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6136466 No.6136466 [Reply] [Original]

So what's /lit/'s opinion on The Darkness that Comes Before (and the whole Prince of Nothing series)? I can't decide whether I want to read it.

>> No.6136481

I freaking loved it. Its my favourite fantasy series. You should give it a try.

>> No.6136489

OK, but what's so good about it? I have to decide between that and continuing the Foundation series by Asimov.

>> No.6136492

I think the Bible is more consistent and original. Like all entry level works, there isn't anything of worth here.

>> No.6136497

Bakker has some really fucked up material in his books that I think other authors aren't brave enough to write about. He has an interestng way of conveying the history and culture of his world. The cast of characters are really interesting and have a lot of depth. And if you like a bit of good old fashioned action his fight scenes are great.

>> No.6136504


>> No.6136508

I'm not a huge fan of controversy for controversy's sake, but that part about interestingly conveying his world's history does sound great.

no seriously am I being memed here

>> No.6136513


Christians are shameless about their brand of propaganda, just ignore it

>> No.6136516

I mean I agree that the Bible has enormous value as a piece of literature but that's completely irrelevant here. Yeah I guess I'll ignore it.

>> No.6136524

Dont worry. The darker stuff fits the style of his universe. Its not really pushed inthe readers face. Also if youre a fan of asoiaf and its background stories happening to side characters, Bakker does something similar.

>> No.6136528

I enjoyed reading ASOIAF yeah.

>> No.6138633

its good but be warned, the author has stated he might never finish the series

>> No.6138650

It's the best epic fantasy series being written currently.

I seem to remember he said he will finish it, but he has little idea when it'll be possible, as he can't afford to be a full-time author anymore. So the last two(?) books might take any number of years. Hopefully few.

>> No.6138660

I'm guessing we won't see it until 2020 at least

speaking of which when is The Unholy Consult being published?

>> No.6138694

I fear you're right.

He thought he'd be able to deliver the manuscript in January. Don't know if it happened or not, but at least 6 months on top of that. Keeping my fingers crossed they get the book out this year at least.

>> No.6138718

It's good but he uses preternatural too much and it annoyed me.

>> No.6138806

really strongly GRRM influenced, like this dude read ASOIAF and was like "yes yes yes, but it's just not quite dark or edgy enough, i better fix that". But given that, it's actually a lot more readable than you might expect and I dare say Bakker is even a bit less meatheaded than GRRM. Reminds me of Colleen McCullough in some ways. Don't know what everyone is going on about with history and culture because this isn't really that sort of book at all, maybe the sequel is, I don't know. It's character focused. The characters in general, but most especially Xerius, are much better gotten across than anyone Martin has ever written. Actually the biggest weakness of the book is that it suffers from massive over-the-topness in its naming conventions, fucking circumflexes and umlauts and apostrophes out the ass are you shitting me? When a guy named Xerius is made to look like his name is relatively normal and okay, you fucked up somewhere. Some day fantasy authors are going to learn that when Tolkien bunged in diacritical marks he did it with reason and a degree of understanding for why that sort of thing would be used to begin with, but most still have not got the message.

>> No.6140068

I can't tell if you're trolling.
What do you mean theres no history and culture stuff? Its literally filled with it. Its filled wuth descriptions of the various peoples, their beliefs and even sone of their language conventions. Not to mention their religions and philosophies.
As for naming conventions Bakker is really consistent and not over the top like you're suggesting. They are inspired by all the ancient civilisations.

>> No.6140186

I love this series. Yes it's dark, and edgy,whatever. I don't care. The writing is always solid, the world is interesting, the characters are flawed but fleshed out, and it isn't too embarrassed to get nuts with its magic. Can't wait for the Unholy Consult

>> No.6140203

It's better than any other contemporary epic fantasy.

>> No.6140909

first 3 are good the rest are shit

>> No.6140928

it's basically /lit/'s ideal post-ASOIAF series

darker, edgier, and full of literary and philosophical affectations

>> No.6141010

The first book is a retelling of the first crusade, with a fantasy lacquer.

>> No.6141095

Haven't heard of it, but seeing the positive reaction, I'll check it.

>> No.6141241

This book and the rest of the books in the series are terrible. Bakker has no understanding of how to create dramatic tension, there are aspects of the characters that are laughable, the series is overlong, and despite being over 1,500 pages it does nothing but set up the next series. The world at first seems interesting, but quickly devolves into just another fantasy world. People who are impressed by the world are the type of people who can be satisfied with one semi-inventive idea (the crusades in a fantasy series) for volume upon volume. I don't know why it's getting such praise in this thread- maybe there are a lot of people here who've never read an actually good book?

>> No.6141759

Ignore this asshole. Bakker is as capable as any fantasy writer of creating tension. The characters are well developed or, in a few cases, deconstructions of classic tropes. The series might be overlong if you have the attention span of an 8 year old. The Crusades aspect is the overarching setup for the series, and is obviously made to parallel the historical event. The series gets praise because it is inventive as hell, assuming you have the attention span or mental fortitude to actually understand what the hell it's about.

>> No.6141812

It has possibly the best depictions of weaponized magic in all of fiction - this is the main thing that stood out to me about it