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6167483 No.6167483 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: You're a character in a book, how would the author describe you?

>> No.6167487

Probably pretty pathetic. I sit in my room all day, browse this shithole and when I can find the energy for it I read books that I can barely comprehend. My guess would be that noone in their right mind would have anything positive to say about me.

>> No.6167489

Fat spoiled brat with autism and a shrimp dick.

>> No.6167492

incredibly beautiful aristocratic-features male

im not joking

>> No.6167494

A miserable pile of secrets

>> No.6167507


Lean guy with brown hair, not much into people unless he's really into them and then he's clingy-ish, talks about what he reads and not much else, high hopes, smokes a bit too much, one cool tattoo, likes spring.

>> No.6167515

She looked down to the corner of the room. There sat a man, though he was clser to a manbeast. Fedora on head, evolution bracelet on wrist. She was wondering if he had smuggled the blob in under his shirt, or if he was just big bone.
At that moment she sneezed. The man turned around and looked her in the eyes. His big bloated lips opened as he grabbed the tip of his hat. The sound he made was barely audible, but from what she could understand it translated to "well hello there m'lady. I would say bless you, but we both know that is something off the past. Instead, i'd like to remind you that every time you sneeze you have a fraction of an orgasm. What say we make that fraction a 100% one?"

>> No.6167521

Aristocratic features aren't exactly beautiful. They're the product of generations of incestuous relations and not enough genetic variation. That's why they sometimes look like caricatures, with their weak chins, small mouths, large eyes, and so on. Benedict Cumberbatch has a particularly aristocratic look. So do I, actually, except my chin and jawline are a little on the strong side, but women tend to prefer more masculine traits, I gather. Nevertheless I find consolation in looking aristocratic.

>> No.6167526


related: the habsburg jaw

>> No.6167536

It was a day like any other day, which meant that it was time to masturbate to pictures of women's feet. Briefly pausing to greet the dawn, he donned his coffee-stained Ninja Turtles bathrobe and took his seat before the device which had already claimed so much of his young life.

>> No.6167591

>Going this far to deny having jewish genes

>> No.6167618

As someone who just unzipped his dick and had a wank

>> No.6167640

a faggot

>> No.6167645

She was an empty jar, still she couldn't stop leaking.

>> No.6167655

Careerist Adventurist former Bourgeois

>> No.6167667

He was nothing but a poop machine.

>> No.6167693

His bronzed, sculpted torso:

It had all the proportions of the finest Greek statues of old, the surface of his skin seemed as hard as the marble they were made from and had the same gilt luster of the coin used to commission them. Every fold and nook showed acute angles and perfect proportion, revealing the lean musculature beneath the tautly wrapped skin. With every subtle movement the underlying muscle shifted below the skin, and pulled it tight with streaks and ridges like a lover’s knee writhing in ecstasy beneath satin sheets.
The muscles on either side of his neck sloped down to his shoulders with an understated authority, and with the continuous line of his collarbones created a triangle like the one that crowns the opulent acropolis. And like the acropolis, so too did his torso’s upper build feature mighty columns on either side, and a robust construction in the middle.
As Flashbird stood there squarely facing Rhyce, confidently relaxed, his arms hung suspended loosely from the stout shoulder joints. But the heaving of his chest as he breathed caused them to stir, and this alone betrayed the immense force coiled up within them.

>> No.6167696

A single vein ran along the length of each of his biceps, perfectly centered and parallel, visually enhancing the gracile reach of the limbs, yet failing to disguise their blatant mass.
At the widest part of his lower arms – just below the elbow – the muscles and tendons grappled for a place of privilege just under the skin’s surface, yet they appeared to find an amicable accord and a common direction as they stretched down to Flashbird’s nimble wrists and hands.
Underneath the collarbones were Flashbird’s pecs, like massive cobble slabs smoothed for eons in rivers formed from the tears of lesser men: his vanquished foes. Droplets of sweat glided down the vast flat surface of the chest’s symmetrical plateaus, like sizzling knobs of butter in a hot-fired pan. Like desperate wanderers in a vast desert the droplets careened with uncertain aim and pace down the slick muscular expanse until they found either the rugged valley in the center or the precipitous drop into oblivion at the bottom, near the circular fleshy pink peaks of his nipples. Some of the droplets managed to climb these peaks to the very top, claiming them as theirs in the delirious euphoria so telling of a mountaineer’s madness, before letting go and falling free, with only the passing glimpse of Flashbird’s rutted and grooved abdomen to allay the prospect of their inevitable splattering demise on the cold granite floor beneath his feet.

>> No.6167700

The pectoral highlands dominate the abdominal lowlands in elevation only, for there was nothing less than sheer perfection to be found in the neatly arranged rows of dense fleshy hillocks. The keenness of the interconnecting angles and the deep cut of the jagged furrows contrast starkly with the sleek yet unyielding domes that arise out of them. Every detail of Flashbird’s richly textured core a testament to the blasé hardness of a dry pebbled river bed that may suffer a gentle hand’s caress, but will punish any attempt at a hurried traverse with broken bones and ruptured skin.
At the center of the formation: a neat hole, fuzzy with curvy little wisps of hair that extended downwards in a narrow line along the central crease of Flashbird’s abs, widening slightly closer to the low-cut edge of his glistening black pants. Lubricated by Flashbird’s moist skin the skintight leather hose sagged slightly, shifting downward along the bulk of his legs – bulging yet subtly tapered along their full length.

>> No.6167715

Woman here, we definitely prefer the aristocratic features. Are you serious? Do you know how popular Benedict Cumberbatch is with women?

>> No.6167721
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I never imagined I'd find out what a bastard child of a gorilla and a bear would look like, yet here he was.
As a teenager I used indulge in many a girlish fantasy, and my favourite was the one about the Beauty and the Beast.
He'd steal me, abuse me, but in the end I'd see through his facade and I'd love him and he'd turn out to be a handsome prince.
Lol, I can't believe how stupid I used to be.

>> No.6167739

A sort of grey mould that grows in damp unlit regions in the rough shape of a man; capable of aping conversation to some unconvincing degree, it subsists on the flesh and wallets of those who offer it sympathy.

>> No.6167753

fame > looks

women be petty as fuck (even the gay ones)

>> No.6167766

Yes, I'm aware of how popular he is with women, but I assumed they were only attracted to his features because they're attached to his charming, gentlemanly personality. You see, I think I'm one of the most physically attractive people in the world, but I don't have the suave demeanor and cleverness Cumberbatch has, so I'm only ever attractive to women from a distance, before they speak to me. Cumberbatch is the opposite. He's the kind of person who becomes more attractive as you spend more time with him.

>> No.6167768

As are men.

Pettiness is universal, as is a greater or lesser degree of projection.

>> No.6167788

I don't know, I find Benedict Cumberbatch genuinely attractive for his physical features alone; I haven't even watched anything he's been in. I find angular faces very attractive.

>> No.6167815

Nope. Women KNOW the majority of would bone them, men don't have that privilege and so their standards are much lower.

>> No.6167839


Men are not by nature petty, we just succumbed to it as women were given a higher station in life.

I find triangular faces very attractive, same with rectangular.

>> No.6167905

I don't find rectangular faces attractive at all. Triangular ones, absolutely. There's something about inwardly slanting foxlike features, on both men and women, that strikes me as... noble, almost?

>> No.6167937

Women are supposed to have more triangular faces.
Testosterone directly affects jawbone growth.

>> No.6168004

Weird, I've never been attracted to men with prominent jaws. I'm sure I'm the exception to the rule, though; most women probably like it.

>> No.6168010

>I've never been attracted to men with prominent jaws.
Because in today's world, men are no longer really required to be strong (i.e. high test).

More effeminate qualities may be desirable, like emotionality etc. (indicating low test).

>> No.6168017

Because he is tall.

>> No.6168022

Effeminate qualities are found attractive in men when women want someone for raising children; masculine qualities are found attractive by women when they want to reproduce with someone.

All I know is, women be nuts.

>> No.6168027
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In other words: they fuck the wingjaws, but let the beta orbiters take care of the offspring.

>> No.6168049
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I don't like feminine men, but I definitely prefer slender and elegant to muscled and masculine. I feel this way as far as raw physical attraction goes as well. It's interesting how the "ideal" is shifting to academics with tidy silhouettes.

Facial structure, though, I think I was a bit hasty with. Pic related is extremely attractive to me and clearly has a more masculine face shape. Probably just not as big a deal to me as body type, I don't know, I've never really thought analytically about my sexual/romantic preferences before.

>> No.6168076


I can prove you wrong by threatening to bash you over the head with a rock for daring to doubt my obviously correct opinion on an anime imageboard.

Then I'll steal your mate and eat your offspring.

Of course, you may well say "but anon, that is just you"

And I will tell you that I am not alone, and I never have been.

>> No.6168083

So a hybrid

>> No.6168090

a disgusting namefag

>> No.6168100

Yeah, that's a good way to describe it.

>> No.6168113
File: 196 KB, 780x770, personnel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this

>> No.6168190

If you ever see her reading a book, it is because she chose that book specifically to be seen reading it. She revels in the superficial, spending hours in the morning cultivating her heavy-lidded look of false apathy, her "natural" makeup, her "effortless" outfit. Her pointed quoting of philosophers just far enough outside the general public's knowledge elicits eye-rolls. She is a snob, and all who know her secretly hate that she is able to lead an enjoyable life after all that she's done. A less lucky woman wouldn't even be alive, and she won't let anyone forget it.

She frequently browses /lit/ so she can feed off the atmosphere of elitism. She makes cue cards of quotable statements from the board and converts them to memory so she will sound more educated than she is in future conversation.

She's a pseudointellectual whose greatest talent is convincing the world that she deserves things that she does not.

>> No.6168220

didn't think girls like this were self aware lol

>> No.6168228

>She makes cue cards of quotable statements from the board and converts them to memory so she will sound more educated than she is in future conversation.

That sounds... unhealthy.

>> No.6168230

It is. I'm not someone to resemble.

>> No.6168406

>emotionality etc. (indicating low test).
citation needed

>> No.6168428

You need a citation for the effects of hormones on a person's mood?

>> No.6168520

I bet that line would drop some serious pussay if used on the right girl in the right circumstances. Even if you were to wear a fedora. damn might actually try this out tonight

>> No.6170209
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>> No.6171008

fucking hell, citation that low testosterone increases emotionality

>> No.6171037

Haruki Murakami

>> No.6171043

btw im a girl

>> No.6171047


>> No.6171104

He is unremarkable to look upon, perhaps his diminutive stature may catch your eye as you stroll the aisles of the local Wal-mart. His autism allowed him to store a small repository of fine phrases and tidbits of useless knowledge. There was no one he strove to impress with these trifles. Long accustomed to the vanity of all these things. Often disgusted with his life, he slept alone every night. But the feel of single living layed on his heart lightly. His burdens weighed much heavier than the mere lack of human affection. At least that affection, the affection he found to be unrequited in his happiest hours. When bright eyes lied to him.

>> No.6171185


>> No.6171301

Her face, framed by a wing of short dark hair, was round with large eyes and almost childlike features. With her short stature and soft features she could easily be mistaken for a high school student. But her intense expression of anticipation and expectation demanded respect.

>> No.6171593

Calm, lazy and slightly aesthetic. Maybe stubborn.

>> No.6172544

Low test causes depression for instance.

>> No.6172646

His hair went passed his shoulders, gaze vapid and tired. From the look of his clothes it wasn't hard to guess his favorite colour. Hoodie: black. T-shirt: black. Pants: dark blue denim. Shoes: black, with a hint of blue.
If one were to look at his upper-arms, they would be covered in scarrs, not from a blade, belt, or any other type of toold, but from pinching zits and picking on the scabs that emerged for over 10 years.

>> No.6172671

Anon was sat at the kitchen table as always. Books capriciously, but gently placed on the surface separating his perpetually tired eyes from the dimmed tv-turned-monitor. His hairdresser probably think he's died, though others will turn that thought around. At least that carries more positive connotations for him.

Surely it will all pay off, surely some day someone is going to realize his potential, surely he can't just be one of the clichés he ridicules to justify his behaviour. There was so much potential, so he'd like to think.

>> No.6172813

Please write a book

>> No.6172830

Really? You honestly think it was actually that good?

>> No.6172857

A gangly, clean-shaven young man with sunken cheeks and prematurely graying hair. His strong regional accent and proclivity for vulgarities renders him all the more absurd in comparison with his polite, urban acquaintances. His eyebrows furled as he began to grow weary of waiting.

>> No.6172858
File: 26 KB, 367x500, 1424203773346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*teleports behind you*
*unsheathes katana and slits your throat*

Nothing personnel kid...

>> No.6172951

Dude how could anyone NOT find something positive to say about it? You spend all your energy on the search for knowledge, what's more noble than that?

>> No.6173051

Hopefully pathetic.

>> No.6173074

Actually, the majority of women I meet think Cumberbatch is "ugly as fuck" and cannot believe how popular he is. I always thought of women who find Benedict Cumberbatch attractive to just be a vocal minority.

>> No.6173434

Hey, i did say not edgy, i was just explaining how i look

>> No.6174243

And there he sat, under the only light found in the cavernous pit it had called its 'bedroom'. A lair would have been a better term, even if a little clichéd. The creature was a strange thing to behold, clearly it was an adult yet, its face was still scarred with acne. Its jeans hiked up and its shirt baggy to cover up the bulge of its gut. Its chin, if it even had one, covered by course wiry hair that turned red when light reached out towards it. I wouldn't say it was hideous, merely plain.

Its eyes however, were perhaps the most haunting about this creature; burrowed deep they were right back into its skull. Above those dark brooding eyes loomed its brow, a bushy thing that nearly joined in the middle. Obvious attempts had been made to remove the hair, as the skin between had a dry reddish hue to it. From the blotchy circles under its eyes I surmised the creature was nocturnal and slept very little.

I wished to approach the beast but it was clearly very temperamental and short tempered. Instead I eased back slowly out its lair, fearing that if I remained in is presence it would saturate me with its misery.

And that was where I last saw it. Huddled in the corner of its own little world; the nest it had made to hide from the world around it, listening to sombre music with a drink in one hand and a mouse in the other. Clearly it wished it was somewhere else entirely, and so had I.

>> No.6174302
File: 40 KB, 613x450, νίτσε.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's more noble than that?
Being a nobleman at heart and living your life to the fullest

>> No.6174321

He's a fucking fag, that's who he is! Never looks twice on a mans asshole is all I can tell you but mark my words, does he do good.

>> No.6174346

Read Arthur Mitty and subtract the wife and that should cover the majority of 4chan users.

>> No.6174362

He is a failed genius.
He always try very hard to hide the fact that he is an smartass that never cease to speak and the "I'm better than all of you" attitude.
That's why he has no true friends.
A woman? Piece of cake.
A friend? Fucking hell.
He always acts like he does not care but in the cold nights sheds a tear.

>> No.6174382

Don't forget he's edgy as hell!!

>> No.6174383
File: 70 KB, 1520x1080, [Kanavid] Serial Experiments Lain - 06 [BD][1080p][AAC].mp4_snapshot_03.41_[2015.02.21_15.47.10].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"im not joking"
Sure you are, anon.

>> No.6174402

With neckhat to the gaits of heaving, a pickly sour follow wiltered among
(Woe!) men of great impotential. He ded net shit on the sheat of mankind, nor dod ho bake in decidluminous firtree, but hu dud live in the ex-pensive forest, csodaszarvas. Ichliebdich he said with grit convention, but it came out less like a teamo and more like an osamo (thanks to the ambiguity of the angle man's spike) BECAUSE, mutter of mutts, bitch of pups, he spoke druly to the mess of human peoples. What a foul! Cock of the walk, not a red hen. Caw! Caw! Caw! Fuck horses, this splendid stag was a heard lieder, and with his words to his dedikatie he spoke to O God of Divine Wrath- himself, in person!

>> No.6174409

too good looking for his personality

>> No.6174416

holy shit this thought is terrifying, probably he would say that you should kill yourself before writing the next paragraph

>> No.6174480

A tall, broad shouldered male with acute narcissism and a literal god complex who is quite likely insane. I'm also in adequate shape

>> No.6174500

I like this

>> No.6174510

the kinda guy that wishes he had a personality disorder

>> No.6174528

It would be nice to have that excuse.

>> No.6174544

it would only be worth it if my daddy was still alive to comfort me

>> No.6174560

I rather wish mine wasn't.

>> No.6174564

A brown haired, blue eyed lad that doesn't know what he wants to do with his life. He's letting his hair grow along with the beard because why bother at this point. He drinks copious amounts of alcohol on the weekends. He's intelligent but he doesn't necessarily apply himself. Regardless, he has heard from many that he is witty, charming and can give you some good stories about his life.

>> No.6174624 [DELETED] 

A feline-like creature that loves comfort, culture, food, drink and all the good things in life, nevertheless there's still some idealism coexisting with an otherwise narcissistic personality, tampered and tamed by decades of cynicism.

However, his external aspect resembles more that of a bookish owl than a cat, with huge glasses out of proportion with the rest of the face, a scruffy beard and hair that give the idea of an intelligent person, though not as much as he wishes he could be.

His fear of success and self-sabotage are the only things keeping him from real happiness, he knows this and is working to overcome it, though the path is long and hard, this has been an eventful year so far, encouraging his feverish dreams of making a meaninful contribution to mankind before his time under the stars is due.

>> No.6174634

A feline-like creature that loves comfort, culture, food, drink and all the good things in life, nevertheless there's still some idealism coexisting with an otherwise narcissistic personality, tampered and tamed by decades of cynicism.

However, his external aspect resembles more that of a bookish owl than a cat, with huge glasses out of proportion with the rest of the face, a scruffy beard and hair that give the idea of an intelligent person, though not as much as he wishes he could be.

His fear of success and his self-sabotage are the only things keeping him from real happiness, he knows this and is working to overcome it, though the path is long and hard, this has been an eventful year so far, encouraging his feverish dreams of making a meaningful contribution to mankind before his time under the stars is due.

>> No.6174642

why? mine ignored me because he was depressed but i still love him more than myself.

>> No.6174665

>time under the stars
anon, please, I'm going to puke

>> No.6174693

White Power freak who couldn't hold down a job and beat my mother daily.

Nuff said really.

>> No.6174749

>Nuff said
see if i had a dad like that, I'd first enlist the help of some niggers. i'd come around sometime in the early afternoon, no need to drop in at night and wake the whole neighborhood. the niggers would be big and muscular and have big penises, so they'd hold my dad down. he'd probably be drinking and watching tv or something. in one of those sexy wife beaters with a few stains to frame the belly. he'd call you a faggot if you looked, but you can see his treasure trail when he gets up to stretch. so these niggers would hold him down for me, i'd stick something degrading into his mouth to keep him quiet and have him stripped and hung up bound and naked and i'd play with his body. probably suck his dick first after finding that licking his toes and nipples is only sexy in theory. he'd be shaking and gagging and the niggers would just be watching tv and smoking and joking in some african language. every so often one of them turns around or that one in the armchair whose side is facing me tries to stealthily steal a fat glance, but i always look at him back and he looks away. it hurts to see the whites of their eyes. after a while i get bored and horny, so i get carried away and try to shove things up my dad's ass cause he's hanging to high for me to fuck him and i'm feeling too much anxiety to go fetch a chair. when i'm done with him, i stand around for a while with my fingers in my pockets cause i don't know what to do. i take a step towards the couch the niggers are sitting on and absentmindedly watch tv for a bit until one of them, the manliest and bulkiest one, says over his shoulder nonchalantly "are you done?" and i say yeah. "where's the money?" "Oh" I fumble and take out my wallet. they crowd around me to get their pay and i joke to myself that this looks like the setup to a low-budget gay porno but i give it to them and they get in a car. "do you need a ride?" the bulky one asks and I say no, so they all go out and leave in the same car. I look at my dad and he looks at me. I take a six pack out of the fridge and go to the lake to smoke weed and drink.

>> No.6174810

anon do you have some issues you'd like to talk about

>> No.6175253

>goes to bar
>sees hot girl
>go ask for her name
>when it goes silent, pull a can of pepper out of pocket
>dash it in her face so she sneezes
>"you know...you just had a little bit of an orgasm, because you sneezed. (You see, that happens every time you sneeze) and since you already had a little, why not let me complete it for you?
>get slapped

>> No.6175396

in other words: a self centered brat

>> No.6175407

weird dude that was really into acid and psychology in highschool and started reading books to hold onto his sanity.

>> No.6175751

In the faint light of a laptop screen, squeezed between the bodies of friends, he shifts himself upright and presses his back against the wall. The temptation for a brief moment of 'fresh air' plays across his vacant face, and his eyes flicker at the thought of a moment, a brief, but liberating solitude. The faces around him are smiling gently, chuckling occasionally at the mention of one of the more peculiar moments of the past night. He sighs; a common interjection of his which his friends would playfully mock, even if it was an expression of physical exhaustion rather than dissatisfaction. It had been 5 weeks since he had been to see a doctor about another prescription, and he could feel the gradual ache of weakness wearing away at his joints. He made no excuses for his inadequacy to actually improve his health; in fact, he was too caught up in letting his mind wander, both in the company of books and in the absence of friends, to pin down those moments in life which are defined by the horrifying tedium of a doctor's voice. Next week, he'd say to himself, next week I will see a doctor, I will search for jobs in town, I will start swimming again. And, as each week went by, those thoughts faded into the hazy moment of afternoon awakenings.

>> No.6176825

Ugly but in a cute way

>> No.6176927

Looking for an excuse to be lazy

>> No.6176933
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Before the Jesus moment of the last episode, CS student instead of a detective, no offspring.

>> No.6176987

An observant of ludditism on the basis that his machines be called people, and his people called acquaintances, and his acquaintances referred to as the ones outside of his window, and the ones outside of his window were all walking cheese-graters, and he preferred the old-school knife-to-thumb cracker method with a nice wafer.

>> No.6177043

At home he never wore socks, walked around barefeet, always had something to snack at, be it apple or crisps.
His vocabulary mainly consisted of words such as dude, brotha and other words that reflected his most persistent hobby, smoking the reefer.
Other hobbies of his included watching his hair grow, uncountable ammounts of fantasies, playing djenga with his dirty clothes, cuddling with himself and trying to find various things in his god-forsaken room where everything was where it should be at any given moment, yet it was never tidy.
His whole life was a bore to him

>> No.6177050

*tips fedora*

>> No.6177081

A member of that special set of the inept, he oft looked with green-eyes at a peer who sported grey chevrons across the nook of the temple. He would then scurry home and poke through his thin bristles, convincing himself that those closest to his bottom lip had gone white.

>> No.6177125

If you asked him to describe himself he would probably lie. He would tell you what he thought would be socially acceptable. You wouldn't hear from him how beautiful he thinks he is. How intellectually and physically superior he is to everyone around him.
Sitting there hunched, illuminated by the glint of Yotsuba B, he would tell you how regular he actually was.

>> No.6177262

That was incredibly Meta off you
I like it

>> No.6177288
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Sitting alone in his room, like any other day. Staring at the list of unfinished school work he sipped on a pint of black(inb4 tipping). Back to the returning apathy of screens. Though Swedish he donned a kilt and hunting vest, such a fucking Anglophile.

>> No.6177331
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>I would say bless you, but we both know that is something off the past

>> No.6177441

You misunderstood the jesus moment if you think it didn't fit in with the rest of his philosophy

>> No.6177557

A mistake that never should have been in the first place.

>> No.6177663

Considering how for the first five episodes his philosophy was nothing but Ligotti, Lovecraft and Metzinger mixed into a patch I don't really I missed much. Matthew was a producer of the series and as a warrior of Christ I'm not really surprised about his choice of putting some Alan Watts in the end.
>hurr muh daughter in the nothingness

>> No.6177728

I will never write fiction, holy fuck this is depressingly bad.