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File: 378 KB, 1074x1536, artpos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6138207 No.6138207[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Video games are not art.


>> No.6138215


>> No.6138238


>> No.6138240

Can we talk about the psychology behind the fact that most of these parodies are made with the secret convinction by the part of the creator that most people who share his of her distaste for "political correctness" are usually unintelligent enough to believe these are real?

>> No.6138273

What if it's you who are wrong and their is actually people who believe this? Poes law and such

Also still no discussion on why videos games are art

>> No.6138283

lmao you actually saved that image thinking it was real didn't you?

oh OP you dummy

>> No.6138289

it's really disturbing. i think like 80% of the time a /pol/tard complains about a tumblr or a /v/tard complains about a kotaku article or something it's obviously a parody

>> No.6138293

The meeting of the path one gets and the one that one expects is sublime. See any game where the limits of the limits are not at first defined, eg. Super Metroid.

>> No.6138294

I could see how you could read that from my response, which was poorly worded.

>> No.6138302

I'm an aspiring game developer and i don't think of them as art. Calling them toys is a much more fitting description.

>> No.6138304

Care to elaborate?
Cause I don't see that as defining an artform

>> No.6138306

does someone appreciate the video game? yes, many do, and so i consider it art. how is this literature related?

>> No.6138315

>I appreciate dog shit therefore it's an art

>> No.6138334

To me art is something created by a human being for the purpose of evoking a positive emotional response in another human being through a medium other than direct interaction.

>> No.6138340

people make art out of trash. you could turn dog shit into art no problem.

>> No.6138345

I'm drunk and no expert in any field related to the arts. Expect nothing.

Art is created by the observer in his contact with the work of art. What is there and who he is determines the greatness of the work. A poetic image may for instance mould a great man's fantasy into something sublime, eg. to pick a high-brow reference from the blue, the flight of Satan over Earth in search for Eden is astounding. Here the ability of the observer is moulded by the artist into the shape he wants; but it's not exact, why it's art instead of science. What is shaped depends on what is there. This brings me, unexpertly, to "vidya."

The game exists as mechanics within a constructed world. Any experience of "freedom" is idiocy. The real interest is in the extent to which the mechanics allow one to penetrate the given world. The better the game, the farther one penetrates at a broader front.

Super Metroid, for one, has no apparent end in the beginning. One lands on a planet with left and right as possible spaces for movement. The subsequent interaction with the system changes how one moves/interacts with the given world. This interchange between mechanics and level is fucking ace.

But the best game is Majora's Mask.

>> No.6138361


Reading your post was like having brain cancer

>> No.6138364

This type of thinking is why we need a renaissance.

>> No.6138368

Thank you.

>> No.6138377

So music must be art
And birds singing is not art and therefore not music in that case?

>> No.6138400



>> No.6138408



that's kinda bold don't you think

>> No.6138414
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Except all the negative emotional responses like whenever something sad happens

>> No.6138434


You're right, i just wanted to see someone disprove me because i didnt feel like thinking, but yeah, you cant really deconstruct art into my vague description.

>> No.6138447
File: 11 KB, 142x142, 1419956669049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art is more than entertainment

>> No.6138449

There's a quote by Joyce along these lines:

>Art is the human disposition of sensible or intelligible matter for an aesthetic

>> No.6138464

Why though?

>> No.6138477


Because i'm a wine bottle and 3 beers down

>> No.6138478

Either that or a fringe post completely unaligned with the views of the movement being criticized.

>> No.6138479

So a perfectly free game(highest level to which the mechanics allow one to penetrate the given world) is the perfect art

So real life is pure art?

>> No.6138485
File: 68 KB, 640x481, 1422632867359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've perfectly captured the sentiment of that Orgy of the Will dude, congratulations

>> No.6138500

No. The artful restrictions is wherefrom the art arises. The wider the restrictions and deeper they allow penetration (DEEP PENETRATION), the better it tends to be. But, most importantly, it has to be man made, and there needs to be restrictions. Without restrictions nothing can be defined.

>> No.6138501

film is not art


>> No.6138513


Fine i'll destroy your post.

Film is composed of moving images and sound and music.

Paintings are considered art, you see them using your eyes and they cause emotions to arise

Music causes emotion through your ears.

Film combines both of those elements into one art medium.

But i'm pretty sure you are just trolling.

>> No.6138514

What makes art anyway?

>> No.6138548

But its clear film has emergent properties, properties greater than the sum of its visual aspect and musical? aspect (you forgot narrative aspect too, unless you think narratives aren't art)

The question is, do video games share this property

>> No.6138564

>Video games are not art.
i totally agree. they're not even hobbies. video games are just wastes of time like watching trash tv.

people who identify as "gamers" are the worst kind of people. i dont really care if people play video games, just dont make it your identity unless you want to look like a total fool in the eyes of the adult world

>> No.6138569

>Super Metroid, for one, has no apparent end in the beginning. One lands on a planet with left and right as possible spaces for movement. The subsequent interaction with the system changes how one moves/interacts with the given world. This interchange between mechanics and level is fucking ace.
So your argument is that the art in games is the interaction between the player and the game system. I like you very much.

>> No.6138578


Yeah, i forgot to mention the narrative aspect which can be compared to that of fictional literature which is also considered art.

So film essentially contains 3 art mediums in one.

Games contain all of those plus physical interaction.

Games can be considered an art form in many instances, there is no doubt about that.

Some of the he games i played throughout my life are edged deep in my memory, and that alone i think can make it constitute as an art.