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6127551 No.6127551 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever masturbated whilst reading a book?

>> No.6127557
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reading is more gratifying

>> No.6127562
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>> No.6127575

Not during, but I did fap after reading some parts of The King Must Die.

>> No.6127577

So I just watched this video and I'm not entirely sure what happened.

Was she faking, stimulated, or did reading the book fucking drive her to orgasm?

>> No.6127579

yes i have masturbated to philosophy in the bedroom. overall it was a good experience 6/10

>> No.6127584
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In "The Clan of the Cave Bear" I began masturbating after getting an erection at the part where the female protagonist is raped by a neanderthal

>> No.6127588

Fapped to Sade's "Justine, or Good Conduct Well-Chastised".

>> No.6127590


>> No.6127591

The book is in there for quasi-art.
Basically he filmed a porn actress getting plasured by a vibrator.

>> No.6127595

It was a porn 'actress' doing her day job duty: faking an orgasm.

>> No.6127596

no, i'm not a chick. If I feel like wacking it I just watch a porno.

>> No.6127597

Thanks, gents. I wasn't turned on so much as confused.

>> No.6127614

> i'm not a chick

post penis

>> No.6127615

nice try, fag

>> No.6127623

Yes, Chants of Maldoror it was.

>> No.6127625

ye, when i was on vacation and wifi wasnt invented yet.

>> No.6127635

Do magazines count

>> No.6127641


One of the earliest things I remember whacking it to was my mum's copy of Delta of Venus.

This was pre-internet, mind, and people would get hot and bothered about lingerie catalogues.

>> No.6127674

I suspect women experience multiple mini-orgasm while reading stuff like Twillight or 50 shades of grey. Without even touching themselves. Women aren't as visually or physically stimulated as men are, for them it's all about the idea, the excitement and the emotions. Those are perfectly conveyed through books.

These books are literally porn for women.

>> No.6127741

Patricians are stimulated by ideas. Why are women superior to men with regards to their intellectual pornography?

>> No.6127749


by stimulated i suspect he means gratified, which is not why a patrician reads.

>> No.6127763

yes, bust my first nut to those caveman doorstoppers. don't remember the name

>> No.6127765

i hope for your sake that youre just pretending to be retarded

>> No.6127819

She must be reading Hegel

>> No.6127833

Reading the dictionary.

>> No.6127839

Oh yes. Way how Conn Iggulden writes sex scenes just rocks my boat.

>> No.6127916

While reading last part of "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man".

>> No.6128008

I started to while reading Moby Dick

>> No.6128021

When I was very young I read some book about android that was, in hindsight, probably a cheap actiony rip off of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

Anyway, the main character was a self-aware android built like a human female. In the early parts of the book she has a one night stand with some dude, and then later on she's friends with this female rebel leader and there's a scene where she's sitting with her shirt off and the rebel leader is kneeling in front of her doing her fucking nails or some trite. I just remember picturing that scene, when I was first discovering masturbation and stuff like that. I doubt I fapped with the book in my hand or anything, but I remember bringing up that scene in my head while fapping.

>> No.6128022

Take a good look at the webm faggots that will be the only time any of you see a woman orgasm

>> No.6128097

Yes. I was like 13 or something.

>> No.6128861

No, but I got a boner during "Sirens" in Ulysses.

>> No.6128914 [DELETED] 

*sigh* yet another TTKM thread.

>> No.6128940 [DELETED] 

Stop trying to make TTKM happen.

>> No.6128964

Fakest expression of pleasure ever.

>> No.6128992

>read erotica
>sex scene
>heat of the moment
>go wank
>read on
>still horny
>another wank
>wank so much it's not so hot anymore
>wait a few hours
>start reading again
>hot again
>cycle continues

>> No.6129003


>> No.6129029

>he thinks it's a real orgasm

>> No.6129044

>Implying you can tell the difference

>> No.6129083

Yes, I did.

>> No.6129086

no. but i do read erotica stories instead of watching porn

>> No.6129100

>people implying there is anything wrong with faking an orgasm

>> No.6129149

Anyone who likes Stoya is delusional. I've read hentai with more realistic expressions.

>> No.6130243

I don't have internet in my apartment and my bf lives far away, so I have masturbated to: Lolita, Leda and the Swan, some of John Donne's love poems, The Vivisector, The Color Purple (yes, I'm ashamed of that one), some Stephen King, some Isaac Bashevis Singer, The Life of an Amorous Woman, and probably lots more that I can't remember right now.

>> No.6130259


>> No.6130268

For women, reading comprehension remains the same. They might as well be flicking the bean.

>> No.6130745

When I was 13 I masturbated to one of the books in the magician trilogy.
Looking back, I think that book gave me a sub/pet play fetish,

>> No.6130765
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>Admitting to such a thing, even anonymously. Especially if you're a woman. Disgusting

>> No.6130783

She's reading Necrophilia Variations.

>> No.6130875
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I downloaded 50 Shades of Gray on my phone to see what all the fuss was about and made it like a page and a half.

It's terrible but I get it. Literally every woman you know who read that thing masturbated furiously every couple pages.

>> No.6131044

Do you only know middle aged women?

No way in hell would a ''decent'' woman masturbate to this. Not every woman likes garbage.

It's not good literature, and it's not even good porn. It's only use is to maybe give some imagination to empty mothers.

>> No.6131060

''not every woman'' yeah, yeah, bad wording, but statistically -

They can't all be stupid, right?

>> No.6131061

She had a magic wand vibrator held between her legs under the table.

>> No.6131075

If any woman you know admits to having read it, they have masturbated to it.

There's literally no other reason to read it. If they read past the first five pages, or to completion, they masturbated. Guaranteed.

>> No.6131079
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>tfw my mom read it

>> No.6131098

I read up to the third book and it was a complete waste of time. I did it to see if it really was shit...

I say it's not porn because it's too comedic.
''..like the wizard's apprentice I am, I .." This was in one of the sex scenes... How could that be taken seriously in any way? Unless maybe the reader had the mind of a teenager, but the dissatisfaction and longing of a fat hag.

>> No.6131135
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the idea etc is hot for me too does that mean I'm a girl or something?


The First North Americans Series by the Gears? My grandfather had a lot of those books, my mom did once tell me they were full of smut. Not a pleasant image tbh.

I fap to books all the time. I didn't see a real porn film till I was 14 so books were my main source of "inspiration" Fuck, I used to think the man just laid on the woman with his pecker in her and didn't have to pump or anything. Little did I know.

On that note do you guys know any good books with lots of like concubines and harems and bondagey stuff?

>> No.6131140

so virgin lmaooooo

>> No.6131147

just justine sufficed

i also did that

>> No.6131154

I got hard and considered touching myself while reading Story of the Eye if that counts

>> No.6131176
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Yes, of course, hasn't everybody? WB Yeats in his autobiographies reveals he had his first orgasm spontanteously while reading the poetry of PB Shelley. Nicholson Baker in "U & I" reveals that he was never able to successfully masturbate to John Updike's novels, but frequently jerked off to Iris Murdoch. WH Auden admitted that the only pornography that aroused him was the written word, and he wrote "The Platonic Blow" to prove it. Even Machiavelli made reference to "books we read with one hand," probably thinking of Aretino's Sonnetti Lussoriosi or maybe the Hermaphroditus of Panormitanus.

I was never particularly interested in porn and never really sought it out before college. But I think the first books I masturbated to (i.e. 6th thru 12th grade) were as follows:

Clan of the Cave Bear, Valley of the Horses, The Short-Timers by Gustav Hasford, Portnoy's Complaint & The Breast, Tropic of Cancer & Tropic of Capricorn, the Satyricon of Petronius, the Epigrams of Martial, Living in Ether by Patricia Geary, IT by Stephen King, Roger's Version by John Updike, A Boy's Own Story by Edmund White, Myra Breckinridge by Gore Vidal, Handling Sin by Michael Malone, Our Kind by Marvin Harris, various guides to puberty (Lynn Madaras, Tony Wolf) and a comic book version of "Othello" where Desdemona gets her tits out, also a comic book called "Freud for Beginners", Cleland's Fanny Hill (Penguin edition), The Love Machine by Jacqueline Susann, and also Juliette and the 120 Days of Sodom by the Marquis de Sade (strangely I recall learning in 10th grade that Justine has nothing to fap to), Fear of Flying, Lady Chatterley's Lover, A Clockwork Orange, The Wanting Seed, The Color Purple, and Suetonius's Lives of the 12 Caesars (Penguin edition). I think I even jerked off to Ray Monk's biography of Wittgenstein in my senior year of high school.

Obviously when you're an adolescent who isn't interested in porn and who is interested in literature, it doesn't take too much to get you aroused. As the presence of some fairly dull items on that list (like a pop-anthropology book) may demonstrate.

>> No.6131199
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I tried to during the first chapter of the Marquis De Sade's Juliette, but the act of turning the pages made it cumbersome. Perhaps I'd have a better experience if I got my sister to read it out to me

>> No.6131208

it's normal in civilised countries.

>> No.6131210

say hi to the ask reddit community for me

>> No.6131233

first few faps were to big art history textbooks looking for naked ladies. I dog-eared especially salacious pages and my dad was annoyed by that. quite shameful.

afterwards I read through big life-science books looking for ones about anatomy and reproduction. I remember looking through a big medical dictionary at my grandmother's house, trying to get something out of "reproduction" & the associated words.

later, I got most of my knowledge from wikipedia. I actually recall a point where I was disappointed that there was nothing new to discover...

to this day I still regularly masturbate to particularly lasciviously written bits of Freud's ouvre

>> No.6131367


>WB Yeats in his autobiographies reveals he had his first orgasm spontanteously while reading the poetry of PB Shelley.

the guy was probably nofap sexually repressed to the point of having blueballs the size of watermelons. this simply doesn't happen to normal people. the dude was edging so hard it was going to go down regardless.

>> No.6131625

Yeah, teacher gave us an excerpt from a Flaubert book, if I recall correctly.

Of course I did the asseigned job the night before.

It put me in such a state that I only could masturbate while re-reading it.
(that female description...)

And I don't remember which book it was taken from :(

>> No.6131630

keep telling yourself that

>> No.6131633

kill yourself

>> No.6131634

I was fucking with a red-hair girl while reading it.

Couldn't picture Justine in any other way than her (the fact that she was very submissive toward me and that I took her virginity might have helped.

I hated the book though

>> No.6131638

Old faggot here. There are fewer decent women than you think.

>> No.6131648
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>> No.6131657

I'm relatively a youngfag but I've been with my lady for 9 years and recognize there is pretty much no one else like her. I tease my friend who bangs mad random bitches that he's gonna get legislated into paying for these chicks ten cats when he's 30.

>> No.6131658
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>Suetonius's Lives of the 12 Caesars

OK, definitely bibliophile

>> No.6131662

You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.6131694
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I had a nice little jerk off when I read the sex scene in On Beauty.

>> No.6131709

Justine got me closest to pulling it out
I was rock-hard at least 3/4 of that book

>> No.6131731

is it gay if you fap to a book from a male author?

>> No.6131735


fapping to anything is gay
everyone is gay
men are gay
women are gay
you, your mother, your father and brother, are gay

>> No.6131736


Funny you should mention.
I got an erection whilst reading Norwegian Wood last night thought about having a fap but I was too tired.

>> No.6131740

author is dead, mate.

>> No.6131753

That makes it even worse, doesn't it?

>> No.6131802

who is this cute