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6152319 No.6152319 [Reply] [Original]

do you read to fill a void?

>> No.6152331

No, there're stories in those books, it's in the writing books i try to fill in things.

>> No.6152341

thats how entropy works, yep

>> No.6152344
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I fuck your mom to fill her pussy.

>> No.6152343


do you fulfill or placate?

>> No.6152346

Yes. Very much so.

>> No.6152362

Usually, I make these little glyphs called letters turn into words and occasionally sentences but I don't want to reveal my power level because people will think I don't have a life. lol

>> No.6152701

norm thread?


>> No.6152705

i hate comedy but the one thing that guy did that was funny was some shit where he was like "are gay people straight?" and he was like "gay people will marry women and have a family for like ten years and then say they're gay, but if it was reversed and straight people had to pretend to be gay i don't think i could do it, like marry a dude and get fucked in the ass for a decade to pretend to fit in", face it, he has a good point, being gay is a lifestyle choice

>> No.6152738


Every time this gets linked, I watch it and every time I laugh so hard.

>> No.6152746

Congratulations on not getting the joke.

>> No.6152748
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>i hate comedy

>> No.6152761


Why? I don't get Norm McDonald. A lot of people seem to think he's the greatest comic alive, but I can't see it.

>911 airlines


>> No.6152792


>i hate comedy
>being gay is a lifestyle choice

You sound like someone who is very detached from the realities of those around you.

If you're on the spectrum or something then fair enough I get it, but if this is all just ideology speaking then you're kind of an asshole.

>> No.6152796

gay as an "identity" is pure ideology

>> No.6152824

Gay isn't an identity either, it's a preference/orientation. You don't get to choose what kind of things will get your dick hard. Oh well, at least I don't.

>> No.6152836

i don't think you get how it works, moron.

>tfw less than 5 people on /lit/ have even read lacan

>> No.6152838

so why should pedos be held accountable for what gets their dick hard? are you saying some people are born criminals? maybe we could measure their brains or test their skull to see how is a deviant and lock them up ahead of time?

>> No.6152843


An anon who outright declares that he is uniformly against all comedy thinks that he's in a position to soapbox on "pure ideology".

>> No.6152844

warm wet things rubbing on the head of your dick will get it hard, if not ,you probably have erectile dysfunction and should see a doctor

>> No.6152853

Pedos aren't held accountable for getting hard-ons, they're held accountable for molesting kids. Same with criminals, they don't get punished for criminal intentions, but for criminal acts. Seriously, get your shit together.
Yeah, no. Fuck off with that bullshit.

>> No.6152855

you probably watch japanese cartoons too, i thought fags were supposed to have good taste? maybe you're actually straight and just too used to getting ur turds pushed in by your dad, try some vag

>> No.6152858

so being a child molester is a lifestyle choice?.

>> No.6152862

So? How does this imply any choice on my part?
Or are you trying to say, anybody, including yourself, would enmoy sex with any other given person, it's just that most choose a lifestyle where they only choose certain partners, because society tells them to?

>> No.6152864


>so why should pedos be held accountable for what gets their dick hard?

They are held accountable if they have victimized under-age children or are in possession/distribution of anything that is depicting under-age children. They aren't actually thrown in jail for simply thinking something. No one can thought-crime you. They are (rightly) arrested for acting upon these thoughts.

You reason like a nervous dullard.

>> No.6152865

Yes, acts that constitute child moleststion are a choice.

>> No.6152869

so you're saying some people are born with criminal tendencies, maybe we could come up with some kind of test by measuring their skull to see who is more likely to molest kids and put them on a watch list or something, you know, like muslims

>> No.6152870


Oh, I get it. You're just baiting. Poorly.

Tourist from another board, are we?

>> No.6152874

so acts that constitute taking a dick up your as is a choice

>> No.6152876

I don't understand why you're down on comedy, but I agree with this.

Not only is it ideology, but it's just uninteresting. People tout it like it's something to be proud of. It's just one choice in a sea of choices. It's not like you won the gay award.

>> No.6152878

you should go back to /lgbt/ or better yet tumblr, you even confessed to not reading lacan, since you clearly have no clue about anything except generic bourgeois liberal ideology why don't you just "move on"

>> No.6152879

>Pedos aren't held accountable for getting hard-ons, they're held accountable for molesting kids

That's completely untrue. Most civilised countries have rules against possession of pedophile material, even where no 3d children are involved.

Quite rightly too, these filth should not be indulged one iota.

>> No.6152880

to void a fill

>> No.6152883

what are you referring to of Lacan's. I'm not that poster, but I'd like to read what you're referring to.

>> No.6152888


Yes you seem very bright sort I'm sure you're well-versed in phrenology, lol.

Just go back to whatever board you came from, ace. You're not very good at this.

>> No.6152890

there was a case in ohio where a man who was on parole was sent to prison for ten years because he showed his parole officer some stories about molesting kids he wrote in his journal

>> No.6152893

dude, please, you already blew it when you decide you would defend the idea that gayness is an "identity"

>> No.6152895


Seems legit to me.

>> No.6152900

>Most civilised countries have rules against possession of pedophile material, even where no 3d children are involved.
That's blatantly untrue, and you know it. And in places where it does take place, crimilaization of 2d material can be considered an erosion of law.

>> No.6152902


It is an amalgam of many things.

As I said - go home, tourist.

>> No.6152908


>> No.6152909

>That's blatantly untrue, and you know it.

No it isn't you tard.


Have a read, it might help you when you get your collar felt for all your fucking pedo porn.

>> No.6152910

That's pretty fucked up. Still, that doesn't seem to make writing such stories illegal per se, as parolees are under special scrutiny. But yeah, fuck Ohio.

>> No.6152912



>> No.6152916

norm's point still stands tho, if gay people are gay how come they can go home and fuck their wife every night after blowing a bunch of dongs at the truckstop on the way home from work?

>> No.6152925
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social norms
get it?

>> No.6152927

Alright UK, I've had it with your bullshit. That's what you get when you don't have a constitution. How is that shit even supposed to protect children?
Also, I'm neither gay nor a pedo, so yeah, I'd even get alomg on that shithole of an island. Still glad I don't have to.

>> No.6152936

i can't help it if obese chicks don't get my dick hard, i'm not an asshole, i was born this way, i am a tightbunsosexual, deal with it, flablords

>> No.6152941

>Alright UK



>any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, where such visual depiction is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct—

You're going to jail, paedo.

>> No.6152943

Wait, so loli is illegal in the US? Then how does 4chan still exist?

>> No.6152944

every people has the right to self-determination, don't be an imperiast

>> No.6152954


it's a great honeypot for the feds
why shut it down?

>> No.6152968

Maybe they're bi, not gay? Maybe their marital sex is purely perfunctory, and they fantasize about dicks all through it?
Are you actually denying that men can be exclusively attracted to men the same way you are (probably) exclusively attracted to women? Average mind fallacy much?
There is nothing wrong with that. I also guess the fat chicks can live with that, since according to /r9k/, they still have less rouble getting laid than you do.

>> No.6152974

No, but to come in terms with it.

>> No.6152975

so it's like ISIS but for fags and school shooters

>> No.6152978

Being imperialistic towards brits, I have history on my side.

>> No.6152983


Don't know or care, just wanted to shut that other mouthy know-nothing cunt up.

>> No.6152998

As I said, ersosion of law. I'm pretty sure this could easily be declared unconstitutional, if people had the balls to include pedofiles into the ranks of people who have rights. Anyway, I'm not american, either. Nor do I collect loli or pedo material, I'm pretty boring, I like women in my own age group.

>> No.6153006

>I like women in my own age group.

12 year olds are clearly covered by the law you fat sweaty australian pervert.


>> No.6153015

Everything you do fills a void. You don't engage in behaviour unless it gives you something you want in some way.

>> No.6153019

Keep guessing. My gf is 26, I'm pretty damn sure she's legal.

>> No.6153039

>Keep guessing

I honestly couldn't care less which third world shithole you store your kiddie porn in m8. You're not from anywhere that matters, so meh.

>> No.6153046

Yes, I do.

>> No.6153048

>australia or the uk matter
To whom?

>> No.6153061


Not australia obviously you mong.

>> No.6153069

America has such tacky and ersatz hedonism, I can see why it is such a relief when one of your preachers goes on a cocaine and boipussy spree. You are not a Goering in your country, but some times it does well in the pure human expression, and the shit glitters a bit, you know? Good talk, eat another chemical based cake, you've earned it.

>> No.6153078


Do you think I'm american or something? It's hard to tell because you write like a cunt.

>> No.6153096

America's the only place with such middle class morality I can think of in regard of child porn, yes. Perhaps England during the 80s.

>> No.6153100

Oh alright, the british empire then...wait, where'd it go?

>> No.6153104
File: 58 KB, 460x287, aidsbill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You idiots are so determined to start your UK vs USA shitflinging that you're prepared to appear illiterate or something?

The law's the same in both countries. The laws have been posted in this thread. So obviously you can't read very well.

>> No.6153118

No, I'm saying you, personally, in terms of social order within either society, are scum with airs. Eat your shit and smile my love you must be strong for our night of lovemaking ahead!

>> No.6153145

>scum with airs

Better than simple scum.

>accusing others of having airs
>writing like a woman

>> No.6153182

i read because i cant hike or backpack all the time, and fuck screens.

>> No.6153186

fuck off moron

>> No.6153215

I do it to escape reality. When I was little I enjoyed it, but reading so many books has left me with no skills to apply in the real world. So now I just read to deal with the crippling anxiety this produces. I fear instead of doing something meaningful I will serve people coffee my whole life.

>> No.6153223


youre "that guy" arent you??

>> No.6153227

reading is the cheapest form of entertainment, and by luck (or divine providence) it's also the most patrician

>> No.6155214

well; this thread went well.

>> No.6155415 [DELETED] 

lel nobody doesnt know about the "erosion erosion of law" in shitholes like straya, gb, burger.
In real first world countries buying harmless pictures nude children is no big deal 💆