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File: 38 KB, 429x696, Joyce_wake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6153363 No.6153363 [Reply] [Original]

Is this just an elaborate ruse, right?

>> No.6153372

He's still alive btw >>6143365

>> No.6153375

What a great thread
OP I'm proud

>> No.6153381

elaborate is the understatement of the century
whether or not it's a ruse is really dependent on your perspective

>> No.6153387
File: 54 KB, 316x293, joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually one of the best-crafted pieces of 20th century literature and a high watermark for English language literature. Besides, with a good book of notations, and a decent understanding of French, Latin, and Gaeilge, it's a lot easier to interpret and enjoy. If you're going in expecting to read it without any effort, you're going to get nothing out of it.

>> No.6153393

I read it.
In Portuguese.


>> No.6153401

Isn't the whole thing just fart jokes?

>> No.6153419


No, Anon. That's Shakespeare.

>> No.6153438


in addition, reading Beckett's defense of Finnegans while it was still a serialized Work in Progress clears a few misconceptions up pretty quickly: https://bibliot3ca.wordpress.com/dante-bruno-vico-joyce-by-samuel-beckett/

>> No.6153444

>translation of Finnegan's Wake
that'd be like translating Zettel's Traum. Fucking impossible
>tfw John E Woods is already years late

>> No.6153496
File: 89 KB, 499x629, schoenberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


read it and find out

>> No.6153512
File: 18 KB, 333x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6153553

Where's the apostrophe in 'FINNEGANS'?

>> No.6153572

>implying people read gaelic

>> No.6153632


you'd be surprised how fucking many gaeilge loan words are in there. First page alone you have wordplay with Oconee as ochón (alas) and Dublin, Georgia describing the Oconee (Dublin -- Dubh Linn), mishe mishe > mise mise or mishi (I am, same as Táim), etc.

Finnegan would translate pretty nicely to gaeilge

>> No.6153663

No apostrophe. It's not possessive. It's the brothers Finnigan waking.

>> No.6153732

>translating joyce lol that'd be like translating zettel
Why don't you read so you can learn how to make an analogy, you piece of shit.

>> No.6153740

I have wondering that Jame Joyce could even portmantau in without Ulysses, thoughts?

>> No.6153755
File: 20 KB, 300x375, John-Bosler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moaning and throwing shit at the wall, humping blanket piles. Fuck Islam, gays, mexicans, obama, Kenyanism, blacks, other brown people, non four door truck/suv drivers, communists, Target shoppers, round earthers, immodest women, earth rotationists, bureaucracy, literacy, the Illuminati, conquistadors, Jesuits, pro vacciners.

Threw a bunch of hot butter at some mexican the other day.
Gonna drive my car in circles all day.
Caught my house on fire, fucking stolen tampon fire, scum liberals.

Impeach Obama!
Wheres that birth certificate Barack Hussein Obama?

>> No.6153756

Not this shit again

>> No.6155180

imo Polish translations which figures on your pic is GOAT. Dude was translating it for over 10 years. Later on when he had a seminar which i attended he told everyone to not read it because they wouldn't understand.

>> No.6155220

Is there a point in reading it if you don't know those languages? Learning Spanish right now and trying for French after that but I probably won't ever learn the other two.

>> No.6155252


>> No.6155568


yes, I picked up a thick (around 800 pages) hardcover book of annotations that help detail some interpretations of each word. Makes it much more enjoyable


You don't need to know a lot, maybe B1 level (lower intermediate, or maybe 4-5th grade frenchie level), for example "passen-core" is a play on the french words "pas encore" meaning "not yet", which is relatively easy french

A basic month or two with Irish, a few months with french and a few months with latin and you're set for a large amount of the words and you will have a vastly more enjoyable read