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6150480 No.6150480 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you read this? Thoughts? Is it worth the read and does it provide a good analysis of marxism? Is it worthy at least as a historical read?

>> No.6150501

He's a better poet than politician.

>> No.6150504

I've read a few of his quotes here and there online and they're fairly based

wouldn't read a whole book of it though

>> No.6150598

read his essays instead

>> No.6150600

Read it for yourself,

"Whoever wants to know a thing has no way of doing so except by coming into contact with it, that is, by living (practicing) in its environment. ... If you want knowledge, you must take part in the practice of changing reality. If you want to know the taste of a pear, you must change the pear by eating it yourself.... If you want to know the theory and methods of revolution, you must take part in revolution. All genuine knowledge originates in direct experience."

>> No.6151221

>Have any of you read this?
Read essays instead.
>Is it worth the read
No. Read essays instead.
>and does it provide a good analysis of marxism?
No. Read Marx, Kolakowski and Lukacs.
>Is it worthy at least as a historical read?
No. The Little Yellow Book is better.

>> No.6151225

the shit takes two seconds to read, just do it and move on

>> No.6151267

What are the merits of his essays?

>> No.6151297

they're longer? i donno, there's one about some chick that kills herself on the way to her traditional chink wedding that gets bandied about by womens studies ppl n shit, but most of it is like standard stalinist biolerplate

>> No.6151907

>read marx

>> No.6151929

Mao captures Marx's ideas better than anyone else who came after. Its a must read

>> No.6151942

Yet, as always, executes them so poorly.

>> No.6151952

For years, theorists have struggled with the energy crisis. 'Till at last, they came upon something strange. Entombed six feet beneath a weathered grave an unknown force had captured with near 1:1 efficency the conversion from mass to energy.

The grave, it was to be later told, was of Karl Marx; a famous 19th century critical theorist. The cause remains unknown, but historians have their suspicions. Even know, they're scouring 21st century technologies for the cause.

Lest they find that post that, for all its ignominy, sent Marx mad beyond death - to spin in his grave for all eternity.

>> No.6152035


>> No.6152038

holy shit dude, just read it agian

just fuggin read it man

>> No.6152053


>> No.6152086

Read theo thers girst

>> No.6152089
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>> No.6152100

>Quotations from Chairman Mao Chairman

Always funny when people can't into Mandarin.

>> No.6152219

Thing about Maoism is that it seems like the simplest most cheerful shit ever, yet Maoist theory right now is one of the most baroque philosophies there is (thanks to frogs), and practical Maoism is bitter and paranoid Third World crypto-ba'athist Prison activism(thanks to burgers)

Personally, I really like Mao's writing, even if I think something might have been lost in translation. I think it helps to talk to actual Maoists to get a clear idea of what he really means. It kind of reminds me of reading the Quran. While the Quran sounds like every old religious text ever, Mao's writing kind of sounds like most Post-Lenin Marxist literature, which I enjoy because it happens to be my favorite kind of genre fiction.

>> No.6152348
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"tyranny you say? How can you tyrannize someone who can not feel pain?"

>> No.6152363

I asked for a review, not a summary. I'm currently reading it for myself.

>> No.6152563

three chin of flax

>> No.6152577

Recommend some modern-post modern Chinese literature please thanks.

>> No.6153524

Does Lenin or any of the other Marxist/leninists/Stalinists have the degree of philosophical inquiry concerning epistemology and consciousness/materiality that Mao does?

>> No.6153877

>What are the merits of his essays?
They're essays, not aphorism.

>> No.6153882

I get paid to teach capitalists Marx.

I deliberately do the minimal job required.

Lenin, Empiro-criticism. Engels, Anti-Dühring.

More seriously Lukacs, Frankfurt (I rarely recommend, but for your shit), and of course, Althusser (again).

>> No.6153935

Oh Jesus, I'll never understand why so many self-proclaimed "Marxists" dig right back into the fluffy metaphysics Marx himself deeply scorned.

>> No.6153999

Because organising unions is haaaard, let's go talk theory.

>> No.6155173

By the way, why do you think Kolakowski and Lukacs are good sources for Marxism? Kolakowski's reading of Marxism was superficial at best and dogmatic at worst. And Lukacs Hegelian turn was too idealist to consider him a source on Marxism.

I would consider the best Marxists, aside from the man himself, to be E.P. Thompson, Paul Mattick Sr. (though I like all of the Root and Branch group), and Harry Braverman. I'm drawing from the western Marxists, mostly.

>> No.6155209


Guys, does this mean I can be this
and this
@ the same time?

>> No.6155265
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>being this much of an empiricist pleb

>> No.6155294
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It is absolutely not possible to get to any answers without a basis in experiment.

Logic will get you from A to B, but A must have a foundation in reality for B to follow.

Out of a brain comes nothing, that was not already in it.

>> No.6155300

>being anything else
>implying the positivists didn't rek all other kinds of epistemology
>implying logical positivism wasn't the end of philosophy

>> No.6155312
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EIDF pls go

>> No.6155424

Not that poster, but getting my two cents in here. The Making of the English Working Class is a fantastic read, and I get where Thompson is coming from, but I do agree with GA Cohen's argument that Thompson's wholesale rejection of a structural notion of class throws the baby out with the bathwater. Which is not to say that I support Analytic Marxism in its totality. AM goes even further than Thompson in ripping the heart out of Marxism.

Fully agree on Mattick - he is a writer of exceptional clarity. His essays 'Luxemburg vs Lenin' and 'Spontaneity and Organisation' are really essential. In fact, all of the essays collected in 'Anti-Bolshevik Communism', which includes some vicious and righteous attacks on Lenin and Kautsky.

As for the topic of the thread, the little red book is a collection of aphorisms ripped from any kind of context. Its only worth is as a historical document. Mao's essays 'On Practice' and 'On Contradiction' are considered to be his main contribution as a theorist. If you're interested in twentieth century Chinese history, Mao has plenty other interesting essays, like 'Analysis of the various classes of Chinese society' (I think this is the English name) and 'On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People.'

Arlif Dirlik's 'Origins of Marxist Historiography in China' is a fascinating book that shows how fertile (and problematic) Marxist thought was in China in the 20s and 30s. Eddy U, who otherwise has some pretty crazy ideas, also has an interesting article 'Intellectuals and Alternative Socialist Paths in the Early Mao Years.'

There are some interesting thinkers on the 'new left' in China. Li Minqi, for example, deals with energy concerns from a Marxist perspective.
newleftreview. org/I/235/wang-chaohua-wang-dan-li-minqi-a-dialogue-on-the-future-of-china

>> No.6155458

>Thompson's wholesale rejection of a structural notion of class

strawman, Thompson never implies that

>> No.6155466

"There is today an ever-present temptation to suppose that class is a thing...."

>> No.6155483

Lukacs is already too idealist in History and Class Consciousness. Lukacs provides the best "dogmatic" approach to "vulgar" marxism.

Kolakowski is useful for the wide ranging summary he provides of tendencies.

If you like Thompson, Mattick and Braverman, try Lomax's source books on the Hungarian revolution.

On the Correct Handling is alright. Shame that these are ideological glass baubles not reflecting the social reality of a nomenklatura party.

what is "reification." And it isn't putting blue hair on a cock.

>> No.6155511
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>If you like Thompson, Mattick and Braverman, try Lomax's source books on the Hungarian revolution.

Sure, I'll give it a shot at some point. Can't say I've ever come across him.

>what is "reification." And it isn't putting blue hair on a cock
Pic related.

Captcha: Roode

>> No.6157097

that's lu xun you fucking retard

>> No.6157323

Mao is based, no lie. Read through his stuff, but Quotations is to Mao was the Manifesto is to Marx and Engels.

>> No.6157350


Time for bed.

>> No.6157596


>> No.6157794
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I thought Extreme leftists were good at execution.

>> No.6157874
