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/lit/ - Literature

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6120614 No.6120614 [Reply] [Original]

university anons, where do you go to school? major?

>> No.6120619

Lancaster University. English. Kill me.

>> No.6120624

Canterbury Christ Church University. English Lit. eliminate my map.

>> No.6120630

FAU Erlangen

>> No.6120634

Law school

>> No.6120643
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Royal Holloway, Drama & Philosophy (top kek)

Going onto an MA at Birmingham

>> No.6120647


Hope someone is paying your fees anon, debt of that size blows.

>> No.6120650
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Regrettable decision

>> No.6120669



>> No.6120674

University of Life. Hard knocks.

>> No.6120678

Grand Canyon University, Crime Pathology

>> No.6120688
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Feels good not being an american who can only be a slave lawyer.

>> No.6120700

Ohio State, history major

that's the next step

>> No.6120706

CU Boulder

>> No.6120712


Country? Got a specialisation in mind?

>> No.6120726

Currently pursuing my PhD at Ball So Hard University

>> No.6120737

East Europe. Lawyer, will continue my father's work.

>> No.6120738

Middlebury. Russian and Eastern European studies

>> No.6120756

Freshman here: law school

>> No.6120770


Thinking of transferring here. Do you like Midd?

>> No.6120783

Sewanee: The University of the South
English and Classics

>> No.6120787
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went to The Evergreen State College for a little while then I withdrew from the school, currently planning to start premed at some state university on the west coast this fall

>> No.6120795

Nowhere at the moment. I want to go but i can't decide what to choose to study.

>> No.6120802

>State university
>Not an Ivy League school

>> No.6120810


No need to rush it brah. I didn't start until 23

>> No.6120811

Transferring there for next fall. I'm at York now (the Canadian one) so I dgaf.
Is it really that bad? Or just normal bad like every other undergraduate institution in the world save for a very few

>> No.6120827

What's your major?

>> No.6120837

(not that guy but I also go to UBC)
It's dece. Mostly good programs. Nice campus. Be prepared to be mauled by Asians everyday. What's your major?

>> No.6120844
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I'm >>6120643

MA by research in education, focused on philosophy of education, going onto PhD in the US

>tfw networking pays off

>> No.6120847

Bucknell University. Film.

>> No.6120860



>> No.6120864
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Florida State University. Computer Engineering.

>Passion for literature but hate those feminazis and SJWs that pollute it
>Will just follow my passion for technology instead and write in my spare time.
Computer Engineering is perfect too because I like both EE and CS

>> No.6120865

>Be prepared to be mauled by Asians everyday.
lel better then the Indians and Pakistanis that make up a majority of the shitshow that is York University.
Majoring in History with a minor in Phil

>> No.6120873

i'm thinking about going. if you don't mind me asking, what were your guys gpas and lsats?

>> No.6120876

Well i'm 21 now and would be 22 if i started this year.

>> No.6120878


I see we beat Cambridge on university challenge again today

>> No.6120891

NC State university

Sometimes I feel like the odd man out being a stem major here, but I can't even remember how long I've been coming here. Ironically I've grown to dislike the stem mentality too. But I just love genetics, it's really a cool field and now is an awesome time to be in it.

>> No.6120994

I'm this guy >>6120756
I'm not american, anon. I don't know any equivalent of those in here. I didn't even know them, I had to Google those terms haha. Is there anything else I could answer to help you? (:

>> No.6121035

After high school, I decided to take two years off of college to further my knowledge in computer programming, and pursue knowledge in literature and learning new languages. I'm currently finishing up Japanese, and I'm going to learn Italian soon.

Once I turn 20 or 21, I'll go to school for computer science, probably minor in something history or literary-related, but I really, really hate schooling, especially when literature is involved.

>> No.6121041

I went to Southampton for a year and now I don't go to University and I'm desperately trying to complete an entire maths A-Level in six months so that I can do something that doesn't make me feel like i'm a worthless piece of shit.

>> No.6121057

University of South Carolina

>> No.6121066

I'm you but in the Uk, also my head is too big for business to leave my true calling for a passion I can concentrate on in my spare time

>> No.6121130


Haven't declared major yet

where my ivy bros?

>> No.6121146
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Why am I surprised there are so many art majors on /lit/?

>> No.6121153

>not being NEET

>> No.6121160

Won't tell you my school. Chemistry.

>> No.6121184

that looks patrician as fuck

>> No.6121186

Get out Jay Z.

>> No.6121189


Oh hey, I go there too, but for a liberal arts/social science degree

What do you think of proposals to split the College of Engineering between FSU and FAMU? A lot of the students who were objecting to the new university president were terrified of that happening.

>> No.6121193


Is there anything more full of complete shit than the student art gallery? Maybe a manure spreader...

>> No.6121196
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William and Mary
History major and Classics minor

>> No.6121201


Is majoring in Classics like The Secret History by Donna Tartt but in real life?

>> No.6121206

Hey York buddy. I also transferred from York (to UofT though). I know another guy who did the same.


>> No.6121208

as another classics major I can confirm this

>> No.6121210


>> No.6121212

Thrasher's proposals to split the college really freak me out because that limits my learning potential, and cuts off potential networks for internships and research projects. I agree that sharing a college is odd but it works so damn well.

>> No.6121219
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Entirely humorless student body comprised of 2nd/3rd gen Asian yuppies and insular foreigners. You wouldn't think such a beautiful campus would be the home to such depressing, passionless and hostile people. The level of instruction/education in the Arts department is sub par to my public high school.

The only people who seem to be fucking alive at the damn school are in the Greek system.
Also, Vancouverites aren't Canadian.
Rush a fraternity.

>> No.6121228
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>Won't tell you my school

>> No.6121383

University of Victoria

>> No.6121387

george washington university

double major in asian studies and religious studies

>> No.6121392

UChicago patrician reporting. Avoided HYP to avoid people I attended high school with.

>> No.6121402

u chicago is the most autistic university in America. Don't try to pretend like you aren't some shrimpy limp wristed virgin. You're not patrician and you certainly aren't ivy league tier.

>> No.6121452


Different anon. UChicago isn't HYP but it's on par (if not better than) the rest of the ivy league.

>> No.6121482


penn here

there has to be at least two of us

>> No.6121487

University of Buenos Aires. Medicine.

>> No.6121488


I am autistic-ish and hate bumping into people I know. Didn't my post make it abundantly clear?

As far as academics go, I love this place. I'm glad I'm surrounded by passionate people and not wannabe noblemen who care more about eating clubs than their education.

>> No.6121492


I go to lab

half my class gets in to uofc every year

all the dumb kids that dont get into good schools go so theres a real stigma around it

otherwise i'd probably go

I'll be going to penn next year

>> No.6121496

University of Melbourne; Arts

>> No.6121497

OSU represent!

>> No.6121531
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PSU-Philly isn't prestigious. Sure, it is one of the oldest land grant universities. Unless you go to Wharton, UChicago > Penn.

- Williams patrician

>> No.6121539

i am wharton

but mostly i just dont want to go to uchi because of my location otherwise itd probably be above penn

>> No.6121540

university of alabama huntsville

>> No.6121544

You guys make good pornography, but your football team sucks. Go ducks.

>> No.6121546

What type of Engineering?

Also Alabama is a great state for it, despite the hilarious redneck stigma about Alabama.

I'm the CpE guy from FSU, but I was born in AL

>> No.6121553

I'm in electrical
Huntsville is interesting in that most people here are from somewhere else, though once you get outside the city limits it's back to hickville

>> No.6121565

u mad bro?


>> No.6121573

University of Colorado

almost halfway done and still undecided major :/

>> No.6121574

Have a degree in English Lit/journalism

Getting a Masters in college administration

>> No.6121588


i didn't claim we were special

it's alright, i'm happy and i'll have a good job after graduation so no complaints here

>> No.6121600

community college
cognitive science

>> No.6121614

university of maryland, college park

computer science with minor in philosophy, switching to mathematics next semester

>> No.6121628

University of Sydney
graduated from Arts(philosophy)/Law

>> No.6121725


im thinking about transfering to OSU, can you gimme what your impression is about it?

>> No.6121750


>> No.6121758

Yank at University of Queensland
MA in International Relations.

Applying to business school after this.

>> No.6121764

University of Arkansas, English

>> No.6121873

Well this is only my first year here (technically a sophomore) so I might not be the best to judge but so far I like it a lot. My classes this semester are challenging but I have nothing really to complain about (except for a harsh spanish teacher). Also being in the capitol there are tons of opportunities that would be impossible elsewhere.

>> No.6121938


OSU is much more technically focused than other Oregon Universities, which are more liberal arts-ish

>> No.6122208

US Naval Academy, have a month to decide if I go history or english.

>wat do

>> No.6122218


>> No.6122234

Awesome, I'm >>6120706

>> No.6122242

that sucks

>> No.6122249


nice, I'm also UMD Computer Science, might minor in comparative lit

>> No.6122283

What do you study?

>> No.6122287
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Transferring to one of the following:
>Northwestern (hopefully)

My major will depend on which uni I go to. I'll most likely go into environmental science/engineering. I might minor in English if it's possible.

Pic related is where I got my associate degree and EMT licensure. Pretty impressive community college really.

Any Chicagoans in /lit/? Not UofC, you guys are way on the Southside and might as well not exist.

>> No.6122316


>> No.6122365

Deakin, commerce

>> No.6122366

How do you like it there? I'm seriously considering heading that way this fall after my undergrad.

>> No.6122372

Svenska Handeshögskolan in Helsinki, Finland. Studying finance and economics.

>tfw no lit major

>> No.6122374

IIT Chicago-Kent represent.

>> No.6122394

I'm also a physics major there too....

>> No.6122411

At U of T
The University of Toronto is a good institution, studied Philosophy there and I'm happy with what I've been exposed to. Not quite sure whether I'd of had the same experience had I been self-taught (fuck, forgot my pretentious dictive for this word).
Will be at Ryerson University (a tier 2 school, U of T is definitely tier 1) next year to study Mathematics and Comp. Sci.

>> No.6122415

Taking a gap year and planning to go to university in a couple years to study mathematics.

Any /lit/ universities with good math programs? I'm really interested in language, anthropology, and philosophy on the side but I'll probably major in math. I'm currently considering Reed because I've heard they have a pretty good science department, but I've heard a lot of bad stuff about that school as well.

Other options I'm considering are McGill, UBC, AUB, or Harvey Mudd if I can get in.

>> No.6122422

>fuck, forgot my pretentious dictive for this word

An autodidact is someone who is self-taught, but in the sentence the form autodidactive would be more appropriate

>> No.6122456

Mind following up on this if you're still here? My highschool grades basically restricted me to TESC and maybe WWU, but at this point i'm favoring the programs at TESC. I'm pretty self directed, which seems to be the biggest problem most have with TESC besides the student body, which I also don't mind. Looking towards doing Sustainable Design/Urban Planning with a little bit of philosophy and literature mixed in.

>> No.6122457

I wanted to transfer there, but they don't have an environmental program for a BA.

Do you like it there?

>> No.6122473

I helped run a Wharton business ventures program. Is everyone there a helpless idiot or does the program select them

>> No.6122483


>> No.6122503

ayyyy Cornell University here

>> No.6122514

Oh shit. I'm enlisted, working on getting an education there for a commission. Good luck anon.

>> No.6122566


American pls stay .

UQ needs more interesting people

>> No.6122872
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Based Magdalen College
>mfw I met Quinn irl

>> No.6123001

Princeton here. Chemistry.

>> No.6123003

why would you admit to going to a safety school?

>> No.6123019

University of New South Wales
Mechanical Engineering

Still have very little direction though

>> No.6123084

University of Aberden


>> No.6123138

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University (Macedonia)
English Language and Literature

It's okay, I guess.

Is the major/minor stuff an American only thing? What does it mean?

>> No.6123167


Current and former military people who teach or write history tend to be propagandists far more than Historians

For your Bachelor's, go English. You can do a Master's in History later at somewhere with a more credible take on the subject.

>> No.6123172
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University of İstanbul, Faculty of Law.

>> No.6123195

>Is the major/minor stuff an American only thing? What does it mean?
the major is your major concentration and your minor (usually optional) is your minor concentration. you don't need as many credits to get a minor. pretty weird, huh?

for example, i majored in english and minored in philosophy

>> No.6123209

I'm gonna be visiting Istanbul in a couple of weeks, are there cool places I could visit just with english that aren't tourists hot spots? Is there a really cool food place I should know about?

>> No.6123212

So when you finish your studies do you get two degrees, or what?

>> No.6123223

In my country we have different titles for a shorter college study (technicians usually) and another for a 5+ years one (licenciado or ingeniero or something that sounds a bit more real), then you can have an extra couple of years to be a professor or more to get a doctorate/PhD
Some people get our major equivalent title and then go to the states to get another majoring. While in the US that would just be a double majoring on the same field since it has a different name it tricks some people here, many marketing students do that.

>> No.6123236

no, only one degree. the minor doesn't count as its own degree. for example I got a bachelor of arts in english with a minor in philosophy.

you can get dual degrees if you do two different majors, but rules about that vary by universities. sometimes its called dual degree and you get two different degrees, other times its just dual majors and you get one degree with both majors listed

>> No.6123249

are you from argentina or chile?

>> No.6123256
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Purdue University
nuclear engineering

>> No.6123267

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, in the Netherlands. Economics and Business Economics.

/lit/ is just a hobby after all.

>> No.6123274

Ah, l see. Thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.6123292


>> No.6123299

Oxford, Philosophy and Comp. Sci.

>> No.6123300


it was mostly that I realized I wanted to become a doctor and while TESC does have the right classes to get into med-school my chances would be way better if I went to a regular college and took there classes.

I dont have anything against TESC, its just that it didnt have what I needed. TESC is a good school though, lots of QT alternative/hippy girls and psychedelics are super easy to find and cheap

>> No.6123302
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Sofia University
English and American Studies

>> No.6123308
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I really really need to know more people in college. I've tried joining some societies but they're cliquey and I'm assburger.

>> No.6123315
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I wish I had lectures in some of the comfier rooms.

>> No.6123318

Heartknox University

>> No.6123326
File: 3.60 MB, 3872x2592, Oslo University.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That university looks amazing.

Mine looks meh.

>> No.6123336


join an improv group, it will literally force you to interact and be social with people

you gotta dive in head-first to conquer your fear

>> No.6123337
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Yours doesn't seem bad as well.
What are you majoring?

How is the education in Norwey, are state universities better than the private ones ?

Here the private ones are just for the students who are dumb and can't get into the state universities where the education is best.

>> No.6123341

ask in /trv/ and they'll gladly help out. Also, my advice, the Prince's Islands or smth like that. You take a 1hr ferry and it drops you off in a bunch of islands, super cool and chill, no cars allowed there, plenty of bikes and horse-pulled carts. Nice for a chill afternoon.

And take the ferry (or bus, but ferry is faster) to the asian part of the city, in the south (can't remember the name). Very different from the rest of Istanbul.

>> No.6123344

JHU here. Not sure yet, but I'll probably do cognitive science as a major. Minor could go to comp sci or english, we'll see.

Nice campus, but the city kinda sucks.

>> No.6123352

Majoring in PoliSci. The education here is pretty good, but there isn't any private Universities in Norway, so I don't really have any statistics or personal anecdotes from anyone to compare it with.

>> No.6123366
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Community College

>> No.6123369

Bulgarian philology here

>лекции в аулата

I'm not sure I can agree with you. In most cases you are right, but the private ones, and especially the one we are thinking of have some advantages when it comes to the material base of the university and some of the approaches they take in educations.
For me, I don't think there's a place on earth better suited for my needs in the moment, but for subjects like design, fine arts and hell, maybe even psychology, where the need of a good base is key, the private ones are better.
You have to agree the funding the state ones get isn't really something.

>> No.6123370

law school is my alma mater, good luck anon. professor is really helpful

>> No.6123371

Do you like computer engineering there? I'm thinking about transferring.

>> No.6123386

Same here. On my last semester actually.

>> No.6123394

I'm going there in the fall for grad school. Are you frat?

>> No.6123396

Kind of true.

Hopefully SU will have more revamped lecture halls in the future. The new 243 is nice but the rooms in "гълъбарника" are worse than the attic of some abandoned house.
The new hall which is as big as 65 will probably be nice.

>> No.6123400

no, but I know some guys that are. They seem to like it but I just don't really have the time. there's a pretty big greek system here if that's something you're looking for

>> No.6123423

based mcgill reporting in

math and philosophy

>> No.6123471
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I am also an OSU history major too. My focus/theme thing is religious history. You? Been thinking about law school as well.

>> No.6123503

I'm thinking of studying history. I'm scared though, I'm not sure if I should. Never had a clear view on what I like. I'm interested in almost anything

>> No.6123534

Ryerson University, Financial Mathematics
>tfw I love literature and philosophy but my classes are filled with uninteresting idiots only good at rote memorization

Anyone else at rye high

>> No.6123539

Aguante InJeniería!!!

>> No.6123540

I'm as patrician as you can possibly be. I study philosophy at an engineering school. Most of my peers don't even know it's an offered major.

>> No.6123569

What's you undergrad

>> No.6123574

Where/ what was your undergrad

>> No.6123576

KSU math major

Kill me

>> No.6123595

Utrecht (Netherlands)

>> No.6123602

Philosophy in Trinity College Dublin

>> No.6123709

Nicholas Buckner

>> No.6123754


Also at University of Toronto.

Studying English and Philosophy. I'm also enrolled in the Buddhism Psychology and Mental Health (BPMH) program, and I'm studying German through their Germanic Languages Dpt.

Fucked up second year hard, but now I'm a few months from finally finishing my undergrad. A lot of people at University don't know what it's like to work construction/ in a kitchen/ put in a 12 hour day of manual labour. For me, it was through the months of manual labour and the post-closing-hours dishwashing that I learned resilience and effort. There are some very important things university just ignores - I don't know what they are in precise terms, something to do with being a good person. Male drop-out rates have never been higher. It's actually getting pretty alarming.

>> No.6123770

MA at TÜ


>> No.6123771


I to went to bucknell, for econ though. Took a couple of sweet film classes though. What year were ya?

I honestly thought nobody else at that school would ever browse 4chan!

>> No.6123776


I went to UVic for music and still live in Victoria.

>> No.6123805

Yo estudio farmacias en la uach .-.

>> No.6123857

We should meet up some time

English lit and Russian

>> No.6123866


If you transfer, I can let you know what parts of campus you're most likely to encounter fellow geeks, nerds and dorks

>> No.6123893


You attend UQ?

Sadly, I'll be applying for U.S. B-Schools for obvious reasons.

>> No.6123896
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Rice University Accounting
>tfw Im spending all my free time reading instead of having fun.

>> No.6123899


>implying reading isn't fun

>> No.6123900

Indiana University
English LIT.

>> No.6123916

It is fun but I fear that I'll regret spending all my time reading. I feel as if I spend too much time experiencing life through other people via learning & reading, instead of first hand experience

>> No.6123923

University of Texas
I hate myself.

>> No.6123929

It's an accounting degree

>> No.6123948

Pomona College
Math and English double major

It's literally paradise here

>> No.6123958
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Computer Engineering
Highly regretting my decision not to major in whatever sub-branch of Philosophy allows me to be subsidized by my 'rents and Uncle Sam for 4 yeas to essentially sit on my ass and read Deleuze & Guattari and then kill myself after graduation because there is zero chance of:
a) getting a job with a Philosophy degree
b) getting a tenured professorship in Philosophy
c) paying back the loans I was subsidized on

So but then why do I regret not choosing to go down that depressing cop-out path? Because CE is making me contemplate suicide on a daily basis, and if I had gone with the dead-end Philosophy route I would have at least managed to stave off suicidal thoughts and intentions for another 3 years or so.

>> No.6124020

No from a different university. I have my associates and now I'm trying to decide between FSU and UCF finish out my degree.

>> No.6124049

>Ryerson "University"
>tier 2
kek, you'd literally have to leave the province to do worse than Ryerson

>> No.6124050

My focus is Modern American (post-reconstruction). What year are you? I'm first year. What are you planning on doing if you don't go to law school?

>> No.6124058

I'm still here, dawg. Class of 2016. Yeah this is definitely not a 4chan kind of school, and especially not a /lit/ one.

Who'd you have for film? Faden, Eisenstein...?

>> No.6124111

Huh, small world
History here

>> No.6124122

University of Wisconsin. Getting a degree in Comp Sci and I only enjoy my Shakespeare class

>> No.6124187


very nice

>> No.6124188

St. John's, the only real /lit/ college.

>> No.6124206
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>Posts a picture of the faculty of Law instead of the red-brick-hell that is the place where he attends uni.

>> No.6124220


I've been considering the South Asian Language summer intensive program that is offered on the Madison campus

Has anyone attended the program and can vouch for it?

>> No.6124226

Engineering. Looking at the law school.

>> No.6124230

>What is Lakehead

>> No.6124265

Senior, but graduate in fall. I don't know what I'll do honestly. I have actually thought about doing post-bac in science, while working. Maybe being a HS teacher. I am not too enthralled with the notion of going on to a Phd track in history, so that is probably not one of my options. I have looked at going to divinity school and get a Phd there, but I am really only nominally religious. The subject is interesting, but I'm not much of a believer. What's your alternative?

>> No.6124268

University of Louisville, Communication.
>tfw commuter

Bloomington, Purdue, Southeast, or one of the ones nobody gives a shit about?

>> No.6124284

i have a 'LOPES shirt, its the best college sports logo ive seen in life

>> No.6124307

gorgeous building, terrible university

>> No.6124337

on gap year, going to King's to do lit

planning to battle hard for place at UCL through adjustment

>> No.6124343
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>> No.6124362
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Stanford University
History major, double minor in Classics and Computer Science.

All aboard the employability train, a choo chooooo

>> No.6124369

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts.

Who MCLA here?

>> No.6124373

University of California.
Majoring in Aerospace Engineering.
Minoring in Counterintelligence.

>> No.6124377

which one? madison?
nah, but madison is a fantastic place to live during the summertime (if that helps at all)

>> No.6124384

UMass Amherst here, I'm vaguely in your part of the state
>tfw throwing up at parties every weekend
>tfw copious amounts of pot
>tfw relatively affordable state education
>tfw the Zoo is all they say it is

>> No.6124393


Bristol UWE, Drama and Creative Writing. [Dear God why]

>> No.6124419

CCCU? What year you graduate chum?

>> No.6124470

Honestly I'm not too sure either. I'm also considering teaching but at this point I'm just not sure.

If you don't mind me asking, have you been accepted into any law schools yet and what was your gpa?

>> No.6124486
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Montana State University
Geology major
double minor in History and GIS

Kinda want to raise that History minor to a major, just cause I love the subject and professors so much, but I'd have to spend an extra semester here, and I can't afford it.

>> No.6124495

Sevilla University (Spain)

>> No.6124524


Holla. I'm up the hill from you at the University of Kent

>> No.6124540
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1)University of Eastern Finland
2)Public administrative sciences

After mere 5 months I`m already regretting this decision.

>> No.6124564

>Kinda want to raise that History minor to a major, just cause I love the subject and professors so much, but I'd have to spend an extra semester here, and I can't afford it.
i know that feeling. i wish i had taken a major in chemistry so i could work in the industry using my knowledge of organic. unfortunately, i chose too late and now im depressed.

>> No.6124717

Arizona State University
Computer Systems Engineering

but then you have to deal with VHDL and all these stupid proprietary boards )=

>> No.6124723

Did you even read Kafka mayne

>> No.6124774

Do you major?

>> No.6124886

William and Mary

English/Psych double major

Most people here have aspergers but it's still a good place

>> No.6124893

Do you guys have dress like uva day? I go to uva and find that hilarious. I hate how anti/lit/ uva is.

>> No.6124923

btw I'm a girl

>> No.6124948

Harvard University - Classics major, with an emphasis on Greek literature. Currently writing a paper on the evolution of the poetics of lokhos, from Homer to Thucydides.

>> No.6124952


>> No.6124957

Random question, I graduated from Ithaca college (a god dang ideological echo chamber) with a degree in both politics and history with a minor. Recently Harvard, Columbia and Stanford sent me an email with regards to my GRE scores because I did really well. If I apply to these schools, what's my likelihood of getting accepted considering that they contacted me first?

>> No.6124964

By the way that minor is philosophy

>> No.6124974

William Paterson University (I was not as motivated in my academics in HS as I am now). I want to transfer eventually, hopefully at least a step up to maybe Montclair, Rutgers or Ramapo if I ever save up for a car. Or at least go somewhere better for my Master's. CS and Journalism double major.

>> No.6124977

NCSU / Math

>> No.6125008

I live in a third world country, so there is no chance you know my university.

Chemical Engineering.

>> No.6125014

What year are you in?

>> No.6125026


yooo northwestern grad here, harper represent! LETS GO HARPERHAWKS clap clap clapclapclap

>> No.6125027

Hello there, south american anon who wanted to go to Germany.

>> No.6125029

Why the fuck do all the Oxford anons know each other and can a Mertonian get in on this?
Yes, we do have fun. You have been told lies.

>> No.6125032
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University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)

I don't really like my career choice.

>> No.6125036

Master of Education in English and Philosophy in Germany (Ruhr Universität Bochum)

Intellectually unchallenging and its full of idiots. Chances of getting a job without further studies = 0

>> No.6125050
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>> No.6125052

Community College right now on taxpayer money.
Still trying to figure out how to get into translation/interpretation as a profession, because what i really want to do probably isnt really economically sensible.

>> No.6125058

How cool

I'm probably going to be Woody Woo

always exciting to see people you might have spoken to irl are patrician as fuck

>> No.6125063

Fuck off, STEM scum.

>> No.6125074

Lit Masters, University of Edinburgh

>> No.6125086

I'm taking a year off to just work, get my shit together, lsat, and bulk up my resume somehow, so I haven't applied yet. I am not all that social, so maybe you'll believe this; my GPA is a 3.982. I got an A- in Ancient Israel; otherwise, I'd have 4 at Osu. I had a 3.8 something at the college I transferred from though. My GPA is shadowed by my awful resume unfortunately. GPA also is not as important as the LSAT for law school, or at least that is my impression.

>> No.6125113

Hello there, Anon. It is central american, and yes, that is me. It is a small town, isn't it?

>> No.6125175

Umass Dartmouth

>> No.6125183

Just remember, you can always lie about your major to employers since your schools are legally barred from handing out that information to third-parties.

>> No.6125185

I'm an English minor please no bully

>> No.6125188

At State?

>> No.6125189

History and Russian!

>> No.6125197


Had I known this beforehand, I never would have gone to university. As far as my current employer knows, I got a 2:1 in Business Economics from Manchester University. I actually didn't graduate from studying Computer Engineering from Lancaster, dropping out in the second year because I didn't have enough autism and wanted to kill myself. I carry myself well and nobody has even thought about questioning me on it. Admittedly, it's some generic office job while I work on something else, but still.

>> No.6125202


>> No.6125206


You better be practicing croquet, son.

>> No.6125214

Stay on Centennial campus, you autist.

>> No.6125247

Apply to their REU summer math program so I won't be alone for 8 weeks straight.

>> No.6125250

No thanks.

>> No.6125258

But anon they pay you!

>> No.6125277

University of Athens
Greek Archaeology

>> No.6125280

Fordham, economics/history double major

i didnt really want to be here, kinda forced to because i wanted to go to college in the states but all the good schools waitlisted me[/spolier]

does undergrad education ever get any good or will it be a four-year long dilettante-ism course?

>> No.6125282

pay denbts

>> No.6125288

I'm not Greek so my tuition is paying their debts anyways

>> No.6125290

DePauw /> Chemistry & German

>> No.6125291

Copenhagen. Royal School of Library and Information Science.
Studying Information Science and Cultural Communcation.

>> No.6125292

>I'm not greek
>goes to greece
Okay, Ahmed.

>> No.6125302


You johnnies are weird but I guess so are we, hope you're having fun at a normal schoo .

>> No.6125310
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Sorry American

>> No.6125315

Hahah yeah we do that, WM is an entirely different place. opposite side of the social spectrum for sure

>> No.6125317

Absolutely hideous. I suggest you kill yourself.

>> No.6125321
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Good thing the Greek girls think otherwise

>> No.6125325

Same, but we have different experiences. Mathematics major with a concentration in Actuarial Science.

>> No.6125327

Well I am not too impressed, since they enjoy fucking african and muslim dick.

>> No.6125332


>> No.6125333

Monash University - starting in a few weeks
Film, Literature, Philosophy, Japanese
starting to have big doubts about my choices

>> No.6125336

What year? Concentration? Favorite writer?

>> No.6125349

3rd year. I'm just taking interesting classes for the general English minor. Nabokov.

>> No.6125353

Have you taken a class by Halpern?

>> No.6125358

I have not.

>> No.6125363

You should. He has taught classes on Proust, Sebald, and other fantastic writers. Wanna meet up and discuss books over a beer at Mitches?

>> No.6125400

went to johns hopkins for undergrad - int'l relations
now doing a masters in public policy at michigan

>> No.6125617
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I'm currently studying at a decent Canadian University and recently got accepted to the MA program in Philosophy at the University of Copenhagen.
Any thoughts ideas about whether or not I should go and what to expect if I do?
If anyone could give me a little guidance or comment then that would be cool!

>> No.6125660


Why not if you will be financially fine when you get there? Partially-funded by scholarships or something.

>> No.6125668

Well the tuition is free for me because I am an EU citizen and I could potentially work & get SU (some sort of Danish student grant thing ~$1000 Canadian a month) ... Sooooo not too bad eh?!

>> No.6125678

California Polytechnic San Luis Obispo

I'm moving to Glasgow, Montana as soon as I get the chance. I'll work in a Walmart and kill myself at thirty-seven.

>> No.6125679
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NYU here, so many hipster idiots that I feel like Tao Lin is my roommate. Gotta rep that econ program though, hoping to get a masters at something more prestigious when I graduate.

>> No.6125682

Not the guy you're talking to, but those are two of my favorite writers. Which school are you talking about? NCSU?

>> No.6125693

Yeah, NCSU. Do go to State?

>> No.6125698

Doing Accounting at Brock University, hoping to minor in English literature. Course load is horribly dull and colorless, though it will lead to a good job. I read and write in my spare time.

>> No.6125700

Do you*

>> No.6125706
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Because you know, it's so often you hear how ravishing Greek women are.

>> No.6125729

What year are you?

>> No.6125787

Reed College, Biology

>> No.6125798

What year?
Fordham just gave me more money than NYU

>> No.6125806


>> No.6125821
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So am I. That's cool.

>> No.6125839

Ah, sorry, I registered your country as south american. And yes it is. Feels somewhat comfy, I guess.

>> No.6125842

I'm a CS major at ASU. Hey.

>> No.6125848


>> No.6125899

That is fine, some people have thought it is in Africa.

>> No.6125938

now you've just got to figure out which of you will be the catcher first

>> No.6125950

I teach things I know to be false, to students who don't want to learn, for jobs that don't exist, because bosses lie about what they want.

>> No.6125982

mfw Discipline and Punish is actually a really good book.

>> No.6125984


How is it there?
Doing a chem doctorate there in a few months (US resident).

>> No.6125986

Why not?

>> No.6125987
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I have no friends, the other CU physics freshman anon and I should be friends ;_;

Do you live on campus, other CU anons?

>> No.6126004

I got a scholarship here and it was the only half-way school I could afford.

>> No.6126006


I don't blame you, I'm a third year engineering student at UQ and I don't find it too bad. I'd love to go to an American engineering college to persue aerospace however.

>> No.6126028


>> No.6126030

I know. I visited both and attended UVa presuming I'd fit at UVa better. Kinda regret the decision but I got laid semi-often and idk if I could pull that off at W&M

>> No.6126041


two russian minors? jesus christ. how good is your ruski? i know an excellent tutor in the ndg area. moscow-born monarchist and a christian. knew hamlet by heart at age 11 (translated, though). actually a genius. shell walk around in her room chain smoking viceroys while she tells you about the history of the tsars, or the life of pushkin, or the nature of love. a brilliant old lady. so far weve read tchekov, pushkin, and turgenev together, now tackling c&p (i knew spoken russian to begin with though).

>> No.6126084

Liberty University
Psychology degree (Industrial/Organizational) with Cinematic Arts minor

>> No.6126105

Chemical engineering at a school I can't afford

I fucking hate it and I have no idea what else I could do and not be poor

>> No.6126108

>going to Falwell University
everyone I've met who goes there is a fucking retard.

>> No.6126139

How do you people plan on making a living with /lit/ and philosophy majors?

here, I can think of a number of careers I would be very interested in (namely in human rights organizations and NGOs) but they all seem like utter crapshoots. I feel like I've already made the "right" decision in major/prospective career and I despise it.

>> No.6126194

If you consider me "retarded" for my theistic views, Kierkegaard would probably like to have a word with you

>> No.6126201

not just your theistic views. had you gone to a semi-respectable Catholic university like the anon from Fordham I might have some respect for you. but instead you are a heretic at a shitty school.

>> No.6126218

sorry only Williams is patrician

>not meme-tier

pick one

>> No.6126222

>Not heretical

I actually hold to Orthodox theology thank you very much, and excuse me for taking advantage of a full ride on an Honors scholarship to acquire a simple bachelor's degree

>> No.6126243

We should meet I live in Kittredge area IDGAF who catches or pitches.

>> No.6126274


I basically just treated university creative writing classes like workshops on how to be marketable when writing and trying to sell creative fiction - which is basically what they are, in addition to a great way of making connections.
Literature classes are important as well. You can learn quite a bit about how to write from the authors you read, but the ability to show up at a college party and start discussing Woolf with your classmates over liquor and discussing each others' drafts is simply one of the best experiences there is and well worth the money you are spending on your classes.

>> No.6126316


>> No.6126327
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damn nigga 2real4me

>> No.6126332

University in Queens?

>> No.6126343

Do you have a twitter/Skype? Email me ironyreally@hotmail.com

>> No.6126354

St John's University in Queens, NY

Studying economics through the school of business. Politically im moving further left so I might just do Econ thru the school of liberal arts. Plus then I can have more space for some /lit/ classes. Although my choices are slim for that too. My school doesnt even have a class in postmodernism.

>> No.6126362

I feel like im venting here now. I just wanted to add that im not even sure wat im gonna do with an econ degree. My parents are pushing law shool but I really dont wanna go into law.

Honestly the only reason I chose econ was to serve as a halfway point between a liberal art and business major. Fortunately im enjoying the econ classes a lot but hating the biz courses.

In a perfect world I would be studying lit and history

>> No.6126539

Just focus on the labor management/economics if you are uncomfortable with mainstream business discipline.

>> No.6126832

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

>> No.6126840

I wish I could go there. It's so fucking expensive though.

>> No.6126888

umich. represent.

>> No.6126889

University of michigan. polsci and computer sci.
anyone care to give their general stereotype/idea of umich? I want to know how others see us.

>> No.6126920

JS TSM Phil here. Weird.

>> No.6127241

>tfw in final term of uni
>lived at home, no friends, social experiences, acquaintances, disliked my subject
>pinnacle of my life they said

Suicide when?

>> No.6127306
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English. Got an invitation to transfer to English w/ Creative Writing based on results, so I might do that.

>> No.6127379

What was your sat?

>> No.6127436

University of Amsterdam.
Comparative lit.

>> No.6127550

yo Fordham, which campus?
(history major, theatre minor here at RH)

>> No.6127580

UCL, Faculty of Laws

See you in the top 5 in the world, faggots

>> No.6127593
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here's a photograph for y'all <3

>> No.6127606

UCL, Classics
we da best

>> No.6127831

no way
what year, anon?

>> No.6127924

Madison doesn't fuck around with language courses. Take it, but expect to work your ass off
Yeah, Madison

>> No.6128194

I go to Tufts.

Debating between English, Political Science, Philosophy, and Economics. Probably going to try and double major between two of the ones I just mentioned.

What should I do?