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File: 87 KB, 220x278, Scientology_Symbol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6113089 No.6113089 [Reply] [Original]

Are there people on /lit/ who are knowledgable about scientology? I'm genuinely interested in your opinion.

A friend of mine invited me to "like" them on facebook as a joke and now i'm getting all those newsfeeds from them, and it's downing on my what a massive reach they must have. Some of their stuff looks quite nice. I'm not naive or in any way interested in participating; just saying they're really selling it with the positivity and everybody-hold-hands attitude.

>> No.6113129

>just saying they're really selling it with the positivity and everybody-hold-hands attitude
Well yeah it's a literal cult.

>> No.6113164
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it's weird how they basically adopt the classic bible talk we all know and love and remold them to fit their ends

>> No.6113179

This is all you need to know.

>> No.6113189
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>In some circumstances, disconnection has ended marriages and separated children from their parents.

>> No.6113193

i have a thing for cults and radical political groups where i research the fuck out of them. it's somewhat related to my dissertation in terms of tactics but not really, i mainly just do it for fun

anyway, as far as religion that costs money, people should just take shrooms, dmt, or lsd, have the epiphany, and have a good life. scientology (at least the church proper, which is the money suck) ruins lives, end of story.

>> No.6113254


the whole positivity you'll encounter is known as love-bombing. it's a tactic to get their victims hooked.

>> No.6113427

Basically it's AA / 12-step in an "only us" wrapper. I'm "clear" because I 4th-step.

>> No.6113454

"scientology...looks nice." lol it's not a candy store.

>> No.6113466

I went to their church and got me to show a movie once. I brought candy and ate it in a little mini-theater.

It was Ron Hubbard talking a lot of boring ass shit. It's a bizarre but fascinating religion couched in terms of science that might make sense to people who have spent no time in any science classes.

I loved it. But it's a financial scam/money cult. They try to get you to buy like $300 tape sets and shit.

>> No.6113483

Scientology is a legitimately fascinating and terrifying institution, there's nothing else quite like it on the scale that it exists as a textbook quasi-religious cult. The church has enormous power in the film and music industries here in Los Angeles, anyone who thinks this is a myth is deeply misinformed. Almost every large scale production has scientologists working on if not leading it, I often wonder what goes down behind the many closed doors that produce mainstream western media and how closely money ties into the religious aspect of work in this town

when I worked on PTA's The Master I had to sign a ream of paperwork about the church and non-disclosure, the set was locked down security wise as operative lawyers for the organization had been successful in shutting down the film's completion a number of times

take anything you read from their official page with a grain or two of salt

>> No.6113518
File: 92 KB, 600x362, mormons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's nothing else quite like it on the scale that it exists as a textbook quasi-religious cult.
pic related, they just hide the money grubbing a bit better and blend in to polite society very well

What did you do for The Master?

>> No.6113530

Their past their golden age but still have a fair bit of influence in the US and functionally control a town in Florida.

They are probably the most impoprtant group to emerge from the new agers of the 50s.

Current leader is a really nasty piece of work. Their numbers may be small but they work the hell out of those who they have.

>> No.6113587

Directed it.

>> No.6113717


Mormonism has strong ties to Christianity which puts it into a different ball park as far as legitimacy in the public eye goes. Scientology is an obvious crackpot institution and its size as such is impressive

I was an extra

>> No.6113721

Inside Scientology: The Story of America's Most Secretive Religion is a book I'd recommend, very interesting and recent. Makes you very mad, but luckily they seem to lose grounds a bit.

also the top-voted review on goodreads for it is completely retarded

>> No.6113722

Now that I know it's about scientology i wish i'd never seen it

>> No.6113724

what the fuck damn

lumniati as fuck

>> No.6113726


it's very obviously based on L Ron Hubbard and the church

>> No.6113742

everyone look at how illuminati this is

>> No.6113752

dont do anything to anderson please ill be watching

>> No.6113834


Please tell me this is an undergrad dissertation.
Please don't tell me I might be browsing /lit/ even when I'm in graduate school.

>> No.6113838


>he thinks he can ever leave

you might escape for a while here and there, but the ride never ends

>> No.6113848

>nearly finished with PhD
>trying for a child right now
>still check out /lit/ from time to time

I want to get off Mr. Bones Wild Ride

>> No.6113855


>Don't forget, you're here forever.

>> No.6113879

look up the book "lonesome squirrel". it's free on the web. by a guy who was in the org and managed to get out.

"What would `S&M' mean in our language?", Ray inquired of me as he tried to make a serious effort to understand Steve Goldberg a little bit better.

"In his case, he's talking about a Desired Flow-Zero Enforced Overt Have," I said.

- Steven Fishman (ex-Scientologist), "Lonesome Squirrel"

>> No.6115850

If you want a book to read, I'd suggest "Going Clear." Amazing stuff.

>> No.6115869

okay, EWW.

>> No.6115872

Too bad most of the public doesn't know that Mormonism, like Scientology, hinges on a cosmology which involves life on other planets. Also, the whole "you can be a god" goal is pretty different from the goals of basic Christianity.

Personally, i think those commercials in the 80s showing people doing good things for each other put the Mormons in a positive light. I mean, look, the US almost had one for a president.

>> No.6115881

illuminati errywhere

>> No.6115978

>Scientologist film makers will be the Jewish bankers of the 21st century.

>> No.6116590

see, i also more or less fit into that demographic, and we just ignore threads made by people like you
there's good stuff here

>> No.6116659
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lol at them having a commercial in the superbowl.

>> No.6116801


>> No.6116860

fuck the illuminati guys

>> No.6117637

It also borrowed from Eastern terminology and concepts. "Clear" for example has some roots in the "clear light" posited by the Buddhists.

>> No.6117654

This guy's an asshole

>> No.6117889

Super interesting rabbit hole that you can spend way too much time researching. Check out the Fishman Affidavit if you haven't already.

>> No.6120187

for all your questions

>> No.6120409

>Mormonism has strong ties to Christianity