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6133709 No.6133709 [Reply] [Original]

Is this worth the read?

>> No.6133735

Seems like it would be easier to just spend time on /d/

>> No.6133760

Its really not. De Sade gets a reputation for being crazy and uninhibited but you really get a sense of spoiled child.
Its like those movies that are supposed to be the most hardcore: 'cannibal holocaust' 'august underground's mordum'

when you see it all played out it just becomes so laughable.

De sade is the type of guy who could dish it out, but would cry like a bitch and get hysterical if you did it to him.

>> No.6133770

Kinda, but it's more like the 30 days of shit-eating and thigh fucking and then a 20 page outline for the next 90 days.

>> No.6133775

120 days isn't a great read (that would be contrary to it's intended effect), if you just want to read some Sade I'd suggest you go with Justine.

Sodom's best read if you're really interested in his views of life; however it is an absolutely key work if you are interested in the history of erotic or vulgar literature.
Personally it was worth reading it to understand secondary works that referenced or discussed it heavily like Bataille's Literature and Evil or some of the stuff Breton wrote

>> No.6133801

Didn't he do all of that IRL and then go to prison

>> No.6133812

Read Georges Bataille. De Sade is seriously not worth the time. The idea De Sade pedals are dead and he's 50 Shades of Gray tame to modern sensibilities.

>> No.6133882

he abused some kid or something, or fucked a young boy.

120 days is about a castle with like 45 sex slaves and like 4 dudes. locked in for 120 days, and it gets more and more abusive till ultimately they are slaughtered.

so it was probably his big wank fantasy.

If you have ever seen 13 assassins the character lord matsudaira naritsugu exemplifies de sade's personality perfectly.

>> No.6133906

For some reason most of the stuff about pee/poop sex didn't bother me that much, probably because I've been on the internet for quite some time but for some reason I really had to stop reading when the guy sucked up snot out of a girl's nose. That was so fucking digusting to me, I just had to stop reading that shitty book.

>> No.6135458


Reminds me of a couple old GIFs.

>> No.6135478

The shit sex which there was so much of was for the most part fine for me but fuck man the end of the outline where they start chopping fingers off and the last section is absolutely disgusting.

I thought it was funny in parts though.

>> No.6135522

>tame to modern sensibilities

THE 9TH. 40. He fucks the nostrils of a goat which meanwhile is licking his balls; and during this exercise, he is alternately flogged and has his
asshole licked.
41. He embuggers a sheep while a dog is licking his asshole.
42. He embuggers a dog whose head is cut off while he discharges.
43. He obliges a whore to frig a donkey, he is fucked while observing this spectacle.
44. He fucks a monkey's asshole, the animal is enclosed in a basket; while being sodomized, the monkey is tormented in order that its anus will constrict about the libertine's member.

If that's tame compared to 50 Shades, maybe I ought read that book. Or maybe you're just being edgy.

>> No.6137724

The Mystified Magistrate is better.

>> No.6137728

No. Sade has incredibly interesting works; this is not one of them.