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/lit/ - Literature

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6154757 No.6154757 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good aristocratic writers?
I'm planning on starting to read some elitist stuff so who should know better then /lit/

>inb4 pleb

>> No.6154758

Proust is basically the poshest cunt ever.

>> No.6154763


>> No.6154765


>> No.6154769

where should i start?
I meant elitist books, and some works that defend aristocracy, sorry I didn't make that clear

>> No.6154783


Well aristocracy pretty much went from being unquestioned to being in decline, I think. It wasn't a democratic arrangement people had chosen, after all. It hadn't been selected on the strength of arguments made for it, it was simply the default of entrenched power.

>> No.6154797

Well I know Ludovici tried, so there must be more die-hard aristocrats.I hope there is, I find it interesting.

>> No.6154803


Oh, you mean self-consciously elitist writers working well into the middle-class era? Julius Evola would be another one.

I'm fairly sure Ludovici was not himself an aristocrat.

>> No.6154821

Well I'm pretty sure no one in modern time was 100% for aristocracy, but just taking the idea, defending it, pointing out some good sides is enough for me to call him an aristocrat.

I totally forgot about Evola, thanks.

Any more elitists out there?

>> No.6154845
File: 302 KB, 1500x984, reactionarylit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find the /lit/ guide to conservative literature so have this instead.

>> No.6154852


Nietzsche defends aristocracy, but more in the vein of Spartan aristocracy. He hates Carlyle.

Hobbes is a liberal monarchist.

Hegel favors a monarchy and a legislature drawn from estates.

>> No.6154869


An aristocrat is not a proponent of a political system called 'aristocracy', an aristocrat is a member of a titled family of property.

>> No.6154882

excuse me
thanks for the help, will look into it

>> No.6154887


Thanks from me too, anon.

>> No.6154949
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Found it.

>> No.6154954
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There's also the /pol/ recommended reading list, but it isn't organized by topic/contents like the /lit/ guide.

>> No.6154978

Nabokov was an aristocrat. He was born in a castle with servants and private tutors and shit.