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/lit/ - Literature

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6119599 No.6119599 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We post book lists that /lit/ would seriously suggest to other posters

>> No.6119624

the 1001 book list

you don't really need anything else

>> No.6119634
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>would seriously suggest
>infinite jest #1

>> No.6119645


i highly recommend this list.
maybe its bc i read 2/3 of it and therefore sympathize with it but i also think its
a fucking great list

>> No.6119868

bump for more lists

>> No.6120095


What's wrong with Infinite Jest? Do you not like fun?

>> No.6120111


If there are only 43 books you would recommend before the Hobbit, then super lulz.

Considering how much /lit/ does shit on YA, this amuses me.

>> No.6120120


> camus and nietszche
> no kierkegaard

>> No.6120155
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>> No.6120180
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>> No.6120872


What do you recommend by Kierkegaard?

>> No.6120879

Children's literature=/=YA

>> No.6120884

Sickness onto Death and Fear and Trembling.

>> No.6120894


Tolkien: The original YA author.

Just because you like The Hobbit, but don't like YA, doesn't mean The Hobbit isn't.

Which it is. And you like it.

(Hurts, doesn't it.)

>> No.6120895
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They're almost all on the wiki, you know.

I'll post some favorites.

>> No.6120896

This list needs to be updated, Gene Wolfe must make it there, if anything to replace god damn Harry Potter.

>> No.6120899

It's a meme.
It may be good, I wouldn't know, but placing it at number #1 is a joke.

>> No.6120902
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>> No.6120908

No, because YA as a genre is new.
He wrote it for his young kids and it's something to read to your kids, meaning it's children's literature, and not something aimed at brainless teenagers.

>> No.6120911
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>> No.6120933


A new genre? No. He was before his time, certainly, but because you didn't know about it doesn't mean it wasn't not YA.

It's the original YA, which is fine. /lit/ likes it, which makes it okay for you to like it, Anon.

>> No.6120936

I agree.
Let's do that.
Does anyone know how this was actually calculated? Like did people put in lists? Was it one book a response? Was it literally just a thread of book titles and a count of every time it was said?

If so, wouldn't some asshole spam 50 Shades of Grey or something?

>> No.6120948

I have no idea. And tbh it seems like there were a lot of folkes who aren't regulars here.

>> No.6120978

Hmm. Turns out I read 1/4 of the list.

>> No.6121061

From what I understand it was a poll where people could vote for 5 books. So I think a lot of people voted for 4 books they liked and cast the 5th for Infinite Jest for meme reasons. I like Infinite Jest but it's definitely #1 for lols.

>> No.6121577

fuck off.

You've never read it. It's actually really good, meme book or not

>> No.6121617

>It may be good, I wouldn't know,

then why do you think you have any authority to discredit it

>> No.6121624

Any other poll would probably end the same way, if not worse. The charts in the wiki are probably a better bet for anyone looking for that sort of thing.

>> No.6121649

the Death Grips of books

>> No.6121682

This is a good list, except for two things
>Harry Potter
>no All Quiet On the Western Front

>> No.6121694
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>Douglas Adams

*tippity tip*

>> No.6121700

>The jest is that retarded still fall for it as a good book

>> No.6121733

Principia discordia

*tops fnorda

>> No.6121856

You haven't read it, fuckface. What the fuck can you say. You're an embarrassment.
Personally, I wouldn't put it at number one, but I'd put in with the first five, so would many people here, as the fucking poll confirms.

You're the joke. You fucking joke. You're nothing but a joke fucker. Read IJ and then get back to me. Just kidding don't get back to me. Fuck you.

>> No.6121860

what an awful, awful sentence...
please see me after class with your cocksucking lips a-wetten'd

>> No.6121871

this just makes me want to avoid IJ forever

>> No.6121880

I've only read 57 of these

half of the rest I probably won't bother looking into

overall a halfway decent list

>> No.6121883

you couldn't read it anyway

>> No.6121926

how can you say it's halfway decent when you've only read 57 of these books? Certainly you didn't enjoy all 57 of them.

>> No.6121931


I probably enjoyed 50 out of the 57 I've read

/lit/'s taste isn't that bad, honestly. unremarkable for a group of twenty-something's but definitely not bad

>> No.6122101

Sure is Dostoevsky in here...

>> No.6122146

I don't think I got the Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch...

Did Eldritch win? Is everyone trapped in some strange reality where he is in full control?

>> No.6122925


The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy #90
The Iliad #94

>> No.6122984
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> tfw 0 saramago

>> No.6123031

Why is the Hobbit and the Silmarillion there but not LoTR?

>> No.6123051

It's overall unimportance and the length as well as a lack of reasons for reading it that aren't a meme.

>> No.6123053

Do you think it is better than Dante or Dostoevsky?

>> No.6123075

Nope, Eldrich is going to die.
I think. Dick is weird.

>> No.6123087

Not that anon, and I haven't read it either, but "good" is pretty relative. If someone can get a lot out of a book he can see it as his favourite book and see it as the best book in the world, even if only for a short moment of time.

The classics are usually those books that people can get something out of no matter what time they live in.

>> No.6123094

>tfw you have read everything from 100 except for dick-shit, calvino, orwell, rowling and gogol
feels good.

>> No.6123099

Daily reminder that many books on that list were literally samefagged onto that list. Everything below place 64 has no more than 3 votes.

>> No.6123109

>Catcher in the Rye

How the hell does this book keep showing up on lists here.

>> No.6123113

Plebs obviously voted. You know, people who read some books, but not many. Stranger, Catcher, The Hobbit are good, but not really in league with a lot of stuff here.
Also fuck Harry potter

>> No.6123114

We subscribe to different aesthetic theories.

>> No.6123116

I would not even call it good, at any rate I have no idea why people identify with it so much.

>> No.6123118
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>using the words pleb unironically

>> No.6123121

You don't know that. Up there I was just saying that different aesthetic theories exist, and they can change. I didn't say anything about my own.

>> No.6123124

I assume it is that one book they read in high school they didn't consider dry and boring because it was not so far out there for them.

>> No.6123125

I don't like it either and I loathed the edgy cunt, but I still recognize that he is a good, complex character and that value of the book is there.

>> No.6123129

Ok anon, my bad. I understand what you were trying to say.

>> No.6123133

Most comprehensive i've seen


>> No.6123136
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>No Hugo on that list

>> No.6123139

If you would have been there and posted his name three times, he would have been on the list.

>> No.6123161

From what I remember, the ranks on the list is how many times that book got mentioned, and where on the top 5 list of that poster it was placed was irrelevant. It was also specified to rank your 5 personal favourites that you enjoyed or something along those lines, it was not ment for "rank the top 5 books ever written".

>> No.6123349

Definitely recommend James Wood, How Fiction Works. Also, no Gaston Bachelard on that chart? You suck.

>> No.6123391
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>> No.6123443
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I really, really love Bachelard though. I need to make a v2 of the chart anyway. I'll put in his Poetics of Reverie.

>> No.6123978

let's roll

>> No.6124748
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Where dafak is haruki murakami? Jesus Christ, i'm cringing at this thread.

>> No.6124830
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>> No.6125011

It's hard to tell isn't it? I've seen arguments for both possible outcomes

>> No.6125015

Oh, about that: he's not here because he sucks.

>> No.6125025

>reading The Odyssey before reading the Iliad
Sure it's the more popular of the two but I don't see how you can appreciate it without the Iliad.

>> No.6125049

you know it anon. Raised From the Ground <3

>> No.6125057

>not reading gogol
Until you do, you haven't really read anything