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/lit/ - Literature

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6161319 No.6161319 [Reply] [Original]

Whats your daily schedule / routine lit? Specially if most of your day goes into reading.

>wake up by 8-9
>read 2-3 hours
>go buy some fruits
>eat them and rest
>read another 2-3 hours
>eat and watch a conference
>waste time on internet

i need to fit some little exercise in there maybe half an hour every morning or every sunday the whole day...

What about you lit? Show me your daily life

>> No.6161366

wake up between 8 and 9
coffee, start breakfast, watch some simpsons
eat some eggs over easy over rice topped with hotsauce
shit, shower, shave
go to class
head to library
study, work on homework
back to apt, make dinner
watch some simpsons, good eats, shark tank, shitpost, constantly check emails for responses to internship applications
>go to bed around 12-1 am

>> No.6161381

Are you a NEET?

>> No.6161384

what about writing?

>> No.6161385

Wake up at 4pm or so
Put on the same clothes I wore last night and go downstairs straight to the computer
Break for dinner at 7-8pm
Go to the corner shop and buy some cheap Polish beer
Back to the internet and start drinking
Read poetry while crying uncontrollably
Stumble off to bed at 5am

>> No.6161387

I have a day schedule and a night schedule, basically the same except times.

>wake up at 8:00
>breakfast if I'm up to it
>go for a run
>bed at 10 pm

>wake up at 2-3 in the afternoon
>lunch if i'm hungry
>run (usually ~1 a.m. nothing beats late night runs)
>sleep at 2-3 am

On night schedule as of now or else I'd be settling into bed.

>> No.6161446



>> No.6161464

I don't have a set routine, some days I'll wake up at 5 AM for work, but other days I'll wake up around 3:30 AM for work and get there early and work out in the workout room in the office building before work. Today I read The Wealth of Nations between workout and work.

>> No.6161474

Legendary economist in training.

>> No.6161485


thats how i picture every poster on the writing, critique and poetry related threads threads

>> No.6161500
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wake up 9ish (this used to be bedtime)
Internet / breakfast
go for a walk in the park before noon
errands or more Internet or more snacking
If not working: continue this until bed
If working:
start getting ready at 4pm
leave a little after 5pm (going into city against traffic so rush hour isn't too bad)
arrive at work at 6
home by somewhere between 10 and 12
bed within the hour

I used to wake up before work and stay up beyond sun up.

>> No.6161503

>wake up
>go to work
>come home
>work out
>read or write or both
>watch Netflix and surf the web

Rinse and repeat, enjoy your time not working kids

>> No.6161515

>I'm a man because I work all day

>> No.6161526

If you're not a child, you should have some way to raise income. This doesn't mean having a job or career per se, but it usually does.

>> No.6161536

let him, thats what society makes them believe so they accept to enter the slavery that maintains society running.

>> No.6161541

HolyHoly fuckfuck dodo thatthat manymany ofof youyou notnot havehave jobsjobs?

>> No.6161542

from monday to friday my gf wakes me up around 11 or so
some time for her
1:30 PM bike to work
out of the work at 8pm
in this time of the year, stop in the boardwalk in front of the sea for an hour to read
at 9pm the sun goes down and go back home
some freelance work, gf time, maybe a movie
around 1AM she goes to sleep and is time for the real work, deep reading, writing, video editing
go to bed around 4 or 5 AM

>> No.6161545

>I don't need a job, jobs are for drones
>mum what time is dinner?

>> No.6161550

more like
>honey, what do you want for dinner?

>> No.6161572

remind me of my best friend, before he get a girlfriend
still one the best poets of our generation, though

>> No.6161589

>I don't need a drone, drones are for jobs
>dinner what time is mum?

>> No.6161592

Post a poem of his

>> No.6161596

wake up at 5:30 am
go to class
come back home around 11:15 am
sleep for an hour or two
eat breakfast
watch a movie or catch up on tv shows
lie down in the dark and think about ideas for a screenplay
dick around on the internet while eating dinner
read for school
take dog on walk around midnight

>> No.6161598
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stop it

>> No.6161601

>wake up around 10
>coffee and granola
>hit the /lit/ for an hour or so
>treadmill, weights
>read for a couple hours
>play guitar/piano and/or study music for a couple hours
>either read more or play more music
>though more often than not just shitpost more on 4chan and waste time on the internet
>sleep at some point
I started out as a /jp/ NEET, soon I will be a patrician

>> No.6161607

i would, but he writes in spanish
also, not usually poems

>> No.6161610

what kind of stuff do you read?

>> No.6161611

Thanks, you've given me some hope

>> No.6161620

Typical schedule during the week.
>Wake up 8 or 9
>Coffee and reading/writing until about 11
>Lunch, read and/or fuck around on the internet
>Teach more
>Get home around 5 then read, play some games, and mess around on the internet for a few hours.
>More writing until I'm tired, usually go to bed between 2-4 am

What do you guys do that lets you hang out all day?

>> No.6161625


ITT: Liars.

>> No.6161626

Spent most of my life reading literary fiction (when I wasn't read shite manga). Been broadening my horizons over the past year and reading through the 'canon' of western philosophy, as well as some pop science stuff like Dawkins, Gould, Hawking etc.

>> No.6161627

what do you mean?

>> No.6161628

My life doesn't really have routine, I hang out with friends a lot and we do all kinds of things.

>> No.6161630

Do NEETs really even count as human beings? They are so far removed from the human experience and all the emotions resultant from going out and actually living life.

Part of being a human is the triumph of victory and the despair of defeat. A NEET can know neither of these things because he does not know what it means to try. I like to imagine a NEET's world like uniform grey--never slipping into true blackness, but also never even being capable of seeing the world in all its vibrant colors.

Is a life like that even worth living?

>> No.6161634

Seriously so few of you work...

>wake up at 5:45
>get ready for the day
>work by 7 till 3-4
>read whenever I have a moment at work
>come home, play and walk dog, goof off on internet, snack
>shower, dinner
>read some more
>internet, porn
>sleep by 11

>> No.6161636

>going out and actually living life
Is that what they call 'slaving away half your life and going clubbing in the weekends' nowadays?

>> No.6161641

You really have no idea what a real person's life is like, do you?

>> No.6161647

you sound almost like a superman, not in the nietzschean sense... more like a greek hero

i am sure manga has a lot of cool stuff too. I have seen a couple of really good anime movies

welcome to Babel, though

>> No.6161648

Yeah if you guys haven't realized yet, this is indeed a culture. The popularity of 4chan peaked, then died out. I can guarantee it won't ever see the user traffic levels of 09, but boards like this are slow paced enough and have enough of a recurrent userbase that the culture here is evident.

Overall I'd say, go get jobs you smelly hippies, but nice to know most people here not only go outside, but also exercise.

>> No.6161653


do you really think that's all that life is? I run a business that I think helps my community and I spend my weekends reading and drinking and fucking my bf and having adventures in nature. and then after I save up money I go traveling every few months.

It's pretty nice.

>> No.6161656

>wake up 6pm
>shit, shower, smoke
>read for an hour
>read for an hour
>cigarette, food, some /lit/ and netflix
>read for an hour
>cigarette, weed, maybe a 40 or some tall cans
>read if stoned, tv shows if drunk
>final cigarette/sleep/read
>rinse, repeat

>> No.6161657

excuse me, what is a NEET?

>> No.6161665


>he reads Dawkins and the classics so he's a Greek hero

are you serious? how old are you

>> No.6161669

Well good for you. But who's to say that a NEET can't do the same thing?

>> No.6161674

>wake up at 730
>show up late to school by 1 minute
>go to school until 237
>skip track practice, go to play practice
>go to girlfriends house, she blows me
>go home
>text girlfriend and play town of salem until i go to sleep at around 1

>> No.6161690

>being in high school

>> No.6161692

nah, i meant he feeds many different parts of the soul and body, a hero in the sense he has an holistic virtue, maybe more like sofokles (the athlete and play writer, i am sorry i don't know his name in good english)

it was indeed a superflus comparition

i am 31 kiddo

>> No.6161697

i dont keep track of time
i roll out of bed
take 1 step to my computer chair
put my hand on the mouse and hope something interesting happens that day while thinking about suicide
watch a movie and fall asleep

>> No.6161702

how is pleb to be young? i think you are jelly about the sex

>> No.6161708

Yes, I am. You don't need a job you could be a subsistence farmer or something but your actions are selfish.

I always love the delusions of this board, thinking being a Neet makes you "patrician", doing as you please while the rest of society works for your lifestyle.

The truth is your existence is merely a glitch in our bureaucratic system. You have been deemed unable to work so society, in their kindness gives you resources you didn't earn. In previous systems of government you would be left to die and in a future communist system you would be labled as a lumpen proletariat and sent to a camp.

>the Neet creed
I am free! I can achieve anything! Learn a language, master an instrument, write the next great novel

In reality you just get drunk, do drugs, shit post and jerk off. Not in that order because Jerking off doesn't feel as good fucked up

>> No.6161713

Saddest thing I've read all day. And I'm reading The Histories.

>> No.6161725

i have like 8 friend that live or have lived like you
they are the best people to talk to
and talk is one of the best two things you can do with another person

>> No.6161748

I think it was a joke.

>> No.6161783


>I'm literally a willing whore for the dominant social order
>I can whore out my labor power better than you! I'm the best slave in three counties, nerd!
>it's for the good of society! I assure you my forty hour work week is VITAL for my continued happiness!

>> No.6161794

wake up 8AM
do homework
go classes
sleep 2AM

>> No.6161818
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>wake up 7-7.30
>work @ 8
>fit in an hour of reading between work 8-12
>1-2pm read over lunch
>work 2-4pm
>read 4-5pm
>5-7pm gym/walk dog
>7-9 dinner/vidya/eps
>9-1 read/write

>> No.6161825

I refuse to read anything written by a human being as boring as Kant was.

>> No.6161831

I know you're trolling but, NEET stands for not engaged in education, employment, and/or training, and given how extremely broad those categories are its reasonable to look down upon NEETs for they are pissing away the precious gift of life engaged in nothing.

>> No.6161836

You can scream as loud as you want, that will never change the fact that happiness and reward necessarily requires effort, which you don't even know the meaning of.

And yes, having a job to give meaning and structure to one's life is literally vital to anyone's happiness.

You're not happy. You can deny it here on 4chan but I know and you know that you are literally wasting your life away. A bloated corpse that by some freak accident has retained some sliver of consciousness. Not totally dead, but already 3/4 of the way there.

>> No.6161847



>> No.6161850

>engaged in nothing

you don't know that.

>> No.6161855

>you cannot be happy if you don't piss away half your life or undergo formal education
Have you seriously deluded yourself into believing this?

>> No.6161861

Who are you quoting? I didn't say anything remotely like that.

>> No.6161865

what if working brings me only anxiety and stress? are these two things vital to my happiness?

>> No.6161882

I worked my balls off for nearly 30 years, can't say it did me any real good or taught me anything important.

There's nothing really that clever about it, every fucker does it, mostly because they've got no choice.

Then other people make a virtue out of a necessity because otherwise they'd top themselves.

>> No.6161888

That's about as broad as those categories go.

>> No.6161889


>the precious gift of life

truly embarrassing. I cringed


>happiness and reward necessarily requires effort,
>having a job to give meaning and structure to one's life is literally vital to anyone's happiness.

when someone is this entrenched in dogma, there's not really anything left to say

I bet you actually believe that hard work means something more than money in the pockets of your superiors

>> No.6161897

Stop shitposting so hard, its embarrassing.

>> No.6161906

I read this in a thick, burly, long island construction worker voice. Are you, by any chance, involved in manual labor? Cool style, btw

>> No.6161914


only one of those posts is me
feel free to reply to it authentically

>> No.6161917

Don't worry mate, I'd be close minded too if I'd wasted half my life working to sustain myself.

>> No.6161942 [DELETED] 

Overcoming them is. The only way you can be happy is through overcoming your flaws, not submitting to them. That might sound like a cliche or something but it's the truth.

Eh. I was NEET for a little more than a year and a half. If I sound dogmatic its because I know that I know more than you. I know exactly what NEET is being like and I know exactly what kind of mental gymnastics you are doing right now to excuse yourself for not trying.

Recovering heroin addicts talk about their "lost years". Well, that's what my two and a half years of NEETdom feel like to me now. A black hole emptiness. You think working is wasting your life? How about spending all your time shitposting on 4chan and writing shitty prose nobody outside of critique-my-writing-threads will ever read? Fuck you. If you are too scared or lazy to give the world a second shot that's fine. But you sure as hell don't get to act like you are taking some sort of moral highground by cowering in your mom's attic until the day you die.

You get exactly as much out of life as you put in. Happiness takes work. Sorry your parents never taught you that.

>> No.6161954

Overcoming them is. The only way you can be happy is through overcoming your flaws, not submitting to them. That might sound like a cliche or something but it's the truth.

Eh. I was NEET for a little more than two years and a half. If I sound dogmatic its because I know that I know more than you. I know exactly what NEET is being like and I know exactly what kind of mental gymnastics you are doing right now to excuse yourself for not trying.

Recovering heroin addicts talk about their "lost years". Well, that's what my two and a half years of NEETdom feel like to me now. A black hole emptiness. You think working is wasting your life? How about spending all your time shitposting on 4chan and writing shitty prose nobody outside of critique-my-writing-threads will ever read? Fuck you. If you are too scared or lazy to give the world a second shot that's fine. But you sure as hell don't get to act like you are taking some sort of moral highground by cowering in your mom's attic until the day you die.

You get exactly as much out of life as you put in. Happiness takes work. Sorry your parents never taught you that.

>> No.6161979

Tell me, anons, how do you feel about rich people?
Do they need to man up and dig trenches, or something?

>> No.6162000


>Happiness takes work

literally pure ideology
just because your parents beat you and told you the bible was true doesn't mean shit
I refuse to buy into a bullshit work ethic designed by tradition and motivated by capital growth

you're a literal retard for thinking that humans should have to work to be happy

there are more than enough resources to go around to enable everyone to do what they want all day

It's thanks to idiots like you that we are willingly making ourselves slaves to the prevailing order

wake up dipshit. just because you waste your free time shitposting doesn't mean I should be forced into whoring out my body and mind as labor power to someone who happens to own the means of production

>> No.6162001

>>the precious gift of life
>truly embarrassing. I cringed
But Anon! You need to actuate your potential through good works and radical humility!
And also have that report in by Friday!

>> No.6162005

Hey NEETs in this thread, instead of getting defensive and shitposting why don't you tell us lesser men how you sustain yourselves so that you can go about your important business as men of great repose?
Assuming you don't just live with your parents, which would wholly negate your pretences of superiority.

>> No.6162006
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>the dominant modes of discourse say that good works and humility are important for a young worker. I should pretend that life is a precious gift!

>> No.6162009


would you rather live in a socialist utopia with a 10 hour work week or continue to live as you do now?

it's a simple question

>> No.6162010

Lumpenprole here. Feels aristocratic, man.

>> No.6162012

That's not actually addressing my question.

>> No.6162013

>Are you, by any chance, involved in manual labor?

Not any more, but I used to dig holes for a living when I left school. It didn't enrich me any.

The only thing I know from Long Island is the tea.

>> No.6162018

>instead of getting defensive and shitposting
I'm confused now, are you addressing the NEETs or the wageslaves?

And I get disability welfare

>> No.6162027

How old are you? You literally sound like 15 year old me.

Anyways I tried to help but at this point you are probably too far up your own asshole.

Oh yeah and I'm an agnostic raised by agnostic parents, so you can tip your fedora somewhere else.

And just remember: every afternoon when you wake up to your monochromatic monotonous life that you can rejoin humanity any time you want. It will take effort but anything worth having always did.

>> No.6162034

>NEETs or the wageslaves
False dichotomy if there ever was one. Sometimes I wonder if NEETs really believe that the only forms of paid employment out there are wage-based "jobs", as if it was impossible to sustain yourself doing what you love.

>> No.6162036

It depends on the rich person some are good some are bad.

I should say that I am for the universal basic income. The key word would be universal, not just a select few people who cheated the system rich and poor.

>> No.6162040


You're both dickheads, to be honest. I honestly don't see how you think that working in a call centre or making plastic eye shadow heads is going to enable anyone's humanity.

In fact I'm starting to doubt you even have a job, and you're not some self-hating NEET who's just trotting out his dad's daily rant against him.

>> No.6162053

And if you're one of the extreme minority to whom that applies then good for you.

>> No.6162056

>successful people just got lucky that’s all!
Fucks sake you NEETs are sad.

>> No.6162064

What I love doing is fucking your mom, but she spends all her money on crack so she can't spend any on me. What should I do?

>> No.6162067

Move to Alaska and work the trawlers

>> No.6162068

Thank you, for mentioning that, not everyone is flipping burgers. I'm a brewer people pay 4.50+ for a pint of my beer that I designed and touched every part of the process besides growing the hops, grains and whatever else I put in them.

Its not about the money though, I don't get paid a whole lot but I come out into the tap room and tell me "man this beer is freaking great you should do a coffee stout Or something" or I'll get some constructive critism or blind hate 99% positive but I like the bad stuff to you need it to grow.

My boss give s me creative process and since no one else but the one brewer ahead of me knows how to do my job no one bothers to come in and try to micro manage me.

You have a solid brotherhood with your fellow brewers that's kind of like a sports team, frat or something like that

>> No.6162071

Why does anything I've said make me a dickhead?

That happiness requires input might sound like a dad-cliche but it is profound, and unfortunately a thing that that I am beginning to realize everybody needs to learn on their own.

>> No.6162072

Where on earth are you getting that? I said nothing about successful people, but the fact is that most people just don't do what they love for a living, and most of those that do still have to put up with 40 hour work weeks and everything that comes with it. No matter how much you love your job that will get to you.

>> No.6162079


Not him, but that's not what he said. You said some people get to support themselves doing what they love, he said that's lucky.

The vast majority of working people do not in fact do things they love, and they don't have the chance to do so. Instead, they do a job every day that they don't like that much to keep food on the table, roof over heads and that shit.

It's not enriching, it's not humanity, it's being a part of a system which is based on surplus labour, people working more than they need for less than they make.

If you can make a living doing what you love, you're lucky, and in a minority. Anyone who thinks the world of work is full of fulfilment hasn't had a job.

>> No.6162092

No one here is acknowledging the one fact that makes them all right and all wrong

Capitalism hasn't finished its process and it won't be for any of our life times. Were stuck in the middle of the dialectical step.

>> No.6162095

>The vast majority of working people do not in fact do things they love, and they don't have the chance to do so. Instead, they do a job every day that they don't like that much to keep food on the table, roof over heads and that shit.
You know some shit people I guess. Everyone I know is happy, challenged and fulfilled by their careers. Mostly because I don't hang out with unimaginative assholes who couldn't think of anything they actually wanted to do with their lives.

>> No.6162096

>Why does anything I've said make me a dickhead?

You're arguing with NEETs on a Burmese radio discussion fanzine m8. What have you said that doesn't make you a bit of a dickhead?

Will you be telling all your excellent friends at the salt mine how you spent your evening, or do you think they'd find it a bit dickish?

What do you do, btw? I'd be intrigued to know how your endeavour enriches the species.

>> No.6162103

>Everyone I know is happy, challenged and fulfilled by their careers.

I know it's traditional to try and act superior, but such blatant lies are preposterous.

Either that or you've got terrifically boring friends who've managed to fool themselves that what they're doing matters.

>> No.6162110

Nah I work in University genetics lab and am surrounded by people passionate about what they do and driven to work hard by intense intellectual curiosity. Which isn't to say its not mundane and routine most of the time.

>> No.6162116

>American Protestant detected

>> No.6162136

I'm a sous chef. That's it. It's busy and fast work and I wouldn't say I love it but it's also far from the worse thing. Infinitely better than being NEET, because when I get off at 4pm every day the world opens up to me and I have about 8 hours in which I can do whatever the fuck I want before I have to be in bed.

Because of my job I meet people and have made friends. Because of my job I have a girlfriend. Because I work I sleep deeper than I ever did as an insomniac NEET. Because I have money I will be able to take a month off this summer to fly to Chile and see my friend whom I have not seen in four years. Beer and a cigarette after a long shift is the most delightful, beautifully rewarding little moment I look forward to every day and these are all things that are enhanced by work.

How can you appreciate free time when all your life is is meandering freetime? It's the exact same as how someone who rarely drinks enjoys being drunk so much more than the alcoholic.

>> No.6162142

>How can you appreciate free time when all your life is is meandering freetime?
NEETs will never understand this. They only make quantitative temporal distinctions not qualitative ones.

>> No.6162144


holy fuck capitalists are right
the masses don't even want to know how bad they've got it
relief from work is enough of a joy to keep workers working forever, apparently

we are completely fucked

>> No.6162147

That's an interesting way to look at it.

For me, work is a means to an end. A stepping stone if you will. If you haven't planned your life's path out at least a little quixotically, you really aren't living correctly.

>> No.6162149

So do you live in a commune then or how do you support yourself?

>> No.6162154

You make it seem as though all NEETs are recluses, or that they were always NEET. Usually it's that human experience you speak so fondly of that drove them to NEEThood. I'm not a NEET yet, but I hope to be someday. That way I can finally focus on the things I want to do. There's nothing virtuous about working in an office. I'm helping no one except the owners of my company. Society sure doesn't benefit from my work. Even if the NEETs on here are all reclusive, that sure beats the kind of mundane work I'm doing. I'd much rather avoid society and just sleep, eat, read, and write. A simple life like that sounds ideal, actually, and not the least bit grey. You just can't live with the fact that working and trying is so often futile, so you glorify going out and working. There's nothing good about work itself. It's the kind of work you do that matters. And if you live in the "real world," you should know that not everyone is able to get the kind of job they'd find fulfilling.

>> No.6162160

Dawg plenty of people on 4chan have been temporary NEETs. It sucks. Unless you're a trust fund kiddie your basically dropping out of life.

>> No.6162175
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>wake up at 6pm
>go to help at my parents' bar till 00 or so
>close bar
>get home
>work for 4-5 hours aprox. (IT shit)
>read/play some vidya/study some math
>go to sleep around 7-9 am

>> No.6162179

This could be true. But humans tend to take for granted the things they remain relatively static in their lives. Surely the same can be said for free time. I generally agree with you, but, in this case, I don't think the cause is a devious capitalistic society.

>> No.6162192

>6:30 wake up with the sun (or try to)
>7:00 go to nearby coffee shop
>7:15 read paper
>7:30 breakfast; eggs n such
>7:45 zone out n listen to vaporwave
>9:30 /lit/
>9:45 sleep

>> No.6162194

>Because I waste over half my waking life working in one of the most unforgiving competitive underpaid occupations I get to sleep more than I ever did as a NEET and appreciate my little free time so much more in the form of alcohol and nicotine! See how superior I am to you, NEETshit?
You cannot make this up. You people are seriously deluded. I sincerely hope you at least enjoy your retirement my friend, you'll have earned it.

>> No.6162195

Cool, a vampire.

>> No.6162199

>wake up
>browse 4chan
>go to sleep

>> No.6162210

>I sincerely hope you at least enjoy your retirement my friend, you'll have earned it.
The irony...
Seriously NEETs, whats the endgame? Are you just killing time until suicide? What will you do when your parents die and you have no one to support your unemployable asses?

>> No.6162215

>They're miserable they just don't know it yet! I want everyone to be as pathetic and depressed as me!
If you scream loud enough someone might believe you

>> No.6162220

>4 cigs a day
Step it up pleb

>> No.6162223


I bet you would have praised the manager of the factory who deigned to give you a full 18 hour workday in the 1800s

>you guys, they even give me money sometimes! even the kids get to work all day! isn't work awesome??!

>> No.6162227


I usually have about 8 cigs with my weed/beer combo

and I greatly underexaggerated the smoke breaks i take

I go through a pack a day easily

>> No.6162228

The only thing you can recourse to is meaningless rhetoric. Pitiful.

>> No.6162229


"Capitalist society" doesn't need to be devious when the policeman in the head is so firmly entrenched.


These guys are being jerkish about it, but it is pretty shocking when relief from work and a state-sponsored monkey on your back to make sure you give what little money you have straight back is what people consider a full life.

>We are hypnotised we are cross-eyed we are pimped we are bitched
>We are told such monstrous lies

>> No.6162231

I'm actually finding it hard to believe there are people who are non-ironically Marxist on this board? Is this bait? I am being baited?

>> No.6162233

Why does there need to be an endgame? I just take it as it goes, doing what I want and enjoying myself. There's more ways to learn and improve oneself than going to work. I could ask the same to you. What do you get out of working to support yourself? Do you do what you do because you want to be rich and successful in your field one day? Would you give up today if you thought that you'd stay in the position you're in now (or one near it) until retirement?

And I'm on disability thankfully, I'll be supported for the rest of my life.

Sounds more like what you're doing...

>> No.6162235
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I work 12 hour shifts so a lot of my days revolve around sleeping. But on my days off I typically go for a run in the morning, read and have tea until dinner time, have dinner, lift weights, have tea (the meal), then read or shitpost until I go to bed.

>> No.6162236


you literally believe that selling your labor power at a nominal rate to private holders of capital is a good thing

how the fuck else am I supposed to respond. you want to be a whore for people who are more powerful than you.

can't fix crazy, shouldn't try to fix stupid

>> No.6162240


sorry if I feel that selling my time and body for money is wrong and distasteful on a basic level

I don't know why you guys disagree, really

>> No.6162242

>And I'm on disability thankfully, I'll be supported for the rest of my life.
Ah okay, then your opinion is worthless. The rest of the world "needs an endgame" because for us life is not a treat for us to sit back on our asses and enjoy. If I don't work I don't eat. Its like that for almost everyone on the planet.

>> No.6162250

You can still get enough to live on with unemployment welfare in most first world countries.

>> No.6162251

>Wake up after 24 hr sleep
>usualy go to bed after 48 hrs or so

>> No.6162254


>If I don't work I don't eat. Its like that for almost everyone on the planet.

and we should totes keep it that way, amirite? work is so good and virtuous! it gives you food!

who in their right mind would be anti-capitalist in such a world as this? we all get to slave away for our food. what fun

>> No.6162256

>all these NEETs
>they're actually advocating wasting your life
you people disgust me

>> No.6162258

That wasn't an evaluative statement

>> No.6162261

>all these wageslaves
>they're actually advocating wasting half your life

>> No.6162266

You've drunk the kool-aid, anon. The restaurant business sucks.

>> No.6162268


>muh higher ideals

go back to church

>> No.6162270

Assuming there is more than one pseudo-Marxist shitposting NEET in this thread. Do you really think you could live the life you're living without our modern capitalist system? Its this very system that allows for individuals to become superfluous to society and thus have the option to opt out of society.
Keep biting the hand that feeds. One day mommy and daddy will die and nanny state's cheques will bounce and you'll realize why all those people were "slaving away".

>> No.6162280

but in exchange for his long gruelling underpaid hours and abusive work environment he gets to feel productive and might even get to be head chef one day maybe perhaps!

>> No.6162281



people have been making similar arguments since the industrial revolution

kill yourself. you know nothing

>> No.6162288

So then you admit that your lifestyle is only possible as a result of capitalism?

>> No.6162293


not even close
my shitty lifestyle would be qualitatively better in a world where I'm not forced to sell my labor power in exchange for money

>> No.6162294

Ok, thanks for confirming my suspicions that you are actually 15, or at least are the education and maturity equivalent of one.

I had always kind of suspected that NEETs composed the dumber elements of this board but it really does seem like that's the case.

Like, you don't actually understand the concept that you are unsuccessfully attempting to grapple with. You're just kind of saying words that you think are vaguely related to marxism.

>> No.6162305


but in a sense you're right, much of what makes my life difficult is directly a result of the ownership of means of production by private hands. so, yes, this shitty life wouldn't be possible in a non-capitalist aociety

>> No.6162306

Then join WWOOF and find a farm that will accept you indefinitely. Life is what you make it, cunt.

>> No.6162308


nice post. you literally said nothing outside of speculating on my age and education

try again, dipshit

>> No.6162310


I have no wish to exchange my labor power for bed & board

what don't you get

>> No.6162314

>what don't you get
How someone could be so infantile and unrealistic.

>> No.6162319
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This has actually been the most fedora-tier thread on /lit/ in recent times.

I still can't believe that there are people on this board that are non-ironically communists. Am I in middle school again?

>> No.6162321

wake up
make shitty instant coffee
go to classes
get home
eat first meal of the day (usually store-bought meals like tv dinners or ramen noodels)
browse 4chan or read

>> No.6162322


>b-but my thousands of years of tradition and oppression! why aren't you like everybody else? why don't you give up like the rest of us?

try thinking for yourself sometime.

>> No.6162326

Try living on your own sometime.

>> No.6162327


do you watch Fox News or something? Did Alex jones convince you that communism was a bad idea?

Have you read any Marx or any post-Marxists? Or are you just an idiot

>> No.6162330


I do. I also work 40 hours a week

I fail to see why this lifestyle is ideal or worth celebrating

>> No.6162332


How does it feel to be a drain on someone else's resources, without contributing anything to the household?

>> No.6162334

The funniest part is its Marxist NEETs. Marxist NEETs. Fuck I could say that all day. Marxist NEEts.
I can't stop laughing. Christ alive

>> No.6162335

There are apparently some people who do enjoy it, as bizarre as that may seem.

(I'm being serious here, not sarcastic at all. It's a bizarre, unpleasant, alienating way to live but some people legitimately seem to like it)

>> No.6162338
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>muh contribution

good boy. we don't want those radical communists with their Utopias getting in the way of our wallets, amirite?

>> No.6162345

>le epic wageslave maymay
hahahahahaha i remember high school. luckily I wasn't an idiot back then either

>> No.6162346


they're forced into believing that it's the only proper way to live

turn on the radio and listen to artists yapping about money and clubs and cars

it's literally everywhere

'work hard, get money'

the ideology is so entrenched that most people (especially the 'hard worker' types itt) don't see why it's bullshit from the get go

>> No.6162350

>most people are less intelligent than I am and are living their lives wrong

>> No.6162355

>If I convince myself otherwise, maybe it'll stop being true!
Shouldn't you be going to sleep already? It's a weekday tomorrow!

>> No.6162356


only if you call 'blindly submitting to the sexual and political forces of ideology' wrong or less than ideal

>> No.6162357

Work week

-Hit the alarm at 6am
-Bathroom/dress/eat/fill bag. Out the door by 6:45 to 6:55
-Put lunch away in break room, get latté, read for :15 to :30 min depending on when I get out the door, how many red lights I hit etc.
-Work from 8am till 11:00, take 15 or 20 minute break to eat lunch, go back to work till 1pm or 1:30
-Read for roughly an hour, unless I fall asleep for a bit.
-Work till 4:30 or so. Usually back home before 6pm
-Unwind/nod off in front of computer. Try to forget.
-Use last hours of freedom to eat, shower and have a laugh or nice conversation on this stupid site.
-Procrastinate about the Netflix/read/masturbate
-Asleep by midnight or later ...oh gawd, it's 2am already

I get most my reading done on the weekend

>> No.6162358

Get up every morning at the sound of the bell. Get to work late and the boss man's giving me hell, till I'm out on a midnight run, losing my heart to a beautiful one. And it feels right as I lock up the house, turn out the lights and step out into the night.

>> No.6162361

Aw fuck guys. Parties over, the faggot butterfly is here.

>> No.6162369

Guy with a stable career here.

To the NEETs: don't let these proud workers make you feel bad. They're angry and frustrated themselves after a long day's work, and are using this thread to try to convince themselves that work is worth it. I have a job most people would kill for. But guess what? It's not worth it. If I didn't have a girlfriend and kid to take care of I'd find some way to save up some money and live the NEET life. I work because I have to, not because work is good, or because my self-esteem is so low that I have to work in order to feel okay with myself. Don't allow your jobs (or unemployment) to define you. The two years I lived as a NEET were the happiest years of my life.

>> No.6162372



>> No.6162377
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>wake up

>> No.6162378

dont have class til noon faggot

>> No.6162381

Ah so you don't even work full time. I remember when I thought less of people who I had about as little life experience as too.

>> No.6162382
File: 83 KB, 512x776, l_fb33d4e991a24e99b8e41e2426a39b9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it.

A fictional device. Perhaps;
>-Asleep by midnight or later "...oh gawd, it's 2am already."

>> No.6162384

NEET doesn't mean you dont work you retard. also
>life experience
holy fucking shit you delusional autist

>> No.6162387

It literally does mean that you don't work. It means Not in Education, Employment, or Training. That's literally the definition of the term.

>> No.6162389

No, but wageslave does. Are you even bothering to read this thread?

>> No.6162393

>It literally does mean that you don't work
damn you're stupid. I don't work. i'm in school. i'm not a NEET. you're fucking retarded.

>> No.6162403

>standard NEET existence

>> No.6162411

And you're still in no position to call anyone else out on their life experience.

>> No.6162413

why not you don't know my life bitch.

>> No.6162436

I'm another guy with a stable career. Yes few people want to work, I wouldn't either if I didn't have to but these people are delusional in the fact that we have reached some point where a ton of human labor isn't needed and robots can do most of the things.

Would you want your kid to live off of your labor forever? Never contributing to the house because you do it for him?

>> No.6162437

How much work that people do can honestly be called necessary, in any real sense

>> No.6162449

If he develops a serious interest in any area of the arts and decides he wants to pursue that, I'd be happy to support him. If he wanted to live a parasitic existence, leeching off me as long as possible, I probably wouldn't want him to, though mostly because that just means more work for me. I will encourage my kid to have a healthy social life, though, so that going out won't feel like the hassle it is to me. The hope is that he might actually enjoy working and interacting with people. But I will try to be understanding of whatever he decides to do, even if that means living off my labor.

>> No.6162471

I like the internet and technological advancements they can actually bring forth the communist society you all actually want. Marx said capitalism sowed the seeds of its own destruction. In my opinion that is first and foremost the will and capital to further technology to augment individuals workers production. Its sad but the stupid stuff around the technology are what propells great minds to do their thing.

Im not a consumerist or materialistic man, I'm saving up money for a little home stead that I can buy outright so I can live the life I want prob just working part time because I do like my job and so my parents can sell their house and build a in-law spot on my land and retire easy.

>> No.6162475

I fall into a very similar schedule when I don't have other obligations.

>> No.6162488

>wake up anywhere from 8am-11am
>do whatever until class starts (read, homework, porn)
>class until 9:45 pm
>go home and shit around the internet or do homework until I pass out (~1am-2am)
>sometimes I go to work.
No fixed schedule for me.

>> No.6162495

Days w/ class
>Wake up around noon
>Do homework/reading assignments I haven't finished, with breaks for floor exercise and faps
>have lunch around 4, with some TV
>Get in the car at 5
>Get to class, usually a bit early, starts at 6
>get out at 9, drive home
>drink a few beers, watch tv, play video
>Take a bath around 1am, read in the bath
>go to bed, read until I fall asleep, usually around 3am

Days w/ work
>Wake up 12pm
>Prepare lesson plans for each of my students (I'm a private guitar instructor
>far, exercise, fap. occasionally go to the store
>eat lunch around 3, 3:30
>leave around 4
>hour or so of driving
>teach one lesson
>half an hour of driving
>another lesson
>rinse and repeat until I get home around 8, 8:30
> drink beer
>play video watch tv
>take a bath at 1am, read
>read in bed
>sleep around 3am

>> No.6162503

Some people don't want to do those things, something that seems a lot of people have serious problems to understand.

Just like some people enjoy going out often, some people (less, I'm afraid) like to stay alone. Being incapable of switching perspectives is usually caused by a not very mature mind in which.
>If I do X and I like X, then those who don't must suffer some issues which make them unable to do so like me
Truly, it is often the case, but not necessarilly, and a lot of people without any kind of issues or suffering live happily as well. Thus, your "all that life is" is utterly retarded and it sets arbitrary limits from your narrow perspective. This kind of immature thinking if often encountered everywhere, but you may understand after hitting your twenties (hopefully).

>> No.6162522


>> No.6162528
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wake up; go to the hospital
be medical student
leave hospital @11pm
prepare lunch for tomorrow and eat if I am hungry
repeat for 3 more years.

>dat feel when I guarantee I have read more books during undergrad and in my free time than any NEET posting here
>that disgust, when I visit 4chan for the first time in months and see people still obsessed with being a NEET and assigning intellectual value to it.

I lived in Osaka for a year after undergrad. NEETs in Japan, where the term originated, don't see themselves as anything but shy and sleepy. THey don't feel a need to validate their worthlessness. ONly in the west do we have such wastes of space trying to attach a half baked intellectual conquest onto their impotence.

ALl that being said; I love my free time when I get it, and there are lots of days where I wish I had zero responsibilities for at least a little bit.

>> No.6162531

To the neets, a lot of you, I would think, are not neets for ideological reasons. That others are wage slaves and all that jazz is just rationalizations.

To the workers, work does make a person appreciate some things more and it is nice having financial kickback, but it's just as delusional to think this is where we find meaning or that it is enobling.

In both cases a person is just responding to societal forces and then justifying those respones with rationalizations.

>> No.6162532
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Do you want any help?

>> No.6162561

Wake up at 7:30
Spend 3-4 hours fucking around on the internet or talking to high school friends
Depression, loneliness, autistic rage
Fall asleep at 2 or 3 AM usually.

>> No.6162571
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>wake up
>lie in bed catching up on the day's news and new youtube videos to wake msyelf up
>Shower, clean up
>Stick some food on and eat it while looking for music to listen to today
>Open up my Freelance contracts and see what's happening, if any clients need anything or want to talk, or if I have any offers.
>Do client shit if there is any
>Conference with my American/Asian clients
>Proofread stuff I wrote yesterday
>See what needs to be written today, draw up plans to write it
>Head to shop, buy my "treat" for the day (favorite snacks or some frivolous purchase)
>Come home, break out the tunes and spend a few hours writing the most important articles/work
>Spend a couple hours on my proofreading/editing/critiquing projects
>Go out for coffee (or stay in) and spend midday writing/editing my novel
>Go home, spend free time on whatever (playing games, leisurely reading, socializing)
>Get back to work for a few more hours
>Cook tea, watch a movie/long youtube videos while I eat
>Spend an hour or so looking for new projects and applying if I find anything that pays well enough
>Conference with American clients
>Complete the less important jobs that I've pushed off for the day
>More free time
>Shower, clean up
>Read/play games until I'm tired enough to sleep

Those are my structured days. Some days I do nothing but work, some days I do nothing but slack around doing whatever the fuck I want.

>> No.6162572

00:00 Sleep
07:00 Wake Up
08:00 take economics class
10:00 start preparing for philosophy class
12:00 take philosophy class
12:15 go home
3:00-0:00 Eat, read, study, self-love, 4chan, music.

>> No.6162577

> someone on board suspected as 15yo
> Marx wrong
Well, you should write a book

>> No.6162578

I just graduated, so I'm technically not in employment education or training. I'm a NEET. I won't be for long, but I'm enjoying it to be honest.

>> No.6162588

>wake up around noon
>tea, breakfast
>check emails, check youtube subs
>read for 1-2 hours
>workout for 1-2 hours
>shitpost on /lit/, /fit/, /int/ and /pol/ for way too long
>make dinner or go grocery shopping (I can only carry a little in my bag at a time so I go nearly everyday)
>more tea
>read myself to sleep

going to start squeezing in learning a new language into my busy schedule :^)

>> No.6162598

>on vacation
wake up 7:30
meditate, do some push-ups, write on my diary
do my planning
study for a bit
follow my planning
sometimes Irun with my friend
then planning

I usually finish the day reading and meditating before going to sleep.

>> No.6162609

> meditate, do some push-ups, write on my diary
Awww you so pretty

>> No.6162618

Routine is your ruler. Are you truly free if you follow a routine?

>> No.6162622

Wake up at 3pm

Stumble out of bed hating the world.

4pm, do the first of many drugs


6-7pm begin the drinking

Oblivion until 6-7am and repeat.

I will die early

>> No.6162623

go on, tell us about the enriching activities in your week after week of work, i'm sure every day is full of profundities


>> No.6162628



>> No.6162629

>I spend my weekends reading and drinking and fucking my bf and having adventures in nature

that sounds utterly disgusting. the sterile sanity of my room is far more preferable to me than your anal adventures in the forest.

>> No.6162633

Not the guy you're responding to, but I have no idea what a real person's life is like. Could you tell me? Serious question.

>> No.6162641

When you wish you could do something, but can't, you will criticize the thing, in an effort to convince yourself you don't want or need it.

>> No.6162643

Wake up
Browse dank memes
lol upboated
Post dank memes
Live the dank memes


>> No.6162645

>And yes, having a job to give meaning and structure to one's life is literally vital to anyone's happiness.

i literally rofl'd reading this

>> No.6162647
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>how many red lights I hit
focus on the green lights schmetterling, don't be so negative

>> No.6162654

that's almost as funny as marxist neets

>> No.6162668
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if with boyfriend:
> wake up as slowly as possible, then rush to shower and go our separate ways
> goto commute

if alone:
> more thorough shower, check email and other internet things while lotion-ing legs and drying hair
> head out the door
> goto commute

lbl commute:
> spend two hours on the train reading, writing, or sleeping, depending on mood and how i spent the night before
> do either school or work, depending on the day. work allows headphones, so listen to books
> two hours back, used as above

if with boyfriend:
> pick something fun we haven't done in a bit
> come home and either watch a thing together, talk about what the other has been writing, or just cuddle
if cuddles:
> sex sex sex
> cuddle to sleep

if not with boyfriend:
> start music playing
> read internet things
> spend time on a hobby of some sort (personal programming things, drawing, getting more music, whatever)
> jump between things until tired (sometimes at 10pm, sometimes at 5am)

life is pretty ok sometimes!

>> No.6162669

>monochromatic monotonous life

>tfw you genuinely enjoy wearing the same clothes, eating the same stuff, and following the same cozy routine every day

feels good man

>> No.6162677

>Burmese radio discussion fanzine m8.

thank you for the smile anon

>> No.6162682

why are you on 4chan
>implying this isn't an elaborate fiction

>> No.6162685

The most degrading aspect of NEETdom is that NEETs are dependent. You talk about freedom to do whatever you want the entire day, but the whims of your parents or the state determine your entire livelihood. If you don't have autism bucks or an inheritance, you are fucked when your parents die or otherwise stop supporting you. The funny thing is that a lot of the rambling desperate critiques of work and society that NEETs on this Chinese cartoon board bring up all the time are true, but NEETs are just as slavishly dependent on the system.

No one wants to be a NEET, per say. What people want is early retirement, the life of a gentlemen of leisure, basically to control enough capital to enable independent life without work, at a young enough age to enjoy it. To actually beat the system, unlike a NEET who has to ignore actively the prospect of his lifestyle coming to an almost certain end because of financial causes.

The truly "brainwashed" people are those who object to the idea of retiring early using those arguments about "contributing to society" (unbelievably there are a lot of people like this--probably not on 4chan though). The only other objectors are real Marxists railing against rentier capitalism. You will never find a truNEET doing this because they are not actually Marxists. They don't want capitalism gone on a deep ideological level; they would rather have enough capital to not play the game and sustain themselves on the profit that goes to those with capital. In fact, the only conceivable way to live what a truNEET would consider an ideal lifestyle without the dependence, aside from pure utopia, is inside a capitalist framework.

tl;dr: I should have gotten a finance/engineering degree and thrown myself into the corporate rat race so that I could retire before 30. Less than ten years of asskissing for a lifetime of freedom is not a bad deal. Instead I got an English degree and am taking it much slower.

>> No.6162703

I wonder where all these NEETs get their money.

>> No.6162707


>wake up around 8
>shower, breakfast
>go to work until 9
>lunch break around 12
>in the meantime at work browse /lit and read on the side articles or watch conferences. (when able)
>get back from work around 6
>eat something fast
>go around 6:30 at gym
>get back around 8:00
>play some total war or morrowind around 10
>read until 12

>> No.6162711

I'd rather be dependent on the system than a slave to it.

>> No.6162712

Your taxes.

>> No.6162713

>wake up 1-2 p.m.
>go to class for couple hours
>play basketball
>come home shower/eat
>read/play video games/watch tv (all dependent on if source is good
>go to sleep 4-5 am

>> No.6162716

>Beer and a cigarette after a long shift is the most delightful, beautifully rewarding little moment I look forward to every day and these are all things that are enhanced by work.

honestly, that sounds pathetic as fuck.

>> No.6162727

this is part of "mess around reading internet-y things". i'm a bit of an insomniac

>> No.6162730

The problem is that NEETs face either suicide or the rest of their lives being wage slaves after the support inevitably stops. Despite what people say here, most of them will not pick suicide.

Retirement is for the lucky or the prepared.

>> No.6162734

not him, but opposed to what? Rotting in your parent's basement and having your mom make you hot pockets for dinner?

Let's be real. The NEETs that are diehard defending their life "choice" are the same ones posting in those self-indulgent feels threads and blaming the world for their own shortcomings.

I would be much more inclined to buy the NEET side of the argument if my time on 4chan hadn't made it abundantly clear the NEETs here lead absolutely pitiable, miserable lives.

And I can confirm that a cigarette and beer on a sunset drenched patio after work is indeed a very pleasurable routine.

If 4chan is any indicator at all, being NEET fucking sucks and I feel like everybody here knows it. I don't even understand why people are arguing about it. Happiness has long been proven to be directly linked to income bracket. Sure, if you are happy and NEET, I guess good for you. But the majority of them are not, regardless of what they claim in this one thread.

>> No.6162736

To all appearances I'm a NEET but actually I have 3 moderately highly paid jobs.

(I'm >>6162622)

>> No.6162737
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>wake up
>breakfast, lunch, and dinner somewhere in there
>whole lotta internet
>a college class now and then
>whole lotta more internet
This addiction has destroyed me.

>> No.6162746


don't you ever get bored of correcting the same mistakes over and over?

>> No.6162753

Not when they keep paying me so much to do it.

>> No.6162758

>wake 7:30am
>work 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
>6 - 6:30 eat, wash clothes etc
>6:30 - 7:30 use internet for fun
>7:30 - 1am read and write

>> No.6162759

8:30 Wake up, shower, put clothes on
9:00 sit in class
11:00 break, coffee & snacks sometimes
11:30 back to class
13:30 lunch, go to pub with gf or eat with friends
14:30 head to library to study, read and do school work
17:00 home, post on /lit/, /vg/, play some warthunder,
20:00 cook dinner, call gf, eat
21:00 read, jerk off, browse /lit/, practice arabic,
23:00 sleep

>> No.6162778

>Wake up @ 6am
>brushteehth>shave>shit>shower>dress in this order every time, do some pushups to not become skinnyfat & make lunch/breakfast
>commute from 7 to about 7:45
>Eat breakfast at workshit talk with some co-workers until around 8:15
>Work until 5, get home at 5:40pm or so.
>Walk my dog>listen to music/read
>Have dinner
>Got o sleep at 10pm.
Working isn't great but after 5 years of being neet it's a much needed change and once I got used to it (after the 3rd week) I have not once regretted walking up early and going in.

>> No.6162782

>>Working isn't great but after 5 years of being neet it's a much needed change
why ?

TO work is not that great beyond the money.

>> No.6162783

living in a civilised country

>> No.6162789

Because I work in an extremely interesting place (a major hospital), I also have lots of good looking female nurses and female residents/interns around.
I get financial, intellectual and social benefits from being employed and due to the first one I'm able to buy books and other things I want like stupidly expensive headphones.

>> No.6162801

This. Financial security is extremely overrated.

>tfw you will never live in 1990s Houston, Texas and rent out a huge house for 300 bucks a month while working 15 hours a week at an organic food shop

>> No.6162813

Don't have one. Sporadic uni hours/capricious mind with a lot of interests. But a general idea:
>wake up at 8:30
>morning stuff + reading
>leave 11:15 for train
>read on train
>college 13-15
>talk with mate on the way back
>make dinner
>watch some streams
>talk to buddies on ts

That's basically my standard day, which I fill in with making music, playing sports, writing, etc., when I feel like it.

>> No.6162837

>Visit with Joseph Green
Was this based on a single day?

>> No.6162867

it would be better to take up wageslavery at an old age, after spending the youth wisely (however one prefers), than the other way around.

also, who is to say that suicide is such a bad thing? by age 40-50 we might naturally feel like it, or it might seem like the right time after parents pass away.

to me it seems foolish to workworkwork now for a theoretical future, when you could die in the process, having attained nothing for all your efforts, while the neet can live it out as long as possible, enjoying as much life as he can, and may die similarly yet without having wasted his life working

besides, when you're into philosophy, death is no longer frightening, so the fear tactic of "think about the future!" hardly has any effect.

>> No.6162912

>actually living life
>sitting at a desk for 9 - 10 hours a day performing monotonous tasks in silence

>> No.6162952

I'm a wageslave but I agree with this. Many authors who are "wild" or bohemian in their youth tend to advocate or praise the 9-5 working life later in their lives. DFW did it with Pale King, Zadie Smith did it with her commencement speech.

Spending your 20s, when you're most ambitious and energetic, sitting at a desk for over 9 hours a day being forcibly stoic while doing some job that'll probably be automated in ten years isn't the best use of your time. It's only successive generations of guilt and anxiety that makes people want to live this way in order to seem normal and not broken.

I like the NEET life but it's a shame you have to take money from others to live it.

>> No.6163028

>it would be better to take up wageslavery at an old age, after spending the youth wisely (however one prefers), than the other way around.

I personally find the thought of wageslaving in old age repugnant. The only worse thing than having a shitty time now is knowing for certain that a long period of shittiness awaits in the future. You know that feeling of wanting to go back and punch your younger self in the face because of a stupid decision? It's like debt: you can rack up a ton of spending on nice things and nice experiences way beyond your means, and if you die in the process you don't have to pay it back. But most people have to pay in the end or else deal with bankruptcy and its fallout. Maybe a few of these people think, "I had such a great youth. Living it up was sure worth this." But most of them probably say, "Why did I choose to do something that I knew would bite me in the ass someday? I want to punch myself in the face."

It is like the slave who puts in minimum effort and relaxes, knowing he will likely be sold later to a much harsher master but doing nothing, versus the slave who works like a good little slave but saves enough to buy his freedom. The really stupid course is to be a hardworking slave who works hard only for his master (the typical worker).

To take another analogy, you don't have to be a complete ant, but being a grasshopper the whole time doesn't seem advisable when you know there is going to be a winter. Life is not a fable, so you can do both.

In a more philosophical sense, freedom is a precious thing, and the only reliable and replicable way to secure a freedom that will allow you to live independently is to work for a period. This is indeed shitty. On the other hand, never before in history has it been so easy to work for so little to attain this freedom as it is today--if you don't piss away the money on stupid consumerist things.

>> No.6163163


Dear Diary,

Today on the internet I learned that the correct phrasal verb for what I'm doing is "writing IN my diary" not "on my diary. A helpful anonymous on the internet told me.

Also I spent the day sucking cocks. Harry is so dreamy I hope I dream about him again to night.

A good day

>> No.6163178

Thanks Iwill remember it.

>> No.6163183

Wake up at 9
Study to 12
Study for two more hours
Go to a caffe to read and drink my daily coffe
Study more
Repeat for almost a year and a half now

>> No.6163188

>Because I live like this everyone else probably does and if they don't they should even though that's economically impossible

There's probably a philosophical term for this particular type of rhetorical stupidity but I cba to look it up.

>> No.6163189

heh, pretty cool i just had a lecture about Kant an hour ago

I have his book 'Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals' that I have to read, looking forward to it.

>you will never be disciplined enough to carry out a 5:30am-9pm schedule every day for 40 years

Anything I should know/read before I start studying the text?
I understand it's a very difficult one to get through

>> No.6163197

>by age 40-50 we might naturally feel like it

Believe me, you won't. You're not more likely to anyway.

When I was in my teens I used to think "eww, 40, hope I dies before I get old, probaably kill meself if I get to 50".

Now Forty is a couple of years away and I bviously feel less Logan's Run about things.

From my perspective, there's truth in both arguments. There's no honour in drudgery, and mostly the dreams people have of a happy day grating with a ciggie and a beer afterwards aren't your own dreams; they were put there by someone else.

On the other hand there's no liberation in NEEThood if all you do with it is consume and masturbate - that's just another form of imprsonment. You're little better than a spider monkey in a cage at the zoo eating his own shit out of boredom.

The trick is to approach both sides mindfully I guess. Don't just accept your shitty job is right because you're told to. Don't believe your prison is a playground just because the alternative looks like jail.

Make the best of it, is I guess the trite and hackneyed truism I guess.

>> No.6163203


You're most welcome. I'm glad I helped you to remember sucking cocks.

>> No.6163257

Is that really the way that you perceive people who maintain a diary?

I'm not particularly fond of cock.

>> No.6163274


No you retard, I was trying to correct a slight error that someone had made, in order to help their English a little since I am a helpful chap and because this is 4chan I also accused him of sucking cocks/molesting children/flagrant homosexuality etc.

Phrasal verbs are cunts because there aren't any rules so you just have to memorise them all and they're tricky when Inglit isn't your first language, sometimes even if it is.

Loads of foreigners say mong shit like "take out your clothes so we can fucky" and stuff. It's nice to help those who are afflicted with foreign.
Is this your first day?

>> No.6163280

The majority of major historical figures kept a diary. Only plebs don't keep a diary.

>> No.6163293


Unless you're a politician or whatnot and you want material for your memoirs and/or to potentially cover your ass one day, then I think most people's instagram/twitter/facebook have probably taken over the function of the day-to-day diary. This is the first generation in history where everyone will be able to cross-reference what they were doing on a specific day.

>> No.6163335

Holidays for 3 weeks, my typical day is

>wake up at 8, eat and get dressed
>spend 2 hours learning russian vocabulary and grammar listening to some classical
>listen to echo moskvy while browsing 4chan for like an hour

>lunch while watching some russian channel
>nap for half an hour
>read for 2-3 hours

>nap 10 minutes
>make some anki flashcards for new words (french/english for what I read earlier, russian for what I learnt)
>browse the internet until 7:30 pm, news, political websites and 4chan

>4chan again until 9 pm
>watch some anime or a movie, 1h30-3h
>read until 0:30

sometimes I read too late so everything shifts

>> No.6163341

You are going to have problem if you sleep at this time while learning vocabulary.

>> No.6163355

How long should I sleep then ?

>> No.6163362

The jokes on you I live off the interest from my inheritance.

>> No.6163365

Wake up, rush to put on clothes and leave on time, act like an arrogant douche to everyone in class, go to work and read in the breaks

>> No.6163533

>yfw 'joseph green' is a clever way to obscure 'Giuseppe verdi' and kant actually time travelled to operas in the future every evening

>> No.6163548

For a day with no school or work:
8:00 am: wake
8:00 am - 9:30 am: morning routine (shower, breakfast, teeth, hair, clean)
9:30 am - 10:00 am: yoga and meditation
10:00 am - 12:00 pm: Iread
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm: lunch
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm: write
3:30 pm - 9:00 pm: hang with gf and friends
9:30 pm - 11:00 pm - study
11:00 pm - 12:00 am - talk with girlfriend
12:00 am: sleep

>> No.6163550

It's either
>wake up around 11-14
>cofee and cig
>start reading or writing
>sometimes watch a movie
>smoke a joint or more
>go out with friends or alone

>wake up at 9
>go to uni late because being late is patrician as fuck
>go back home or meet with some girl or something
>either go back to home then or to party

>> No.6163552

This sounds like a pynchon plot

>> No.6163553

at the weekend]

wake up around 10
eat loads of protein
work out from about 2-5
go for a run at about 7
go out and get smashed with friends at about 9

during the week

wake up 9
go to school till 12
come home, eat food, work out and maybe do some reading
go out get smashed with friends

>> No.6163642

>Spending your 20s, when you're most ambitious and energetic, sitting at a desk for over 9 hours a day being forcibly stoic while doing some job that'll probably be automated in ten years isn't the best use of your time. It's only successive generations of guilt and anxiety that makes people want to live this way in order to seem normal and not broken.

i remain convinced that i've made the right decision withdrawing into hikikomori mode. i look back on the years leading up to the present and feel content knowing that i used the time wisely, pursuing my interests at my leisure, rather than working. youth is an important time for the brain and development of the individual's mind and value system. i always suspected that working these years away would have a deleterious effect on my mind. if i am to judge peers who have worked, i am inclined to think work has had such an effect on them. of course, they would deny it and attempt to criticize my lifestyle.

>I personally find the thought of wageslaving in old age repugnant. The only worse thing than having a shitty time now is knowing for certain that a long period of shittiness awaits in the future. You know that feeling of wanting to go back and punch your younger self in the face because of a stupid decision?

my old age self is no more 'me' than i am the 5 year old child just entering school. who knows how i will think then? it is foolish to assume that i can predict my life in the distant future and base my present actions on that theoretical self. so, why work now, when it is a cause of greater suffering to me, when it is not entirely necessary since my family support themselves and would not magically quit their jobs just because i got some min wage soul sucking part timer, and i do not fear the threatened future - whatever may happen to my future self? why not, rather, make the most of these years, however i choose to? by old age i might be content being a homeless drifter if i have no family left. it is not a foregone conclusion that i will end up working. or perhaps i will get some financial aid at that point and be content with a simple lifestyle on that money. i just fail to see the logic in wasting these good years now for a future that may never come - say i plan on working for 20 years, into my mid-40s, so that i can retire with money saved up. that's t-w-e-n-t-y-y-e-a-r-s down the drain, all for pieces of paper and psychological snuggle fuzzles getting me through the day imagining my glorious retirement. chances are, something will fuck up my retirement plans anyway, like having kids who bring their own financial burdens. i could end up working longer than planned all because i got involved with a wife i met at work... and so it goes. on the other hand, if i live NEETly now, i am using the best years for intellectual development, for progressing in my own way, without any of the constraints of work, without suffering any of that emasculating soul rot.

>> No.6163669

>When I was in my teens I used to think "eww, 40, hope I dies before I get old, probaably kill meself if I get to 50".

i see your point. i'm 26 and don't have "hope i die before i get old" views, but i have spent years contemplating death and the issues surrounding it. at this point in my life, i'm not one overly attached to self or life, and it is logical to think that in 20 years from now, this detachment will have increased, perhaps to buddha-like perfection, rather than decreased. therefore, by that time, i will feel rather free to live or die or do whatever. i will not be bound by youthful fears of "what will happen to me?!" and such things.

>On the other hand there's no liberation in NEEThood if all you do with it is consume and masturbate - that's just another form of imprsonment. You're little better than a spider monkey in a cage at the zoo eating his own shit out of boredom.

completely agree. i think this is one of the great blessings of the NEEThood - it reveals you to yourself. the reason wageslaves are horrified with NEETs is because they know that if they had no work occupying their time, their lifestyle would degrade quickly into complete hedonic time wasting - watching tv, drinking beer, taking drugs, fapping, etc. but NEETs are confronted with these habits early on and either learn to overcome and transcend them, rectifying their lives and elevating themselves, or succumb to them and sink down even further (lot of these lazy NEETs on 4chan). a wageslave never experiences this because his life is regimented for him by the demands of his work. and many times, work becomes such a robotic chore that in time off, there is no inspiration left to elevate the mind, and one simply seeks pleasant distraction entertainment, intoxication, etc. it leaves you no better off than a lazy NEET who does that stuff all the time.

i personally think of the NEEThood as a monastic way of life. in any given monastery there are bound to be lazy monks who disregard the discipline and slack off, as well as highly disciplined saint-like masters of their tradition.

>> No.6163673

to add, if i were to die now for some reason, i would never think "if only i'd spent the last decade working!" such a thing would be an absurdity. i would die content that i'd lived how i wanted to, trying my best to understand life philosophically and come to terms with mortality.

>> No.6163686

>wake up at 5 or 6
>work out/shower
>go to work
>finish schoolwork/notes/studying at a cafe near work (I take online classes)
>try to get some writing done, read, dick around on the internet
>cook some food for when the bf returns home
>eat my meal of the day
>shitpost on here

>> No.6163696

Oh hey I only eat one meal a day too. Good job, Kant.

Anyone else? I fill myself with coffee by day, then eat all the food I want around dinnertime. Works gr8 for not getting fat

>> No.6163707

Welcome to the NHK represents NEETdom very well.

>inb4 anime

It's a great watch and most NEETs should watch it. That's not saying I don't yearn for the NEET lifestyle myself, but I don't have that luxury being enlisted.

>> No.6163711

how to NEET /lit/?

>> No.6163718

I usually do this if I wake up too late to eat breakfast. If I wake up early enough for it, I eat breakfast, skip lunch, then eat dinner.

At least on the days I don't lift weights. When it's a weight day I eat whatever I want.

>> No.6163744

Smart. If I do eat breakfast it's usually just bacon and avocado. I tend not to get hungry more than once a day, though.

>> No.6163745

wake up by 5
gym/read (depending on day)
head to classes 8am-3pm
work (2 jobs, so dependings on day)


>> No.6163759

Yeah, I've watched/read NHK.

Putting >tfw no misaki aside, even Satou's support runs out in the end. That was probably more relevant than Misaki.

>> No.6163763

What do you do for work and what level of education are you currently obtaining?

>5 or 6

>> No.6163783

I work in sales, I sell skincare products to rich old women. I'm an undergraduate.

Yeah I don't really sleep. Often wake up at 3 or 4 and just can't get back to sleep so I go with it.

>> No.6163791
File: 90 KB, 500x557, hunter_s_thompson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Not trying your best to emulate Hunter Thompson

>> No.6163795

I ask because aside from the time waking up you're similar to me, I spend a lot of my time in cafes so I don't get distracted while I do my work (also taking online college). I work as a barista though, it's pretty shit but it's all I could get. Selling skincare products to old women sounds much better.

>> No.6163805

It's pretty sweet, I work for a super humanitarian company so they give even their part time workers benefits and I get paid above minimum wage + bonuses. No fucking idea how I got the job tbh, I had no job experience save for working as a barista (shittiest job) for a month and I didn't even tell them about that.

What are you studying anon

>> No.6163807
File: 124 KB, 946x630, 24 hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET reporting in

>> No.6163812

It seems you are using your time wisely. Please stop and get a job. Suffer like the rest of us. Thanks.

Yours truly,
Misery Loves Company

>> No.6163818

>tfw you only sleep four or five hours a day

Goddamn I'm based

>> No.6163819

Do you live with your parents? I always wonder how this sort of lifestyle is sustainable (because oh man if it was I would be all over that)

>> No.6163826


>> No.6163827

I'm studying history. Unemployable as fuck but it's bretty gr8 while it lasts

>> No.6163829

why are people so down on living with their parents? i feel bad for people who move out at 18-21. family life enriches when you enter your mid-20s and everyone chills out and respects each other more. things are only rough in the teen years. i love my family and don't regret living with them at all. we are a unit, look out for each other, and co-exist on good terms in good spirits. my grandma also lives with us. it's nice. we have lots of pets too.

>> No.6163833


Part of what makes you grow as a person is a rich life experience. Being coddled at home late into your twenties makes you boring as fuck when you're at your mental and physical prime

>> No.6163840

I moved out at 17; I'm 21 now and am so glad that I did. It wasn't out of distaste for my family at all, I have great relationships with both my parents and my boyfriend and I to this day have them over for dinner multiple times a week. I moved out because I wanted to alleviate financial strain on my mother (my parents are separate but on good terms) who had to pay for all my shit by herself.

The result is that I'm financially independent, I know how to take care of myself, and I have a space all my own (er, and my bf's) that I can decorate as I please. I also feel a lot more secure in my relationship than I think many people do at my age after living with my bf for 4 years.

I also feel prepared to move away for grad school, which as a person with some anxiety issues was something that terrified me. Living on my own in the same city as my family has been a nice transitional period for me, and I generally feel prepared for the serious adult world because of it.

But hey, if you like living with your family, that's awesome! There are definitely appeals to both, and if living with your family works for you, you should by all means keep doing it.

I'd love to study history, it must be so rewarding

>> No.6163841

I have rich life experience already, you'd be surprised what I have got up to so far. It's not all reading and internet.

>> No.6163875


I'd be skeptical of your judgment in this area, considering you're not really an adult yet.

I mean, kids can get up to all kinds of wild shit in their teen years, too. Fucking, drugs, etc. That doesn't mean they're living a satisfying lifestyle fit for a grown ass adult

>> No.6163880

>because I wanted to alleviate financial strain on my mother

Do you rely on your boyfriend financially now, or do you actually have a job and shit? Bouncing from your parents' care to your older boyfriend's seems counterproductive. (Admittedly I am assuming a lot)

>> No.6163889

being a child who cares what you look like is boring as fuck. being a child who wants to go needlessly in debt is boring as fuck. and what does your 'prime' have to do with anything?

>> No.6163891

This is very true. I dropped acid as a teenager, doesn't mean I have "life experience".

I have a job. We split all our joint costs right down the middle. See >>6163783

I understand what you're saying though, I wouldn't have moved out were that the case

>> No.6163897

>not an adult

>> No.6163898

>needlessly in debt
Or you could hire a financial advisor, put aside savings each month, and ultimately build a financially stable future for yourself from an early age?

Your points are only relevant if you're incapable of financial responsibility and maintaining familial relationships without the convenience of being under the same roof

>> No.6163904

your opinions are invalid since you are a female

>> No.6163905

You're 26 and live with your parents??

Oh dear. Your maturity and life skills are going to be so stunted.

>> No.6163908

With a style like that, you should write a book.

>> No.6163913


Is this what you tell yourself? That you're smarter than everyone else because you're not going in debt? Like the only alternative to being a babby who lives with their parents is going into debt?

Fucking lol

>> No.6163915

Why the fuck do you care?

>> No.6163918

How do some of you avoid working your life away? I've tried to come up with solutions, but I can't. I'm trying to get a degree and a high paying job so I can save up and stop working, but it's not happening very quickly.

>> No.6163921

Perhaps you would be immature living with your parents still, I am not. Nor do my parents consider me immature. Quite the opposite, in fact. And their friends often remark how I am not like other 20somethings and am more like an older gentleman.

>> No.6163926

>I'm trying to get a degree and a high paying job so I can save up and stop working

They never learn.

>> No.6163930

how else? I don't have parents to live with. Are you homeless?

>> No.6163932

>Wake up at 8:30
>Goof off online until 11:50
>Get to work at 12:30
>Work until 6:00
>Get home at 6:30, play with my dogs
>Eat dinner with my dad at 7:00
>Shower at 7:30
>Either watch a movie or read until 11:00
>Bed time at 11:30

>> No.6163937

Hahaha enjoy being a fat depressed loser for the next four decades

>> No.6163938

It takes time.

Get a job that you can advance in regardless of education (climbing the ladder in sales is very doable and provides a nice income while financing your schooling), and choose a degree that you like. Saving up and stopping working is boring. Do you really want to waste away two thirds of your life to make a better final third, when you'll be old and decrepit? It's all about finding that balance of enjoyment and financial gain.

I'd be miserable working in anything but academia long term, so that's what I'll do, even if it means I'll have to limit my Euro trips and antiquarian purchasing.

>> No.6163943

>nor do my parents consider me immature
>my parent's friends think i'm mature for my age
>my parents think i'm mature for my age


>> No.6163952

I wasn't talking about retirement age. I meant getting a job that pays well like 90k+ a year, then working for two years, and maintaining my spartan life in a studio apartment.

>> No.6163959

Oh. Interesting goal. I would never get a degree in a 90k+ type field just to use it for a mere 2 years. At least get your degree in something that's transferrable to your desired lifestyle, even if just giving you information that you enjoy having.

>> No.6163984


That sounds rough man. Let's say you have 180k from your two years of work. Half of that goes to taxes. So it's really 90k. So you're saying you can live for four years on $22,500 dollars a year? I doubt it.

>> No.6164007

>implying i'm fat
>not 6ft 130lbs lean no fat toned body
>exercise multiple times daily
>am in great shape
>implying my diet is not healthy
>implying i eat any junk food at all

you are the one who will get fat as the stress of work forces you to indulge in junk food and alcohol to repress the cognitive dissonance lurking in your mind due to wasting your life working.

>> No.6164013

do you know me? or do you have an imaginary NEET-image in your mind which you are judging?

>> No.6164015

>>exercise multiple times daily

why are there so many gym buffs itt as well? i thought /lit/ was lazy and liked reading all day in bed like me.

>> No.6164016

>6 ft
>lives with parents at 26
>"my parents think i'm mature for my age"
>"even my parents' friends think i'm mature"

holy fucking shit dude

>> No.6164029

I'm not against living with your parents sharing the burden of bills and hardships with them.

I'm 25 and still live with my parents saving up cash for land. The difference is i cook, help with chores and pay portion of bills. I don't sit around and shit post on /lit/ and expose how enlightened I am for opting out while others Carry your load

>> No.6164035

How the fuck could you think being only 130 pounds at 6 feet is remotely good? You're a skeleton regardless of your apparent fitness.

You brag about the strangest shit. You brag about your parents calling you mature, you brag about having the body fat percentage of a holocaust victim...

There's nothing wrong with any of the things you listed, but they are far from positive traits.

>> No.6164037
File: 3.46 MB, 200x150, 1407024633641.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad?

>> No.6164041

(i'm actually 127)

>> No.6164047

>You brag about the strangest shit.

I liked this part. It's true, my values are quite unusual. I see no need to conform them to the cultural status quo of present times.

>> No.6164053

Right now I live on 14000 a year, and I'm quite happy.

>> No.6164063


I have a theory half of /tv/ are those kind of smart intellectual types who never had friends so they're socially awkward as fuck, but they grew up smart with doting parents so they also have this pompous inflated view of themselves.

It's kind of aspergy, but more sociopathic and egotistical.

>> No.6164064

Your values are being seen as "mature for your age" by your parents and parents' friends and having a BMI of 17? I don't understand.

>> No.6164066


>> No.6164068


Jesus, I spend that much on rent. Do you live near a good city (ie the only place worth living)?

>> No.6164072

>b-being clinically underweight is healthy, i read it on the internet


>> No.6164104

>I meant getting a job that pays well like 90k+ a year, then working for two years

What? Literally why?

Let's assume taxes take a third of that 90k pr year and you're down to 60k take-home, and you have 0 net worth (no savings, no debt). Assume 15k annual spending. This is college student/NEET level, given the 14k mentioned in this thread. Another bonus is that, in the United States, Obamacare cares only about your income and ignores assets because it's designed with wage slaves in mind, so I believe healthcare costs are negligible at this level:

So if you want to be a hermit indefinitely, you can work about 7 years, save and allocate the money in a proper fashion, and then maintain a NEET-level quality of life without working a single day for the next thirty years.

>> No.6164108
File: 242 KB, 1247x831, lazar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sense a lot of insecurity on both sides of this debate.

I don't think peace and happiness are necessarily contingent on work or the absence of work. One can be a miserable NEET and a euphoric wage earner, and vice versa.

I think you're likely to become unhappy if you spend a lot of time comparing your lifestyle to others'.

>> No.6164118

I live in Phoenix. The place is an intellectual wasteland reminiscent of the desert it is. It's truly awful, but rent is cheap. It's 550 a month for a two bedroom right now. Thinking of downsizing though, because I'll be living alone soon.

>> No.6164122

7 years actually seems pretty reasonable. I threw out two years without thinking.

>> No.6164129

Well, I think being thin is healthy. If I overeat, my whole system goes into distress and gets blocked up with too much food - even the best quality stuff. I eat as my body wants to eat and I trust its innate intelligence. I feel good, vibrant, healthy, happy. And appearance wise, I am pleased with how I look and with my body type.

And yes, it does give me some satisfaction to know that after years of struggling with them, my family has reached a certain level of understanding about my life choices and recognize the inner developments I've gone through over the years. Maturity is a lot more than what you do in the world - a guy could be Mr Responsible and yet immature as heck in his mind. Think about it, how many hard working guys do you know without an atom of empathy for anyone or any species other than their immediate family? I have a deeply developed sense of empathy and compassion and my family sees it in our interactions. I have to "brag" simply to point it out, since you would otherwise reach other conclusions about me. I am not like some permanent teenager, interacting with my parents as I did back then. Our relationship has deepened precisely because our lives are shared and we have clashed on many points. I'd imagine that if I had moved out earlier and only saw them infrequently, we'd be like strangers. Just as my sister is to them when she comes back.

>> No.6164132


I think I'd be tempted to relocate to a shittier, cheaper place if I could get the same salary I get in Washington, DC. Then I'd live like a fucking king. But I don't think I could.

>> No.6164168

Being thin is healthy, being as thin as you are is not. I have a BMI of 18.9, definitely not suggesting you overeat. Just surprised that you'd brag about it.

Your second paragraph... I'm still pretty unconvinced, but it's not my life to live. If you're happy then I think you should keep on doing whatever it is that makes you happy.

A couple of genuine questions: does your living situation make dating/relationships difficult? Do you plan on ever moving out? Do your parents make enough money to financially support you without having to be overly frugal? As a NEET, do you plan on ever getting a job/an education? What's your education level?

>> No.6164196

now this isn't entirely true. i'm 100 pounds at 5'5" and am quite healthy. it's definitely possible to be technically underweight while still being healthy. the BMI system is pretty flawed and isn't the end-all model of health.

>> No.6164212

Hey I live right by you anon, it would increase your commute but lower your rent I'f you moved to South County like in Saint Mary's. It's farmland though

>> No.6164218

>A couple of genuine questions: does your living situation make dating/relationships difficult?

I'm celibate, have no interest in dating or having sex, nor pursuing love and romance. I have no interest in starting a family of my own. Believe it or not, I am very content by myself and feel no need for a partner.

>Do you plan on ever moving out?

I would like to be around as my family ages so I can help them with household things. I dislike the thought of just abandoning them to live my own life. Since I don't plan on working, the practical possibility of moving out seems very low. I'm fine with that - as long as I have my room, I'm happy.

>Do your parents make enough money to financially support you without having to be overly frugal?

I am as frugal as possible to lessen the burden on them, but they live exactly as they want to and as they would if I were not here. I don't drive, so don't ask for gas money, don't rely on them for any car insurance stuff. I don't have health insurance, don't go to doctors, etc. I try to keep the cost of my existence to a minimum.

>As a NEET, do you plan on ever getting a job/an education? What's your education level?

Highschool. I educate myself, focusing on my particular intellectual interests, pouring my time and effort into that area. I don't have much respect for schools and don't see any benefit I'd get from them. They also seem like a big financial trap. I would like to avoid work for as long as possible. I value my freedom too much, even if it is just freedom to do nothing at all. If I have to wake up and go to work, even if there's one day that I don't want to and yet do it, that goes against a fundamental sense of freedom I consider something near sacred. I'm not talking about living selfishly, refusing to do anything for anyone that takes up my own time, but about the self-negation involved in robotically conforming to a work schedule whether you like it or not. It erodes all individual will, which is important in my area of interest (philosophy, spiritual disciplines).

>> No.6164238

Thanks for the in-depth response.

>I'm celibate, have no interest in dating or having sex, nor pursuing love and romance.

Very interesting! Is this a conscious decision, or do you just not have a sex drive at all? Have you ever dated/had sex before? It's hard for me to imagine having no interest in sex, just as the thought of actively choosing not to hang around a person you cherish and love is a little confusing to me. I can understand if you're asexual and just don't have the ability to form such a bond with a person, though, and if that's the way you comfortably live your life then power to you.

>Since I don't plan on working, the practical possibility of moving out seems very low.

When the time comes that you can no longer rely on your family for money, what will you do? What about when you have to start helping to provide for them?

>It erodes all individual will, which is important in my area of interest (philosophy, spiritual disciplines).

Would you never consider going into a career that fulfills you? It would likely not pay well, but surely it would pay better than no money at all.

As for your point about schooling: if you were to be offered a full ride (no tuition, full scholarship) at a quality school close enough that you could continue to live at home, would you take it?

>> No.6164245

I'm not going to try you the shittness of yourself you seem quite set in your ways but I wish you no harm, so in that respect I hope your parents leave you some solid money behind because I bet your sister would have no problem letting you live in a gutter

>> No.6164279

Yeah I gurantee that his parents dont actually consider him mature. They feel bad for him because his autism doesn't allow him to flourish in the real world as a normal person would, and their unconditional parental love for him means they let him stay with them/leech off their money. They tell him he's very mature so he doesn't feel bad.

I've known men like >>6164218
and they are never nearly as well-adjusted as they seem to think. I do pity his parents

>> No.6164302

As much as I tend to agree with you, I do have to wonder how conditioned we are to "helping society" and "contributing to the family" that we are so offended by someone living in seclusion.

I feel like Nietzsche would debate upon this.

>> No.6164309

That's actually a pretty interesting point. Living for one's self has become less and less of an honourable thing to do.

>> No.6164322

>Very interesting! Is this a conscious decision, or do you just not have a sex drive at all? Have you ever dated/had sex before? It's hard for me to imagine having no interest in sex, just as the thought of actively choosing not to hang around a person you cherish and love is a little confusing to me. I can understand if you're asexual and just don't have the ability to form such a bond with a person, though, and if that's the way you comfortably live your life then power to you.

I'm not asexual at all, I had a very strong sex drive until a year or so ago when my discipline became stronger than physical urges and mental habituation to self-pleasuring. I may be somewhat a-romantic since I've never enjoyed intimacy. I've had a few girlfriends and did sexual stuff but not penetration. I could have but always felt strangely disinterested in it in the heat of the moment. I felt the emotional bond to be a weakness in myself and developed a strong distaste for 'lowering' myself in that way. I broke up with all the girls and finding my freedom again was blissful every time. The way I see things, it would be detrimental to my philosophical insight and spiritual discipline to engage in romance or sex or in fact to maintain a relationship at all based around love/lust. I have to remain aloof and detached, becoming a lovey dovey nice guy would be a setback on my life path.

>When the time comes that you can no longer rely on your family for money, what will you do? What about when you have to start helping to provide for them?

I used to have some anxiety about the future but then reasoned that, first of all, the future is uncertain, so it is of no use getting anxious over what is basically imaginary. There's no telling what could happen over the coming years, perhaps some great opportunity will come my way, perhaps I'll get hit by a car tomorrow. I have set aside all anxiety and have no plan. When that time comes, I will set my mind to the task of figuring it out based on the facts of the situation, not the ones I imagine now, decades early.

>Would you never consider going into a career that fulfills you? It would likely not pay well, but surely it would pay better than no money at all.

I don't know of any that I would find fulfilling. My philosophical-spiritual views are such that they lead me beyond the world seeing into eternity, if I may put it that way. I'm not very concerned with things like having a career. I am tuned into deeper aspects of life, inevitable decay and death, what may lie beyond... I think it is a mistake to focus on our lives here and now in the attempt to secure a paradisaical future in our retirement. It is to the exclusion of those higher concerns that have troubled philosophers down the ages.

>As for your point about schooling: if you were to be offered a full ride (no tuition, full scholarship) at a quality school close enough that you could continue to live at home, would you take it?

Yes, I think I would.

>> No.6164366

>I felt the emotional bond to be a weakness in myself and developed a strong distaste for 'lowering' myself in that way.

I'm really, genuinely sorry to hear that. Most people grow out of their "all pleasure is weakness; hedonism is for the lesser" phase when they hit 20, my condolences.

>> No.6164382

>becoming a lovey dovey nice guy would be a setback on my life path.

idk i mean i don't think you have to be a "lovey dovey nice guy" to be in a relationship. not the person you've been talking to but i have a gf and i still get to have my freedom and do all the stuff i like to do. the only difference is that i get to come home to tasty food and i have a best friend who i can have sex with. perhaps it's different because she actually shares most of my interests, not the least of which is literature.

i don't get it, have you not found girls who you connect with on a personal level before? do you have similar troubles finding platonic friends?

>> No.6164388

I was once examined by psychiatrists and they concluded that "anyone attempting to change how you think would give up within three days". No diagnosis, btw. ;-)

>> No.6164393

I guess Buddha and Mahavira were just edgy tryhards after all. Thanks for opening my eyes, Anon.

>> No.6164419

Did you actually, honestly just compare yourself to Buddha because you don't have a girlfriend and haven't fucked girls before?

Edgy tryhard indeed holy shit dude

>> No.6164422

I don't like to lose my semen, so actually sex is completely off limits to me. Regardless of what modern medicine says, I consider semen loss devastating to spiritual life. Celibacy is necessary for higher progress; it leads to a tension and vigor that become fuel for the fire of inspiration. When you blow loads daily, whether alone into tissues or onto your girlfriend's tits, your mind suffers, whether you realize it yet or not.

>i don't get it, have you not found girls who you connect with on a personal level before? do you have similar troubles finding platonic friends?

I do not even consider it a possibility to connect with a girl anymore. In the past, when I was not so far along this path, sure, it was possible then, which is why I had girlfriends. But now, it is no longer possible. I think there is a point where one becomes irreversible, no going back, one can only march on forwards. I have passed that point. As for friends, I don't like to have friends unless they are "on my level" so to speak and share a similar worldview. Otherwise there is no way for me to relate... I don't want to drink beers and goof off.

>> No.6164455

>As for friends, I don't like to have friends unless they are "on my level" so to speak and share a similar worldview.

And you've never found women who are "on your level"? I ask only because I have many platonic female friends who I've met through my university and are definitely on my level both intellectually and philosophically.

Oh, right, you're NEET. Guess it's probably difficult to meet women you connect with when you don't go to school, work, or live on your own at 26. Probably best you don't reproduce; good on you.

>> No.6164463

I don't even want to find women, (wo)man. I have no need for it, try to understand it. It's like if I asked you, haven't you found any dolphins on your level? You have no interest or need for a dolphin companion (or maybe you do?) so the whole question means nothing to you.

I have freed myself of the need for all that stuff. It's an attainable goal if you have the guts to strive for it.

>> No.6164472
File: 270 KB, 806x1024, Schopenhauer_1852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And you've never found women who are "on your level"?

surely ye jest

>> No.6164524

Yeah, I'm a man. I guess I just can't see the benefit of intentionally refusing myself a pleasure that is so integral to my life. I don't rely on my girlfriend, but I do love her, and I cherish the time I spend with her. She makes my life better in every way. While I can see how it may be considered honourable to refuse one's self physical and emotional pleasure, I'm not about that.

Yeah that was probably anecdotal. I know that most women aren't intellectual, I've just been spoiled by the ones I've met.

>> No.6164542

Well you should journey into the wilderness and find yourself a cave. You can do all the thinking and reading you will be away from all of us in society who are beneath you.

Also you won't be a burden which you are to your parents. You remind me of my sister who Instead of waxing poetic and fancier of a modern day hermit with all of societies Comforts, with none of its costs, merely is a hypochondriac. She goes to the doctor every week to complain about stomach issues while eating fast food every day. She doesn't cost my parents much in resources but she takes a severe mental tool on them, especially my mother.

I'm sure if you had a frank conversation with your parents and they told you the honest truth, they would probably tell you your actions deeply hurt them if you are not indeed mentally deficient

>> No.6164616
File: 3 KB, 74x90, hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is impossible to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror is, true horror.

pic related, me as a child

>> No.6164642

You as a child was a cutie.

>> No.6164769

It must be nice to have a vagina and have a willing cock following you around.

>> No.6164843

>why are there so many gym buffs itt as well?
Because there are way too many benefits that to not lift is incredibly stupid.

>> No.6164851

I'm sorry I guess a condition for knowing true horror is being autistic and a burden upon your loved ones.

I respect the neets In this thread that say they don't want to work. You have come up with a world view making it acceptable. If you did live in the wilderness and live that kind of life, I would respect you immensely and take your every word with sincere consideration, but you are merely a weight that your parents refuse to abandon.

It's a good thing you spend most of your time in doors and not goofing around in Bars, because I garuntee you would get beat the fuck up for being a trite and pedantic child.

Good luck on becoming a demi lich, escaping the demure, immitizing the eschcaton or whatever your lofty goal is sir. I just hope you look back on it and Don't hate yourself for the pain you bring upon your family

>> No.6164945

Enjoy lung cancer.

>> No.6165045

>Wake up around 9:30am, brush teeth
>Head to the kitchen and make myself a continental breakfast of bread, cheese, prosciutto and mortadella with milk and black tea
>Read for an hour or so
>Open laptop and take care of business, bills, check accounts
>Head to my local cafe and read or go to the library and work on my novel
>Grab lunch and head to work
>Read on the train
>Read before bed

>> No.6165107

>6:30 wake up
>7:00 grab a brush and put on a little makeup
>7:04 hide the scars and fade away the shake up
>7:05 why'd you leave the keys upon the table?

>> No.6165222

>arguing NEET vs wageslave
Does anyone here work from home?
I feel this is the best solution. It offers money which grants financial independence and also the comfort to not be entirely drained when you are done working.

>> No.6165313

Do you know my family? Or are you just making wildly inaccurate assumptions? Your words mean absolutely nothing to me because you have no idea what our family dynamic is like, what we have gone through as a family over the years. You have nothing to go on, I've hardly shared a thing about it.

You know, my dad once told me that he's spent more time with me than any other person in his entire life. I'm not a fucking burden causing them immense agonizing suffering, you fool, I am a beloved son. I'm sorry that your relationship with your parents must not be so great, since you automatically assume that if I live with them and don't work, I am somehow causing them unimaginable suffering.

They have a riotous time with or without me. They're always in good moods. If they're suffering, they are hiding it from me very well.

Take your assumptive judgments elsewhere, you're just spitting against the wind here.

>> No.6165426


>> No.6165665
File: 311 KB, 800x1280, arbre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my... i left this thread yesterday with a couple dozen answers... are you that troubled with the neet thing lit? or is it a 4chan thing? like someone said somewhere in the thread, definig oneself by ones "work" seems a bit limited... i was workin until some weeks ago but decided to drop it and even if the situation itself changes i dont feel like im doing a different thing, rather that my way of doing it has changed. like if youre on a road riding a bike and then switch to a car or decide to walk... youre still going somewhere on that same road even if your experience has changed. i mean, i might go back to work sometine in the future, by choice or by need, but that wouldnt seem like something to discuss so much about...

oh anon dont drink coffee. that is shit. also, dont overeat at dinner, or at any time... at least dont make it a habit.

>> No.6165988

>wake up
>grab a brush and put a little make-up
>Hide the scars to fade away the shake-up
>Why'd I leave the keys upon the table?
>Here I go create another fable