard them as fully-fledged human individuals just the same as you are.

>> No.6167929

Daily reminder that many if most women sincerely like the idea of being a "sidekick / pet".

>full-fledged human beings

>> No.6167933

Why do we put up with women? I mean don't you guy sometimes think it would be better to just, ya know, force an attraction to a man?

>> No.6167935

This sounds like it was written by a sexually frustrated 13 year old.

>> No.6167939

Some plebs may put up with being dehumanised like that in exchange for wealth or status or even just good sex, but, as I said, you will never have a healthy relationship with a good woman if that's how you approach romance.

>> No.6168134

Let me fuck with this for a minute:

It's funny how misogynists [misandrists] seem to regard all women [men] only as potential girlfriends [resources], and regard girlfriends [boyfriends] basically as a sidekick/pet (plus vagina [penis], of course), and then they wonder why they always end up alone. It seems too obvious to have to say, but the only way to have healthy interactions with women [men] is to first of all regard them as fully-fledged human individuals just the same as you are.

>> No.6168143

it's okay to say that you are a fag anon

>> No.6168145


how do you know what most women think or want?

>> No.6168147

Yeah, and? Women like that deserve everything they get as well.

>> No.6168149


doesn't work

>> No.6168151

>still thinking vaguely in meaningless ensembles

Or maybe Im always an exception.

>> No.6168153

Let me fuck with this for a minute:

It's funny how misogynists [misandrists] [[CIS scum]] seem to regard all women [men] [[those who don't identify with the binary]] only as potential girlfriends [resources] [[novelties]], and regard girlfriends [boyfriends] [[novelties]] basically as a sidekick/pet (plus vagina [penis] [[non-representative sexual organ]], of course), and then they wonder why they always end up alone. It seems too obvious to have to say, but the only way to have healthy interactions with women [men] [[transgendered]] is to first of all regard them as fully-fledged human individuals just the same as you are.

>> No.6168171


>> No.6168176

>It's funny how misogynists seem to regard all women only as potential girlfriends, and regard girlfriends basically as a sidekick/pet (plus vagina, of course), and then they wonder why they always end up alone

The most misogynistic people I know are also the most successful with women.

>> No.6168177

The men who do have girlfriends are usually those who treat women like pets and sidekicks. The men who treat women as equal are usually rejected and end up spending so much time alone they become bitter and write angry texts on >>>/r9k/ and >>>/pol/

Women want a man who can lead her around, not one who constantly asks "So what do you wanna do now?".

>> No.6168182


how do you know what women want?

>> No.6168184

Let me fuck with this for a minute:

It's funny how misogynists [misandrists] [[CIS scum]] [[[Speciesists]]] seem to regard all women [men] [[those who don't identify with the binary]] [[[non-human animals]]] only as potential girlfriends [resources] [[novelties]] [[[meals]]], and regard girlfriends [boyfriends] [[novelties]] [[[non-human animals]]] basically as a sidekick/pet (plus vagina [penis] [[non-representative sexual organ]] [[[hooves / paws]]], of course), and then they wonder why they always end up alone. It seems too obvious to have to say, but the only way to have healthy interactions with women [men] [[transgendered]] [[[non-human animals]]] is to first of all regard them as fully-fledged [[[non-human]]] human individuals just the same [[[in certain respects]]] as you are.

>> No.6168186
File: 54 KB, 444x337, 1412365999082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women, deep down, don't respect men who treat women as 'equals', including male feminists.

>> No.6168187

Because I don't live in my moms basement

>> No.6168188

I don't spend all day on 4chan. I've actually met, talked to and fucked plenty of them to know a thing or two. Also, I've read Dostoyevsky.

>> No.6168191


how do you know what women think or feel?

>> No.6168194

What women think or feel is not important. It is what they do, that matters.

>> No.6168195

Empirical evidence. Feelsgoodman.

>> No.6168196


speaking to someone =/= direct knowledge of their thoughts or feelings

>> No.6168200

Your implication =/= not what I wrote.

>> No.6168201

just stop

>> No.6168202


subjective, phenomenal percepts cannot be studied empirically, dipshit

okay, Bruce wayne

>> No.6168203


How do we know anything? Observation, hypothesizing and more observation. If you don't think women on the whole act like this and as described in OP you're not very good at these things.

>> No.6168208


>I've talked to a handful of women
> I know how women think

kill yourself

>> No.6168217


>he thinks the phenomenal experience of observation somehow leads to any kind of knowledge

uppermost kek

>> No.6168222

Women don't say what's true or what they think is true, they say what will optimize their social position.

>> No.6168223

Spoken like a deluded virgin. Protip: those bitter idiots on /r9k/ and /pol/ are not actually the nice guys they claim to be; they're resentful, entitled manchildren and the main offenders when it comes to objectifying and dehumanising women. Just because their diffidence causes them to express themselves passive-aggressively rather than outright aggressively, it doesn't mean women don't sense how poisonous their attitude is.

>> No.6168227


Spoken like a true tumblrette

>> No.6168234

If you are older than 18 I feel sorry for you, mate.

>> No.6168236

wrong. For every female that commits suicide, there are 3 man. But for every man depressed there are 3 woman.

>> No.6168237

The fact there are no females on /lit/, and very few on 4chan overall (Moot puts it at 5%) tells me everything I need to know about gender relations.


>> No.6168241

the guy from top right is like "is that a camera?"

>> No.6168242

>patronizing as a means of ending the discussion

Typical SJW tactic.

>> No.6168245

Women can't cope with being judged by contribution alone, which is why so few participate in anonymous boards.

>> No.6168249

Why is it that whenever women argue there is no content to what they're saying?

>speaking to someone =/= direct knowledge of their thoughts or feelings
>he thinks the phenomenal experience of observation somehow leads to any kind of knowledge
>If you are older than 18 I feel sorry for you, mate.

Just shaming tactics and avoiding having to say anything.

>> No.6168262

Treated as goddesses by people irl, they never learn to debate or think rationally and unemotionally

>> No.6168270

I'm a man and I'm not a misogynist or chauvinist and I have a very fulfilling love life. Every generalisation about women made by you /r9k/ types contradicts my (extensive) real life experience, which leads me to believe you are very inexperienced and deluded. Your attitude is the number one reason women don't like you, I guarantee it. I hope for your sake that as you get older you will gain a little more clarity.

>> No.6168272


two of those posts were me. do you want to see my cock?

tell the class more about the infinite direct knowledge you've magically obtained on the female psyche

>> No.6168280


SJW's don't use "maturity" as a concept as this poster does. It's too universal and hierarchical. This poster is actually criticizing you from firmly within the western tradition.

>> No.6168285


>> No.6168291

Feminism in 2015 is unnecessary 90%. Sometimes an advertising agency shows its age by encouraging a beautifuly woman to be a "muse" to her guy (can't think of a brand but it's recent), but the flip side is that men also experience a great deal of this that goes unchallenged. On my commute I see a wall-sized poster about ED where a woman sits with her arms crossed angry with a guy holding his head in his hands, advertisements for balding treatment, on the tv there are ads where a short guy is included as a date and the term "don't get short-changed" is used. Why don't men care? Because they know other guys don't give a damn how they look, and that men tend to value actual achievements and the power it allows a person instead of how that person looks. And it's largely the same in their attutide towards females, though the virtues in this case are kindness, ability to comfort, and stuff that is often mutual in a relationship. It is women, in experience, who inflict other women with anxiety as to how they appear, and who undermine their efforts to be successful by gossiping about their appearance. Much of this anger towards "old white guys" is just sublimated frustration towards their peers. After all it's "old white guys" working 50+ hour weeks who paid for these predominantly highly-educated females to go top schools and colleges to study subjects whose employment rates are comparatively low, and whose contacts often assist them in finding jobs and internships in media outlets.

>> No.6168293



just shaming tactics and avoiding saying anything

>> No.6168295

Tons of jilted and jaded misogynists ITT.

And there's another thread about not having a gf.
I wonder how many of those posters are on here, bitching their way through a fatuous argument.

I can't think that this is just mass-trolling cause of the number of inane responses.

>> No.6168297


>a host of myriad blanket assumptions across endless categories of human behavior

never change, /shit/

>> No.6168299

Come off it, a woman's worth according to most men is entirely determined by her appearance. They tend to be neurotic and insecure about their appearance because they are conditioned to believe that it's the single most important asset they possess.

>> No.6168301

I'm posting in that thread too. I really don't have any genuine opinions on this subject I'm just really good at articulating opinions that will get me a lot of replies and make me feel less lonely.

>> No.6168309


Just evolutionary psychology.