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/lit/ - Literature

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6145544 No.6145544 [Reply] [Original]

I recently went through that nightmarish scenario of having your girlfriend cheating and then dumping you for a stronger, taller, more succesful man.

I'm OK emotionally but I'm having a huge crisis of manhood due to my inability to react. Is there anything I should read? I was thinking maybe Mishima for the Sun and Steel type of stuff.

>> No.6145549

Don't read at this point. Lift. Get on the paper chase. Become a stronger, more successful man than the one your gf left you for, and laugh.

>> No.6145552


>> No.6145560

Become a trap.

>> No.6145564

why should you react? a person who shouldn't have been in your life is no longer in your life

>> No.6145566


W.H Auden

>> No.6145574
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>your gf/wife will eventually meet a Russell Brand and you'll have to compete against him with your chubby pale body

>> No.6145576

Describe your exgf so that I can be sure the same will not happen.

>> No.6145591

You should read Stirner and learn to stop giving a fuck about other people's value judgements and do away with arbitrary nonsense like a concept of 'manhood' which you feel you need to live up to.

Also, why would you say there is an inability to react? You know both of those people, right?

>> No.6145597


>> No.6145604

Dem grapes.

>> No.6145608

Could be worse, OP; after my ex cheated on me my reaction got me arrested. Inaction is the best reaction.

>> No.6145620

nothing has any value besides the enjoyment it can offer what are you even implying

>> No.6145626


So your girlfriend dropped you in favour of a taller and thus healthier, more fit, man? What is the problem exactly?

You are not tall. Maybe start off by acknowledging this.

>> No.6145631


What's worse, being dumped by your gf for a nicer man, or being dumped for a girl?

>> No.6145633

you either lack sensitivity in making value judgements or merely have a tautological definition of enjoyment and value.

>> No.6145638

I've experienced both (lol) and the former is much worse.

>> No.6145651

this seems like the most fulfilling option at this point, >>6145544

>> No.6145669

lol stop bullshitting yourself, she didnt drop you because hes, taller, stronger, more sucessful or rich
she dropped you bcoz u aint got no game sonny


>> No.6145670

There's only so much reading one can do to further their being. Remember that the human is not only a mind but a body as well.
Get fit. Working out will help your feel much better, too. You'll be proud of the work you did and you'll feel better about yourself. Not to mention the pumping of testosterone throughout your body will make you feel and act like more of a man. Your sex drive will go up and you'll be more motivated to go outside and do what biology wants you to do, and what your cock and heart want you to do.
Shit, even going for a mile run will help you immensely. Just give it a try and if you don't feel better about life after going for a run, I'll mail you a blowjob.

>> No.6145679

has there ever been a book recommendation thread where /lit/ actually recommends books?

>> No.6145691

Yeah it's called not being a dumb faggot written by get swole you pussy bitch

>> No.6145722

my definitions of enjoyment are quite concrete and replicable, my only long term goal which hasn't changed to this day and is still my only motivation is pleasure

there is no judgement to be made an event accured that was not a loss and needn't be treateed as one

>> No.6145745
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>gf dumps you
>make vain attempts to become what some gay fascists have determined 'manhood' to be
This is worse than those pill threads on /x/, you can't just decide to be a certain type of person and then become that from reading a few books. I don't think girls like massive tryhards either, OP.


>> No.6145760

Okay then you have insensitive definitions. what is pleasure for one person looks like disgusting necessity for another.

>> No.6145790

i imagine most would see me as a hedonistic pig

but pleasure is a spectrum, i have no doubts i lead a more pleasurable day to day life than anyone i've met

this is what happens on day 5 of stim binge- drugs are bad what in the fuck was i even arguing about

>> No.6145964

I believe you mean Axiomatic.

True things are self evident. That's the only way to escape the chain of infinite regress.

>> No.6145972

These people have the right idea, everyone else is spooked.

>> No.6145975

>crisis of manhood due to my inability to react.
I don't understand.

>> No.6145989
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At least you have had a gf.

>> No.6146011

this pls

>> No.6146078

Mine has no friends either and considers me out of her league so I should be fine.

>> No.6146142

I'm probably going to sound like an /r9k/ misogynistic asshole in this post. But, honestly, she's probably the typical small-minded woman who's fixated on "success" within the context of capitalist ideology; that is, she's incapable of accepting someone (in this case, you) for who they truly are. Instead, she requires a certain level of excessive "self-improvement" (which is, of course, the shallow kind that's market-based) in her partners. In other words, they have to be constantly changing and "evolving" to deserve of her love and affection.

To put it more simply: she's shallow and vapid, which compels her to seek other people who are shallow and vapid (the hairless, muscular businessman-type who's read the Art of War several times). So fuck her. You don't need her in your life.

>> No.6146152

Some Hemingway. Then join the French Foreign Legion.

>> No.6146175

she's everything I want in a woman. she is short, maybe 5'2 and weighs 180 lbs but she wears it well. she can cook and has dirty blonde hair with the slightest fuzz on her lip but not in a gross way, more in an endearing way. she had mild acne that I used to tell her were like stars amid a pale milky galaxy. God I miss her

>> No.6146178
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3rd edition.

>> No.6146260

I agree, but those delicious cold cuts of revenge can be pretty enjoyable.

>> No.6146272


>> No.6146280

(._. )

>> No.6146288

>a fat womanlet with acne and a stache

chad will tire of her eventually. best get started on writing her some poetry already.

>> No.6146307
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>5'2 and weighs 180 lbs


>> No.6146309

Pls dont bully

>> No.6146315

Yeah, spend your life nursing a ball of spite. Good plan.

>> No.6146317

I'm trying to do you a favour by making you despise her and despise yourself for wanting her, friend.

>> No.6146324
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>> No.6146326

beta as fuck

>> No.6146337
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>> No.6146478

That's cute if true.
I feel for you ;_;

>> No.6146547

How do you guys end up with so many gold diggers in the first place? I don't mean to be insulting but what is it you offer to a girl if all it takes is for the guy that works out and has a better job to steal her from you.

>> No.6146556


That's the most 'nice guy' image I've ever seen. No hot chick aspires to be with a dork ever, regardless of how much money they make, so the final scene makes no sense, never mind the rest.

>> No.6146565
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>Having a chubby pale body.

Do you not understand that your body is the only agency of your mind? The only ability to commune with reality? Not caring for it and not investing in it is to devalue the existence of the real, which while you are in the real and cannot escape from it, is entirely illogical.

If it makes you feel better, listen to books on tape while you lift and run. It's what I do.

>> No.6146570

but my gf gets annoyed if i go off to exercise

>> No.6146575

eat less food and spend 30 minutes a day exercising you lazy bastard

>> No.6146579


The anon has a point. As an individual you have a duty to respect yourself or if you're Millian you must act for the happiness and Utility of all.

The duty to yourself is to respect yourself and not lower yourself to that which is beneath you, in this case ugly fat chicks.

The greatest utility would be produced by becoming as strong and powerful as possible and taking a woman based on that standing and fucking her brains out to the best of your ability. Probably. No worse than the other utilitarian possibilities.

>> No.6146588

kill yourself

>> No.6146593
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She'll be less annoyed once your body looks like pic related.

Seriously, if its that much of an issue, invite her to the gym (don't lift witrh her, you have to do your own, harder workout to preserve the illusion of masculinity). When she says no, go to the gym.

>> No.6146603

Fuck off

>> No.6146612
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>getting fit
>not living a decadent life of reading, eating doritos and getting high with the smell of your feet.

How pleb and spooked can you get, /lit/?

>> No.6146640

I can't tell if this was thinly disguised sadism to make OP feel.

>> No.6146645

That's grotesque.

>> No.6146650
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I don't see why I should, and you've obviously no power to make me. If you had, I would be banished at your whim, without so flimsy a vocalization.


You do understand that the pursuit of mankind isn't actually foodstuff and laziness. If it was, there would be no leadership, no healthcare, no environmentalism. People seek to transcend the structures and systems of the universe and provide beneificence according to their progress on the former. Not only do we pursue it, but we expect it of our fellows and of all things. The rich are considered the worse for being equally beneficent with the common, and God, who is the transcendence of all universal system and structure, is supposed to be infinitely beneficent.

The pursuit of happiness for the self is only the consolation of the self for the failure to pursue the above. You help yourself because it is too difficult to help another, and you wish to feel better. You eat dorrittos because the idea of eating canned salmon and broccoli, being strong and swift and brave and the cost those imply, terrifies you to your core.


You're grotesque.

>> No.6146657

This seems far from the right path to me. There will always be a man stronger than you, so to attempt to become the strongest simply will not work.

>> No.6146664

I hate to break it to you man but women are hard wired to be like this.

>> No.6146665


>There will always be someone better than you so why bother.

So you're the untermensch? Strength is a qualitative thing, like intellect. Just because you cannot be the best does not mean the trait is not valuable.

>> No.6146675


Also, this implies that the other guy is the zenith, where he obviously isn't.

>> No.6146676
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>You do understand that the pursuit of mankind isn't actually foodstuff and laziness

As admirable as this ideology is, it's completely laughable

>> No.6146684

If everyone thought this way then literature would have ended a long time ago

>> No.6146696


So sayeth the conquered to the conqueror. Just think about it the next time you open that bag of calorie meal and claim that there is happiness to be found at its bottom.

>> No.6146721

or maybe op was just a shit person

>> No.6146723

I'm not saying that strength isn't valuable, nor am I saying that he should not attempt to become strong. But attempting to become strong solely to beat out another seems worthless, as you will constantly be outmatched. He should have the will to improve himself, not take the place of another.

>> No.6146738

I lift, I eat healthy, I work and study hard, and maintain discipline in my life, probably like yourself. I simply think your so called 'pursuit of mankind' and such claims are laughable, because mankind is not full of ubermenches. The so called 'conquered calorie consumers' that you piss on will always be the majority. As such I have no hopes for society and seek no piece of it, and what I offer in return in my work and study is only tangentially related to it.

>> No.6146739
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But you're moving the goal posts within your own posts. He's not trying to beat all others, just one other. The other, Mr.StealYourGirl. There is a finite amount of work that need be done between him and his goal, as long as he doesn't move the goal posts, as you are doing to compare this singular struggle to the idea that he must subvert all men, he should be fine.

>> No.6146743

You misunderstand. I am not saying that it is worthless to do something just because there is always going to be somebody better than you at it. If you are doing something solely to beat another, you are going to be constantly disappointed because of how there will always be another step and you will end in defeat. It seems to me that many of the greatest writers sought to express their worldview, not to become the best writer or replace another writer. They wanted to write, not to be better than another writer.

>> No.6146750

Whoa look at all these übermens itt

>> No.6146751

I guess I misunderstood. You're correct.

>> No.6146758
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It doesn't have to be to pursue these things. Not how mankind has moved forward even with all the dead weight that biodiversity implies. We transcend each system, one at a time and will continue to do so in our pursuit of total transcendence. As we do our beneficence will increase accordingly, as a species. When the temperature rises, the variance of the energy of each molecule increases in spread, but the average is higher overall.

So even as the perceived depravity of humanity that focuses on our smallest may seem to increase, the greatness of our species is inevitable. Even if we nuke ourselves tomorrow, our ascendency will only be delayed by a few thousand years.

>> No.6146769


>Discussion of masculinity not being bait on the highest level for new sincerity lovers.
Choose one.

>> No.6146774

From where are you getting this pap.
Original Pasta?

>> No.6146777

>being caught up in masculinity
why don't you niggas just live and read

>> No.6146780


Why not? If you've an argument that'll set me straight i'm all ears, so to speak.

>> No.6146783


tbh masculinity is ___fun

>> No.6146793

Well it's fun, but it's certainly not everything. It's much more fun to just take a walk or watch a movie or climb a mountain or something.

>> No.6146796


oh yeah completely agree, i just find it sort of denial-y to let it go altogether

>> No.6146807
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I agree, brother.

>> No.6146823


like the occasional barfight or driving fast or whatever, plus it's also fun in bed,

i mean if you're on the side that thinks gender is performative, then you gotta admit that it's the original role playing

>> No.6146947


>> No.6146972


Compare penis size with him. It's the only thing that works. Or rape him, to show dominance.

Why are you worried about your manhood by the way? Seems to be... a waste of time really.

>> No.6147057

>You do understand that the pursuit of mankind isn't actually foodstuff and laziness. If it was, there would be no leadership, no healthcare, no environmentalism.

You need plebs like you doing the second to let patrician obese neets like me live the good life.

>> No.6147063

>The good life
>Rotting in a hot pocket dungeon on the internet

>> No.6147244
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I'm sorry but she sounds awful. That's what you get for dating an entitled fatty with self-esteem issues. You should try finding a hot trap qt gf like mine instead.

Pic semi-related

Hot body of a woman (almost), mentality of a man, none of the drama bullshit

>> No.6147271

>none of the drama bullshit

and that's how I KNOW you're not really involved with a tranny.

>> No.6147278

Believe what you will my dear anon. I'm just offering my single experience.

>> No.6147716
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>you will never be a conquistador to be the first to conquist this

literally jdimsa

>> No.6147943


>> No.6147952

Your gf wasn't even that hot