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/lit/ - Literature

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6121000 No.6121000 [Reply] [Original]

Terrible,horribly written pleb books that you still enjoyed reading.

>> No.6121006

>no space between commas
>shittiest book in existence

You're not from here, are you?

>> No.6121009

If you acknowledge a book to plebeian, then you shouldn't have enjoyed it unless you, yourself, are a plebeian. There are no real guilty pleasures.

>> No.6121014

I still enjoy Dr. Seuss from time to time. I would never tell anyone I know.

>> No.6121021

i like murakami a lot, and i guess you guys don't

that's the closest thing i can think of

>> No.6121027

This. Stop pretending, plebs. The shiggies up.

>> No.6121030

Gardens of the Moon & Deadhouse Gates

p-pic unrelated?

>> No.6121032

>reading for enjoyment
>reading pleb fodder

>> No.6121034

ive never seen anyone here bash murakami

>> No.6121056

Fine, I'll bite. I love everything Stieg Larsson has written, even his articles,

>> No.6121063

>being this new

>> No.6121091

I read Twilight and didn't really grew to hate it the way the memes told me I would.

I went in expecting a mediocre romance novel aimed at exciting preteen girls in order to get them to buy the book and got a mediocre, romance novel aimed at exciting preteen girls in order to get them to buy the book.

>> No.6121102

Yes, it's pretty formulaic. Most of those tween/teen books are.

>> No.6121564

>reading for enjoyment
Is this a meme? Because I certainly consider enjoyment to be one of the primary reasons why I read.

>> No.6121631
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>> No.6122214


>> No.6122333

Is Murakami genuinally pleb or is he just a meme, guys?

>> No.6122339

Damn nigguh i got trips

>> No.6123132

Stephen King. I've read Under the Dome. I haven't read The Shining (yet). I love the guy anyway. Mr. Mercedes was a good book, I'm looking forward to the next one, even though I think trying to turn everything into a series is a stupid move.

Other than that, I also enjoyed Orwell, even though I've only read Nineteen-Eighty-Four. Why do people here dislike him?

>> No.6123284

Jim Thompson, Donald Ray Pollock
Noir/pulp got me interested in reading and I enjoy them if my brain is too exhausted for the real good stuff.

>> No.6123288

Some of his stuff is really bad. But I occasionally think about reread one of the works I liked as an edgy teenager (Shining, It, Little things), but Iam afraid they would be bad too.

>> No.6123328

>hurr genre fiction bad

>> No.6123330

Its not something I still read, but in middle school I really like this guy called Harry Turtledove

>> No.6123343 [DELETED] 
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>Robert Greene and Machiavelli
>Anything Napoleon, French Revolution, and 19th century France
>Anything Michael Collins
>History of Britain and Ireland
>Spanish Civil War
>The war between Nazi Germany and the USSR
>Ancient Rome
>US Civil War
>Christoper Hitchens, Alain de Boton, GK Chesterton, Stephen Hawking


>> No.6123420

GK Chesterton isn't pleb

>> No.6123425

>Other than that, I also enjoyed Orwell, even though I've only read Nineteen-Eighty-Four. Why do people here dislike him?

To be edgy and contrarian

>> No.6123430

No, it's because Orwell is a shit author.

>> No.6123435


Have you actually read any of his stuff besides 1984 in highschool?

>> No.6123437

>writes to lower class audience in a lower class fashion about lower class ideas

3 for 3 pleb

>> No.6123440

then you're his audience, don't pretend you're some high class intellectual it is embarrasing for both of us

>> No.6123449


> muh high culture
> muh fedorah

>> No.6123457

Ulysses. Shit was awful but I finished it

>> No.6123472

I've read homage to Catalonia, animal farm, 1984 and down and out in Paris and London

1984 was rubbish, the rest was passable at best

>> No.6123483

Actually, I had my butler read his Wikipedia to me. I'd love to keep this sport up, but I have a hedge fund to run. Good bye.

>> No.6123492

>not truly enjoying good literature

No anon, you are the pleb

>> No.6123515
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>talking about shit about Orwell without having read The Road to Wigan Pier
>mfw your a pleb

>> No.6123541

A fault in our stars
Looking for Alaska

>> No.6123554
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pic related

>> No.6123560

>shittier fantasy books

>> No.6123592
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>implying this is pleb-tier

>> No.6124496
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>> No.6124868

I enjoyed the one Dean Koontz novel I read, though I'd probably dislike it now.

>> No.6124879

This, I loved Norwegian wood even though like a pleb for reading it

>> No.6124930

Kind of an dumb meme. He uses similar story elements quite a bit and I had found a bingo card with elements in his novels.

>> No.6125048

Borges. Fucking bourgeois, academic writer.

>> No.6125666 [SPOILER] 
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why do you enjoy this?
you can honestly read better smut just by going on /mlp/

>> No.6125884

did you guys know that this was literally adapted from twilight fan fiction?

>> No.6125891
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To any lurkers in this thread, this is /lit/ summarized. Well done gentlemen.

>> No.6127199
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Superior smut

>> No.6127467

once you feel the sublime you cannot read pleb shit anymore without cringing

>> No.6128429

It's a /lit/ thing.
There is a load of pretentious faggots with mother issues and women hate projection.
They try to be the utter intelectual-classy man, and they fail when believing that anything besides a few patrician books is total crap.

>> No.6128436

>There are no real guilty pleasures.
I agree with this. Nothing should be considered a 'guilty pleasure'

>> No.6128447

The discworld series

>> No.6128468

Only certain works like 1q84. He's just very polarizing.

>> No.6128493
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Do you really feel guilty when reading them? ;_;

>> No.6128518

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime

>> No.6128529

>Terrible,horribly written pleb books that you still enjoyed reading.


>> No.6128531

1984 is great

>> No.6128592

I'm considering writing some formulaic piece of shit with the specific intention of building a massive, rabid fanbase of 12-year-old girls. Whose admiration I would then use to fuck them.

I would be like the Gary Glitter of literature.

>> No.6128608
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you enjoy reading that some fucke up dude is "fucking" you. or just the idea of reading porn???

>> No.6128624

The writing is mediocre and the message is very low brow.

>> No.6128674

I'm sorry you feel that way but most critics would beg to differ :^)

>> No.6128797
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>Implying 1984 is bad

>> No.6128804

Wow can you not?

>> No.6128924
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The writing was dull, it's possible to work out what the author was reading at the time by looking at the various sections, the characters are flat and cliched, and worst of all, it steals a joke from Blackadder.

But I still found myself enjoying it. I don't know why, but I did.
I have to admit though, the premise was what made me buy it. The Royal Navy kicking alien arse was enough.

>> No.6131244

None. I was thinking of "/lit/: a board", but I don't enjoy reading it at all, I'm just addicted.

>> No.6131311
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This thread is useless.

>> No.6131332

Anything by Augusten Burroughs

>> No.6131561

Read that years ago, just could not sympathize with that autistic pov