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6135723 No.6135723 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question, what are some ways do you think to establish and run a successful new-age cult?

How would I attract followers? Best location? Etc.

>> No.6135739

Have you watched Spirit Science OP? You could draw a lot of inspiration from that.

>> No.6135742

No I haven't, thanks for the tip.

>> No.6135743

Legitimately ask /x/, also look into the life of Crowley, Hubbard, Smith, the Catholic church, etc

>> No.6135746

Smith? And asking /x/ is a good idea, thanks.

>> No.6135754

Joseph Smith, founder of the church of latter day saints

>> No.6135762

Here you go buddy :^)

>> No.6135767

Why do you want to intentionally manipulate human beings with emotional and mental issues??

kill yourself asshole

>> No.6135769
File: 349 KB, 600x891, Dobbstest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1: upon entry to the cult, you give up all your possessions and money to the leader.

2: the leader has the absolute truth. anyone who questions this is punished or killed.

3: nobody is allowed to leave. anyone caught trying is killed.

4: nobody is allowed to maintain contact with friends or relatives on the outside.

5: all of the women are reserved for your personal use as soon as they reach the age where you find them attractive.

6: mysterious government forces from the outside are trying to destroy the group, so everyone must obey the leader in order to survive.

oh, and throw something about God in there, too, people like that.

>> No.6135778
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Yeah I'd start a new religion if it got me some top shelf poon like this. All hail Krazox the Lizard Man who whispers his secrets to me from the center of the Earth!

>> No.6135830

To "help" them, better to isolate the crazy ones from the general public anyway, you pretty much owe me for trying to do this.

Maybe we can build a nice commune and me, the saintly one, will help them and live like a NEETking.

>> No.6135834

I was wondering if God or no god was a good idea. Pros and Cons on the God thing?

>> No.6136309

You realize that the people who join cults aren't the insane and unproductive right?

>> No.6136327

Oh? Please elaborate.

>> No.6136333

Thank you...someone has a little sense in here. Everyone else has a theory on how to control other beings, lol, no wonder the world is fucked up.

>> No.6136335

be charismatic and persuasive. if you don't have that, nothing will follow

>> No.6136337

studies shown that they tend to be slightly above average intelligence and likewise it takes a serious amount of will power to cut off your family and friends and commit to cult without just flaking out and taking the easy option.

The people in the picture of the OP are not the kind of people you will get in cults. They might come to a meeting or two to babbler and eat your biscuits but they arent going to make any sacrifices for you

>> No.6136344

intelligence is one thing, but you don't suddenly decide to cut off your family and join a cult when you are content with what you have. So it doesn't matter that they're intelligent or not, it matters that they want to be part of something else, that somehow they may have psychological issues due to abandon, loneliness, isolation, mental or physical abuse maybe and that they are looking for a new womb.

When you have people like that, their will power is not in there, it's just the normal evolution in their downfall path of self destruction.

>> No.6136347

>they want to be part of something else, that somehow they may have psychological issues due to abandon, loneliness, isolation, mental or physical abuse maybe and that they are looking for a new womb.

Almost none of that excludes having willpower an dedication, except perhaps the new womb thing. A cult could be very attractive from a gifted but unsuccessful person with nothing much to strive for.

>> No.6136349

>When you have people like that, their will power is not in there

What are you talking about cutting off friends and family takes an enormous amount of willpower and stay strong in the "faith" despite isolation. If cults only effected fringe wackjobs like you describe there wouldnt be so much opposition to them. Every major cult you will see was always dogged by family members and friends of converts.

Yes they may want something more, but these are in no way wackjobs who people with severe mental problems who drain society .

>> No.6136358

I'm sorry but i have doubts that people join a cult if they don't have something to cure. They are looking for answers and change, two things that nowadays attract a lot of weirdos and pseudo-guru-coach that tell everyone they got the key but you gotta take a few steps to be allowed to know the whole truth lol.

>> No.6136365

There is a huge difference between people wanting something more and from the kind of people you describe in >>6135830

>> No.6136390

That works even better than, they will make the commune nice and more stimulating conversation will be had. I will still become the NEETking.

>> No.6136392

So really I should make a cult that could make use of gifted people and give them something to live for. So I am doing them a favor.

>> No.6136396

The anon you have been talking to isn't me (OP). In >>6135830 I was being rather sarcastic. Idiots and the mentally ill couldn't sustain a new-age commune cult.

>> No.6136397

>That works even better than, they will make the commune nice and more stimulating conversation will be had. I will still become the NEETking.

Once again that is not how it works, to have a cult run you have to dominate every aspect of their lives and have a controlling charisma about you. Take a look at any of the cult leaders, none of them had figures like you describe.

>> No.6136400

What you describe is exactly what I mean by "nice and stimulating" namely me having total control and stimulating insofar as dominating them.

>> No.6136402

Its sounds rather tiring having to micro manage so many people constantly

>> No.6136406

Nah, its effortless and you eventually delegate to people you identify as most diehard and capable of managing others.

>> No.6136409

>tiring having to micro manage so many people

Sounds like you're not on the psychopathy continuum and thus are not qualified to be a cult leader.