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/lit/ - Literature

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6132880 No.6132880 [Reply] [Original]

Is there an e-reader format to have books in the form of 4chan posts? I think I'd get more reading done that way...maybe one of the tech gurus from /g/ could make a program that converts common e-reader files to look like a giant 4chan post?

>> No.6132887

cat text.txt | sed 's/\./\n>/g;s/^/>/g'

This replaces all full stops by linebreaks, with the new line starting with >

works on mac and linux and under windows using cygwin (I think?)

>> No.6132945

No, I mean I literally want a book converted to a 4chan thread. I've read short stories posted on 4chan before, and they made me realize how much more reading I would get done if I could read everything in the format of 4chan posts. I want to read more, but I spend so much time on 4chan---so having books as 4chan posts would be convenient.

>> No.6132963

is this a fucking joke

>> No.6132973

This is no joke motherfucker. Internet addiction is serious. I could read so many more books if they were converted to the format of a 4chan thread.

>> No.6132982

That is what you think.
You are probably wrong.

>> No.6132993

I read 4chan all day but not books. I haven't finished a book in more than half a year. In retrospect, I always feel much better spending an afternoon reading a book than reading 4chan posts, but I still can't push myself to do it.

>> No.6133035

Holy christ man seek help. Also it's not the formating that you're hooked on, but the hollow imitation of social interaction that you are for some reason incapable of getting elsewhere

>> No.6133044

I have a girlfriend, I don't consider 4chan social interaction. It's like a wall of graffiti updated by ghosts.

>> No.6133091

Either way, making books look like 4chan posts won't make you want to read them. The layout isn't what appeals to you.

>> No.6133106

Poor bear :(

>> No.6133155

I could help you out with that. Here, I'll start posting the /lit/ favourite, Gravity's Rainbow in greentext form:

>screaming comes across the sky
>happened before, but nothing to compare it to now
>it's too late
>evacuation still proceeds, but it's all theater
>no lights inside cars
>no light anywhere
>above lift girders old as iron queen
>also glass that would let daylight through, but it's night
>afraid of way glass will fall
>will be a spectacle
>fall of a crystal palace
>some down in total blackout
>without one glint of light
>only great invisible crashing

>> No.6133164

he isn't even aware of his own existence, dont worry

>> No.6133168

>does /lit/ like? should I continue?

>> No.6133186
File: 372 KB, 1280x750, BearWaving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he feels tho

>> No.6133241

I didn't mean a summary or greentext format. Litearlly the entire book copy and pasted into 4chan posts (within the character limit of each post)

>> No.6133256

What a large and baseless assumption to make about me. I don't have a comfortable place to read. If I sit in a chair, the book is in my lap, making my neck look downward at the book thus straining my neck. If I lay on my back on my bed and read, I become tired.

Sitting in front of my computer, I have the best posture---my computer monitor is adjusted so that I am looking straight at it, which is best for the neck.

Again, I canm't just read a book in front of my computer, I'd have to hold it downward and look down at it. Turning pages takes a lot of effort too.

But if I could read them on my screen---especially in 4chan format, which I am accustomed to---I would read much more efficiently.