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File: 103 KB, 246x232, feels nervous man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6108892 No.6108892[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw every time you think about your impossibly short life and the utter non existence after death you get scared

>> No.6108893

/lit/ - literature

>> No.6108897

That's why i want to get into gerontology
>DFW hope to stop ageing, and by that death

>> No.6108914

>you will never read every book

>> No.6108920
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>Tfw every time you think about your impossibly short life and the utter non existence after death you are reminded that every second is precious and that you should get off your ass and write that fucking book already

>> No.6108922

That scares people?

>> No.6108930

I guess some people are just like rabbits.

>> No.6108932
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>tfw my life feels too long and the agony of living is only abated by the knowledge that it will eventually end

>> No.6108950
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>not being a mystic

>> No.6108966
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>> No.6109089


>> No.6109305

>tfw every time you think about your impossibly short life and the utter non existence after death you realise the only thing you want is for it to end

>> No.6109318

iktf anon. It's fucking terrifying, but I guess that's just life. I find immeasurable joy in merely perceiving the world, and I don't want that to go away.

>> No.6109330


I try not to think of it, I've had moments in which this thought kept me awake at night, shivering.

>> No.6109384 [DELETED] 
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>tfw people are stupid enough to believe that non-existence in the future will somehow be permanent, unlike the non-existence prior to their birth...

>tfw people are so stupid they don't even understand that their non-existent states are as temporary as their existent states

>tfw people aren't aware of the future lives they will live as violent aliens, starving african babies, murder victims, giant galactic beings that live for eons in other dimensions...tapeworms in the anuses of gay men, etc..

>tfw only a select few will ever wake up from this bizarre nightmare only to realize they are all the same being who doesn't even exist

>> No.6109410


yeah man, totally! What if, like, we're all one consciousness? Far out, right?

fuck off with this new age hippie bullshit

>> No.6109422 [DELETED] 


the last bit about consciousness is irrelevant hippie stuff, the terrifying part was the beginning which is absolutely true.

>> No.6109429 [DELETED] 
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>utter non existence after death

ya, like the utter non-existence before birth. How did that work out for us?

I'm so glad that non-existence is a guaranteed safe haven, can't wait to return to it! :^)

This time it'll last forever, for sure! :^) :^)

If only life was that fair and just and peaceful...

>> No.6109499
File: 93 KB, 645x773, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good feel for me. Life is so exhausting. I'm only a quarter through my life supposedly but it feels good knowing that I'll eventually be able to sleep forever.

>> No.6109512

Embrace it and become a Diogenes.

>> No.6109514

I get the exact opposite feeling. A short life followed by eternal oblivion ruins my motivation.

>> No.6109532

>utter non existence after death you get scared
Why would you ever get scared about an empirically unverified gossip?

Are you 14?

>> No.6110372

What else would there be? The only reason you can perceive is your consciousness. Your consciousness is created from your brain. Once your brain stops functioning, so does your consciousness, and also you.

>> No.6110392

But David Foster Wallace killed himself?

>> No.6110394

How does this bother you, exactly? This only upset me early in my teens.

>> No.6110403

Not if its re-instantiated in some other substrate at some point following. The horror of knowing you can never die.

>> No.6110404
File: 238 KB, 1600x1066, Tendies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Mom gets home from her date and comes to check in on me
>Tell her I need her to make me some chicken tendies right now
>She says it's late and she's tired and the date didn't really go so well
>I punch a hole in my bedroom wall and start screaming
>She stats crying
>I ask her what she's waiting for
>She wipes her eyes and sulks off into the kitchen to turn on the oven
>Tendies were delicious

>> No.6110409

>Not embracing non existence
>Implying I should want to be stuck with all you fags in some sort of after life

>> No.6110417

>piss jars

i don't get this, there's a homeless bum that lives outside my apartment that saves pee in used water bottles, sometimes he has as many as three in his coat pockets at any time, then sometimes he just opens one up and splashes it on the sidewalk. last time i snowed there was this giant patch of yellow snow and i was like what kind of man or beast could piss that fucking much? then i realized the hobo probably dumped out two or three of piss bottles, i don't get why people do this

>> No.6110436

if you`re smart you sell your piss to people on parole who need clean piss.

>> No.6110439


She probably did an extra good job because she was sorry for mouthing off to you.

>> No.6110441

or at a highly competitive tennis academy

>> No.6110453

but you can like, live eternally through your book, man


>> No.6110455

>needing good boy points to get your mother to make you tendies
>not having a mother who understands her natural role as tendies maker and accepts it enthusiastically

Fucking normie. I bet you're monolingual too.

>> No.6110473

Megakek, pleb; you're not scared, no one feels fear towards logical phenomena that they understand, you just still feel hope that it might not be the case, hence your fear and trembling.

You wouldn't fear at the fact that if you eat too much, you're gonna throw up, wouldn't you? --- because you know it for sure. If you dropped all that petty hope of yours, you wouldn't feel no fear at all. Bitch ass niqqa.

>> No.6110494

lol you're probably just clinging to shit like possibility of fame, possibility of fortune, and the possibility you will never get any. nigga just think about all the shit you wont be able to do its literally impossible to do everything

stop holding onto stuff just as finite as you, physically and in your head, and thinking that it's infinite or more important than you or will lead to some weirdass idea of happiness.

plus, if you really believe in nonexistence, then you believe you won't feel anything at all afterwards. Which means you won't feel despair or be able to fear death anymore

your also probably retarded or a pussy or both

>> No.6110501

Can we agree that fear of death is the most plebeian thing around?

>> No.6110504


>> No.6110505
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We can.

>> No.6110509
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>tfw when you know shits going on after you die and that is what make you shitscared

>> No.6110518

That painting is intense.

>> No.6110520


>> No.6110523
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It doesn't have to be that way.

>> No.6110528

Mammonist Idolater, please.

>> No.6110530
File: 151 KB, 1024x576, Come at Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An accuser eh?

>> No.6110533

>tfw you realize you aren't actually alive and there is no distinction between the inorganic and organic

>> No.6110536
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Infinity torments me

Is the feeling of not being able to get used to whatever comes next that makes my anxiety get anxieties

>> No.6110542

What's there to be afraid of? Death is just the cessation of life. We don't experience anything of it... makes no sense man, seriously.

I can understand being afraid of getting sick and old, but being afraid of dying is a sign that someone has totally misunderstood what death is. It's easy for our mind to let the idea spiral out of control into some kind of horrible event we're going to endure, but that's just the mind being silly. Remind it that death is not something we experience, and that we have no reason to fear what we won't experience.

>> No.6110545
File: 94 KB, 350x705, Walk with Him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
- Matthew 11:28

>> No.6110547

You are too attached to what you have now. Your body, your sense of personality, the illusion that you are separate from all else, the illusion that this process that is yourself is actually all there is. Death is a transformation, a radical transformation. In life you can see how changing from a city to another can be scary, but nevertheless you understand you'll still be the same person. In death, what you lose is this person and only that. Your death won't mean non-existence, the universe continues afterwards just like it continued after so many deaths. You'll get back to this ocean and lose your form, but your consciousness dissolves itself just like your body dissolves itself. The only reason to be afraid of death is this absolute clinging to who you are, your name, your accumulated knowledge, your memory. Those are all too small and unimportant for you to worry so much about.

>> No.6110551

is god some form of bed?

>> No.6110555
File: 95 KB, 396x350, alpha-omega-jesus-kenrick-glennon-seminary-396x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is a person.

>> No.6110557

Infinity can't torment you. You don't even know what infinity is.

>> No.6110564

>The only reason you can perceive is your consciousness.
>Your consciousness is created from your brain.
>Once your brain stops functioning, so does your consciousness, and also you.

Invalid argument with all premises being false. Premise one is false, because without any given sense organ you wouldn't perceive anything at all. It also begs the question by taking consciousness to exist without any concrete evidence (say, supporting premise); not even a definition is given. Premise two is, well, to borrow from the previous elaboration, patent question-begging. Your hypothesis is also incompatible with various philosophies of mind (panpsychism, substance and property dualism, to name a few). The conclusion, is, of course, absurd, but not just for the above-stated reasons; but also, in addition, for muddling up the already-ill-formed argument by committing the mereological fallacy (you are clearly confused as to what counts, and what the term 'you' can sensibly be referring to).

In any case, thanks for admitting your age.

>> No.6110566

You can't prepare yourself for the next moment, because you don't know what will be brought to you. You can prepare yourself to handle situations that you were not prepared to handle though. If you do first and think later, if you learn to enjoy this mystery, you learn how to accept death.

>> No.6110592
File: 39 KB, 500x311, My inevitable death and disintegration makes me fucking chill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kinda feel better now, anons
Are there any books related to this?

>> No.6110594

Where does people get the idea that consciousness is in the brain? What the fuck. Your brain is a little machine that handles electricity and makes certain organs spill chemicals, certain muscles to twitch and so on. It has nothing to do with consciousness, or, at least, just as much as your heart, your eyes, your feet...

It's not as if the energy your brain handles vanishes from the universe once you die, it is merely dispersed. In the same way that you see no distinction between your brain and your hand when you move it (it is all "I"), and between your hand and your car when you are in it and you feel yourself as the car. Nothing dissapears at your death, what happends is that these delimitations you like to imagine make no sense anymore, your body feeds nature, the air in your lungs return to the atmosphere one last time, your fluids dry to the skies, your electricity moves some place else and that's it.

>> No.6110600


>> No.6110605
File: 300 KB, 500x375, screaming existentially.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, OP: After you die you will wake up, unknowingly living your life over again.

>> No.6110611



>> No.6110694

this post sucks

>> No.6110747

>implying I'm going to die
Prove I can die. You can't.

>> No.6110759

just get over it. you will eventually. i found that understanding, that if i am cremated, i will then be spread over earth and born again into multiple plants or other organisms, calms me down.

>> No.6110806

Why the fuck would you be scared? An infinite amount of time before you were alive not being alive didn't bother you so why would being dead bother you in even the slightest sense of the word? It makes no sense to me.

>> No.6110817
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>> No.6110847
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>> No.6110860

is this the version for the mentally retarded?

>> No.6110908

>new age
It's been new age since the 60's, man.

>> No.6110918

no, that would be the original, which suggests you become an ubermench to solve your problems.

>> No.6110922

"The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness."

Vladimir Nabokov

he chose to spend this brief crack of light becoming a god

>> No.6110959

Best post thus far.

>> No.6110994

And the conclusion that you draw from this is?

>> No.6111031

That you're an idiot. Now go do your English homework so you can get into Community College.

>> No.6111052

>Makes an elaborate objection that is worthy of a high-quality intellectual conversation.
>It was to prove that you are a retarded and moronic child ;^)
Why must 4channers be like this?

>> No.6111134
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>> No.6111170

Jeez man, I'm not even that guy.

Cool your tits brosephine.

>> No.6111940


>> No.6112457

>muh death
>muh shortness of life
What are you, 12? That's some basic shit.

>> No.6112487
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>tfw I actually attempted the original flowchart trying to find some kind of meaning and ended up like that chart


>> No.6112493

Good. Imagine all the shitty manuscripts tucked away under some 50 year old spinster's futon

>> No.6112500

I just don't want to die in my sleep.
I wanna be there for my death.

>> No.6112508
File: 52 KB, 876x165, Screen Shot 2015-01-28 at 8.34.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw ambivalent towards everything, even death, because I smoke so much weed

Yeah, uh, Idk if this is healthy or not.

>> No.6112645

To the people treating fear of death as absurd: you are literally autistic, and what are you doing on a literature board?