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/lit/ - Literature

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6139048 No.6139048[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Need some advice /lit/
Gay guy here

This guy wants to pay 600$ to have me perform fellatio and have him toss my salad.
Excluding Std chances for just a minute. What are your thoughts on prostitution?

I don't find anything wrong with it, if I can make another person satisfied for the time, well than what more is there?

Philosophers of /lit/ pls weigh in

>> No.6139055

Why do I feel like this is copypasta?

>> No.6139057
File: 1.00 MB, 184x141, 1397004550816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite book

>> No.6139060

Would you consider blowing him if he didn't offer money?

>> No.6139061

And what the hell makes you think /lit/ will give you an good advice or is full of 'philosophers'?

>> No.6139062

yes, this is exactly a philosophical problem, to hook or not to hook.

>> No.6139066


>> No.6139067


it isn't

>> No.6139072

Don't do it unless it is out of the charity of your heart, OP. Do you really want him to feel good, or is that just rationalization of greed?

>> No.6139078

I love this book, especially the bit where the dog is fucking that giant rat. It definitely invoked some strong feelings.

>> No.6139079

well you've already made your mind up it seems

why the fuck is this on /lit/ take your shit and herpes encrusted dick back to lgbt and stay there you dripping poz rag

>> No.6139081

You're right it is rationalization of greed, but what inherently wrong with that?

>> No.6139088

Lots, for starters, you can't fuck giant rodents.

>> No.6139099

why do I feel like you also made this post

>> No.6139100

/lit/ - degeneracy

>> No.6139101

Charity is a virtue, greed is a vice.

One must live one's life as an embodiment of virtue, and a warrior against vice.

Or at least that's what some philosophers think. You asked for it.

>> No.6139105

cum daddy pee wee juice

>> No.6139109
File: 27 KB, 353x339, ss+(2015-02-10+at+08.16.22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're stupid and gay

>> No.6139111

You put the word "sage" in the email field, guys.

>> No.6139114

if you're comfortable with who you ARE, then you can become comfortable with what you DO

are you comfortable with finding yourself in this situation?
if you are then why not accept the money?

>> No.6139115

nice literature thread OP

why the fuck does this board have no janitors

>> No.6139119

The end doesn't justify the means. Humans should be treated as ends in themselves, not as a means to something greater.

>> No.6139124

I don't know, for me the act of prostitution reduces sex to an exchange of material goods. There's no real pleasure in economics. Finding someone to 'hook up with' is at least somewhat more understandable: you are exchanging pleasure and often figuratively bonding in a way.

Although, I prefer sex with someone I know and understand well, or better yet someone I feel something for.

If you like sex just as an orgasm, then do your thing. I just don't see any pleasure in it.

>> No.6139128

retard mongoloid! :PPPP

>> No.6139129

shoo shoo

Yea, but this makes me hesitate

As Fedorista as it sounds, I'm trying to align my actions with making the right choice objectively

>> No.6139133

>why the fuck is this on /lit/ take your shit and herpes encrusted dick back to lgbt and stay there you dripping poz rag

yeah i don't think this thread really belongs on the board, at least not in the way OP has presented it.

>> No.6139137

tips fedora

>> No.6139147

that looks awful.

>making the right choice objectivel

You are a tool.

>> No.6139158

what is that even supposed to mean?

Jesus man don't come on this board if you can't even express an idea without the use of some dull, mystifying meme. Or just don't be an idiot for once.

>> No.6139159
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>> No.6139165

Start with the greeks, particularly plato's symposium. Supplement with quran, de sade, foucault's history of sexuality, marx's communist manifesto and infinite jest. Then come back and we can have an actual discussion

captcha: dgasm

>> No.6139181

O fuck, dead.

>> No.6139185


>> No.6139190

>How to ruin your life: the post

>> No.6139196


>> No.6139209

>Start with the greeks, particularly plato's symposium. Supplement with quran, de sade, foucault's history of sexuality, marx's communist manifesto and infinite jest.

>I jerk off to my having half-read these works, if that.

>> No.6139222

You're just fucking stupid.

>> No.6139234

If you are seeking justification, anon, read the Marquis de Sade and especially Philosophy in the Bedroom. It contains a good defence of prostitution as well as general self-ownership and dismantles taboos and dated prudery.

>> No.6139245

I'm assuming you've read it, I'd like your opinion.

I don't have much time, he wanted to meet tomorrow as I'm only here for my travels, I'm leaving sunday

>> No.6139250

Oh grow up you disgusting, fat nerd.

>> No.6139264

I'm just teasing ;)

>> No.6139274

That's literally what a mongoloid would say.

>> No.6139285

Maybe we should put some money together and wire it to OP. I feel sympathy for the fallen males of our society, those of a proud white race, who, through a turn of fate, are now subordinated by the scum of society...

>> No.6139287

Op here, I'm not sure what I was expecting

>> No.6139295

I'm not even white.

>> No.6139307

carry on then

>> No.6139312

Well, it's one thing to act morally yourself, but to achieve eudaimonia you must also act in a way that further elevates the morality of society as a whole. You should reject the offer, and tell this person that prostitution is immoral, as it defaces the value of true love, giving a price tag to acts normally given and received by two individuals who are committed to each other. The contagion effect of your actions, should you accept the $600 and prostitute yourself, would further devalue the beauty in lovemaking.

But if you cannot find a philosophical reason to not do this, perhaps I can appeal to your artistic side, since you are gay, after all. Devaluing the beauty of love is effectively staining the artistic value of love and lovemaking. You put a price tag on a piece of human art. You render this art a commodity, and like the whores before you, commit sin against art in society. But, at the end of the day, you must come to terms with what you are doing yourself. It is further damage to the human form to make choices you do not believe are the right ones to make. If you believe the world--and you--will be better off with that horny faggot's load in your mouth, then it is your god-given duty to suck him off.

>> No.6139318

Piss off you jew.

>> No.6139324

it's seedy and generally fuels addictions to sex and drugs.

turning sexuality into a commodity to be bought and sold is destroying everything moral and beautiful about it.

>> No.6139328

I did just that, funny.
I told him to spend less time at work, more at the gym, dressing better, and taking care of himself. That way he could pick up 'twinks' at the gay bar, instead of paying them. He only started upping the price, I'm guessing money wasn't really a factor for him, looked like he had a nice car from the pic.

I guess I'll just ignore him then

>> No.6139340

>not 'You're just fucking stupid'

Quit acting so superior. There's nothing to prove.

>> No.6139344

both of you piss off

fucking autism

>> No.6139348


fellow gay/lit/ here. i get prostitution offers on gay sites a lot. the whole 'nasty old man' stereotype is oh-so-real... these guys have literally no shame at all.

they will turn to harassing you sometimes as well. i had one guy try and guilt trip me into it (i live in a town where a school-shooting happened) by saying he need to be "cheared up" on the anniversary. it's unbelievable.

sex is like heroin for some people.

>> No.6139358

Go back to /s4s/ please.

>> No.6139361

this post really creeps me out.

>> No.6139368


it should. these people have problems. they get off on being 'pigs.' calling them perverts or shameless only fuels the whole thing. they are totally indifferent to rejection at best, and more often thrive on it.

>> No.6139369

Personally, I find if I'm acting in a way that is adverse to how I think I should be acting, it sours and dulls my mind. It may be beneficial to pick up some extra money doing something easy, but if I act immorally then I feel like I've betrayed myself and it's not a good feeling for me. But good for you. I'm hesitant to say there is a "right" decision to be made, but if you think you made the right decision, you'll know afterward.

>> No.6139390

You're talking too smart for me.

Not following here, I'm ignoring him, yet how am I supposed to know I made the right choice, in simpler terms.

>> No.6139405

I had a friend who worked as a male stripper (surprise: he was straight). One time he brought a client (always male) to a hotel room for a private session, where the client was leather clad, being whipped and orally/physically condescended. What the hell, man.

>> No.6139429


i mean i understand the origin of the humiliation fetish anyhow, and i think origins of all fetishes can be explained/theorized in non-mysterious ways (without recourse to "he's just a sick bastard").

what gets me is that these people often don't realize they have a problem.

hyper-sexuality or extreme-sexuality can easily hide behind the post-60's veil of consent-alone sexual ethics.

>> No.6139458

You'll know if you made the WRONG decision is what I'm saying, I guess. If you aren't really sure, but don't really have too much negativity about it yourself, you probably made the right decision.

But, even regrets can teach us something about ourselves, so even if you make the wrong decision, if you gain experience from it afterward, then you'll profit from it either way. The worst decision is one that you know is bad, and you repeat.

>> No.6139465

Got ya

>> No.6139508

>what gets me is that these people often don't realize they have a problem.
>coming from a homosexual

>> No.6139539

FREEDOM nigger
Everything resulting from the voluntary agreement of all directly involved is a just outcome.

>> No.6139544


>$600 for a bj

well, that's a suspicious price, he's probably gonna drug you/knock you out and do a lot more than that

>> No.6139590

na, money was not an option to this dude, he started off at 100, and kept increasing it as I tried to reason.