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/lit/ - Literature

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6127908 No.6127908[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are anons so vehement and hostile towards other anons on /lit/?

>> No.6127918

>Muh 4chan culture
>living sad pathetic lives

>> No.6127922

we're trying to be the beacons of intellectually on a singaporean handicraft convent. it's not easy work

>> No.6127934

/fit/ and /int/ /k/ and /tg/ are reLly positive places. Any board with a patrician/plebeian culture inevitably becomes poisonous, examples are /a/, /mu/, /tv/. /lit/ also has many unapologetic communists and undergrad philosophy students, disdains whole genres and non fiction in general, the trips are terrible, and it's a slow board filled with regulars that tend to be young with very narrow tastes.

/lit/ really is shit, but the flavor of the month are usually top tier, so it's worth coming back (I would never have found lindgren or stoner without /lit/

>> No.6127937
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>> No.6127940

People here are pretty stupid compared to how big their ego is, so they make up for it by acting overly arrogant, posh and snobby. Hoping that strangers will mistake this for true intellectualism.

Like a short guy who tries to stand on his tippy toes to look taller.

>> No.6127944

>singaporean handicraft convent

i thought this was the american meme generator

>> No.6127945

Was this a subtle reference to The Mezzanine?

Was this some sort of meta-commentary, using said reference, to how everything is over-analyzed to the point of banal insanity?

>> No.6127947

Arete. Striving for excellence.
The basic idea behind competition. If we're all competing to be better than our fellow litizen, that pushes us to our very best.
Elitism fosters an elite society. I for one am fond of the elitist condescending posts here.

This is a shitpost.

>> No.6127951

yes. what about your pOst? let's not go down this rabbit's hole

>> No.6127957

that's more of an emergent phenomenon

>> No.6127962
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Sounds like someone cant handle the bantz

The best part about reading isn't enjoying the books themselves, its telling everyone online how bad their tastes are.

>> No.6127970

It's a form of postmodern postposting.

[Spoiler]I've always found lit to be kind of comfy and nice. The hostility is a meme.[/spoiler]

>> No.6127975

>typing out spoilers manually



>> No.6127983


▲ ▲

Who's a newfag now?

>> No.6127989


>I can't take the banter

>> No.6128001

yeah, lets pat each other on the backs and suck each others dicks for 24 hours a day, that would make the board a lot better

>> No.6128006

>Implying extremes are the only options

Truly duality is the brain's disease.

>> No.6128010

>positive place

>> No.6128019

It's more than that. Some other anon have picked up on it in here: it's not /lit/ that's hostile, it's 4chan culture that's hostile. It's almost ironically hostile, and it's this intensely hostile because it is anonymous. A poster is a faceless, identity-bereft voice amongst a legion of voices, and in order to be heard that voice must come up with new, exciting and sexual ways to be heard. One of these is extreme disdain.

When anon tells me I'm a faggot, that I will amount to nothing, that I am a literal waste of the atoms that were drawn away from useful things like dirt and parasites to make me, and that I should die in a fire, I read that as: "Nah, sorry bro, I didn't much care for that." Because I know most of that vitriol is the ego of the poster attempting to assert itself through the veil on anonymity. If a physical stranger on the street came up to me, a man with a face and clothes showing his taste and money in his wallet, and he hurled upon me even a fraction of the abuse anon did I would disintegrate and weep.

>> No.6128029

>legitimately cannot handle the bantz

>> No.6128033

Sounds like you're trying really hard to rationalize your inabilitly to handle the bantz.
Sorry chief but when I call you a faggot and tell you to leave forever because nobody wants you here, it's sincere.

>> No.6128034

Get the fuck out

>> No.6128037

I love you too, man. I love you too.

>> No.6128039

pure ideology

4chan anonymity is a spook

>> No.6128046
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/lit/ attracts a lot of newfags who dont lurk enough before posting
they get btfo
then they create threads like this

>> No.6128054


its not a meme we really hate you reddit scum you represent the worst of our society.

>> No.6128056

>implying I'm a newfaggot

Nice try, m8. You almost triggered me.

>> No.6128123

/lit/ is actually pretty nice

>> No.6128127

the negativity here is not extreme at all, idk how you've interpreted the board this way