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6161108 No.6161108 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth reading?
>inb4 pleb, shit taste or any variation thereof.

>> No.6161116


However, if you have to read it, just read the first part and throw it in the oven.

>> No.6161128

If you like King and can stand his terrible horrible no good very bad endings, then by all means, do so. There's a reason a lot of people consider it his best work. It's very engaging, but drops the ball in the last 30 pages (not Mass Effect 3 - tier, but deus ex machina out the ass).

>> No.6161151


The ending is atrocious. All the actions and sacrifices of the main characters are nullified by random chance and the decisions of the evil side.

Read the first part then throw it in the over.

>> No.6161154

It's a long, often compelling story that ultimately shits the bed. If your care more about the journey than the destination, you might like it. I did not, however, as the destination was an actual deus ex machina.

>> No.6161168

Yeah, I'd say so. Just be ready for a shitty ending.

>> No.6161171

That cover is literally more interesting than the middle eight hundred pages of the novel.
>randall flag is a crowman?
>and he's fighting with ben kenobi?

>> No.6161276

His best work in my opinion, definitely read the uncut version as is pictures, it goes more into The Trashcan Man's parts. Ending is definitely deus ex machina esque but it was appropriate.

>> No.6161359

The Dark Tower is better.

>> No.6161392

It's about as subtle as the cover art.

>> No.6161459


The Dark Tower is 100x better but it also crashes and burns with the final book. King just can't seem to put together a solid ending. Shame.

>> No.6161478

>If you have to read it...
No, pure leisure. Just one of those books that I've been wanting to read for years and it just so happens that over the next week I'll have the time to do so.

>> No.6161643

I just finished the first book. It was good, and had a pretty unconventional ending. I'm a bit indifferent to the whole thing, should I continue?

>> No.6161659

Read it. If you've been wanting to for a while, you might as well. There are certainly worse books out there (most of the criticisms in this thread have some merit, though)

>> No.6161686

I enjoyed it a lot in tenth grade, you can read it pretty quickly and it's consistently entertaining. King's best work is in his short story collections though, not this

>> No.6162243


Oh hell yes, everything up until the end is his best work ever.