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/lit/ - Literature

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6115182 No.6115182 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading?

What are you eating?

What are you drinking?

How are you?

>> No.6115193


Beef with Cashews

Orange Squash

Bit bored tbh

>> No.6115207





>> No.6115213

>the sun also rises
>leftover pan pizza
>cheap scotch
>neutral I suppose

>> No.6115215

Infinite Jest
Die Schutzbefohlenen

Just ate bread with cream cheese


Perfectly fine. Last night was AMAZING.

>> No.6115218

>somewhat jealous of your illegal high drugs

Do you have any yellow bentines? Triple sod? Are you the boz-boz?

>> No.6115223

Going to read a bit of Cleveland's History of the Middle East in a bit, reading loads at the moment, though.

Just had some crackers with cheese

Cinnamon tea

>How are you?
Pretty good, I've almost done all my required reading for this week, so I can dig into my own books again.

>> No.6115224

The Last Don



Pretty alright

>> No.6115225


Mason & Dixon
Nothing was paella beforehand.
Not bad, just filling out my job application for a library.

>> No.6115233
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>tfw the library only hires once a year

>> No.6115235

oats and whey
feeling like an angsty bitch but I just found a research program for my field of interest so my spirits are lifted

>> No.6115251

>Perfectly fine. Last night was AMAZING.

>> No.6115253

Rereading Dune.

>> No.6115260
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Yevgeny Zamyatin's We
Cranberry Juice
Muy Bien

>> No.6115264

>Not "What are you doing for exercise?"

Do you want us to be unfit, you jackanape?

>> No.6115279


Infinite Jest

nothing. might go eat somethin' though

cold tea.

Ok I guess. Just feel stressed

>> No.6115289

The Sun Also Rises

Chocolate ice cream with little bits of marshmallow I chopped up

Nothing as of current

Decent. I need to finish my college application by today, despite the fact that I'm not even sure if I should go.

>> No.6115295

I work as a bartender so I don't get to party that much (which is fine w/ me, I love to stay at home and read, because I'm too tired from work).
But ~ once a month I go out and fucking go nuts.
I live in a small city in Germany, but we have the best fucking 'club' in the whole world (it's dirty and disgusting and everyone's sweating and dancing like crazy and the music is amazing and all over the place).
I'm pretty good looking and have a great albeit crazy energy which the people around me love and I'm pretty kind, so people like me.
I'm also vain enough for this to effect my emotions positively, so when I'm there I feel like a god and party like no tomorrow.

>> No.6115296


>My pride

>Yesterday's coffee

>Not doing so hot

>> No.6115310

>Owe local library over $3000 in late fees (not even shitting you)
>I come in to talk about the situation
>there's a new librarian
>we bond over a mutual distaste for Steinbeck
>she offers to allow me to put in hours working at the library to pay off my fine
>when I've finished paying off my fine she offers me a payed position

>> No.6115312

Re-reading The Little Prince, now in the original French

Nothing at the moment


In a great moment of my life. Things seem to be improving.

>> No.6115313



Apple juice

Overall empty

>> No.6115366

Barchester Towers

beans soup



>> No.6115379

from a writing perspective, that was a cool response

>> No.6115401

Epictetus: the Golden Sayings

Had a sandwich and chips for lunch

ice water

I feel like things won't be getting any better anytime soon, so...

>> No.6115413

Ficiones by Borges
Mashed potatos and chicken
like i'll lose on dota

>> No.6115428

What are you reading?
>The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt It started well but the back half is really bad

What are you eating?
>Garlic fish and rice

What are you drinking?

How are you?

>> No.6115437


>> No.6115442


>Light in August

>> No.6115448

>The Goldfinch
I thought the opposite. The beginning is strong, the Las Vegas segment kind of flounders, and then the finish (minus the ending) is decent.
I will agree that she took way too long setting up the conclusion.

>> No.6115455


>> No.6115459

I am happy for you my friend
>have a friend that works at a small book store
>place is really cool, really selective about who they hire
>most of the workers are college grads
>you can take home as many books as you want
>on days off they can still come in, most just sit around in the lounge and either read or have discussions
>last time I went in, attractive guy in a sweater vest gave me a few really good recommendations, and we briefly discussed Do Androids Dream
>moving in 4 months
>will never be able to work at a place like that
Please kill me /lit/

>> No.6115482

What's the place called? Where is it?
Why do you move if you wanna work there?

>> No.6115483






>> No.6115491


The Blue Flowers - Raymond Queneau not for much longer

Ate some goatmilk yogurt not too long ago


Vacillating hard between feeling really good, like life's worth living, things will work out, etc, and feeling like I'm losing my best friends, I'll never have anything resembling ambition or drive, won't contribute anything of worth, etc etc.


>The little prince

Mein neger, I just read it for the first time recently. Really sad it took so long for me to learn about it, it was fantastic. How long did you have to study French to be able to read it?

>> No.6115502

Anna Karenina, the part where Levin is visiting his farm.

>> No.6115513

Read it Again, it's near ATL
Because I'm transferring to UGA so I can drop out of vet school

>> No.6115524


>read it again

Wait.....the one in Suwanee?

>> No.6115541

1. Suttree
2. Nothing, but I just had an omlette.
3. Coffee.
4. Yeah, pretty good. I feel good. I might have to shit soon.

>> No.6115555

The Johns Creek one actually.
You work at the Suwannee branch or something?

>> No.6115571



>> No.6115576


nice numbers

>> No.6115581

i'm ok thx 4 asking

>> No.6115586

Music Theory for Idiots and Russell's Problems of Philosophy

Had some homemade chicken soup earlier


Feeling bad because I've pissed away so much of my life on activities that brought me neither benefit nor pleasure and yet here I am in this moment posting on 4chan

>> No.6115596


No, it's weird, it's in Johns Creek but they still call it Suwanee on their site for some reason.

Anyway, nah, I just live insanely close to it. I've been a couple times...seems like a comfy place, pretty good selection. Had no idea any /lit/izens lived so close to me is all, heh.


>Feeling bad because I've pissed away so much of my life...

Iktf, brother. We'll make it.

>> No.6115610

1) rereading dead souls
2) mac n cheese
3) water
4) Average

>> No.6115658

>I am happy for you my friend
Thank you!

>Mein neger, I just read it for the first time recently. Really sad it took so long for me to learn about it, it was fantastic. How long did you have to study French to be able to read it?
I studied French in high school, 7 years total, then forgot most of it after not using it for years after graduation, so I'm trying to pick it up again.

>> No.6115671

Shit man.
Do you go to Northview High in the past 4 years? There's a chance we probably saw each other.
I'm not going to pretend being on 4chan has any massive benefits, but at least you're on /lit/ and not /b/ or /v/. This place can at least round out your skills at writing and taste in literature, if only slightly.

>> No.6115683

>What are you reading?
The Secret Teaching of All Ages.

>What are you eating?

>What are you drinking?

>How are you?
I'd like to be killed soon.

>> No.6115696

Reading Lolita.
Eating home-made italian.
Drinking water.
Feeling confused.

It gets better.

>> No.6115750


Nah, I didn't go to HS around here, but if I did it would've been Alpharetta High. It's entirely possible we've been in the same general vicinity at some point. I actually just recently went to the library you probably go to for the first time, also, lel. Such a small world

>> No.6115766

My post

Shit. I'm going to be taken into police custordy in a few days. Can anyone recommend fiction on the practice of bare duplicity for gain?

>> No.6115782

>Infinite Jest
>yummy blueberry bread stuff
>iced coffee

Ill feel better if i just hunker down tonight and bang out a bunch of pages and get some work done a few days ahead of time

>> No.6115788

Too damn small. Ever think about how this probably isn't the only interaction we've ever had with each other? Maybe one of us cut the other off in traffic, or threw a piece of litter onto the side walk that you saw one day. Shit, even here on 4chan, you could have a fantastic discussion about any number of topics, and the next week unknowingly call that same person an idiot for disagreeing with you on some other topic, different thread, different board.

>> No.6115853

Beyond good and evil



Fucking awful. I couldn't eat or drink without throwing up. I've been awfully anxious. I would like to die.

>> No.6115883


>even here on 4chan

I've had that same thought pretty often, actually. It's incredibly likely that we've done just that to each other, haha. Or else, in person, we've done something to someone that had an indirect effect on the other (like if I was a dick to someone one day, then they carried that impression on and they were curt to you).
One of the little, ubiquitous things in life that's so fun to think about, innit?

Maybe we'll bump into each other at RiA or something before you head off to UGA


1. Thoughts on BGaE so far? 2. What seems to be ailing you?

>> No.6115906

I very much enjoy it. I like Nietzsche's criticisms of other philosophers. Section 4 is full of great truths. The writing is flamboyant at times but it catches my eye.

As for what's ailing me, I have a house full of people I don't want to be around. My relationship is in uncertain conditions and could dissolve by tomorrow.

>> No.6115944

Maybe give Nietzsche a rest then, m8. Cant be helping your mood, considering your situation.

>> No.6115948

Existentialism as a whole is making me want to die. I thought Nietzsche would be an end to nihilism... But I guess I'm reading it wrong? What do you suggest?

>> No.6115951

Maybe. See you then, friend.

>> No.6116027


It's been a while since I read it, but I remember a line that involves something about vexed hearts near a fire? Can't find the line, but that's the one thing that stuck with me.

And like >>6115944
said, existentialist lit probably isn't the thing you're needing if you're in that situation, lel. Try some Aurelius or Epictetus or something.
I'm sorry you're in a rough spot, anon. I hope it works out soon.


You seem pretty cool tho, add if you want https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/34521053-zala

>> No.6116058

>ulcer tonic
>exceedingly banal

>> No.6116064

No idea this existed, Ill make one today

>> No.6116078

This kind of sympathy does mean a lot. I don't get this offline. I am really appreciative.

>> No.6116104
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>What are you reading?
>What are you eating?
I was eating cookies a few minutes ago
>What are you drinking?
>How are you?
Fine, I just wish I had been more productive today

>> No.6116118

why can't I hold all this dawwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.6116134

Blood meridian


Diet coke


>> No.6116145


I'm glad, I'm always worried that it comes across as disingenuous or patronizing.
But I do wish you the best, and I hope you realize that you're capable of weathering what you're going through, especially since no one's there to back you up on that. Godspeed, my friend.


Oy, I just finished C22 the other day. I had THE hardest goddamn time remembering anything. LIke, I couldn't remember what I read 2 chapters prior, just because everything kind of bled together in a way. You having any problems like that?

>> No.6116165

the mountain wreath



well after no fap for a week i came gallons to monica santhiago, so feeling pretty good. and sorta enlightened, for whatever reason

>> No.6116191

I'm just having problems remembering all the goddamn characters and their quirks, but besides that it's a very enjoyable read.

>> No.6116215

love that book

>> No.6116225

The Drawing of the Three

White french bread pizza.


Alright but I'm trying to find the right anxiety meds so I'm anxious.

>> No.6116230

Master and Man

Black beans, mixed veggies, white rice, sweet potato. Plátano maduro for dessert


>> No.6116232

Early Medieval China: A Sourcebook

This shitty fucking Italian sub, fuck banana peppers



>> No.6116274

10% Happier by Dan Harris

Unsalted almonds

Iced water

Stressed but otherwise fine

>> No.6116286

Please tell me that they are at the very least roasted.

>> No.6116294

>Hard to Be a God

>Chiken with Rice


>> No.6116295

About to start reading Man and Superman by Shaw, really intrigued. Anybody here read it?

>> No.6116300

of course! how are you finding Lolita?

>> No.6116343

George Orwell - Shooting an Elephant
Tortilla Chips

>> No.6116351

Lolita is absolutely wonderful. And my first venture in to literary fiction. Unless you'd count Grimwood, but I guess he'd be classified as sci-fi. When I'm done with Lolita I've got Bleeding Edge and After Dark waiting for me, so I'm pretty excited about that.

>> No.6116375
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>What are you reading?
nothing right now. tired of literature, trying to catch up on whatever is nominated for the oscars. most suck. whiplash is great. so is budapest.
>What are you eating?
i wanted to make tenderloin mustard diablo but that didnt turn out. i did mushrooms mostly. thats not really a solid dinner, is it?
>What are you drinking?
tecate. was drinking dos XX. i drink every night
>How are you?
i wanna kill myself but im not entirely depressed. im sort of contempt with dying, but i know my family will be sad. thats the one thing holding me back. so im gonna keep drinking and see how far i get.

>> No.6116387
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>The Edogawa Ranpo Reader
>little strawberry cheesecake circle
>Gui Fei oolong

>> No.6116404

Kurosawa's autobiography
Banana and papaya

>> No.6116413

American Psycho

Nothing and nothing

Heartbroken and distraught.

>> No.6116475

Thomas Hardy's Wessex Poems
Margherita pizza
Feeling the ennui

>> No.6116594

Why are we all so sad?

>> No.6116602

well, the person I love doesnt love me enough to respect me. we'll never be together. he's never completely honest about things, rather, he's so secretive, and it's driving me insane. I have so many suspicions he's holding a grudge against me, but I cant figure out what or why.

>> No.6116613

Tremor of Intent
Golden Nuggets cereal
Feeling that feeling where you've got to get up tomorrow and it's already 12:35am but you've also got that work you didn't do today to do for tomorrow and you really should do it but you should really also sleep

>> No.6116634

Royal Flash
Flapjacks I made earlier
Not bad.

>> No.6116635

The Human Stain by Philip Roth

An apple



>> No.6116641


Partly because we're here, I'd wager. 4chins is such a negative echo chamber, for the most part.


I feel you, anon. Have you confronted him about it? Also, do you know if he's actively lied to you, or if he's just withholding things?

>> No.6116653

We're on /lit/. Which swings between dick-swinging competitions of "oh you haven't read Epicetus? CUNT" and then being reminded of all the other stuff we'll never get round too.

Feels good seeing other people reading good shit in this thread. Beats feeling like no one gets you.

Also bitterly jealous of those working in libraries.

>> No.6116657

farewell to arms
had fish potatoes and peas for dinner
green tea + pineapple juice
sore and annoyed, but most of the things i am annoyed about are beyond my control. played sports today, listening to music i don't really actually like very much, and browsing guitars on craigslist

>> No.6116658

the cossacks
i have feelings for a girl who loves her bf :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

>> No.6116661

I went cycling with my dad today
Also I'm going to nawlins on wednesday !!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6116690

>What are you reading?
Dad capital and misquoting jesus

>What are you eating?
>What are you drinking?
About to drink some beers
>how are you?

Me and the girl I wanted to Mary are breaking up because she thinks I don't love her enough and that me being poor is a sign that I didn't try hard enough for her

Things are alight though sun is shining and I'm still above ground, these things happen

>> No.6116692

>What are you reading?
Various poli-sci classics and history texts.
>What are you eating?
Had some bratwurst in a roll with garlic cholula, red onions and tomatoes a few minutes ago. Actually, damn tasty.
>What are you drinking?
Just finished a bottle of Barock Dunkel. Now drinking an Earl Grey.
>How are you?
Stressed with college.

>> No.6116703

>Things are alight though sun is shining and I'm still above ground, these things happen
Good man. Nice to see you're doing ok. It'll fade even more as the days go by. Sorry to hear it failed, but better now than a few years down the line.

>> No.6116712
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pic related


>> No.6116722


I'm reading a lot of books right now. The one I read in most recently is Pete Townshend's autobiography. Obviously it's not great literature, but I like stuff like that.

I'm eating kebab pizza.

I'm drinking blueberry flavoured squash.

Thanks for asking. I'm fine, I'm trying to write lyrics for some songs.

>> No.6116726


>kebab pizza
>blueberry squash


>> No.6116728

Noam Chomsky - Power Systems
Steak + Asparagus
ex wants to meet up, not sure if about to be friend zoned or is still interested..

>> No.6116734

>I'm trying to write lyrics for some songs.
Let me help:

Oh, baby, you mean so much to me,
I just want to make love you you,
Just hold on to the lovin' you know is real,
You and I, together forever
In my life, I've never met a more special woman
You are like an angel from heaven
You are the one, who keeps me as one
You're my rock baby -- my rock in the storm

>> No.6116741

Thanks /lit/ bro. Also dad capital sounds like one of those awful rich dad poor dad books. Stupid auto correct

>> No.6116742


>> No.6116747

>dad capital
Write it and you will be rich with dumb people's money.

>> No.6116749

I can hear the music as I read it. It's beautiful.

Guitar solos everywhere.

>> No.6116751

The Old man and the Sea
Half a dozen eggs
Whole milk
I'm pretty ok.

>> No.6116754

Do you live on a farm?

>> No.6116770


I just put this in the text editor and saved it. Done for the day. Thanks.

>> No.6116774

Iambic pentameter be damned.

Just fill in the gaps in the pentameter with "ooos" and "oh yeahs" and "you know it's true" shit, and David Lee Roth-level squealing.

>> No.6116833

I'm just trying to gain weight and get swole.

I'm leaving for Korea in 17 days for one year and I went and bought of bunch of books(had a giftcard) to take with me because supposedly it's hard to find books over there in English.

After some Hemingway I'll either read
I have Nietzsche stuff
H.P Lovecraft stuff
Count of Monte Cristo
some more Hemingway stuff
3 Cioran books(he's a really pessimistic fellow)

Before The Old man and the Sea I read Crime and Punishment. Before that On the Heights of Despair.

>> No.6116843

I know he's just withholding things, hasnt lied. I've tried confronting him about it, but he just says "you cant just probe people like that"

sigh. it feels hopeless.

>> No.6116914

My weightless opinion votes you read Illiad/Odyssey first!

>> No.6116945
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the gay science, the old testament

lima beans, field peas, brown rice


joyously pining

>> No.6116971

Can't argue with that. I vaguely remember the Odyssey from highschool but I wasn't into it at all. I was always interested in the Iliad but I never got around to picking up the book until now.

>> No.6117007
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Savage Detectives
Not well, been sick for the past 3 weeks (flu and now throat infection) had to forgo going to NYC with a qt because of this shit.

>> No.6117010

Skip book 2 of the Illiad. Seriously. It is the goddamn worst.

>> No.6117017

how comes no one eatin' ass tonite?

>> No.6117031

CoL49 (/lit/ as fuck, nigga)

Picked apart a cold rotisserie chicken for dinner.

Drinking a nice, boozy Smuttynose Really Old Brown Dog ale.

I'm aite. Watching Walking Dead because I'm a masochist.

>> No.6117066

>the martian
>chocolate cereal
>in a rather good mood, listening trentemoller.. watched a movie.. it was very dark and beautiful. tenshi no tamago

>> No.6117095

Don't skip it nigger

Literally one of the best chapters in the whole thing

Not even that hard to get through.

>> No.6117116

Not planning on skipping anything.

I'll start Illiad soon after I finish The Old Man and the Sea. Enjoying it so far.

>> No.6117118

What movie is that?

>> No.6117147

Right now, Bro Bible. I swear I never go on it but I wanted to read about all the Patriots raging. But other than that Sister Carrie by Dreiser


Water but about to drink an espresso

Actually good, I think I'm growing out of teenage angst and feeling reasonably content with my life/mental health. Still no idea what I'm doing after college, but treating it as a turning point in my very own bildungsroman my nigga.

>> No.6117404


ham on rye (for the 6th time)




diet coke


like i want to make something so i can feel good about the day

>> No.6117426


>ham on rye (for the 6th time)

do you not enjoy life or are you just stupid

>> No.6117471


probably both

>> No.6117506

Stop now if you want to hang onto that good mood. The Martian is garbage.

I feel you, bruh. 6 is a lot, but hey, I reread Ham on Rye at least once in my younger years. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.6117535


sweet potato and black bean tacos with avocado, kale, green pepper


glad january is fucking over. broke up with my oil company.

>> No.6117544


hot dogs

vitamin water


>> No.6117564

I'm reading Stephen Fry's 'The Ode Less Travelled', as some namefag recommended it to me to learn more about prosody. Even though I'm only about thirty pages in, I'm learning quite a bit and writing a bit of poetry. Interesting stuff. Some of the excerpts he includes of poets are just plain beautiful, and understanding even just the rhythm makes me appreciate them a great deal more.



Alright. Have a bad cold and a sore throat.

>> No.6117836

bread and brie
a little stoned

>> No.6117993

One Hundred Years of Solitude
Gin & Tonic
Relaxed for the first time in forever, but will be over too soon

>> No.6117998


Wrathful Chaos: Five Books of Satanic Philosophy

Nothing I've been on a fast


I'm well, thank you for asking.
I trust you're doing fine as well.
Thanks for the thread!

>> No.6118024

The brothers karamazov
Girl scout cookies
What >>6117836 said

>> No.6118041
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>bread and brie

>> No.6118105

It's from the show Trailer Park Boys. Best low-brow comedy on Netflix.

>> No.6118512

>fucking endnotes instead of footnotes
Why are anglophones so fucking stupid that they always make endnotes? I want to read them, right on that fucking page where it is referenced, I don't want to go to the back of the book every fucking few sentences. It's like anglos don't even expect their readers to read footnotes, so they make them endnotes, to just put them away from the view. Fucking dumb assholes.

>> No.6120010

Reading: dune messiah
Eating: spaghetti
Drinking: water, I will probably be drinking a lot of water because I stopped drinking pop
How am I? I think I might be having a bit of an existential crisis, I can't find purpose in anything I do and I'm pretty apathetic toward life.

>> No.6120054

Invitation to a Beheading by Nabokov and L'Heptaméron by Marguerite de Navarre. First one's excellent so far, if weird. Still trying to decipher the second one.


Green tea.

>how are you?