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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 99 KB, 326x466, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
611838 No.611838 [Reply] [Original]

Lets talk about Tao Lin, Miranda July, and K-mart realism, impress me 4chan, what do you think of these visionaries?

>> No.611847
File: 50 KB, 225x205, ralph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Tao.

>> No.611871
File: 5 KB, 238x195, Kermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not tao lin.

>> No.611878

Only Tao actually wants to talk about his books.

>> No.611881

Back off Miranda

>> No.611883

yes u are

>> No.611895

lol k-mart realism what does that even mean

>> No.611904

i like the Drunken Sonnets by something Bailey

theres a blog of them, hes from that Tao Lin gang, check them out they are really good

>> No.611907

/lit/ only talks about top-fifty list novels and pulp fantasy/sci-fi. We don't go much farther than that.

>> No.611909
File: 23 KB, 296x306, Carrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an interesting reaction

not what i would have predicted were I "a betting man"

>> No.611911


Let's not talk about them, as they aren't any good.

brb, going to a hipster reading. Enjoy your bad thread.

>> No.611933

Just read an excerpt of Eeeee Eee Eeee. What the fuck was I reading. It wasn't a mindfuck at the content, it was more of a mindfuck at the thought that this guy is published. I am now inspired to write my own stuff. From today on I will be a writer. I figure if Tao Lin can get published, so can I.

>> No.611937

he's a fraud, a self promoting fraud

>> No.611939

Don't you love that moment?

>> No.611944

I felt 'fucked' after reading this passage too:

"Shit eating grin'. he needs to stop. He needs to use his face to convey emotions to other humans in order to move sincerely through life--laughing in groups of three or four; expressing gratitude, concern, or disapproval about people, the weather, or food; and manipulating members of either sex to get them to love him, or respect him. That is what a face is for."