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6160571 No.6160571[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I see this is a board of scholars in philosophy!

Can you tell me whether cultural marxism is a conspiracy theory or a valid philosophical idea?

Did Adorno, Fromm and Marcuse really seek to destroy Western culture by ia. trying to destroy rational thought?

Or is this BS?

>> No.6160581

It (kinda) exists, but it is not a conspiracy. They are not trying to destroy western civilization.

If you want the root of all evil, go read the Dialectic of Sex by Shulamith Firestone.

>> No.6160599


It exists in a sense they failed to comprehend the disastrous effects of their philosophy?

>> No.6160607

The KGB just subverted the Western media to sissyify the white man to weaken the West, it has noting to do with Cultural Marxism it was just realpolitik at it's finest ;)

>> No.6160613

The Frankfurt School did not want to destroy western culture, but it wanted to, and did, analyse it dialectically. Most of their members were very, very hesitant to promote any actual policies or action. Living in exile in the US, Adorno actually had a lot of positive things to say about the "western world", as opposed to nazi germany and the soviet union.

>> No.6160615


You really think the KGB had anything to do with this?

>> No.6160617

>they failed to comprehend the disastrous effects of their philosophy
They died way before the fusion of capitalism and their theories gave birth to SJWs and ultra multikulturalists. Most of the evil against western culture is actually from the liberal universalist brand, not marxism.

>> No.6160624


Yes, but his analysis of the US as a breeding ground for fascism (the F-scale) has been a hoi topoi ever since. What a piece of shit.

>> No.6160625

I think that when people blame the Frankfurt school for SJW shit they're missing the target completely. It seems to me that SJWs are the descendants of French guys like Baudrilland, Foucault and Derrida.

>> No.6160628

They didn't want to destroy western civilisation. They pointed out that it could not deliver on the promises it made. Their vision of communism is much different than that of the soviet union or other countries as it is not a positive utopia but one that can only be established negatively by dialectics.

>> No.6160639

So, what philosophers should we blame?

And why do modern liberals want to destroy cultural institutions even when they see the disastrous effects?

They want freedom, even from ratio. That's not freedom, that's slavery.

>> No.6160640

The F-Scale was not aimed at americans specifically, the studies were conducted in the US because Adorno happened to live there. I agree that the studies on the authoritarian character are questionable, but they are by no means a center point of his philosophy.

>> No.6160641

Why do you say that? Genuinely interested and not up to date on those philosophers.

>> No.6160643
File: 140 KB, 508x477, 1412994096681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all true! Wahahaha!!

>> No.6160644


>> No.6160647

Well, he is the philosopher of critical theory, all the central tenets of Western culture are in the F-scale, so why not?

>> No.6160649

Don't confuse american "critical theory" (Judith Butler etc.) with the Critical Theory (Kritische Theorie) of the Frankfurt School. They are very, very different from each other.

>> No.6160656

You have no idea about what Adorno thought and wrote.

From Minima Moralia, Aphorism 66:

Melange. – The usual argument of tolerance, that all human beings, all races are equal, is a boomerang. It opens itself up to easy rebuttal by the senses, and even the most compelling anthropological evidence for the fact that Jews are not a race at all, will in the case of a pogrom hardly change anything at all, since the totalitarians know very well who they want to kill and who not. If one wished to proclaim the equality of all those who bear human features as an ideal, instead of establishing it as a fact, this would be of little help. The abstract utopia would be all too easily reconcilable with the most devious tendencies of society. That all human beings would resemble each other, is exactly what suits this latter. It regards factual or imagined differences as marks of shame, which reveal, that one has not brought things far enough; that something somewhere has been left free of the machine, is not totally determined by the totality. The technics of the concentration camps was designed to turn prisoners into guards, the murdered into murderers. Racial difference was absolutely sublated, so that one could abolish it absolutely, if only in the sense that nothing different survived anymore. An emancipated society however would be no unitary state, but the realization of the generality in the reconciliation of differences. A politics which took this seriously should therefore not propagate even the idea of the abstract equality of human beings. They should rather point to the bad equality of today, the identity of film interests with weapons interests, and think of the better condition as the one in which one could be different without fear. If one attested to blacks [Neger], that they are exactly like whites, while they are nevertheless not so, then one would secretly wrong them all over again. This humiliates them in a benevolent manner by a standard which, under the pressure of the system, they cannot attain, and moreover whose attainment would be a dubious achievement. The spokespersons of unitary tolerance are always prepared to turn intolerantly against any group which does not fit in: the obstinate enthusiasm for blacks meshes seamlessly with the outrage over obnoxious Jews. The “melting pot” [in English in original] was an institution of free-wheeling industrial capitalism. The thought of landing in it conjures up martyrdom, not democracy."

>> No.6160657

> American and Frankfurt School critical theory are vastly different
In what sense, aren't they branches of the same tree?

>> No.6160659
File: 19 KB, 225x346, 51AhdobupLL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No. Actually go read before even entertaining right wing conspiracy bullahit

>> No.6160660

What are the links between Cultural Marxism, subjective reality, and Kabbalah?

>> No.6160663

It's more the people who misinterpret them. Postmodern philosophy is extremely cynical, sceptical, and suspicious of everything, to the point where everything is judged on the basis of someones ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation etc. This is a stereotype of it of course and I don't think the philosopher themselves succumb to it that much, but thankfully that wave of idiots are dying off and people are becoming practical again.

>> No.6160670
File: 378 KB, 1452x968, image-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the only true descendant of the Frankfurt School

>> No.6160671

Marcuse, at least, had an interesting influence on US Denazification policy.

>> No.6160675

>edgy post
There's a core of truth to it, not as a conspiracy, but as a name for a branch of postmodern philosophy.

>> No.6160677

Blog warriors are the not the descendants of any intellectual tradition anymore than conservative radio hosts are the descendants of the "Founding Fathers"

>> No.6160682

>the descendants of French guys like Baudrilland, Foucault and Derrida.

This is demonstrably false, privilege theory and associated ideas are essentialist while Foucault and Derrida were the complete opposite.

SJW discourse is based on the ideas of American feminists and minority activists, not French post-structuralists.


>> No.6160683



>> No.6160686

Weak bait

>> No.6160692

Adorno considered pop culture as a tool of fascism, whereas he considered ;highbrow' Western culture as liberating and intellectually stimulating.

>> No.6160700

Watch this OP, particularly from 6 minutes onwards.

>> No.6160703

Objectively good post.

>> No.6160706

The Family can't stand up to criticism, it relies on contradictions and abuses which are ignored because they are conducive to the interests of the ruling class.
Take for instance, how childbirth isn't considered a sexual act, when by any metric it should be. This definition is held in place by sheer convention. Rational thought cannot be destroyed, but it can certainly destroy the legitimacy of just about any historical power dynamic.

>> No.6160712

I think it's more to do with idiots misinterpreting their work

>> No.6160713

Well struck.

>> No.6160731

Cultural Marxism is a good term to descript the strain of Marxism that is born in the post-WWI environment, when the scientific outlook of Orthodox Marxism is discredited by the absense of world revolution during the war.

But of course, the left is never going to let it gain currency. They are the intellectuals, they define the terms that shape public discourse, rightists are peasants.

>> No.6160735


>> No.6160739

If the Family is conducive to the interests of the ruling class, why the ruling class (except in countries such as Saudi Arabia) adopt policies that led to the destruction of the family?

>> No.6160740

It's a product of naturalism and postmodernism imo, but a single philosopher is not to blame. It's more of a collective spirit that has arisen in the west.

>> No.6160743

Then what term is acceptable? New Left seems very dated.

>mfw I have no word to describe the cancer that eats us from within

>> No.6160747


Can you explain how the dialectic of categories would result in the destruction of a seminal (ha) category?

Historical materialist responses are far more cogent than your watered down Hegel.

>> No.6160751



>The immediate motive for writing was supplied by the outbreak of the First World War and the effect which its acclamation by the social-democratic parties had upon the European left. My own deeply personal attitude was one of vehement, global and, especially at the beginning, scarcely articulate rejection of the war and especially of enthusiasm for the war. I recall a conversation with Frau Marianne Weber in the late autumn of 1914. She wanted to challenge my attitude by telling me of individual, concrete acts of heroism. My only reply was: ‘The better the worse!’ When I tried at this time to put my emotional attitude into conscious terms, I arrived at more or less the following formulation: the Central Powers would probably defeat Russia; this might lead to the downfall of Tsarism; I had no objection to that. There was also some probability that the West would defeat Germany; if this led to the downfall of the Hohenzollerns and the Hapsburgs, I was once again in favour. But then the question arose: who was to save us from Western civilisation?

Well, who was to save us from Western civilization? Lukacs and the intellectuals he influenced (including the Frankfurt School), of course.

But remember kids. This is just a conspiracy theory, after all, this is a term devised by rightists and they are not intellectuals like us, they don't have the right to shape the debate.

>> No.6160754
File: 22 KB, 220x567, Stirner02[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SJWs are descendants of Stirner. What he termed 'fixed ideas' or 'spooks,' they call 'social constructs'

>> No.6160760

They don't have to understand the work to base their actions on it. For example in the theist worldview we have RCC and random nonsensical protestant sects at the same time. But unlike for Christianity the rational ideas did not prevail, but instead misinterpretations and half truths.

>> No.6160765

If they were the descendants of Stirner, then they wouldn't have "social" or "justice" in their name.

>> No.6160766

Never read Hegel. I say spirit as in collective mind or prevent worldview. I don't know how similar that is to Hegel.

>> No.6160772

"Social construct" is a phenomenological concept. It was coined by Berger and Luckmann.

>> No.6160773


>> No.6160775

Those policies were never intended to "destroy the family". The destruction of the family as it is defined is inevitable as technology changes and we no long have the majority of the population working in agriculture.

>> No.6160787

Also the capitalist mindset of buy new don't fix and individualism. Technology not so much.

>> No.6160789

Then the family isn't conducive to the interests of the ruling class.

>> No.6160796

Troll the fuck off, there is no way you are this retarded.

>> No.6160809

So what are your favorite works of philosophy?

>> No.6160812


There tends to be too great an emphasis on planning... it seems more like there are trends that have their effects seen in numerous spheres, and the question of chickens and eggs is impossible, let alone assuming a mastermind.

>> No.6160823 [DELETED] 

>Shulamith Firestone.

>> No.6160838

There's a surprise. To be fair, they had good reasons to be critical post WW II.