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/lit/ - Literature

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6126138 No.6126138 [Reply] [Original]

How does poetry/literature compare to music as art forms? Which one do you prefer?

Honestly, music is by far the highest art form to me. It's strange as hell because it's almost ENTIRELY human and ENTIRELY out of nowhere. It seems almost divine because of how strange it is, how far we've taken it (with all of the theory and the gigantic orchestras and the scale and emotion of the greatest pieces and the talent required to play it and the instruments invented to perform it on). Humans seem to all share an intrinsic appreciation of it, and we can never really find it in nature (some may say birds or some may say the rhythm of certain things, but the melodies and harmonies and all of that seems to be entirely manmade). Most other art seems to be some sort of replication or advancement of something necessary for survival or found in nature, such as seeing interesting things leading to painting leading to all of the complex theory behind that or communicating leading to writing leading to all the complex theory behind that. But music is completely abstract, has become progressively overblown and magnificent, and manages to create strong reactions inside of me, entertain me, and even sometimes rekindle non-musical memories. It truly does make life worth living, and helps both take away the pain, force me to remember it, and conquer it. also, maybe share your favorite pieces in this thread because I'm curious who else listens to classical

Am I making sense, though? Isn't music really abstract and strange when you think of how different it is from the other main art forms, and how far its gone, and how far it is from practical use, and how far it is from the natural world? It's like a language of emotion! It's unlike anything else yet it is more powerful than everything else. It would be fascinating to study how it works in college, but I think that would be viewed as a waste of money.

>> No.6126151
File: 981 KB, 1200x1443, Beethoven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy."

>> No.6126155

behold ladies and gentlemen

a pleb in its purest form

>> No.6126159

I like music too but
>language is not man-made and abstract and highly developed
in fact, drawing and most other forms of art work through the abstract too so that whole argument doesn't make much sense to me

>> No.6126164

All art has the same purpose. Thus they are equal.

>> No.6126173

Except for theater. That's not art. That's just shit.

>> No.6126179

Yes, music is the highest art form. No, this is not the board to discuss it. You are a fucking pleb and aren't far enough along in your musical development to appreciate natural sound as music, which means you can't comment. Delete your thread, go to /mu/, fuck off

>> No.6126180

Language is abstract and man-made, just not on the level of music.

>> No.6126220

For what reasons?

>> No.6126237

I guess I would think so because language and writing have many practical uses. Music solely exists to humans as art.

>> No.6126254

Yeah, my sister is like that as well, she considered music to be divine philosophy understood with a different logical system. She's especially obsessed with vocals, and gets me to practice Libiamo with her.

>> No.6126257


Is she cute?

>> No.6126259

I honestly didn't mean this thread to be dismissing all other art forms, by the way. I just think music is the best or at least most interesting to me because it has no 'practical' use and isn't an imitation of the natural world. THAT'S ALL.

>> No.6126280
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I agree. So which album has the best metaphysics and why is it pic related?

>> No.6126392

It's not funny anymore, get to the punchline or give it a fucking rest.

>> No.6126627

I dont feel like I can compare one art form to another, but, here is my favourite piece of music:

>> No.6126711
File: 248 KB, 1022x1454, beethoven4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah nigga. Beethoven represent.
>Emperor Concerto
>Late string quartets
Beethoven is the GOAT, you literally can't beat him

>> No.6126733
File: 662 KB, 1943x2490, Shakespeare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except for theater. That's not art.
Say that to my face knave not online and see what happens

>> No.6126843


what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.6126868
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>> No.6126873

Why limit yourself to only classical music? The only people I've known who listen exclusively to classical are boring, pretentious fucks.

>> No.6126896

Romantic era is the greatest era for art.

>> No.6127025

Tristan und Isolde
Beethoven - Missa Solemnis
Lou Reed - Berlin
En - Already Gone
En - The Absent Coast
John Davis - Ask the Dust
Lou Reed - Take No Prisoners
Frank Sinatra & Count Basie - Live at the Sands (at least the first half)
Count Basie & His Orchestra - Breakfast Dance and Barbecue
Christoph Berg - Paraphrases
Sly & the Family Stone - There's a Riot Goin' On
LUXURY ELITE // SAINT PEPSI - Late Night Delight
Neat Beats - Cosmic Surgery
The Velvet Underground
Lou Reed (with exceptions, e.g. Mistrial, New Sensations, Legendary Hearts, etc., obviously)
Jazz at Santa Monica Civic '72
David Bowie - Live at the Tower Philadelphia (first cd)
Danny Norbury - Light in August
Field Rotation - And Tomorrow I Will Sleep
The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Pregnant - YOUR SONG
Der Ring des Nibelungen


>> No.6127027
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>> No.6127033

your arguments are weak and only demonstrate you know nothing of music theory

>> No.6127043

poetry is more spiritual

> But music is completely abstract, has become progressively overblown and magnificent, and manages to create strong reactions inside of me, entertain me, and even sometimes rekindle non-musical memories.

The best kind of music doesn't affect your emotions.
Here's the hierarchy:

Music that only affects your body (makes you want to dance, bob your head, whatever).
Music that affects your emotions (difference between this kind of music and the above is that this kind usually has some kind of melody whereas the former is almost entirely based on rhythm).
Music that doesn't affect either your body or your emotions but leaves a kind of tranquillity (e.g. Gregorian chant).

Beethoven is shit. All Sturm & Drang nonsense. Stupid narcissist.

>> No.6127049

You sound immature.
>the sound makes me feel a special tingly in my heart
Wow. Congratulations on this being more resonating than the greatest novels of the world. Sure shows your depth.

The faggot in this picture >>6127027 is correct despite him being "ironic"

>> No.6127055

>Beethoven - Missa Solemnis

hate this
it's worse than Bach's Mass.
Most of Bach's Mass in B minor sounds like a pastoral symphony, and then there are moments of spiritual "ecstasy".
Missa Solemnis is pure dreck though. It's all Romantic affectation. Sounds like the French Revolution more than a Cathedral.

All of Beethoven's music is grotesque/ugly. If Mozart wrote pretty pop music then Beethoven wrote heavy metal.

This is what a Mass is supposed to sound like:

>> No.6127058

>All Sturm & Drang
>his most famous movements are representative of All his work

>> No.6127061

I've listened to a lot of his string quartets, symphonies, and piano sonatas, and the vast majority of it is sturm & drang.
Maybe his very early stuff isn't but that's when he was copying Haydn and before he developed his own style.

>> No.6127063


listen to this sonata

is opens with a gentle and nostalgic melody and that descends quickly into affectation and nonsense / emotional bluster.

>> No.6127067



this is Beethoven's best moment lol

>> No.6127068

That would make music pure art, it would not make it the highest form.

>> No.6127071

>Music solely exists to humans as art.

Also as a beat to make sex more pleasurable according to many of the videos I've seen on the internet.

>> No.6127073

I disagree. But in that case you really hate Wagner, don't you?

>> No.6127074
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Please, God, let this be bait.

>> No.6127075

yeah, Wagner is just Beethoven taken to its logical conclusion.

>> No.6127078

And the seventh movement of this string quartet is pure heavy metal.

>> No.6127089


this music reaches as about as high as it gets in terms of the classical grandeur.

>> No.6127096


some good contemporary music

>> No.6127396

The precocious sister who wants to fuck thing

>> No.6127456

An anon in this thread said that from what I was saying and the arguments I used, it sounded more like I thought music was the 'purest' art form, and not the highest. I agree with that more than my original statement. Sorry for using incorrect words.

This doesn't mean that music isn't the highest art form, it just means that my point was more that it was the purest form. Sorry for anyone rattled by my post.

>> No.6127462

>calling people a pleb makes me feel better about my shit life

>> No.6127464

>Stupid narcissist
it isn't narcissism if it's true

>> No.6127474

Written language and music are both exclusive to humanity. As for artistic effectiveness music deals better with the emotional and transcendental and literature deals better with the thematic and (relatively) specific.

>> No.6127477

Now this is the response I was looking for. Thanks for your insight.
>music deals better with the emotional and transcendental and literature deals better with the thematic and (relatively) specific
Now, which do you think is more effective?

>> No.6127500

I have been really enjoying Ravel's Le Tombeau de Couperin lately. I want to learn it but it is probably a bit above my level.

Does /lit/ play an instrument?
Also, how about listening to pieces while reading, or strictly separate? I have a friend who claims they can absorb both simultaneously.

>> No.6127505

I play
>piano (only a little)
>saxophone (all kinds)
>guitar (only a little)
Though I could probably learn just about any wind instrument .

I read in silence.

>> No.6127510

>I'm curious who else listens to classical
and just like that your entire post was invalidated, you fucking tryhard prick

>> No.6127523


I play brass at a relatively high level and I'm learning guitar.

Personally interpretation of music and the idea of 'musicality' has always come extremely easily to me, but when I try to write I'm completely uninspired. Anyone else feel that they're way more cut out for expression rather than creation?

If I can play trumpet/euph/tuba etc how difficult would it be for me to pick up sax? I'm really into jazz and I prefer sax as a solo instrument over trumpet in that area.

Calling someone a tryhard for listening to classical is like calling someone a tryhard for reading the western canon.

>> No.6127532

>If I can play trumpet/euph/tuba etc how difficult would it be for me to pick up sax? I'm really into jazz and I prefer sax as a solo instrument over trumpet in that area.
If you're musically talented (as in, new things come easy to you) then it shouldn't be TOO bad. With woodwind instruments, you can't do partials- you can only press the keys to make it make a different sound. You have to keep your embouchure tight and consistent, as well.

Saxophone was my first instrument after piano, and it was pretty easy to pick up. But it's probably going to be difficult playing a woodwind after all those years of brass. Sax is probably one of the easier woodwind instruments, but don't count on even that to be easy. Try one out if you can, though.

>> No.6127535
File: 36 KB, 940x620, leonard-bernstein-quotes-10-1372770546-view-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Personally interpretation of music and the idea of 'musicality' has always come extremely easily to me, but when I try to write I'm completely uninspired. Anyone else feel that they're way more cut out for expression rather than creation?
You just haven't internalized some secrets that other composers have. Pic related is one of them. There's nothing stopping you from being a good composer.

>> No.6127544

I'm thinking about composing something, but I'm hesitant because I don't know about advanced music theory or have very good ear training. Would this stop me from composing anything?

>> No.6127548

>denying that I'm a pleb makes me feel better about my life
stay delusional pleb

>> No.6127554

I always though Bernstein was a mediocre composer at best.
What pieces of his do you enjoy?

>> No.6127567

Yeah honestly Bernstein is like the poster child of expression over creativity. Even as a relatively 'mediocre' composer he's better than most people will ever be, so I suppose Anon is right about not giving up.

>> No.6127617

Of course it wouldn't stop you, whatever knowledge you're missing you'll pick up along the way. A good tip i've heard is to just start, so just start something and don't care about what happens.
And when it comes to theory i think you should only study what you need at the moment. So don't study modulation if learning form is more important to you at the moment.

I think a good approach to composing, or any creative skill, is to find a good balance between creating and studying.

>> No.6127629
File: 21 KB, 350x400, Pythagoras_Music_T_SHIRT_red_deepred_swatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we conceive literature, as an art who employs a language as a mean of expression, and we consider music as a language, not only music is not far from other art forms, and therefore thought forms, but it also can be conceived as a way to find a common nexus between all of them; yet from the nature of a nexus, we can deduce that this path can be attained from different beginning points, that is, any other given language, from ordinary words, to mathematics.

This arises another question though: Whether if the nexus we find through language, is in our own mind as a result of our perception, or in the different languages themselves.

A good methodology, would be to listen systematically to different authors with an open mind, and as seen by the same conductor, so they have an inner consistency.

>> No.6127637


>is in our own mind as a result of our perception, or in the different languages themselves.

is in our own mind as a result of our perception, in the different languages themselves, in the objects of thought we express though them, or in some sort of unity we perform with all of these aspects of the aesthetic experience.

>> No.6128187

she a qt

>> No.6128234

I feel like what >>6127617 says is true, but that without comprehensive knowledge of theory you may not be able to convey everything what you want to convey.
Kind of like how you may want to play a particular piece, say a small band jazz improvisation, but your skills aren't good enough play in a way expresses yourself effectively.

Theory is definitely important to composition, because once you know the rules you're able break them. Otherwise you'll just follow conventions or simplify everything to the point of banality.