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6111939 No.6111939[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is having sex the highest form of art? It's the only form that appeals to all of the senses, and provides direct emotional connection between two people.

>> No.6111946

define "highest"; "art"

>> No.6111949

I wouldn't call sex in itself an art.

But I would say that sexual beauty is an aesthetic that trumps every single other form of art.

>> No.6111958

Viennese actionists pls go
>captcha: moomm

>> No.6111968

Highest: most intellectually and emotionally stimulating

Art: Any object or act created by a human to provide intellectual or emotional stimulation to themselves or others.

>> No.6111984


>> No.6111993

Sex really isn't art. I guess it could be. But people having sex are usually too busy having sex to really care.

>> No.6111999

Is performance art, art?

>> No.6112001

explain. i'm from vienna and i don't get it. i'm curious. don't know much about v.actionists

i'd say sex is emotionally, but not intellectually stimulating. i'd also say stimulii differ in nature and aren't directly comparable.

>Art: Any object or act created by a human to provide intellectual or emotional stimulation to themselves or others.
that would include cocaine. i'm not satisfied with the definition.

>> No.6112005

Sex and eating

All other eating is just an attempt to recreate the feeling of those two.

>> No.6112009

no, it's degeneracy.

>> No.6112013

Sex is meaningless and animalistic, so no, not art.

>> No.6112018

Ok then what is art?

>> No.6112036

It's "highest" if you want it to be.

>But people having sex are usually too busy having sex to really care.
But sometimes they take the time to do it right.

Sage tho, not lit

>> No.6112042

>not lit

Nor are all the other philosophy threads.

>> No.6112043

>that would include cocaine. i'm not satisfied with the definition.
you can throw out 'cocaine' the same way you throw out sex working from that definition

>> No.6112049

Viennese actionists are a loose grouping of artists who were the Austrian equivalent of Fluxus or "happenings" elsewhere in the world in the 60s. The most notorious member is Otto Muehl who started a commune at Friedrichshof and, as all good hippy commune stories go, a cult and underage sex scandal. Two movies which might be easier to find in your area Die Kinder vom Friedrichshof and Meine Keine Familie. Both are made by children in the community arising from the artists colony.

>> No.6112056

Ok since people are arguing about the definition of art.

Is having sex the pinnacle of aesthetics?

>> No.6112070

ok i knew that, just how does that connect to the OP

>> No.6112071

By that logic, I'd argue contact sport is a higher form of art.

But no, it isn't, and that's stupid.
Sex is too utility-driven.

>> No.6112072

How does the clumsy ramming of a penis into a soggy cluster of skin folds constitute aesthetics?

>> No.6112087

>how is the reading of words aesthetics
>how is looking at a drawing aesthetics

>> No.6112090

Sex as a key part of higher aesthetics which an artistic being needed to immerse themselves in freely was one of the principles of the commune. The one that got them done for child abuse in fact.

>> No.6112098

ah. thank you.

>> No.6112102
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>provides direct emotional connection between two people

This is the ideology of sex, but is it not the case that the sexual act shows the impossibility of ever fully accessing the subjectivity of another person, and so on and so on?

>> No.6112107


>> No.6112110

True. I'm judged harshly.

He doesn't know

>> No.6112111

>tfw I'll never have sex

>> No.6112112

'appealing to the senses' and 'direct emotional connection' are not what defines art

>> No.6112115


>> No.6112117

It is what defines aesthetics.

>> No.6112121

aesthetics are not art itself

>> No.6112123

What else? Function? Because sex certainly serves a funtion.

>> No.6112133
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>most intellectually

>> No.6112150

psh i dunno about that
it makes for very good material for art, that is certain

>all of these fedora tippers

>> No.6112166

art is transforming reality through imagination (the association of ideas), the breaking down of custom, habit, convention, making familiar the non-familiar, a harmonisation with the infinite, the juxtaposition of two opposing images spacially and temporarily distant, and impossible to common sense, it's a return to nothing and resonance, an appeal to the soul

>> No.6112176
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Anything that the average farm animal can do much better than any human alive, I'm not inclined to call art.

>> No.6112185


>> No.6112216

Not him, but something that can be done without thought or talent is not art.

>> No.6112222


>> No.6112228

>Highest: most intellectually and emotionally stimulating
No, that's conquest. Standing in your enemies capital crowning yourself emperor in front of all your loyal subjects probably beats having sex.

>> No.6112239

sex for procreation is the ultimate creative act, literally creating another human being.
its not an art though, it doesnt take skill unless your trying to make a woman orgasm

>> No.6112246

>sex doesn't take skill

>> No.6112263

it doesnt. unless you are talking about the process leading up to it(getting a woman to have sex with you). It definitely does not take skill to fuck a hole until you cum

>> No.6112277

confirmed for never having mutually pleasurable sex

>> No.6112283

Anyone who thinks sex is the highest for of art has never had sex. It's just stupid animalistic fun like doing drugs. When you see dogs fucking do you look at it like a Sargent piece?

>> No.6112289

>doesnt think drugs are a high form of art

>> No.6112292

Confirmed for never having emotionally connected sex. Or confirmed for getting his heart broken.