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6131444 No.6131444 [Reply] [Original]

Is Dadaism the endgame of art?

>> No.6131448
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It's full retard.
Never go full retard.

>> No.6131449

No, classification is.

>> No.6131455

Half of those are expressionist though

Dadaism is more like anti art

It is the tim and eric of the art world

>> No.6131456

if tim and eric is anti-comedy then why is it so funny

>> No.6131458
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>...Ms Papajewski told AP.

>> No.6131459

Dadaism is a reaction to WWI.

The perception of many Dadaists was that responsibility for the war and the suffering conflict caused was modern capitalist bourgeois for whom the majority of art, modern and otherwise, was created. These capitalist cold rational ideas which permeate modern art, were seen as having lead to horrifying conclusions.

Their response was to create this anti-art which was meant to purposefully destroy bourgeois aesthetic values.

>> No.6131463
File: 46 KB, 500x328, Everything's going bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a branch, a rather fun branch. Another "end" would be the abstract nonsense like Rothko and Malevich. Boring shit.

>Full retard
It was a great art movement.

>> No.6131467

Woah, butters, don't shit talk Rothko. That motherfucker went through a lot more than you.

>> No.6131470

Y'know. When I was studying Dada I hadn't been properly introduced to Marxism. All the books I read on it dutifully avoided ever mentioning its socialist leanings. Makes so much sense now.
Thank man

>> No.6131474

No, but it is woefully underestimated.

>> No.6131475

Who was the guy who did these black lines, looks like a zoom in of section of calligraphy?
Some Russian sounding name as I recall. Super boring body of work.

>> No.6131479
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Glad I could help

You don't mean Kandinsky, do you?

This is Rothko

>> No.6131486

Ring ring a ding ding ring a ding

>> No.6131497

Dadaism is sickness...I don't mean degeneracy, I mean it is meant to express a feeling of sickness toward the upper class that felt more emotion toward teacup art than toward all the people dying in WWI. It's not the final boss of art, it was never meant to be; it is very political shit that is intended to be the artistic equivalent of vomit in response to fine food. Anyone who says they like Dada who isn't very familiar with its context is probably a moron who thinks being lolrandom is some sort of genius inspiration. It's not great, inspired art, it's fucking hideous and barren, and that is the point, because Dadaists saw upper class art lovers as hideous and barren in substance à la American Psycho.

>> No.6131498
File: 264 KB, 1431x1003, Kandinsky (Composición VIII).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw, Kandinsky is colourful and looks like a representation of jazz or something.

Oh geez. Bad typos everywhere. Sorry.

>> No.6131500

Christ, just fucking read you twat.

>> No.6131503
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>in response to fine food.

>> No.6131504
File: 129 KB, 800x1000, 800px-Suprematist_Composition_-_Kazimir_Malevich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like Kandinsky, there's not really a reason to dislike Malevich. Sure, he did the black and white sqares but he also did stuff like this.

>> No.6131506

What about people who were inspired by Dada, like Beefheart and Jodorowsky?

>> No.6131516

Don't mind him, he's just a traditionalist that likes to shit on influential and important artistic movements in a bengali tiger poaching camp.

>> No.6131519

>it's fucking hideous and barren
nah, it's pretty fun

not as fun as surrealism but pretty fun still

>> No.6131522

All I'm saying is I understand Dadaism was a product and reaction of the times, but how do you classify people directly influenced by them who are contemporary?

>> No.6131526

There's some Dada out there that you can see an obnoxious contempt and it really ruins the work

But then there's stuff like OP's pic that's sort of terrifying and stuff like Dadaphone which is fun and goofy as hell

>> No.6131529

Not a real big fan.
Oskar Fischinger is cool

>> No.6131534

They are part of postmodernism which is still largely doing the same things but I doubt that a significant portion actually understand the political rationale of their fore-bearers.

Just like how stuckism, remodernism, and anti-anti-art are all somehow even worse than postmodernism becuase they are purely reactionary.

>> No.6131540

There is literally nothing wrong with postmodernism

>> No.6131545
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>the berlin notgeld stabbing the man in the back
top kek dadaists top kek

>> No.6131558

I'm not saying there is something wrong with postmodernism as an art movement, I think it is an important conceptual step. My problem is just that a lot of what is being produced is very inward looking. Most of it is self referential and very much concerned with the question of what art is.

Personally, I think that this is bad because that is a very limiting goal to work under. It may open the playing field so that literally anything could be called art but too many pieces are overly concerned with further stretching that boundary which is a really artificial and useless goal.

The the three reactions come along and try to create these artificial boundaries to art. It's like both camps are just fundamentally looking at art as only definition instead of as expression of a point of view.

>> No.6131559

Art has an endgame?

>> No.6131562

Kurt Schwitters is pretty fun, but he was ostracized from the group for being more of an active artistic than a reaction against art culture.

wut. I'm not a traditionalist at all. I can appreciate traditional art, but I as something that's run it's course, not something that should be brought back anymore than art without perspective should be brought back

What about them? I never said Dadaism wasn't art, just that it is impossible to actually grasp the point of unless you understand the context. Dadaism, and some of its principles, heavily influenced later art, they paved the way for breaking down many of art's rules and conveying emotions conventional art was incapable of. But it's also attached to its context in the same way some picture of a a teddy bear next to oven from a death camp would require context to comprehend.

>> No.6132779

>Muh traditional art vs Contemporary art

You're the only full retard here dumbass.

>> No.6132795
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Is late fifties to mid sixties experimental jazz the endgame of popular music?

>> No.6132802

>Is this historical thing the end of history?

>> No.6132805
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Dadaism is modernist. Expressionism is modernist. Primitivism - modernist. Cubism - modernist. Surrealism - modernist. Futurism - modernist.

>> No.6132806

Do you think romanticism will return after robots begin to do more and AIs come into play?

>> No.6132814

Dadaism arrived at the same time as the modernist movement but is not itself modernist. It is distinct in goal and artistic methodology.

>> No.6132816

Stop saying what my book is about.

>> No.6132847

>modernist movement

No such thing.

>> No.6132863

Suck a cock, you pedantic faggot.

>> No.6133097

die of aids faggot

>> No.6133845

no, that'd be
weird facebook.

>> No.6133868

How old are you?

>> No.6133884

>abstract nonsense like Rothko
pleb detected. rothko is glorious.

>> No.6133914
File: 2.64 MB, 320x240, not impressed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks rothko is good

>> No.6134245

Shit posting is the new art now.

>> No.6134253

Didn't Napoleon knock down part of The Last Supper to make a doorway?

>> No.6134258

right on, mon cherie

>> No.6134303

anti- as a prefix does not mean "the opposite of" but rather "in opposition to." tim and eric, then, could be said to be in opposition to comedy, but not comedy in the sense of anything that is funny, but /the state of comedy as an artf orm/. similarly, anti-art is not "not art," but art in opposition to the state of art.

>> No.6134421

shut up faggot

>> No.6134456

>he has never seen a rothko painting irl

>> No.6134538
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Yes, it is.

Too bad motherfuckers never realized based Dada ruined it all. There's no point in doing anything - not only art - thanks to it.

Also, for the shit/pol/sters and muh real art that arise whenever there is such a thread, here's a quick reminder in the form of a friendly meemee :^)

>> No.6134544

Dada wasn socialist, the only political (at their time) that would even come close to Dada was Stirner or any other form of anarchist nihilism.

>> No.6134555

While you're on track, A) there is no dadaist B) it's not supposed to be ugly either, since there can be ugly / bad / etc. art. It's meant to be completely detached from whatever notions of "art" or "good" or "bad" - or any bourgeois ideal whatsoever - there is.

In a sense, it is "lolsorandom", only it's also much more than that.

>> No.6134562

This website is the endgame of Dada, actually

>> No.6134563

Man, Thomson did ruin Stuckism.

It sounds like he's mad the big boys didn't let him play with them, and that's all he wants.

Billy Childish, on the other hand, keeps painting his beautiful expressionist stuff better and better, while caring just enough to not sound like a cunt.

>> No.6134603

There is no "endgame of art." People still value things that were valued in the centuries before Christ as art, and productive inclinations won't change that.

>> No.6134637

In any decent universe post-modernism would be a thought-crime.

>> No.6134654
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Is there more modern art mockery pics?

>> No.6134658
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>muh modern art

>> No.6134663

the weird thing that people miss is that most modern artists would probably love both of these stories.

>> No.6134690

Didn't Evola leave dada? Not that he's even a fascist.

>> No.6134702

That's not even modern.

>> No.6134705

>the weird thing that people miss is that most modern artists would probably love both of these stories.

And? I don't think it's that "people miss" it, it's that it doesn't even matter if they like it or not.

>> No.6134730
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this reminds me of a gallery i went to a while back. they told me that there was a piece installed in the backyard and basement as well and in the backyard there was this little treehouse thing where people drank alcohol in and everyone flocked to it thinking it was an installation and they were talking about it, "I suppose it's a comment on the sociality of art events, the superficiality". But the actual sculpture was a piece of wire and metal hanging from a clothesline beside it that no one took notice of, which I only found out after I looked up the artist on the Internet. and this was part of a major art event in the city. the basement installation was even more stupid.
contemporary art is so bad, I don't even know why I bother to go to galleries other than to be pretentious.

>> No.6134751

Not an artists, though doing my best to get a PhD in aesthethics (going for my masters this year), but I do love those stories, for showing the vacuity of part of the art public and how detached art has come from reality (I do think this is good, to some degree)

He was a futurist, and shit/pol/sters love him stil

People are detached from art. That is a problem, as far as modernism (and parts of PoMo) are concerned

This whole situation is a beautiful piece of art, which means something has been achieved, be it within the author's intentions or not.

>> No.6134771

how is it going w/ your masters? you in the states?
I'm interested going into graduate school for art theory

>> No.6134797

Of all sad words of tongue and pen,
The saddest are these: /pol/ was right again.

>> No.6134816

I'm brazillian.
Tbh, things took a bit of a downturn, had to delay college thanks to a broken foot, and up until a couple of years ago, you didn't need to quote the original work in your masters, but they've since changed that (for the public universities, at least, and contrary to the US, they're the best schools here), and I don't really speak italian (though I can understand lots of it), so I've been mostly preparing, reading some of Eco's semiotics and aesthethics (which I intend to base my master's on) and studying some italian with my gf

>> No.6134951

>conflating fascist aesthetics and futurism with Nazi aesthetics and oldmanism

>> No.6135396
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I like different shades of red too, I'm just not going to give credit to him for inventing them.

>the only political (at their time) that would even come close to Dada was Stirner
Socialistic leanings, as the poster pointed out, I don't mean they were red spouting Marxists, but they were not down to fight WWI. and yes, socialism was very big around that time. You could look at them as more anarchist now that I think about it.

>> No.6135416
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I tried to warn you guys...

>> No.6135439

No, that's suprematism.

>> No.6135447
File: 128 KB, 308x308, they'll never know it was bait all along!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the abstract nonsense like Rothko and Malevich. Boring shit.

>> No.6135524
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>I tried to warn you guys...
Who cares?
Seen Who the Fuck Is Jackson Pollock?
If that film doesn't put the art world into perspective for ya, I just give up.

It's just my opinion, dude. Nothing to be afraid of.

>> No.6135592
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>Jackson Pollock?

Even Zizek hates Pollock and thinks hes trash...and he thinks Rothko has "skills"

>> No.6135601
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You don't even have to be a fan to appreciate the film. Found on youtube if you're interested

>> No.6136702

>.and he thinks Rothko has "skills"
how can people not see the skill in rothko?

if he wasn't especially skillful, how come no one seems to be able to imitate him properly?

>> No.6136713

>classical art
>in museums

the real problem is the museum, not modernist art

>> No.6136715

i really like the modernist idea of the purest art destroying itself. totally true and it only took like 30,000 years

>> No.6136716


Most people have never seen a Rothko, just a print.

Close up, Rothko's work is breathtakingly good.

There's an exhibition in my town at the moment, I've been three times, and I'll probably go again before it leaves at the end of the month.

>> No.6136718

museums are the limiting goal

>> No.6136723

that's pretty mean when a lot of gay artists in 80s ny died of aids :(

>> No.6136748

or maybe nobody is stepping on the glove because in civilized society you don't step on other people's belongings

>> No.6136766

I hope these VR glasses and such will make digital viewings of art more true to life in the future and accessible for more people. Staring at a little jpeg really doesn't compare.

>> No.6136788

No, dadaism was meant as a short term movement that wanted to escape meaning and probably some form of intellectualism but was also very political. Then the surrealists came and were all about intellectualism and some more about pedantry and politics.

>> No.6136853

Was dada basically the punk of the interbellum?

>> No.6136864

If they want to this kind of stuff to express something, they can do it, they can expose it, they can even sell it, but not for millions dollars.

The cynical me is certain that it is money washing.

>> No.6136897
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>but not for millions dollars.
Why not? People spend fortunes on useless shit all the time. It's the driving force behind our economy.

>> No.6137377
File: 318 KB, 863x544, dadaists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Punk/skinheads came from the counter-culture movement of the 20th century that was pretty much kicked off in Zurich with these folks reaction to the madness of The Great War.

>> No.6138348
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also you and
please note that dada is a name that isn't supposed to be "ism-ed"

>abstract nonsense like Rothko and Malevich
>boring shit

>implying the black and white squares aren't his best works
When I read you all post about art I wonder why you even pretend to like books if you can't into spirituality.

Dada wasn't spiritual, either an access ramp for Breton to start at being a subversive fa, a way to make collages classy or a way for them to get some girls. Some of you said it was a reaction to WWI, but the members of Dada were pretty young at the time and avoided the conflicts by going to Switzerland. Dada was one the less politically engaged movement ever, which made Breton leave and ruin surrealism with marxism.

>tfw the fin de siècle utopia was ruined by the two world wars and will never happen again
>tfw art is either cynical or so deep nobody gets it

anyway guys, stop acting like you know a shit about it and go back to la fondation Louis Vuitton pour l'art contemporain or something.

>> No.6138352

The problem is that you are looking at art as if it is some kind of linear progression.

Why should art have an "endgame"?
How would that even be defined?

>> No.6138402


>> No.6140504
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A wild pedant appears!

It's his way of looking at it. Not the best way, I agree with you. I offered the tree branch metaphor