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File: 40 KB, 294x322, ayn_rand_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6112701 No.6112701 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.6112714

Nothing "went" wrong, it was inherently wrong

>> No.6112723


>> No.6112828

nothing. we re living in rand's wet dream right now. the top 1% have removed themselves from the plebian plane of existence and are living grand as fuggg. too bad she missed it all...

>> No.6112846

>we re living in rand's wet dream right now.


>> No.6112852

underrated post

>> No.6112863

moral aesthetes discovered that they effectively believe in god.

>> No.6112870

underrated post

>> No.6112884
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BRICS are following the same steps of Rand's US. Are their growth real?

>> No.6112892

probably the most succinctly I've seen this summed up

>> No.6112896

>fascist pedophile thread

dropped like its hot

>> No.6112904

>anon petrified by the notion of fascism
>uses black american slang
You're like a cartoon.

>> No.6112919



hardly. embarrassed is a great word

>> No.6112930

I can guarantee the notion of entertaining Fascist theory scares you, or at least makes you anxious. You would probably find it difficult to try to examine their perspectives without constantly degrading them morally, even just in your head.

>> No.6113329

get back to your containment board piece of shit, what a disgraceful coward you must be that you can't even say nigger here

>> No.6113337

>mfw been on /lit/ for like three hours now
Kind of embarrassing
Anyway I find 'nigger' pretty distasteful, it's a word meant solely to instill hate in people, the Black American re-appropriation of it being a kind of angry response to that hate. It isn't a useful word, it is essentially an emotional term.

Your response is more or less what I'm talking about, you're so afraid of being anywhere near Fascist that the very idea of thinking about it rationally and trying to understand why people would think it was an acceptable ideology makes you so uncomfortable that you have to instinctively lash out at anyone you see not indiscriminately rejecting it to distance yourself from any possibility of being associated with it.

I voted for the NDP in the last election by the way, which is the furthest Left party in Canada that has a hope of winning.

>> No.6113339

Liberals are more left than the NDP. Even the unions have ditched them.

>> No.6113343


finding a specific brand of ideological apparatus distasteful isn't the same thing as being afraid of it or needing to ignore it

>> No.6113352

I agree, but the kneejerk reaction Leftist have to anything far-right(mirrored of course by Right-wing phobia of 'commies' and whatnot) is a purely emotional reaction in the vast majority. It is very clearly a fear of being cast out of the in-group, of being masticated for even coming close to the heresy of those beliefs. This is evidenced in the way people respond to Fascist or Neo-Nazis, there is never any argument, but there is a great deal of emotionally loaded terms like 'disgusting', 'loathsome', 'vile' etc, with the implication that anyone who doesn't agree is similarly awful.

>> No.6113358


as a far leftist, I have more in common with righty extremists than, say, social democrats or k-mart liberals

that doesn't mean I don't violently disagree with them, it also doesn't mean I'm afraid of them

>> No.6113367

I don't think I'm being clear, I'm not saying you're afraid of them, being afraid of modern Neo-nazis would be absurd as they have no power. I'm referring to the fear people have of being seen as neo-nazi, or fascist, or communist of socialist, or whatever their group hates. If you strongly identify with a political group you will tend to be extremely afraid of being seen as belonging in any way to the groups that oppose you, which manifests as a kind of fear of even thinking the thoughts those groups think, and an emotional response to immediately reject them without thought.

Maybe that doesn't describe you but it's extremely prevalent among many people.

>> No.6113386
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>> No.6113417

She ignored the simplest fact of philosophy: "That which affects another is real."

Whether emotions are "fiction" or "delusion," the fact remains that they're an integral part of the human experience, and people who don't see them being abused will not react the same way as someone raised in Stalinist USSR.

Objectivism needs to recognize the objective reality that subjective emotions affect people, and must take it into account.

>> No.6113420

You cant argue with neo nazis.
you need to re-educate them.

>> No.6113451

Oh but you can, and I do, and it's often pretty interesting, if only because it's so deeply subversive. They're not typically any less intelligent than any other political group, they're just a very specific demographic. The vast majority of those I've spoken with enough to learn their background are poor white men who live around majority poor black neighborhoods and are somehow socially alienated(These are the American type of course, not the European who ahve similar but different traits). Those three traits are what feed their extremism in our culture. The poverty makes them feel oppressed, the majority poor black environment makes them resent black people due to various difficulties of living in ghettos, and the social alienation makes them prone to adopting extremist cult-like values as a way of being accepted.

These people are blinded by ideology but you can certainly argue with them, and if fact that is the only way you can convince them not to be Neo-Nazis, is by instruction. If you attack them you only further radicalize them, which is precisely what has been happening in the past two decades or so, hugely bolstered by the traumas of the economic recession.

I honestly don't believe these parties will reconcile, I think they're going to continue to radicalize, and the far-right is going to start attracting(and really already has) people who don't fit that profile at all, but who are simply swept up in the wave of a movement that will tell them that they're intrinsically worth something. I think it's good that Europe has been frightened by this recently but their methods of dealing with it are going to have the exact opposite intended effect.

>> No.6113512

Thats why you re-educate and resocialize, because their whole ideology is based on tribal emotions and they are radicalized to see everything through that lense.
They may or may not be intelligent, but they do consist of uneducated failures who founder on fitting in and adapting to modern society.

>Not being able to argue with them
refers to their simplified conception of man and delusional ideas.

Their inherent problem is not politics, migrants or blacks, their inherent problem is that they are losers.

>> No.6114459

Not overthrowing the government and believing in intellectual property. Capitalism can work with collectivism, but only in small homogenous groups.

>> No.6114562

They all are motivated by <ad hominem> and emotions. Yeah, well. I guess leftists are all motivated by being highly intellectual and having read Marx, Gramsci et al deeply. You make me laff.

This is why I don't take any leftist seriously ever. They always think they have the higher moral ground because of their ideology. Marxists and byproducts are just modern-day sophists.

>> No.6114762
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Guess i hit a nerve.

>if you disagree you are a muslim/jew/liberal/gook/nigger/poor/female/gay

Good luck.

>> No.6115278

I'm not even a neo-Nazi or whatever they are called these days, which just proves how narrow-minded "progressive" people such as you are.

Also >the "Jewish daily Forward"
peak lal, if that is not ironic or supposed to crack a bad joke or something, then I know for sure that if I did give a fuck about your opinion I give 0 now.

>> No.6115287

If that were true, you would have not responded.

>> No.6115308

Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson fucked things up.

>> No.6115311

Whoa, you must have a lot of spare time to be unmasking evil, sick, patriarchal anomalies like myself on the internet when I responded like two hours after and yet you reply immediately. You're just pathetic lel.

>> No.6115333
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C'mon son.

>> No.6115340
File: 23 KB, 419x483, 1422510768952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw total automation will allow the wealthy to cull the lower classes, hopefully killing them off entirely eventually.

>> No.6115361

>confusing the reactions of lukewarm liberals to the reaction of far leftists
>equating the two

Why do right wingers always do this shit? That's one thing which does seem to be inherent to the right-wing perspective, a complete inability to understand their opponents. So why should we respect such blatant ignorance?

>> No.6115367
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>> No.6115370

mfw you're probably in the lower class, you just refuse to realize it

>> No.6115380

That reaction image is more right that you know... a smug member of the underclass unaware of his own idiocy.

>> No.6115388

That's the point.

>> No.6115394

I'm exceedingly wealthy, you have probably heard of my family. Stay poor, though, I can't wait for the machines to take over so we can wipe out you brutish plebeians.

>> No.6115434
File: 10 KB, 180x321, CLT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw even the aristocrats are brutes now

There is no high class, anymore. Only people who can afford a brutish lifestyle with more objects in it.

>> No.6115443

Don't confuse me with the nouveau riche, please.

>> No.6115444

Ah... but what will happen when the machines overthrow you anon?

I for one welcome our oily robot overlords.

>> No.6115454
File: 48 KB, 500x500, 1395821558564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>machines are sentient

>> No.6115473

I'm sorry m80, you're posting on a Chinese cartoon imageboard. Please explain how you're *not* caught up in the same mass-media shit-pile our culture has become.

>implying you're actually rich, anyways

>> No.6115487
File: 108 KB, 950x522, singularity_graphic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not aware of the technological singularity
>being this pleb

>> No.6115499

>yfw people were saying the technological singularity would happen 2010

But don't worry I'm sure THIS TIME it's for real

>> No.6115506

Layton's NDP used to be the furthest Left party in Canada among the most popular parties
It changed ever since Mulcair

>> No.6115516

>yfw when people thought air travel was possible

Oh yeah, I believe you, Wright Brothers, this model will be the one that works.

>> No.6115527

Explain how a machine, programmed for a task, can develop free will, which even humans don't have.

>> No.6115552

>two people invented heavier-than-air flight therefore all naysayers are wrong

great reasoning there, mate

>> No.6115557

>one time something happened people thought was impossible, so that means every retarded event will eventually happen!

>> No.6115692

>not understanding how self-improving algorithms work.
We are already on the stage where software is being written not just to perform specific tasks.

We now teach the software how to learn, and in the primary bonding process it molds itself around the task to be performed, using a feedback loop that never really ends.

Free will or not, if humans can govern then machines will definitely be just as able to.

>> No.6115706

Making discussion of Ayn Rand permissible on /lit/. It's shit-posting, though I will grant it is no longer the worst form of it.

>> No.6115719

>implying a 'learning' picture analysis program can become anything other than better at analyzing pictures

you have no clue what youre talking about.

>> No.6115723
File: 60 KB, 617x416, 1423111229758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitposting is the reason i exist.