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/lit/ - Literature

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6117786 No.6117786[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

tfw no friends to talk about books with.

>> No.6117850

i didnt know they released cardcaptor sakura blu rays. cool

>> No.6117857
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They're pretty good.

>> No.6117866
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>tfw like movies and vidya, like fun books like Song of Ice and Fire
>tfw gf is infatuated with literature and philosophy
>tfw she drags me to plays and gets into long discussions with me about them afterward
>tfw continually fake sharing her interests because that's how I got her to go out with me to begin with

It's not easy

>> No.6117872

Why? That sounds miserable man, don't fake interests to be with someone you're not interested in.

>> No.6117893

Why did she have to be wasted on a pleb like u

>> No.6117908

She's beautiful as fuck and way out of my league, and it feels really good to be deeply loved.

>> No.6117911

Some things are worth the pain. Like fucking a hot girl.

>> No.6117915

>implying you've ever done that

>> No.6117927

I think even people here would get tired over her, about 80% of her conversation is literature of philosophy or drama or something. She hardly talks about real life.

>> No.6117932

post her nudes or she doesn't exist

>> No.6117934

Have you been in a relationship outside of this one?

That sounds like a fever dream, my friend.

>> No.6117942
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>> No.6117943

Yeah, I've been in a couple, and I've had sex with six difference women.

>> No.6117959

>wanting friends

fucking wannabee normie

>> No.6117965

>having feelings
>having friends
>at all
>even to yourself
>needing things

Nothing but bread and circuses, don't rot your mind.

>> No.6117976


>> No.6117978

Fuck, right in the feels.

>> No.6117985

>lying on the internet

>> No.6117989

no you didnt

>> No.6118004

I understand the beauty thing man, but she doesn't love you, she loves the you you're pretending to be.
That said, if you like pretending and are happy with the situation, go on, I'm happy for you, but otherwise, fuck her a few more times and then drop that shit.

>> No.6118020

tfw friend who is always interested in talking about books and similar taste

>> No.6118032

According to her, we're all just playing roles anyway. She says she probably only likes intellectual things because she believes it makes her smarter on some level.

>> No.6118035

Tfw I know this feel. We trade books and collaborate on music.

>> No.6118045

Calm down buddy, don't you have a Facebook to post your feelings on? Maybe tweet this to you friends? Maybe post more pics on snapchat? Maybe write about this in your journal?

You fucking cancerous little bitch.

>> No.6118050

>calm down

>> No.6118064

talking about books irl is awful

>it's... uh... about tennis and drugs

>> No.6118070

I didn't come here for some blog about a troubled emo relationship.

>> No.6118082

>tfw friends interested in music, art and literature
>tfw they are horribly "pleb" because they like fringe culture and other non-academic non-secularly validated stuff
>tfw i'm a huge traditional patrician
>tfw we actually are great together because they show me their point of view and I show them mine and we grow together

It's great. I have no idea how I went from a NEET kissless virgin to a virgin (no longer kissless) with good friends, but it's great. Everything still sucks but enjoying good company makes life bearable.

>> No.6118097

What exactly did you come to this thread for, then?

>> No.6118104

>I didn't come here for some blog
>thread's OP starts with "tfw no friends"
>I didn't come here for some blog
>for some blog
>"tfw no friends"
>you could just hide the thread y'know

I bet I could kick ur bee-hind boyo lmao

>> No.6118253

Friendship =/= highschool gf relationship.

Holy fuck, do I have to explain bros before hoes?

>> No.6118281

Would you prefer if she talked about her boring day and pointless chores?. I've been in both scenarios, the one you are in is the best one.

>> No.6118691

i feels sorry for her. I weep over her faith.
Let her know that she can go out with me.

>> No.6118694

Tfw no friends to waste time with instead of reading

>> No.6118731

Tfw I have a good friend who is more patrician than I and my mother is a literature teacher and my father is a lawyer and a theologian. Life can be good. Still, Tfw no gf

>> No.6118753

You wanna fucking fight?

>> No.6118771

Sounds pretty sweet to me. Do you start any conversations on other things, though?
>and I've had sex with six difference women
Why was that necessary?

>> No.6118780 [DELETED] 

>tfw had a bookish friend in highschool
>tfw we went to different colleges
>tfw he deleted his social media accounts two years ago and I haven't spoken to him since


>> No.6118832
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>tfw no friends to talk with

>> No.6118861


>> No.6118917

u w0t m8
1v1 me irl
I swer on me mum

>> No.6119257

that's the weakest chin I've ever seen. Would still bang though.

>> No.6119264
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>fw only book reading friend reads exclusively genre fiction and Stephen King bullshit

>> No.6119277
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so...they exist?

>> No.6119281

Yes, I've met one. Lots of female literature students here have at least some taste, even if many of them are genrefags

>> No.6119294

>Know a girl that has almost god tier lit taste, except for not liking any pomos
>she moves away
>contact gets pretty much cut

>> No.6119326

casanova over here

>> No.6119360
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>friends say books don't have the same depth as video games.

>one friend said "whats the point of reading anymore? I've read everything that needs to be read so there's no point any more."

I wish I was making this up.

>> No.6119369

You know, an interactive medium like vidya DOES have the potential for that.

>> No.6119401

yeah, just like how choose-your-own-adventure books are the height of literature

>> No.6119452

I have only one friend to talk about books with. In fact I really have only one friend at all. Good thing is that she is a girl and sometimes we get to fugg :DD. She is as well read as I am and we love talking about literature and philosophy and we send each other books all the time. The only problem with her is that she thinks freud is a hack.

>> No.6119473

I have two friends I can talk about literature in depth with, and I always end up dating girls who are at least sincerely interested in good lit even if they aren't quite 'well-read'.

>> No.6119486

I'm serious. The graphics add dimension in the sense that you see the way the creators see their world, but you're the one acting out the experience.

>> No.6119488 [DELETED] 

TTKM thead.

No textual examples.

>> No.6119493

>implying he isn't

>> No.6119503

in other words every protagonist is inherently a self-insert, which makes it an escapist experience rather than an edifying or instructive one. i guess i can see how a fan of genre fiction would see video games as an upgrade

>> No.6119506

I do have a friend who I can discuss books with, but we have different tastes. My other friends prefer anime and manga. It's alright, but the set-up usually ends in either of us trying to push another book on the other.

>> No.6119508 [DELETED] 


>> No.6119512 [DELETED] 


>> No.6119521

Nah. But it's common enough.

Either way, how does that refute my point?

>> No.6119532

just because the community college professor of your psych 101 class for freshman says something doesn't make it true

>> No.6119542

>implying half of the protagonists in 19th century lit aren't self inserts

>> No.6119552

This coming from another professor? :^)

Responding to b8 4/10

>> No.6119656

Joined my library's book club just for that. /lit/ is worthless other than for memes and shitposting. Even middle aged white women give better discussion.

>> No.6119680

hell the reviews on goodreads are better than this place.

>> No.6121302
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>tfw lit is the closest thing you have to an intellectual conversation.
kill me now

>> No.6121304

never forget


>> No.6121310

i want to get off mr plebs wild ride

>> No.6121313

plebs in the house

>> No.6121325
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>mfw nobody saved her videos

We'll never hear her voice again.

>> No.6121346
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>tfw met a fucking stem major who enjoyed kafka and dostoevsky

>> No.6122739


Jesus christ

>> No.6122752


>> No.6122763
File: 24 KB, 313x475, Ready_Player_One_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my friends read shit like this
>tfw one of them says its his favorite book
>tfw same friend says its his inspiration towards becoming a writer

How is plebbary of this proportion even possible

>> No.6123192

>tfw no /lit/ friends in high school except one girl
>she likes john green and divergent
>thats okay because i read them

>friends read and talk about asoiaf
>thats okay because theres more to talk about

>tfw girl in class read and recommended lolita
>she has an lgbt rights tumblr

>> No.6123200

Am I the only one with friends who have taste?
>tfw you have a younger brother who you are shaping into a patrician

>> No.6123903

>>she has an lgbt rights tumblr
and? she has better taste than you

>> No.6124081
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