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6111445 No.6111445 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6111451


>> No.6111454


>> No.6111458

Pretty much it

>> No.6111462

No. You are mistaken.

This is not what my church says.

Please correct your behavior.

>> No.6111465
File: 326 KB, 1417x2000, bobbyscohen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry.
Be happy.

>> No.6111466


>> No.6111468


if only this was true

>> No.6111473
File: 422 KB, 950x1200, tipsdurag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6111479

If the lack of purpose bothers you, you have just discovered your purpose in life: fill the slot.

>> No.6111491

have you accepted the lord jesus christ as your savior?

>> No.6111539


not OSP (Original Shit Poster) but I think he's referencing the absurdity of these purposes in light of the certainty of death.

The best way to live is for this moment right now. I'm lulling pretty hard right now so I really have nothing else to think about. No regrets. Nihilism is a disease of foresight. It's just looking way too far ahead.

>> No.6111559

Not OP either but I completely agree.

I think what is truly important is not that we ourselves our mortal, it's that the universe and time itself will too cease to exist.

Vanity of vanities; all is vanity...

>> No.6111565

remember anon, realizing this is only the first step, not the last

>> No.6111570

Yes, I know, what's your point?

>> No.6111583
File: 94 KB, 1435x478, Smug Life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace the smug my friend.

>> No.6111597

First, I want to argue that 'meaning' is incomplete without the subsequent, 'to me' or to whomever it is held. This makes me presuppose OP is speaking of his own relation with meaning.
Second, I want to add that when you are dead, there is none to carry a sense of meaning. It's a way of recycling the point that there is no logic in worrying about death because first you are alive and so death is not there, and when death has come there is nobody subject to experience it. Likewise as with worrying about death being absurd, worrying about the death of meaning is too, because meaning is reserved for the living.
With these two fundamentals in mind, I want to allude to the fact that a perceived lack of meaning bothers OP. This means, by the very fact that he is buttflustered, that there is meaning - meaning, acute and powerful enough to frustrate. Therefore, the answer is self-generated: use your perceived meaningfulness in meaning to induce its genesis.

>> No.6111611

Underrated bait

>> No.6111614


>> No.6111618

Is this what a sophist looks like?

>> No.6111621

I invite you to criticise my reasoning, anon. Otherwise no, I'm just trying to help.

>> No.6111628



>> No.6111662

>With these two fundamentals in mind, I want to allude to the fact that a perceived lack of meaning bothers OP. This means, by the very fact that he is buttflustered, that there is meaning

A lack of meaning means that there is meaning. This is just circular logic.

>> No.6111684

If you had no sense of meaning, you would be apathic about not knowing meaning. If you find some element of meaningfulness in meaning--that is, it matters to have meaning--then it follows that there is after all meaning. This is not circular logic.

>> No.6111695
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>> No.6111705

>if you are searching for something it must exist

>> No.6111711

The meaning of life is to consume and expand (not in some edgy Michael Gira way, just biology). Our destiny is to colonize Mars, terraform it, and then get started on ruining that environment.

>> No.6111713

>cont. of >>6111684
It is only a confused attempt at rationalising that concludes there is no meaning. Recognise here that just uttering the phrase, "There is no meaning" does not predicate that there is no meaning. Meaning is investigated by sensing what matters, not by deducing from objective premises because the concept of meaning is incomplete unless you finish the sentence, "meaning to X" which is necessarily subjective.

>> No.6111722

Complaining that there is no purpose is like complaining that there is no God because both are made up by humans in the first place.

>> No.6111723
File: 9 KB, 429x375, frogg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

das it mane

>> No.6112035

We are the purpose
Your fellow man is the purpose
The lost inner city teen is the purpose
The starving child in Africa is the purpose
The child forced to prostitute is the purpose
The slave working is the purpose
If there is no god then all we can do is help each other before we fade into the the dark
If there is a god then he would want us to help each other

>> No.6112462

I know how you feel. I was twelve once too

>> No.6112465


wow. a 12 yo is "suffering".

is she cute, at least?

>> No.6112467
File: 47 KB, 600x411, quotes-let-go-tao-te-ching-600x411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no Is, only Be.

>> No.6112490


nice cliches

>> No.6113022

Nice being a waste of skin
If you don't help you are contributing to the problem

>> No.6113028

>>/int/ is over there

>> No.6113070

Why is that something to be sad about? Yea, there's no point, but for an individual pleasure and creativity and enjoyment of what's good in life should be an end in itself. Use this knowledge to shrug off the bad shit that happens in your probably no so bad existence, and create something you think is beautiful.

>> No.6113983

Humanism is played out, b.