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6144979 No.6144979[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I will never date a female kike

>> No.6144985

stupid frog poster

>> No.6144991
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>> No.6145038

I did it.

It's basically nothing. She was rich and spoiled, but in the exact same way as the other rich gentile girl I dated. Identically awful. She did Jew shit, but it was mild since they're mostly secular.

Family was annoying as fuck though. Stay away from Jew families.

>> No.6145074

That's all I want out of life

>> No.6145075

Hey OP, in HS right now and dating a Jewish girl, any questions?

Relationship just started but we're getting into it pretty fast.

>> No.6145085


I'm 20 and in uni.
T-take me b-back

>> No.6145094

We're almost done here, we'll be at uni soon.

>> No.6145103
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>you will never be a rich and spoiled qt gril

>> No.6145109


Same position here. Except, I'm the one with the big nose.

She's amazing, though.

>> No.6145111


They age like warm milk have horrible nether region odor and will leave you if you fail to get a high paying career

>> No.6145112

You're in High School, in other words children, you don't deserve to have any opinions.

>> No.6145115

Reported for being under aged faggots

>> No.6145140

>in HS right now

I could kick your fucking ass and the justice system would acquit me because teenagers are wieners and adults rule

>> No.6145142

litteral meme buzz word

>> No.6145150
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>you will never anal a jewess with big galoshes

>> No.6145216
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>you will never be able to marry a jewess because their memes are inherited maternally

>> No.6145249

does she have thick kike bum bum that you can eat?