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/lit/ - Literature

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6131247 No.6131247 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6131258

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6131265


>> No.6131312

I remember the Hero and the Crown being good, but I read when I was literally 10.

>> No.6131325

How is the YA market not oversaturated yet?

>> No.6131343

Is there any /lit/ approved YA or is it just the high-school tiered literature like Gatsby and the Stranger?

>> No.6131436

t.hanks, will know to avoid these

>> No.6131491
File: 53 KB, 258x522, throwbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see some book recommended a lot
>figure it might be worth a look
>look it up online
>it's YA

>> No.6131538


Most of /lit/ rpobably won't agree, but some of Dianna Wynne Jones' work is really great. Check out Fire and Hemlock or Hexwood.

>> No.6131544

I think there is good literature aimed at children or teenagers, yes. I don't think any of the stuff that generally gets labelled as YA fiction is though... just look at all the tripe in OP's image

>> No.6131563

How can this emoticon describe so many emotions I feel?.

>> No.6131564

Are there any YA books that have nice covers ? All of them look like shit.

>> No.6131574
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>> No.6131576


>> No.6131620
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>> No.6131757

>What does it take to survive aboard a spaceship fueled by lies ?


>> No.6131827

I love how /lit/ feigns humour when shitting on A game of thrones, when it's so obvious that the book causes some major, uncontrollable butthurt which is a joy to watch. I can't recommend something enough if it's the cause of such an overwhelming irrationality.

>> No.6131865

Why is the genre called YA and not Delusional Postadolescent? It's crazy how people can't grow out of bogus knights-and-wizards romances.

>> No.6131905

Speaking of delusional...

>> No.6131925

Everything is the new york times bestseller.

captcha: aigul

>> No.6131927

>I can't recommend something enough if it's the cause of such an overwhelming irrationality.
i would tip my fedor, but it looks like you already did. well done my good sir, cheerio.

>> No.6131944

It's empty calories. I know a guy who reads like 100+ young adult books a year. Fantasy, SciFi, Supernatural romance, etc.

It's not like the classics where you have to sit down and think. You just read, forget it and unto the next.

If only that guy had been reading 100 classical novels or philosophy books or religious texts a year, he would have been smart as fuck. I wish I had his dedication to reading, but he only reads shit.

>> No.6131953

>le fedora meme

>> No.6131977

*tips* duly noted, madam.

>> No.6131998

Seconding this.

The classics and YA are hardly even comparable. If you take a paragraph of a classic and a paragraph of YA, you'll find the paragraph of the classic the classic will contain, probably, at least double the amount of information, got in through its punctuation and the consequent ambiguities and hierarchies, its use of figurative language, its use of prosody, the speech acts committed by its voice, the personality of its voice, the conceptual complexity of its referents, and so on.

YA is popular for the same reason that sitcoms are popular. They simulate various conflicts and give them an easy catharsis; they simulate social interactions with none of the risks and on-demand; they are loaded with easy humor; they are a distraction from the worries and unpleasantness of everyday life; they do this all while providing thin, very thin, versions of the other pleasures literature proper richly provides.

>> No.6132009


Reading this I couldn't help but feel... euphoric

>> No.6132017

This pathological fear of YA is quite the phenomenon here. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.

>> No.6132055

>>What does it take to survive aboard a spaceship fueled by lies ?
More lies, presumably; the last situation you'd want to be found in is being on a spaceship that ran out of fuel.

>> No.6132086

Why are men so under-represented as protagonists in YA?

This is oppression and must be stopped. No excuses. No avoiding responsibility. No exceptions.


>> No.6132091
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>epic reads

>> No.6132092


women are more interesting
fuck your equality

>> No.6132100

>women are more incompetent

>> No.6132105



kek enjoy being a slave to the machine

>> No.6132110

>he said not realising the irony that he himself was also a slave

>> No.6132151



>> No.6132157


>thinks I dont realize it

at least I don't enjoy it

>> No.6132158
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Real flesh and blood women are interesting, not their thoughts on paper. Who gives a fuck about tht

>> No.6132163


anyone who opted out of being a weapons-grade dipshit

>> No.6132166 [DELETED] 



>> No.6132178
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art thou rused, good sir?

>> No.6132182


>> No.6132186


calm down you're waking the neighbors

>> No.6132192 [DELETED] 


>> No.6132704
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>That everything

>> No.6132717

The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

>> No.6132775

>not wanting another Jennifer Lawrence in sweet clothes

>> No.6132804

Of course not. Marketers these days are almost incapable of making covers that look nice for books meant to sell to the mainstream.

Especially shit fucking stupid teenagers. Those fucking gaudy overly photo-shopped covers that use live actors and tons of sparkly filters are atrocious.

>> No.6132828


I dont mind the cover for Red Queen, it seems relatively simple. Every other cover in OPs image looks hideous beyond recompense though.

>> No.6132856

Honestly infinite jest is essentially young adult literature. It's a shame most will never read any of it.

>> No.6133040

Go feel euphoric on /b/ you fucking faggot.

>> No.6133114

I might try the one that has a girl with a crossbow on its cover. Girls with crossbows are my fetish at the moment.

>> No.6133132


>> No.6133542

Crime and Punishment

>> No.6133651

Does the ship literally run on lies? If so, that's actually kind of an interesting concept. The fact that the crewmembers would have to lie to each other constantly would create an interesting dynamic where no one believes anything the others say. Honesty would be seen as dangerous and people would have to choose between living a lie to survive and being themselves but stranded. It would be sort of a metaphor for how we live our lives in society, the world is a stage and all that. Plus, it would be hard to navigate and do other tasks while constantly having to lie.

I bet it's not that though. I bet it's about secret murders, hidden agendas and love triangles.

>> No.6133671

>Does the ship literally run on lies? If so, that's actually kind of an interesting concept
it would crash because of liar paradox

>> No.6133710

Nice to see he's still writing books with retarded one word titles after all these years

YA's really just a way to market any fantasy/horror/scifi novel that isn't a 10,000 page plus sequence

>> No.6133764

Wait is GoT considered YA? I thought it was just standard non-age-specific genre fiction? Have we entered the period where all literature must explicitly state the targeted age demographic and I've missed it?

>> No.6133792

No, it's a weird chart really "25 books aimed at teenagers to read if you enjoyed this adult fantasy"

Although it's hardly worth a distinction, shitloads of teens read fantasy; the only distinction YA makes is being somewhat sanctified.

The YA focus is because the site that made it "Epic Reads" is solely YA focused. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that this pic was part of some disguised advert using GoT to try and add some sales to YA books

>> No.6133810

You guys do know its called "Young Adult fiction" for a reason, right? Given that you're *supposed* to be over 18 since you're here, you're not its target audience, so obviously you're going to think its shit. Its like calling a child a pleb for reading The Hungry Caterpillar.

>> No.6133842

LOL that kid IS a pleb. He should be reading the Canterbury Tales or something.

>> No.6133853

the very hungry caterpillar is a dope children's book

>> No.6133975


Yes but many people who are far older than the "target age range" (at least physically) read these books and consider them to be paragons of literature, which is extremely grating to many people who see YA fiction as a stepping stone to bigger and better things.

When my sister was younger (early teens), she read the fuck out of Twilight and asked me if I knew any other good vampire books. I let her borrow my copy of Dracula, then she moved on to Poe and now reads mostly classical literature: the pulpiest thing she reads is the Vampire Hunter D series, which she picked up after watching the movie with me one Halloween. But I know plenty of her friends who never moved on past Twilight level fiction, most of them moving on to the Mortal Instruments series, which I only know about because my sister complained she had no books to talk about with her friends because "all they read is that gay fantasy romance shit." The only upside is there are already too many books to read that are worth reading before you die, but something new and exciting would be nice.

>> No.6134524

I don't understand this. If you read Game of Thrones and liked it, why would you want to read stories that are most likely almost similar and also worse? If you've read the best the genre has to offer, why continue to read all the shit it produces?

>> No.6134536

VHC is literally taught at Harvard

>> No.6134557

Well done with your sister btw

>> No.6134583
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>> No.6135043


Thanks. One of the few things in life Im actually proud of.

>> No.6135096

Honestly I beg to differ. Would I hate that my little cousin reads twilight or Hunger games instead of something like Pride and Prejudice at least? Sure. But hey at least she's reading and not wasting time on an Mongolian imagery board, FB, or twitter all day and that's a good thing. The only hope is that she moves on from YA into better things and not plunge into shit like 50 shades?
BTW what are /lit/'s top erotic novels if any?

>> No.6135212

There's nothing inherently good in reading, and it's no different from most forms of entertainment.

I used to think at least reading actual literature / the classics / whatever had something in it, but /lit/ showed me that despite the fact that there are people who start with the greeks, read 3 books a week or stuff like that won't save them from spilling so much spaghetti in any given social situation that you could actually make a spaghetti-rope for DFW to suicide again after he was bought back to life and saw that his life's work is being read by a bunch of NEETs in a uzbeki rupestrial painting analysis angelfire forum

>> No.6135319

I'm not talking so much about solely social development and ability to verbally articulate but increased cognitive ability in other places such as written communication for example or just creativity.

>> No.6135393

>he's miserable
>he mocks people who aren't miserable because they aren't miserable

You sure showed him.

>> No.6135401


Spaceships don't even need fuel to propel themselves though. Do you even physics?

>> No.6135709
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>> No.6135734

The relevance was...

>> No.6135748
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>no Bartimaeus

List is garbage.

Also I didn't realize that Martin was considered YA, what with all the graphic descriptions of rape and shitting in the woods, but I guess it fits the mental age of the majority of his readers.

>Dianna Wynne Jones

My brother from another mother.

>> No.6135784

>what with all the graphic descriptions of rape and shitting in the woods
You mean all three of them?

>> No.6135868

Plenty of YA novels deal with those issues. In The Hunger Games, the President forced Finnick into prostitution under the threat of killing his family if he refused.

>> No.6136341
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