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/lit/ - Literature

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6132897 No.6132897 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys I have been looking for some new
science fiction novels to read. I done read every classic there is Recommend your favorite books

>> No.6132903

what did you like?

>> No.6132912

Blindsight - Peter Watts

>> No.6132922

Dan Simmons' Hyperion Cantos is excellent.

>> No.6132951

Anon, here Well I like all sub genres within Sci-fi but books like Philip K.Dick really get me books that have a deep meaning really get me thinking

>> No.6132959

Philip K. Dick aint no book I ever heard of

>> No.6132961

Yea I heard Hyperion is good. is Armour any good?

>> No.6132965

No he's a author- Ever seen the movie Blade Runner ? It's based off of his novel "Do andriods dream of electric sheep?"

>> No.6132971

I'm not that anon but PKD is great, try Ubik, The Man in the High Castle, and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?


Gene Wolfe - The Fifth Head of Cerberus
Ursula Le Guin - The Left Hand of Darkness, The Dispossessed
China Mieville - The City & the City
Ted Chiang - Stories of Your Life and Others

I didn't like Simmons' Hyperion but enough people here and elsewhere do that it's probably worth a try

>> No.6132986

Yea Ubik is one hell of a book "The Man in the High Castle" not so much. Got any more I wanna read as many books as possible.

>> No.6132991

stanislaw lem if you haven't
charles yu - how to live safely in a science fictional universe is a really cool recent one with some literary bent to it

>> No.6133007

you must have a thing for Asian books. I need an entire list of books

>> No.6133088

Rudy Rucker's Ware Tetralogy is super fun and funny...

China Mieville is my current favorite...

Ursula leGuin's Hainish cycle is my all time favorite...

I cut my teeth on Christopher Stasheff and Douglas Adams

>> No.6133095

lem is polish, and you're welcome you little shit

>> No.6133099

Douglas Adams is genius read all the books ha ha ha. Got any army military sci -fi books for me?

>> No.6133117

Charles Yu is Asian not Lem I know that

>> No.6133139

Warhammer 40k books.

Don't laugh. Dan abnett can write.a ripping yarn.

I recommend the eisenhorn trilogy, brothers of the snake, maybe the ravenor trilogy.

Stuff with the space marines is usually enjoyable and full of action.

>> No.6133234

I'm about to finish Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds. I like it.

>> No.6133488


I swear your trolling because that's the reply I get at Goodreads

>> No.6133500

Thanks OP! Will look into those books

>> No.6133535

+1 for Lem, everyone always goes on about Solaris, but my favourite is His Master's Voice

Also Stories of Your Life And Others by Ted Chiang

>> No.6133920

I actually really like it. Just finished.

My only complaint is that it sometimes introduces concepts/factions/etc. without fully explaining them, and I wasn't sure if they were things I was supposed to know about. Theres a list of terms on the author's website, but it might be a bit spoilerly. Also some characters aren't fully fleshed out.

I'm not a huge scifi reader (so I don't have much to compare it to), but I wholeheartedly suggest reading it.

For a rating: I bought the second book / 10

>> No.6133936

Gateway by Fred Pohl. Stations of the Tide by Michael Swanwick. Bleh, I should have more, but I can only think of fantasy.

Revelation Space is decent. It's harder than I usually like but the hard SF ideas are used in a way that's both interesting and contributes to the atmosphere that Reynolds is trying to create. And that atmosphere is really good and strong, probably the strongest part of the book. Don't think much of his other books, though, personally.

>> No.6134455

good book

>> No.6134589

What's a good book to get into scifi?

>> No.6134752

no it's not, the first book is mediocre at best and the quality really drops off from there

>I'm not that anon but PKD is great
i think you misunderstood what that anon meant
they asked for books and someone gave them an author
furthermore, your list is made almost entirely of books considered classics of the genre in some way or another
why would you think them good recommendations when op clearly says they've read every classic?

>> No.6134837

There's a /lit/ image, 'recommended sci-fi reading' or something like that, which has good recommendations. I don't have it saved, but am sure someone here does and will post it.

>> No.6135040

I've seen that actually, but it doesn't exactly pose a start point, just a general list.

>> No.6135061


Dan Abnett's the best hack in the world.

>> No.6135072

just started Stranger in a Strange Land myself
breddy gread

>> No.6135217

>no A Scanner Darkly

the fuck are you doing anon, leaving out his masterpiece

>> No.6135424


It's garbage tier libertarian erotica.

Belongs nowhere but in the trash tbh.

>> No.6135428

>accidentally read the synopsis of chapter house dune before finishing dune messiah
>now know that arrakis gets destroyed

>> No.6135471

SHIT. I'm sorry to hear that, anon. The Honored Matres are the ultimate feminists and supreme bitches.

>> No.6135473

>Accidentally mouse over spoilers on /lit/
>now I know as well.

>> No.6135482

Ender's Game is a piece of shit loved only by autistic 'tards who didn't have friends growing up and don't know how to behave out in public.
>prove me wrong

>> No.6135753
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And this is why I don't stop by /lit/ very often.

>> No.6137414

it's me again thanks for suggestions will look into them.

>> No.6137849
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the stars my destination
mars chronicles
rendevouz with rama
childhoods end
the city and the stars
lord of light

>> No.6137899

Reading The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch right now and loving it.

>> No.6137965

That's probably why it's my second favourite sci fi series

>> No.6138476

bump, anyone?

>> No.6138571

What exactly do you like ?
The Stars My Destination is pratically The Count of Monte Cristo: Reloaded - Space Edition; so you can't really go wrong with it. One my personal favourites, as far as scifi goes.

>> No.6138735
File: 31 KB, 230x320, moore_1999_the_forever_war_17x14_acrylic_on_illus_board_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't done so yet OP, read The Forever War by Joe Haldemann

>pic related

>> No.6138771

Voyage to Arcturus.

Also, Cyberiad is best Lem.

>> No.6139106

Noted anon, any suggestions for something that isn't a space opera? Or something more horror-ish?

>> No.6139162
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Seconding that.

>> No.6139899


>> No.6140028
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Foundation by Asimov

>> No.6140093


I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream

>> No.6140810

>the stars my destination

I just finished that, is The Demolished Man good also?

>> No.6140994
File: 6 KB, 405x357, 55nyan (37).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ursula Le Guin - The Left Hand of Darkness

Should I? Google worried me showing feminist citantions everywhere.

>> No.6140995

Harold Bloom thinks it's superb, so you know it can't be bad.

>> No.6141000

it's great
not QUITE as good imo but still rad

>> No.6141037
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>Google worried me showing feminist citantions everywhere.

>> No.6141133

Read it, enjoyed it. That and blindsight were good. Anything else you can thin of?

>> No.6141917

bump, anyone?

>> No.6141971

Gene Wolfe is probably the best sf author and I mean by far. His style, the symbolism, the characterisation, dreamyness, the points he is making with a novel as a whole... The Book of the New Sun is truly an amazing work, read it twice so far and its simply a masterpiece. I mean I like other sf authors, but Wolfe just blows everything away.

>> No.6142136


>> No.6143743

>China Mieville
Thank you for reminding me I must finish his books

Started twelve years ago and never made it all the way through

>> No.6144120

Gender is pretty secondary to the story, but there are some interesting subtle implications to the way the book treats the topic.

It takes place on a planet where there are no men or women, only androgynes who develop male or female sex organs once a year for a few weeks. If you're worried about reading a screed, it certainly is not.

>> No.6144295

How good is Dune as a standalone book? It's on my backlog but I don't see myself reading the rest of the series, so I'm not sure if it's even worth the time investment.