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/lit/ - Literature

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6156104 No.6156104 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you have read all of the essential /lit/ starter kit?

>> No.6156112

10. Am i patrician now?

>> No.6156119


12 or so

>> No.6156120

only 2 because I'm not a turbopleb

>> No.6156121
File: 562 KB, 1035x2056, lit starter kit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this one in my files.

Both seem like a decent list of book to be honest.

>> No.6156123

7, working on Lolita.

>> No.6156125

I think that's a much better one anon

>> No.6156127

I've read twelve, and seen the movie version of three I haven't read (Cuckoo's Nest, American Psycho, Androids). Invisible Man, Fear and Loathing, and Siddhartha are the only ones I haven't experienced in some form.

>> No.6156137

this one seems like a /lit/ depressing literature starter pack.

>> No.6156146

This one feels like less reddit. It has more meme authors as well.

>> No.6156147

5 because I'm not an american and half of the list has no relevance outside of the land of the free.

>> No.6156151

This one is far better

>> No.6156160

I reader ten of them books. Do I get a /lit/ badge of elitism now?

>> No.6156215

7 on both

>> No.6156221

Existence *is* depressing though

>> No.6156234

The majority of these are required reading in high school The only I haven't is Siddhartha

>> No.6156248

I have read 15/20 (missing Burgess, Kesey, Ellison, Ellis, Wilde, Thompson)
and 14/20 on this one (Wilde again, Faulkner, McCarthy, Williams, Borges, Steinbeck)

I'm not making a conscious effort to fill it out, but I've been back on college-reading speed lately of a book or more a week, so I'm sure I'll touch 'em all (or almost all) within the next few years just by accident.

I think the second image is better. The purpose shouldn't be to create 20 must-reads, but 20 books that might excite someone to find more books they love. Both images are decent for that, but the first one has too many books in the same grimdark dystopia-mode.

>> No.6156257

This one is definitely much better

>> No.6156304

I've read 8 and have 4 others in my reading stack.

>> No.6156318

>The majority of these are required reading in high school
Not necessarily. Literally none of these were in my school's curriculum. Though I did read Huck Finn and 1984 for school projects.

>> No.6156334

This looks like a literal /lit/ starter kit. The original OP pic is a literal literature starter kit for people just getting into reading.

I wouldn't tell any new reader to read Crying of Lot 49, Notes from the underground, the full odyssey, dubliners, blood meridian, faulkner, tolstoy, the stranger, borges, grapes of wraith, or kafka as their first books. For many various and obvious reasons.

>> No.6156336

most of those books are read in highschool

>> No.6156395


If all Americans read these books in high school, then why do Americans behave the way they do?

>> No.6156399

no public school outside of a major city is reading more than 2-3 books on that list.

>> No.6156404

I grew up in suburbia and had to read 7 of them in high school

>> No.6156409

suburbia where?

>> No.6156419

I also grew up in suburbia and I also read 7 of them for English classes during high school

And I think 4 more on my own while I was in high school. They're popular books for high schoolers whether they're part of a curriculum or not

And to answer your question, most high schoolers all over the world do not read what they are assigned for English class

>> No.6156472

and how do they behave?

>> No.6156486


>> No.6156506
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>no public school outside of a major city
Are you trying to imply public schools are somehow more rigorous in large cities?
I bet you think "inner city" is racist code too.

>> No.6156514

Every anglo country and most European country have a large number of these books in their high school curriculum

>> No.6156607

3. I'm working on Great Gatsby right now.

>> No.6156624

I've only read five of them

>> No.6156704

>less reddit
>more meme

>> No.6156764

Shit starter kit. Give me the Greek one. This pic is so high school tier it hurts. You shouldn't start reading modern books because you'll just miss the many allusions and background concepts in all of them unless you appropriately start with the beginning of western civilization, Ancient Greece. Anyway, I read:

>To Kill A Mockingbird
>Catcher in the Rye
>The Great Gatsby
>Of Mice and Men
>Lord of the Flies
>Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

>The Odyssey
>Notes from Underground
>Grapes of Wrath

>> No.6157414

>You shouldn't start reading modern books because you'll just miss the many allusions and background concepts in all of them unless you appropriately start with the beginning of western civilization, Ancient Greece
Now this is memeing

>> No.6157455

all of them except for Invisible Man, Lolita, Fear & Loathing and Huck Finn

>> No.6157473
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>he hasn't read cuck finn

>> No.6157784


It's funny because I just naturally read all these in high school before I'd even heard of /lit/. I think it's just the teenage white boy reading list that's been instictually programmed into all of us

>> No.6157818

Can i just say that i personally think slaughterhouse 5 is probably the worst Vonnegut book out there. I mean hands down id say that breakfast of champions, or timequake are his best.

>> No.6157827

14. But most of those were read so long ago in my teens or early 20s, I barely remember them.

>> No.6157854

stoner doesn't fit, i mean you could argue it's essential /lit/, but the rest of the chart doesn't really bear out that intention

>> No.6158241


>> No.6158243

12 although american psycho and fear and loathing weren't very good at all, and some others are very M.O.R

10 and currently reading another. Much higher average quality (from those I've read of course)

>> No.6158244

15. But most were on my curriculum in English class in high school.

>> No.6158277

Well fuck me, I've started Kafka with Metamorphosis.

>> No.6158314



>> No.6158325

Well, since I didn't visit an american high school, no. But I read a good chunk of that, and own most of them I think. So I'm gonna read them some time atleast.

>> No.6158328



>> No.6158421

Is this list like /mu/'s essentials, which give you an idea of what albums are frequently discussed there, or is it a starter kit for someone just getting into reading?

If it's the latter, is there a chart of /lit/ essentials, like /mu/'s essential albums?

>> No.6158429



>> No.6158437


Read the sticky mate

>> No.6158445

It is a starter kit.

There isn't really any consensus on /lit/ essentials, so just big up something you like and go from there. Note though, Kafka and Joyce are great, and avoid young adult fiction. The dankest memes currently (if you are into that which you are since you are from /mu/) are David Foster Wallace and Thomas "Thomas Pynchon" Pinecone, and also Max Stirner. Though all of them are also good, unlike those meme bands you listen to on /mu/.

>> No.6158453

>Kafka and Joyce are great
Fucking pleb. No, they are not.

>> No.6158456

Well /mu/med, friend.

>> No.6158488





>> No.6158521

yes they are, go die in a fucking fire, you pleb

>> No.6158528

> I blindly parrot what I read in the media

>> No.6158533

A few of them outside Anglophone countries, most of those are irrelevant to literature as a whole.

>> No.6158538

BBNG, NMH, Swans are great bands.

>> No.6158542

Does NMH still count as a meme? If so it would be farely dated. But yeah, they are great.
Never listened to those others.

I thought the current /mu/mes are mostly black rappers.

>> No.6158545

what are you talking about? Do you even know what is media and how do you know his opinion is based on media?

>> No.6158578

Tbh I don't post on /mu/ I just check their lists and have a buddy who posts there. I think that Death Grips are the latest meme, but they are some of the worst music I've ever heard, it's unlisenable. Black illiterate singer screaming at the microphone and having nonsensical lyrics.

>> No.6158585

>latest meme

Welcome to 2011

>> No.6158589

As I've said I don't actually post there.

>> No.6159054

i wish i had the pleb and proud image.

>> No.6159064
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>> No.6159075


I like death grips, I think they are really creative and the music really enjoyable. I understand why people dont like it though, I didnt like it until I listened to it when I was really high and then it clicked for me

>> No.6159086

wow this thing has more content each time i see it. thanks

>> No.6159142

I was literally required to read 14 of these in high school, and read the rest at some point in college

Now this is a much better list imo. Currently at 14.

I expected most of /lit/ to have read all of these... I didn't even major in anything lit related.

>> No.6159154


every one except for SH5 (KV sucks) and American Psycho (not even Ellis's best)

>> No.6159187

we did shakespeare at high school (Scotland)

>> No.6159210

how could you know either of those things if you haven't read the books you imbecile