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File: 20 KB, 356x480, mussolini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6137767 No.6137767 [Reply] [Original]

You have 10 seconds to name why fascism is bad.

>> No.6137775

gypsy manlet ideology

>> No.6137779
File: 10 KB, 200x237, a stirn talking to.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs ghostbusting.

>> No.6137786

Weak guys who need power to massaje their feminine ego

>> No.6137798

>organic unity of the society

>> No.6137871

>the state

>> No.6137907
File: 18 KB, 400x388, dfp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never live in a society that gives you a place and a mission from birth
>you will never live in a society that gives you both the ability and the responsibility to glorify yourself and your people
>you will never live in a society that forges men from boys and raises a race worthy of reaching to the stars
>you will never live in a society that gives every person the right and the opportunity to work
>you will never live in a society that values ideals over money
>you will never live in a society that understands duty, valour, and glory
>you will never live in a society that doesn't have to bash trannies because it isn't effeminate and weak enough to create them in the first place
>you will never live in a society that would have given you something to be proud of and fight for by the age you are right now
>you will always live in a bourgeois Jewish plutocratic ochlocracy that turns men into women with progressive newspeak
>you will always live in a society where strength and pride are disdained
>you will always live in a society that forces you to hate your heritage but love those of others
>you will always live in a society where hedonism and materialism are the sole aims
>you will always live in a society of crybaby pussies who let other cultures' barbarian runoff colonise them, and thank them for it
>you will always live in a society where obese marxist manchildren and degenerate self-mutilating sexual fetishists are considered honorary first citizens and normal, hardworking people are considered boring and regressive
>you will never experience a masculine culture
>you will never know the thrill of battle for a country and people you love
>you will never feel one iota of what it was to be a man, when all of your ancestors for millions of years felt it every day

>> No.6137908

Its like monarchy and capitalism because there is a ruling class called the state.

>> No.6137945

feel these feels, faggot

let me drink your crocodile tears

hhmmmm they taste like unfulfilled petty-bourgeoisie pretension

>> No.6137988

I know that feel. Don't worry, the Kali Yuga will end soon. Until the, enjoy yourself. Slay that poon.

>> No.6138001

>bringing in Evola's adoration of New Age Eastern shit
Not fascist, faggot.

>> No.6138008

I feel that know

>> No.6138010

Call the cycle whatever you like then. Also, I'm not a Fascist so fuck you.

>> No.6138015

I have become one with that feel

>> No.6138019

>you will never live in a society that gives you a place and a mission from birth
But you do. Society has assigned you the class of prole, and charged you with labor.

>> No.6138020
File: 47 KB, 704x400, nhk06shotb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't allow me to take it real easy, likes.

>> No.6138026

First Stalin, now Mussolini, what is happening in this board?

>> No.6138035

>moral aestheticism.
>bourgeois answer to working class politics (double hypocrisy).
>histrionic leaders who achieved success by being an absurd caricature of their own nation.
>anachronist eclectic hodgepodge of aesthetics
> endlessly exerting themselves to quibble on the difference between "National Socialism" or whatever fresh new form of Bonapartism.
>Produced many volumes on how gay and stupid books are.
>Based on theories of history whom even the authors will admit is fiction.
>Criticized non representational art while exploiting it's emotional effect and producing supposedly naturalistic art that was a gaudy distortion.
>Didn't make the trains run on time.

>> No.6138063

You will die unfulfilled because you could never overcome your infantile obsessional neurosis, and it's going to be awesome to watch your weary eyes searching under a knotted brow as the power and virility is drained out of you slowly and excruciatingly.

Eat shit.

>> No.6138067

I assume he was referring to clearly defined castes as opposed to large homogenous classes.

>> No.6138071

>tfw no father figure

>> No.6138076

>bourgeois answer to working class politics (double hypocrisy).
If socialists had comprised in giving workers more input, they probably would have made a lot more progress right now instead of a bunch of social liberal measures addressing the symptom.

> endlessly exerting themselves to quibble on the difference between "National Socialism" or whatever fresh new form of Bonapartism.
Fascism isn't Bonapartist (at least if you mean in terms of Napoleon III's politics), neither is is Nazism. And there are actually a lot more quibbles within your political camp.

>Criticized non representational art while exploiting it's emotional effect and producing supposedly naturalistic art that was a gaudy distortion
Futurism actually criticized representational art, or at least being limited by it.

>> No.6138087
File: 90 KB, 500x700, 89tr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you could never overcome your infantile obsessional neurosis, and it's going to be awesome to watch your weary eyes searching under a knotted brow as the power and virility is drained out of you slowly and excruciatingly.

nice prose

>> No.6138111

you can do all that if you find your balls

>> No.6138119
File: 94 KB, 1237x510, smug pepe gives advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need some smugness in your life, sad Pepe.

>> No.6138129

It destroys cultures that differ from whatever culture the ruler happens to be.

>> No.6138156

Bullshit. Especially laughable coming from the same coward who claims a grasp at Marxist theory. Blaming the workers movement for an answer provided by wealth industrialists with the command that they are only capable to rule themselves after harmful elements have been removed is ludicrous and fails to address the central fact of the failure of the revolution in Germany (Spain notwithstanding). It is also completely outside the central question of the success of Bonapartism, being not merely the reactionary politics of Louis but the practice of interest dictation I already mentioned. Futurism was merely one movement movement and in now way represented an aesthetic which was bound up with fascism. Futurism itself had a decayed representational quality which can today be found in art galleries located in downtown malls where the finishing touches are almost always a china-like application of glaze. No other movement comes close in being splendidly lacking in Traditional(Representation, Composition) and Conceptual (Audacity, Originality) criteria, but averages a point of blandness fit for Starbucks, Model Homes, and nothing more. Worse still is that you should think it be the artform which sums up the character of fascism but that you think it ought to be.

>> No.6138164

Read it again, and lap up every word.

>> No.6138176

Please stop identifying any far-right government with fascism, that's like using liberalism to mean communism.

Spain didn't work out for you because you were too busy slaughtering each other instead of the enemy.

>> No.6138187

I believe this thread belong to /pol/

>> No.6138201

The fasces was an symbol of ancient Republican Rome. It represented the collective power of the elected consuls. While its meaning has been perverted by the Roman emperors and certain 19th century dictators, it remains a major component of the heraldry of the United States.

If you believe in democratic rule, and a elected republic, you are a fascist. Some famous fascists throughout history include George Washington, who famously deferred the crown on order to preserve the fledgling republic.

>> No.6138219

Why not? Fascists do it, it's not terms they covet but blood and soil (or whatever). You can certainly be fascist without ever calling yourself a fascist and in fact it's probably better if you don't, because otherwise you prime apelike manhood will be tainted with faggotry. The idiosyncrasy of the national character is integral. Ask Mosley (or Moldbug). The icing on the cake is libertarians going nRx. This relates also to the point you made about equating liberalism and communism. You lot really aren't the special snowflakes you think you are, and if you think that you should even think you're a cut above a /pol/tard, even this Leftist knows more about the right than you.

>> No.6138231

Fascism has it's own theory, even if it's the runt of the litter.

>> No.6138246

It's too nationalistic.

>> No.6138285
File: 55 KB, 496x248, RadioShack_Logo_2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascism is terrible in the same way a five year old's conception of justice is terrible.

It might be the most perfect, self-contained system of thought you could possibly conceive, but it's just not fucking realistic.

Just like radioshack.

>> No.6138308

Fascism is elevated philosphical inconsistency, has no intellectual integrity, and is purely a product of the crisis of capitalism and bourgeois ideology. Literal trash heap of history

>> No.6138383

Then why do you live in a fascist democracy?
>freedom 1 bootlicker 0

>> No.6138398

How do you know that he lives in Europe?

>> No.6138409

Plebbest response ITT, you gotta feel proud.

>> No.6138503

I don"t know why i am thinking to myself this shouldn't have been useful, but it is. Thanks, anon.

>> No.6138511

You're welcome, m8.

>> No.6138561

it is irrational and hateful

>> No.6138568

it prides itself on ignorance

>> No.6138605

>If socialists had comprised in giving workers more input, they probably would have made a lot more progress right now instead of a bunch of social

What sort of hackneyed historical-universal shit is this?

>> No.6138636

because takes away your freedom

>> No.6138652



>> No.6138653

Because it's only destructive. It has no positive opposition to bring. Hitler wanted to kill all jews...and then what? Did they ever really believe there would be an after war for them, if all had happened according to plan?

>> No.6138667


I have yet to find a coherent and concrete definition of it. Anyone I've asked gives me a miasthma of words and social beliefs that has lead me to the point where it seems like fascism is the backbone or skeleton of every human ideology.

Exclusive, confrontational, expansionary in nature, and self preserving. Does this sound like a good part of your identity?Your ideology?

>> No.6138672


>> No.6138674

Fool, Hitler did not want to kill all Jews, he wanted to ship them to the USSR (which was predominately under Jewish control) or to Madagascar. National Socialism was not "only destructive" before war got in the way of the fuhrer's plans, Germany was on the road to a Renaissance in Art and education.

>> No.6138692

weimar republic was bright before the coming of hitler, also >>6138316

>> No.6138725

The same thing would have been said about Churchill's or Roosevelt's clique, if allies lost the war. That quote is nothing but unadulterated ignorance.

>> No.6138789






>> No.6138896

1. ok.
2. then image what would happened if killing all the jews was a purpose.
3. If wasn't for US '29 and the death of stresemann, hitler would never got the power. Also the weimar republic was Top tier in almost all fields, from cinema with fritz lang to science with einstein.

>> No.6138911




>> No.6138931

Totalitarian nostalgic spotted

>> No.6139861

rather idiotic and arrogant mexican attention seeker