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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 14 KB, 283x290, 1384735492362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6148002 No.6148002 [Reply] [Original]

> be me reading philosophy on the bus
> a couple of punks sitting behind me start talking about 50 shades Grey
> I exclaim "Ha, only uneducated swine read that filth"
> The punks start laughing
> Laughter means good, I will continue my rant
> So now I stand up and turn to these punks and at the top of my lungs I begin just tearing that book a new one
> I critique everything wrong with that book, not one thing I say isn't a valid point
> To prove to them that 50 shades of grey is a terrible book I pull out my binder which has a 20 page essay on what's wrong with mainstream media today
> The punks begin laughing hysterically
> I am confused
> Everyone on the bus is looking at me like I'm some sort of madman
> And to top it all off the bus driver hammers on the breaks, sending me flying down the middle of the bus
> I get up from the floor and look out the front window to see why the bus stopped
> mfw It was some lady reading 50 shades of grey

>> No.6148016

>talking to 'intellectual'
>or at least he thinks he's intellectual
>he doesn't know I'm more intellectual
>using total pleb words and allusions
>I correct him with clever witticisms and spontaneous (but genius) rhetoric
>he can't handle roman royalty
>realizes he is lumpenproletariat
>I walk away chuckling with a small smirk

>> No.6148022

Yeah, okay.

>> No.6148032

fight me

>> No.6148039
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>> No.6148050
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>on bus reading Finnegans Wake
>girl tries to talk to me
>"Wow, you're reading Finnegan's Wake?"
>me: "Finnegans."
>"...I'm sorry?"
>"The lack of an apostrophe is very important."
>"I bet you can't even say 'bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk' properly."
>she just makes a face at me then walks away

>> No.6148139
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>sitting in my favorite café
>Tight jean undergrad pleb sits next to me, daring to occupy my space
>he pulls out John Green
>my penis quivers
>I get up and smack the book out of his hand
>I sip my Caffè crema then begin to eloquently rave
>my penis is getting hard now
>I tell him he is an utter ignominious plebian unworthy of the written word
>begin reciting Hamlets monologue
>my penis burst's out of my pants
>Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, and enterprise of great pitch and moment
>my cum goes flying into his crying contemptible college face
>I turn around
>Joyce is in my seat
>'gooday mi' trite twatucker'

>> No.6148176

>sitting in the pub reading Naming and Necessity, the magnum opus of Saul Kripke, the greatest philosopher of all time
>pleb sits down across from me and pulls out some obfuscated tripe by a pseudo-intellectual charlatan known as GWF Hegel
>laugh loudly at him and mutter to myself about children these days
>he looks up at me and sees what I am reading
>his lip quivers, he knows he is shot
>I look up and pull down my horn rimmed glasses
>I wipe the spittle from my lips
>say, 'Unfalsifiable nonsense'
>he drops his book and tries to run from the pub
>the place is too crowded now, he can't escape
>his posturing won't placate the crowd and he is soon enveloped in their primal orgy
>analytics win again

>> No.6148183

Malachi Mulligan strikes again!

>> No.6148185


>nonce words are for nonces, anon.

>> No.6148188

>analytics winning

>> No.6148196
File: 146 KB, 460x585, ffc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science (analytic philosophy) is beating baseless posturing (continental philosophy), so fuck off.

>> No.6148204

No it's not, and you know that.

>> No.6148206 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 400x300, 1384819591040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me,
> Sitting in the creative writing class my mom signed me up for.
> I'm 23.
> nothing but 14 year old girls with braces and acne.
> All of them flock to me, treating me like benjamin franklin.
> I out of nowhere transform into a charismatic god
> I am now flirting with 3 girls all at once
> Think I'm some sort of mad player
> Finally muster up the courage to go up and talk to the girl on my block that I've always been in love with
> Boy did I really muster it up
> The second I was within radius of social obligation the feeling of anxiety and desperation filled my mind
> Holy shit I'm too far in she's seen me
> Or has sh-
> Don't know to be relieved or depressed
> At least now I know that I don't have a problem talking to women
> I have a problem talking to ugly women
> "that's fine, I'll just go back to taking to those girls to train".
> Go back into my creative writing class
> See a new student has joined
> mfw i'm not the only guy in the classroom anymore

>> No.6148208
File: 10 KB, 200x318, 1409853892641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Science (analytic philosophy)

>> No.6148210

Yes it is. When did obfuscated discussion about societal boundaries create a vaccine for polio? Or develop the atom bomb? Oh, right. Never.

>> No.6148214

>analytic philosophy ever doing those things

>> No.6148218
File: 36 KB, 666x408, philosophy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is correct. Analytic philosophy is scientific.

>> No.6148223

fuck off retards this is a meme thread

>> No.6148224

It did. Now go suck a Real big Dick, you Obfuscating Moron.

>> No.6148227

Why not just do real science then?

>analytic "philosopher" derailing the thread with 12 year old reddit-tier images

>> No.6148229

>science is analytic philosophy
Science is not philosophy, empirical method relies on philosophy, but science itself is simply an instrumental practice.

>> No.6148230

If you didn't see it above your head, your the people being satirized.

>> No.6148237

I do. I'm a professor of biology at the University of New South Wales.

>> No.6148242

Must be a shit school if they let you teach then.

>> No.6148245

Analytics are a meme

>> No.6148247

Science is the study of the natural world. That is what I do, that is what analytic philosophy does. All continental philosophy does is make bold claims through baseless posturing and passes them off as unquestionable facts, see Hegel.

>> No.6148250

Can I have your autograph?

>> No.6148255

They are not the Real, am i Right, fellow Continental? he Must have an oedipus complex because of Early Sexual Activity.

>> No.6148261

It is. But I have a belly stuffing fetish, and me and a coworker have been sneaking off all the time in between classes so I can stuff a few donuts down her face and rub her belly. The whole school thing adds a good dynamic to the relationship that really gets me.

>> No.6148263
File: 47 KB, 600x900, 1401655377229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fucking nerds ruined this thread

>> No.6148265

It's one of the top 50 universities in the world.
If I meet you in real life.

>> No.6148270

lol epik memer
sarcasim memer +2 memer pointers
only 200 pointers to lower ur autismoooo Mr.Newton.

>> No.6148272

Nice attempt at pretending to be me, but UNSW is in Australia where we spell 'donut' as doughnut.

>> No.6148275

Philosophy by definition can't be the study of the natural world that science is. Science removes the observer, the basic test of science is repetition by different observers. Science can't do anything about the domain of philosophy. Also you clearly haven't read Hegel, or begun to understand him, there's no point pretending to have done so when you can't grasp something as basic as the extent of science's reach.

>> No.6148276

Do you even count backwards?

>> No.6148281

I heard you got a stomach fetish? Will you feed me while I jack you off?

>> No.6148282

Autism is a Phenomenological Noumeanal inserpectation of The Real in psychocognatiotive thought/speech therpautic Logik.

>> No.6148285

Jesus, this is so autistic. I guess some people really don't have the mental acuity for continental philosophy.

>> No.6148287

Hegel is total, obfuscated nonsense for pseudo-intellectuals.
You mean, some people don't accept enough dogma and baseless posturing for continental philosophy.

>> No.6148297
File: 2.97 MB, 854x480, Zimmerman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were do you get your info?
Read huh?

>> No.6148298

...> Reddit.com

>> No.6148305

You're just lumping continental terms together without understanding what they mean or explaining what makes them go together.

>> No.6148310

Reddit is for continentals. They love to hear the sound of their own obfuscated, unfalsifiable nonsense full of buzzwords. /lit/ is a traditional analytic place, as we used to be more intellectual here.

>> No.6148312

Dude, fuck you where the fuck do you get your info?
lol faggot

>> No.6148316

>Look at me, I am smart.

I can meme out twenty terms used by linguists, but that would only make me look like an ass.

-2 memer points.

>> No.6148318
File: 22 KB, 562x287, Philosophy 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are just buzzwords used to obfuscate either total unfalsifiable nonsense or very simple scientific claims, as continentals do not understand mathematics or science very well. Just look at Lacan's butchery of mathematics.

>> No.6148325

>obfuscated, unfalsifiable
It's become clear to everyone that you're just repeating these two words as a means of saying 'empiricism is the only form of truth'. You aren't educated enough to have a discussion about whether or not that's true, so there's no need to keep posting. And certainly we've heard those two words enough already.

>> No.6148327

Except linguists simplify their work as much as possible, as is the scientific way. Continentals purposely obfuscate their baseless posturing.

>> No.6148330

>How do I post-modernism

Your dismissal only proves your lack of third legged girth. What is your second favorite Joyce passage? I bet it isn't even that great.

>> No.6148331
File: 2.03 MB, 716x480, lily.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Get it?

>> No.6148332

>total unfalsifiable nonsense

You are truly intellectually castrated. Do you need help to get dressed in the morning as well?

>> No.6148337

>we can know things without observing and testing them
>but you have to accept my dogma to do so and your results are in no way objective or hold any truth value in the material world
Fuck off, continental. Not even Kant could justify belief in anything outside of the material world.

>> No.6148348

>philosophy should be obfuscated and riddling
So unscientific. This is why nobody takes you pseudo-intellectuals seriously.

>> No.6148350

God is real. Prove he isn't

Sartre's uncle Steve: 1
Random memer: 0

>> No.6148354
File: 96 KB, 1018x662, Cathy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf are talking about? I never said you didn't need evidence, you keep putting words in my mouth, how much do you want? How much are you going to take?

>> No.6148355

>Not even Kant could justify belief in anything outside of the material world.
>misreading Kant this badly
Good lord
Do you by any chance know what Kant termed his philosophical system? What do you think that means?

>> No.6148356

worst, most autistic and cringe-worthy greentext 'story' ever. I know /lit/ is notoriously retarded, but just wow. it's like there's a part missing from all of your brains

>> No.6148361

Epic meme, m8, I have one for you. You are a butt, do you need help to poo poo in the morning?
>if you don't agree with Kant you didn't understand him
You did say you don't need evidence.

>> No.6148364

Fuck off faggot, /lit/ has the best brains.

>> No.6148368

>be me on a sunday evening
>posting on /lit/
>pleb calls himself analytical
>shitposting ensues
>lean back chuckling at my inherent superiority

>> No.6148370

If they had brains they wouldn't all be libertarians.

>> No.6148375

I called myself analytic, you Real Other butt toucher.

>> No.6148377

Well... well fuck, huh, I mean... I just don't know what to say. I'm very glad to be here with you tonight, I'll be able to talk to you about some things... that I know a great deal about.
Everyone knows that you are fucked up.
And everyone knows that I am fucked up.
But, does everyone know that you are more fucked up than me? Well, I know that. And you know that. But our purpose is to tell everyone that.

>> No.6148392

>Everyone knows that you are fucked up.
What evidence do you have to support this and can you define 'fucked up'
>And everyone knows that I am fucked up.
See above
>But, does everyone know that you are more fucked up than me? Well, I know that. And you know that. But our purpose is to tell everyone that.

>> No.6148394

I hope you're trolling.

>> No.6148395

don't get me wrong, I'm sure you're all very intelligent, but every time I come here I see examples of blatant social under-development. you guys do not understand humor. you guys never know when you're being trolled. you guys cannot construct or tell a joke.

>> No.6148401

One time I was in bathroom
I shit out analytics
I try give way
no one want

>> No.6148403

Try being here for more than 30 seconds and maybe your mind will change, newfaggot

>> No.6148407

see what I mean: >>6148394

>> No.6148409

STOP were are you quit taking word out of mouth

>> No.6148412

Try eating your shit, it should come out more obfuscated and full of itself so continentals will love it.

>> No.6148414

Alright, well Take for instance, the time... you went to the bathroom to take a shower. You had some soap, you had a towel, shampoo, washcloth, a brush, everything was set. But you had to call me to come turn on the water for you.You didn't know how.
That is just one instance of how fucked up you are.

>> No.6148415

i've been here on and off since the boards inception. nothing changes. /lit/ is autistic.

>> No.6148422

Any evidence for this?

>> No.6148423

Analytics and continentals are shit.
Just become Theistic.

>> No.6148428

Any evidence?

>> No.6148430

>Theism precludes philosophy

You are shit.

>> No.6148433

Me too!

>> No.6148436

The problem is that on anonymous message boards itis hard to tell what is sarcasm, and what is trolling.

You add in the effect of the natural tendency for the normal user base of /lit/ to have social anxiety and confidence issues, and you get this mess. This board is not good, if you want good discussion go someplace else. Even Reddits subs are far more appropriate if you want actual discussion.

>> No.6148437
File: 68 KB, 900x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw continentals don't even know what evidence is

>> No.6148438

It acknowledges an objective truth that encompasses everything.

>> No.6148445

And that precludes philosophy how?

>> No.6148449

No, it accepts dogma blindly.

>> No.6148454

If every Reddit faggot here just went back /lit/'s population would decrease by 70%.

>> No.6148455

Well the evidence is all there. Right in front of you. You know it and I know it. Maybe recalling the time when you were going to cook you some breakfast.

Well you went in there, and put some toast in the toaster, put a skillet on the stove, some grease in it and got you some eggs out, some bacon. Poured you some orange juice and made you some coffee. Got some jelly and some butter. Fried eggs, salt, pepper, got the bacon all ready. Everything was fine... except for one thing. You had to call me in there...to show you how to use a fork.

>> No.6148456

it is not analytic or continental.

>> No.6148462

>blatant social under-development.
This is why I visit this board. In real life I am a pathetic autist, but here I can make quirky quips and mock continental philosophy fans. It makes life worth living.

>> No.6148463

Then it's both. Not that hard to comprehend.

>> No.6148465

lol typical

>> No.6148469

this is surely a false flag

>> No.6148472


>> No.6148475

any evidence?

>> No.6148481

What evidence is there of a need for evidence?

>> No.6148487

If you can't provide evidence you are trashed.

>> No.6148488
File: 37 KB, 585x390, Chonji Lubricant Factory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn son... get rekt.

>> No.6148490

Wrong. I don't drink orange juice or coffee, I'm not American. I only have tea and milk.

>> No.6148493


>> No.6148495

Nope. Continental philosophy is irrational nonsense, those who take it seriously deserve to be mocked. Often continental charlatans have the upper hand because they are more socially aware. They use this to their advantage, painting science as some autistic invention devoid of truth.

>> No.6148499

Got evidence?

>> No.6148502

If you can't provide evidence I don't believe you.

>> No.6148503

Now a third instance, the way you're fucked up. You got dressed, ready to go to school. Everything was fine... got outside, got in your car. Key in the ignition. Except for one thing.
You had to call me to come show you how to turn the key.

>> No.6148506

Where's your evidence?

>> No.6148511
File: 28 KB, 284x322, 1423549272473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs is all the evidence you need.

>> No.6148512

Waiting for your evidence.

>> No.6148515


>> No.6148516

I don't go to 'school', I work at a university. I go to work. Secondly, wouldn't the clutch be more tricky than the key? Wouldn't I need your help with that?

>> No.6148517

>"Wow, you're reading Finnegan's Wake?"
>me: "Finnegans."
>"...I'm sorry?"
>"The lack of an apostrophe is very important."

I have never kekd more.

>> No.6148520

*wink* Wheres your evidence little man?

>> No.6148523


>> No.6148524
File: 66 KB, 816x812, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw continentals are now mocking evidence to justify their baseless posturing

>> No.6148527

yfw evidence is a social construct invented by privileged white men to discount the lived experiences of PoC

>> No.6148528

You're a big guy for having no evidence.

>> No.6148537

Preach it brother!

>> No.6148538

>yfw evidence is the tool of the white man to allow them to get away with raping women
>yfw PoCs can't rape white women because rape is sexual assault +privilege

>> No.6148539

I'm looking everywhere, still don't see your evidence.

>> No.6148540

lol I don't know what exactly is happening in this thread, but this is the most I have laughed at /lit/ in a long time.

>> No.6148545

Gonna need some evidence to back up that statement, for all I know you could be scowling.

>> No.6148546

Fuck I can't even read, wanna makout?

>> No.6148548
File: 19 KB, 220x220, oy vey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6148550

Only if you're a qt Japanese 14 year old girl.

>> No.6148551


>> No.6148552

perhaps I already gave you evidence and it just flew over your head, fucking idiot.
Now enough dodging, evidence or I'm right.

>> No.6148556

>mfw /lit/ will actually get offended over a funny picture of a Jew

>> No.6148561
File: 1.02 MB, 235x240, 1lMJa[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize evidence is real

>> No.6148564

>already gave evidence
Lack of evidence showing that you did

>Flew over your head
Lack of evidence that it did.

>> No.6148569

Evidence doesn't exist.
Wheres your evidence?

>> No.6148570

Where's the evidence for this?

>> No.6148571

Whoa there bud. Gonna need to back up that statement with some evidence.

>> No.6148574

Alas the flaming faggot fails to provide evidence. Begone, plebian!.

>> No.6148575

No evidence for this. Nothing to see here, carry on goyim.

>> No.6148578

>not giving evidence for that

You don't even have any evidence.

>> No.6148579

I see no evidence showing that you should carry on goyim

>> No.6148580
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>> No.6148582

Evidence,Evidence,Evidence, it's evident.
Check your Evidence.

>> No.6148583

>You don't even have any evidence.

You lack evidence that I lack evidence.

>> No.6148584

For fucking real. >>6148454
There were like 30 guys here when I started lurking

>> No.6148586 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 408x632, Shut it down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite right mr Goyim. No one is telling you to do anything, no puppets on strings here, no sir!

>> No.6148588

Prove it. Or do you not have the evidence to back up your statement?

>> No.6148592

Check your privilege.
Privileged evidence.

>> No.6148595

lol evidently.

>> No.6148596

Do you have any evidence for that?

>> No.6148603

Should be pretty evident.

>> No.6148605

How did it go so wrong.

>> No.6148608

I'm gonna need some evidence.

>> No.6148613

The only statements that require evidence are empirical propositions.

>> No.6148616

Unfalsifiable claim.

>> No.6148619

I'm first going to need proof of your evidence.

>> No.6148620

How does one provide evidence for 2 + 2 = 4?

>> No.6148621


>> No.6148622

I am thinking therefore there are thoughts.

>> No.6148629

This is my evidence.
Where's your evidence?

>> No.6148630


It is not an empirical proposition.

>> No.6148635

No seriously, evidence?

>> No.6148637
File: 763 KB, 1024x768, Koala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw we'll never have an analytic discussion without this new epick meme popping up

>> No.6148644

what a fucking creepy dog

>> No.6148646
File: 19 KB, 443x364, 1+1=2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6148651

Baseless posturing. Those aren't even fucking numbers.

>> No.6148653

Where's the evidence for that?

>> No.6148663

>1 + 1 = 2
I said 2 + 2 = 4
Until you can provide evidence, I refuse to believe it.

>> No.6148668
File: 443 KB, 470x545, 1417827397705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>159 posts
>19 IPs

>> No.6148676

Do you have evidence for that?

>> No.6148680

2+2=4 follows trivially.

>> No.6148681

>no evidence

>> No.6148686

Do you have evidence that it is trivial?

>> No.6148688

Where's your evidence for that evidence?

>> No.6148689

Doesn't look like evidence to me.

>> No.6148697

get the app, it tells you

>> No.6148701


>> No.6148707

ITT: Analytics BTFO

Evidence: this thread

>> No.6148708

I'm going to need some evidence for this statement

>> No.6148711

>161 replies and 22 images omitted.

Meanwhile legit literature threads are getting 1 or 2 responses and 404'ing.

>> No.6148716

If you follow a proof and fail to see that it is true then you have not understood it. Just because you may lack the intellectual capacity to understand does not mean it is not well supported.

>> No.6148718

I don't see any evidence

>> No.6148721

Lacking evidence like typical plebs I see.
Agreed, I am now a full continental.

>> No.6148729


How have Analytics been btfo?

>> No.6148731

Sounds like bullshit, if you cannot provide evidence you're trashed.

>> No.6148735

Yeah... not seeing any evidence.

>> No.6148742

>All this posturing
Anon pls. I'm going to need to see some real evidence for that evidence.

>> No.6148747

What is life?

>> No.6148749

So is this supposed to be legitimate criticism of analytics 'you can't know anything' or what?

>> No.6148755

A search for evidence

>> No.6148758
File: 2.83 MB, 710x476, Tear mit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your no fun, although I have no evidence to back that up.

>> No.6148768

Despite being asked many times for evidence to back up their hypotheses, they have failed repeatedly to fill the request. For a group that highly values empiricism, it seems more than a little hypocritical to me.

>> No.6148773

Do you have evidence for your claim of having no evidence?

>> No.6148775

10/10 quality thread.

I have no evidence but I'm gonna be an analytical fag and say it's just evident.

>> No.6148793

Analytics, we are still patiently waiting for your response to this criticism. However, if you do not respond within a timely matter, we will have to assume your practice and position within the academic community defunct due to lack of evidence.

>> No.6148801

>However, if you do not respond within a timely matter, we will have to assume your practice and position within the academic community defunct due to lack of evidence.

Do you have any evidence to back this up?

>> No.6148804

lol its pretty self evident.

>> No.6148807

I'm not seeing any evidence.

>> No.6148808


>> No.6148816
File: 7 KB, 200x237, Max_stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing evidence is a spook

>> No.6148827
File: 22 KB, 387x440, dedede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I wanted to do was make a thread about a shitty made up story, but now I see the fire that has started.

Time to sit back and watch the world burn

>> No.6148828


>> No.6148830

The problem is on the continental end. You refuse to accept evidence or even the possibility for justification. Yet you take some things for granted, you are the hypocrite.

>> No.6148831

What's the next step to your master plan?

>> No.6148832

Analytics, time is up. We are now rescinding your philosophy badges and tools of obfuscating obfuscation. Please deposit the items previously listed along with your diplomas in to the faculty waste basket.

You will now be in the process of transitioning from metaphorically giving the physics and math department blow jobs to literally giving them blow jobs to help relieve their stress. We believe this will benefit the goal of reaching the last man and the height of empiricism more than your previous efforts.

Have a great day!

>> No.6148833

Everybody lacks evidence except me and my monkey.

>> No.6148835

The problem is your arguing for no fucking reason. You can honestly just walk away from your computer. There is no need to keep bumping this thread with your immature retorts.

>> No.6148839

That's nice, but do you have any evidence to back up this claim?

>> No.6148845

Yes I do.

>> No.6148848
File: 1 KB, 71x14, Screenshot_200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All me

>> No.6148855

Why do you assume I am arguing for no reason?

>> No.6148856

Hello, evidence?

>> No.6148857

I'm not seeing any evidence.

>> No.6148861

Crashing /lit/
The fire rises!

>> No.6148864

What did you want me to provide evidence for?

>> No.6148867

Look at this thread if you want to see how it's truly done.

>> No.6148868
File: 389 KB, 425x398, 1384602957816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see any evidence.

>> No.6148877

Provide evidence for evidence.

>> No.6148883

This thread started out funny then turned into cancer with you analytic and continental faggots being faggots

>> No.6148887

With what evidence?

>> No.6148888

Wow that thread is a masterpiece.

>> No.6148890

What evidence do you have to support that claim?

>> No.6148892

I have had more than I can bear of you insufferable continentals. If this is what has become of philosophy threads on /lit/ then I am done.

>> No.6148896

Evidently, I see no evidence.

>> No.6148900

Not my fault you can't provide evidence for your claims.
You analytics really are like 5 year olds.

>> No.6148920

Maybe you should think about providing some evidence?

>> No.6148929

You just defended continental philosophy. How does it feel?

>> No.6148950


>> No.6149428

>instrumental practice

a.k.a. an applied philosophy

>> No.6149429

Anon, we are all professors of biology at the University of New South Wales in the end, aren't we?

>> No.6149687
File: 120 KB, 500x614, MASTER-RUSEMAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This omegle conversation gave me an erection, I wish I had the bollocks to pull this sort of thing off in real life as well

>> No.6149991


>> No.6150483
File: 66 KB, 399x382, michael scott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.6150506

I work at Kmart.

>> No.6150543
File: 94 KB, 487x800, Hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Senior Check Your Privilege Professor at Daniel Webster College.

I also teach women's studies.

>> No.6150553

I wanna punch that bitch's face.
Stupid garbage person.

>> No.6150559

omg stop being so mean!
check your negativity at the door, white male.