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6104614 No.6104614[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have video games surpassed books in terms of story telling and character development?

>> No.6104619


>> No.6104629
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No, fuck off.

And this is comes from someone that enjoys vidya just as much as literature.
shit games

>> No.6104634

they haven't even surpassed romantic comedies

>> No.6104635

>Says that
>But uses trashy AAA games as an example

AAA games are the YA fiction of Video games you dork. They're always shit, no matter what.

They can't afford to not be shit so the mainstream normies will buy them and they can make back their over-inflated budgets.

>> No.6104643

far from it. they're about the same level as mass appeal hollywood movies.

>> No.6104657

not even close yet. it will happen though, when it stops being nerd wish fulfillment

>> No.6104661

I have a lot of hope for the future of games as a storytelling medium but right now they're terrible. Imagine if every single book released by a major publisher was in the thriller/action or every movie from a studio was an action movie. That's the current state of videogames.

They haven't even broken out of the aesthetic ghetto yet, never mind break ground as character or narrative art.

>> No.6104700

No. And because of the way the industry functions (requiring money in order to create a successful game 99.9% of the time), it will never have the breadth and intelligence that literature has to offer.

>> No.6104709
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The shit you play, sure haven't.

>> No.6104731

Video games haven't even surpassed comics yet.

>> No.6104734

>says the fedora wearing fellow

>> No.6104735

But he is right. ;_;

>> No.6104737

Non-AAA games are just as bad. Even classics like Planescape: Torment and Vampire: The Masquerade have ridiculously bad writing.

>> No.6104744



>> No.6104751
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But the potential is real.

>> No.6104760

even that isn't an example that excels within its own medium. pathologic is dialogue boxes and cutscenes, with some neat context in between

the dialogue and characters are too enigmatic for their own good, even if there is an overarching 'message'

>> No.6104764
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why don't they release the Last of Us for pc so adults can play it ffs

OP in answer to your question I think no, not right now, but maybe someday who knows.

>> No.6104767

>vidjergaems are all about violence!
>ignorant Japanese plebs unaware of the glory of Western adventure games

>> No.6104772

Of course. World of Warcraft is everything Nabokov wanted to achieve; it's extremely valuable aesthetically.

>> No.6104775

u w8 m8

>> No.6104777

Did you watch his shit nigga

>> No.6104779


pretty sure Nabakov never wrote about wizards and elves

>> No.6104782

you dont get lolita then

>> No.6104783


what is the magic system in Lolita?
how is the pvp?

>> No.6104791


>> No.6104794

telltale games are kinda ok.
but still, nope.

>> No.6104801
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its more like this.

>> No.6104802

Planescape Torment.
Arguably Mass Effect.

And Morrowind, by means of immersion and potential for free story telling through the immense content in terms of lore and level design.

>> No.6104804


back to k-mart

>> No.6104808
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>Mass effect

Sure smells like pleb spirit.

>> No.6104819

>smells like pleb spirit.
This nigga

>> No.6104832

ME2 was great.

>> No.6104837

The game mechanics themselves serve a great narrative function.

Though I guess it's more of a good proof of concept, with The Void representing a more refined claim to video game art.

>> No.6104839

>telltale games
Consider what capabilities the medium is supposed to offer.

>> No.6104854

don't get me wrong, I pee on all this Morrowind bullshit. But since we're on /lit/, I wanted to say, that The 36 Lessons of Vivec book series is actually pretty good. It has a great number of fine religious symbolism and numerology, overall worth reading.

>> No.6104860

I wish kurt cobain killed himself before he made all that shitty music

>> No.6104864

There is nothing more tiresome than gaming cultural cringe. All these insufferable faggots and commentators trying so hard to dissociate from "hardcore gaming" and prove that games can be just as profound as any other medium "maybe if i'm brutally reductive enough about the current state of gaming, someone will make a groundbreaking game next year that I can latch onto while it's still a novelty", all these academics, identity politicians and bureaucrats who want to mould gaming to their designs so it's full of serious vehicles for social change. All these retarded English Majors writing their theses on "storytelling in gaming!!!" thinking they are forward-thinking rebels for upsetting their perplexed professors, and shitting out thousands of pages of ink fawning over the games they like.

Even as folks appreciate that it's unfair to misrepresent and generalise about games and the people who play games, they go about perpetuating those exact negative stereotypes about some subset of "hardcore" "nerdy" "autistic" etc. gamers, so they can look good by comparison and have a high connoisseur status.

There's nothing to prove, though. Just politics to play, high/low patrician/plebian respectable/laughable, etc... to delineate, and status to acquire and lose. That's what people care about, and that's what will determine when some video game(s) stories and characters "surpass" some other medium's (a hopelessly general question that was only ever going to incite retards to prove how retarded they are).

>> No.6104867

>salty hair metal fan detected

>> No.6104881

give this man a medal.

>> No.6104891

>All these retarded English Majors writing their theses on "storytelling in gaming!!!" thinking they are forward-thinking rebels for upsetting their perplexed professors, and shitting out thousands of pages of ink fawning over the games they like.
Fuck you man, my application of Bakhtinian theory to Bioshock was fucking flawless.

>> No.6104896

I'm quoting my buddy who likes hardcore punk and whatever the fuck The Ghost Inside and NOFX are

>> No.6104908

send this faggot to back to reddit

>> No.6104909 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6104912
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>NOFX, the ultimate chubby white boy with red cheeks music
>some shit metalcore band that flat out says they're "similar to As I Lay Dying"

lol tell your friend to go get some taste before shittalking Nirvana.

pic rel8d, it's ur m8

>> No.6104920



And they never will. I like video games; they're good, dumb fun. One thing they don't do well and never, ever do well, though is tell stories.

>> No.6104924

>muhh sekrit club ruined by normals

is this fucking /jp/?
games are mainstream now, get over it. anyone with a percentage of interest in various art would be stoked by the potential of games as an art medium.

as I see it there are a few hinders to unique artful experiences within games:

1. The incredibly tight relationship between commerce and the creators. It's the same problem film suffers from, but at an even deeper level. That being said, if film can have both a vivid art scene and a massive commercial sector it should be possible for games as well. With Unity independent game dev has never been easier.

2. The false dichotomy of narrative vs. ludeology - it's getting better but we still have A. hardcore gamers who feel that any attempt of narrative depth is cultural imperialism (see quoted post about English majors and whatnot)
B. traditional aesthetic discourse that cannot account for narrative as a function of game rather than a polar opposite of it.

3. the aesthetic baggage due to gaming's origins. a combination of tropes from typical escapism subculture and the inherited engineering discourse due to games developing out of computer science (focus on graphics and complex mechanics as a means in itself).

>> No.6104926

>games without gameplay

Pure IDEOLOGY. Fuck off game-ruining scum.

>> No.6104927
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>> No.6104932


>> No.6104938


The best games definitely have better plots than the worst books, and an average game is also better than an average book today (mainly because a lot of shit get published).

But overall, no game comes closer to good books. Videogames are relatively new and it is absurd to expect to surpass literature, which has been around for thousands of years. It may be possible in the future, but not yet.

>> No.6104939

what do you mean?

>> No.6104941

Telltale don't make games buddy.

>> No.6104944

OP asked about story telling and character development
ttg does them well.

games are not played because of their plot and/or characters imo, therefore its a shit thread in general.

>> No.6104945

A few games might've, but the last of us doesn't even come close.

Games excel in atmosphere, and often they are better than most books and films when it comes to that element, but they are hopelessly lacking when it comes to character development and, usually, storytelling. In my opinion, The Last of Us would've been a better movie in almost every way. The atmosphere of it was pretty meh, but the story was actually really compelling. Honestly, it gained almost nothing by being a video game.

>> No.6104946


>> No.6104950

gameplay > rest
any game designer will agree.

>> No.6104953


Bet you think dark souls is the best game.

>> No.6104956

>only able to express opinion in superlatives

>> No.6104959

that doesn't mean they're not played for plot or character

>> No.6104960


>> No.6104961

Sorry, some of us have sensibilities that go beyond tic-tac-toe in pretty colors.

>> No.6104967

>some dweeb game
Nah you just want a escapism simulator, a game is something else.

>> No.6104970

Your sensibilities are irrelevant. Video games are ultimately, well, games, and whatever artistry they have needs to be expressed through gameplay in order for them to have artistic merit as video games. Every other artistic element in the game is complementary to that.

>> No.6104978

A book consists of words, yes, but it's not reducible to words. What's so hard to understand about that? Gameplay > everything else else is a nonsensical statement. Maybe you meant it occurs prior to everything else chronologically? I'm not sure how you derived a normative statement from that.

>> No.6104983

Man, you have excellent opinions. Keep it up.

Comparing games to books is actually a good analogy for that point. Book aren't reducible to words, but the words matter. If a book has horrible prose, then the story and characters can be amazing and the end result can still be meaningless. Games are the same. The story and characters should be communicated through the gameplay, the gameplay is as much a vehicle in a game as words are in a book.

>> No.6104988
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>some dweeb game

>> No.6104992

Did anyone anywhere in this thread argue that gameplay is irrelevant? You're strawmanning my point. Gameplay > x is a nonsensical statement because the game as a whole is an emergent property. Words only matter as far as they are part of the book in itself. In the same analogy it's not words > everything else, but rather words + everything else that is the aesthetic experience. Prose/story is false, prose IS story.

>> No.6105003

The equivalent of "words" in video games would probably be game mechanics, not the entirety of gameplay.

>Gameplay > everything else else is a nonsensical statement
Though I don't agree completely with that statement either, I think I made myself clear on what I think the role of gameplay is in video games.

>> No.6105005


>> No.6105008

A medium can only be good when it's still new and unconcious. When it gets into the claws of capitalism and consumerism it goes to shit under the pressure of rational instrumentality..

>> No.6105011

I'm not trying to say they (gameplay and words) aren't irrelevant, but that they are key. Gameplay isn't "greater" than any other element, but it is the "vehicle" by which those elements should be developed. Games are unique in that you can develop a plot almost entirely separately from the game you are making, for example the many, many games which tell the plot purely through cutscenes.

>> No.6105012

so basically you're writing off all media.

>> No.6105021

Nothing will get to the level of oral tradition, so if we go at it in a hierarchial way, then YES. Most mediums are only good when even the shit that is bad is contributing. Even shovewhere was a benefit to the industry before it went too mainstream.

>> No.6105022

Well it's greater simply because you can have a good video game without good music, story, characters etc. but you can't have a good video game without good gameplay (see for example countless horror games that, despite having a perfectly good horror atmosphere, completely fail at making the player afraid thanks to gameplay that makes them feel like war gods).

>Games are unique in that you can develop a plot almost entirely separately from the game you are making, for example the many, many games which tell the plot purely through cutscenes.
Yeah and those games are very often decried as expensive movies that fail to take advantage of the medium's strengths.

>> No.6105034

>whatever artistry they have needs to be expressed through gameplay in order for them to have artistic merit

not really it just needs gameplay in it

>> No.6105035
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if your apm is under 300 you should stop talking my sluggish friend.

>> No.6105036

i doubt it

>> No.6105038

No, and they never will, since video games and traditional stories are intrinsically opposed. Video games promote interactivity. Stories are set in stone. Making a set-in-stone story is anti-interaction.

>> No.6105040

>you can't have a good video game without good gameplay


>> No.6105042

Haha Jesus lord, literally how? A book is inherently linear. Any video game that tries to emmulate books (which means tries to emmulate story telling in the traditional sense), is a bad video game.

>> No.6105046

You missed the "as video games" at the end of that sentence.
Good gameplay makes good video games, and if it's complemented by good music, story, characters etc. then those can push the game into excellence, but those alone can't make a game good if the gameplay is lacking.

>> No.6105047
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Why are videogamers constantly trying to get everyone to take their games seriously? Is it some kind of ongoing joke?

>> No.6105049

>a book is inherently linear

guess you haven't read many books

>> No.6105051

"Choose your own adventure" doesn't count, champ.

>> No.6105055

it wasn't necessary to add

>Good gameplay makes good video games

not at all

>but those alone can't make a game good if the gameplay is lacking.

says who?

>> No.6105057

suda 51 and his earlier stuff, but nobody takes him seriously most of the time because of the occasional immature joke.

>> No.6105059

>artistic merit
Inherently oxymoronic.
Aspects of games can have artistic merit.
Soundtracks, narratives, designs, etc.
But if it's a game and the goal is for you to win, then it's cheap, utility entertainment.
Regardless of the parts of it that, in themselves, have artistic merit.

>> No.6105060

If video games were accepted as art, game journalists, critics, developers and hipsters believe that it would make their job/hobby more prestigious and socially acceptable, while companies simply think they could make more money.

>> No.6105061

>But if it's a game and the goal is for you to win
Very few games are like that.

>> No.6105062

>Very few games are like that.
Almost every single game is like that.

>> No.6105063

the name 'game' says otherwise, retard

>> No.6105064

if you 'win' a novel by reaching the end of it sure yeah a lot of games are like that

>> No.6105067

No. There hardly is game that people play just to win. In fact I can't think of any. The word game implies that the acitivity is enjoyable, so people play games to play games, not to win them.

>> No.6105068


literally every game is like that
that's what a game is

>> No.6105069

can you qualify this with like... anything? instead of just being like 'because i say so'?

>> No.6105070

Huh, last time I checked the highest selling, most popular, and most developed games, saturating the entire market, were made as cheap, utility, entertainment specifically to be 'won'.

But I guess that's just me.

>> No.6105071

because the very defintion of a game is about interacting with a system with a specific set of rules and trying to manipulate the system to a certain specified goal.
see: chess, football, counterstrike

>> No.6105073

>In fact I can't think of any.
that's because you're severely mentally lacking or don't play games

>> No.6105074

yeah that's just your dumbass interpretation of what video games are

>> No.6105076

>can you qualify this with like... anything?
It's literally the definition of a 'game' belying it being an artform in and of itself.
As I said, parts of a game can have artistic merit, but not the game in itself.
Because it's a game.

>> No.6105077

so? keep going

>> No.6105078

No. And videogames are not art.

>> No.6105079

>Because it's a game.


it's a presentation, hence the 'video' part of 'video game' which is often overlooked in favour of the 'game' part.

>> No.6105080

just stfu if you dont have any meaningful counterargument.

>> No.6105081

He doesn't need to.
If your dumbass doesn't get it based on that, it's because you're too dogmatic and obsessive about your precious games being considered art to see otherwise.

>> No.6105082

Saying the point of games is to be "won", is saying the point of books is to get to the last page.
Sure it's somewhat inherent in the process, just as most media have some start and finishing line, but it's not the _point_.

Really only the example I can think of where the "winning" is an explicite goal is the competetive-level of E-sports, and then you're back at the sports<=>arts debate.

Besides "winning" really is an outdated concept for video games aside for maybe multiplayer matches.

>> No.6105083

i'm still waiting for your meaningful argument before i can tell what you're trying to say. maybe you haven't thought your point out enough

>> No.6105085

try not to cry when you go to sleep, faggot.

>> No.6105086

projection alert woop woop

>> No.6105087

>Saying the point of games is to be "won", is saying the point of books is to get to the last page.
You're missing the point.
Nowhere in the definition or etymology of 'book' or 'literature' is it stated or implied that the point is to overcome or accomplish that medium.

A game is literally and objectively made for that specific purpose.

And if it's not made to be won, then it's usually some other cheap form of utility entertainment to keep the customer happy for as long as possible.

>> No.6105088


>> No.6105089

>A game is literally and objectively made for that specific purpose.

stop conflating game with video game

>> No.6105090

>A game is literally and objectively made for that specific purpose.

>> No.6105091

name a video game where the goal is NOT to interact with the system/solve a problem/play

i'll wait.
bonus points: avoid stanley parable

>> No.6105092

that wasn't your argument

>> No.6105093

>it wasn't necessary to add
Yes it was, since video games are compromised of various artistic mediums which can be good within their category independently from the quality of the rest of the components.

>says who?
I do. I' already said why.

Let me ask you and anyone who disagrees with me ITT something, would you call a movie good if the only thing you enjoyed when watching it was the music? Would you call a board game good if you liked it's art but disliked the game itself?

>> No.6105094

Come on, decide on what you're arguing for
>A game is literally and objectively made for [overcoming or accomplishing that medium]
>interacting/solving a problem/play
You can't have it all.

>> No.6105095

im not him.

still waiting.

>> No.6105096
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>mfw gaymers cherrypick their handful of 'art' games
>always the same few
>shadow of the colossus, ico, pathologic, silent hill, interactive movies, and so on
>they've spent so many hours dedicated to games they forget that all of their 'art' games boil down to
>hit the weak spot
>solve the puzzle
>kill the bad things and don't get killed yourself
>press the buttons when prompted
>that they're all just games and nothing more in the end
and then they come to cry on /lit/ with the notion that 'games' can be 'art'
why is it so hard to see why those two words do not and never will go together

>> No.6105097

>Yes it was
it wasn't. it didn't alter my point in any way

>Let me ask you and anyone who disagrees with me ITT something

none of your examples have that critical aspect of the medium that video games (supposedly) have in gameplay.

you can have a good video game if the presentation, music, animations, etc are all good and the gameplay (what do you even mean by this?) is bad like you're literally just jumping over platforms the entire game

>> No.6105098
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>unable to answer the question

>> No.6105099

keep waiting then because i don't disagree

it just doesn't have anything to do with whether it can be art because it involves interacting with a system or whatever

>> No.6105100

>They're always shit, no matter what.
this really is a intelligent and mature opinion

>> No.6105102

Even The Void boils down to nothing but a game.
Pretty environments and enemy design, and symbolism in the narrative, things that serve as context to a petty GAME, do not somehow make that GAME art.

>> No.6105104

keep saying that maybe it will come true ;)

>> No.6105106

we're talking about video games, not just the game aspects of video games

>> No.6105107

>not all games are about winning
>some are about being glorified, digital toys, and winning in ways I use other words to describe
epic arguments, guys
epic for the win

>> No.6105109

>keep saying that maybe it will come true ;)
it already is, brudda
gaymers are the ones wetting their pants over trying to get artistic credibility

>> No.6105110

can't remember anyone winning tetris

>> No.6105111

>he has never read a book written to be read in more than one set way or order


>> No.6105112

>it wasn't. it didn't alter my point in any way
You didn't have one to begin with.
>not at all
>says who?
These are not points.

>you can have a good video game if the presentation, music, animations, etc are all good and the gameplay is bad
No you can't.

>what do you even mean by this?
Why are you arguing about video games if you don't even know what gameplay means?

>> No.6105113

>glorified, digital toys

>> No.6105114

video games are games
adding a music track does not change the essence of it.
considering the history of video games, namely gaming halls, video games are nothing more than timekillers.
adding and attaching other artforms to it doesnt change anything.

>> No.6105115

>flashback 15th c italy
>painters are the ones wetting their pants over trying to get artistic credibility

>> No.6105119

ok mr autist it didn't alter my 'response' in any way. the point is that it wasn't necessary to add 'as video games' to the end of what i was quoting because we both knew what you were talking about

>No you can't.

good point. i concede

>Why are you arguing about video games if you don't even know what gameplay means?

i specifically said i don't know what -you- mean. i don't know what your interpretation of it is and it really just seems like you're arguing about principles of some vague abstraction

>> No.6105120

so glorification doesn't elevate their status?

>> No.6105121

>appearing more elevated or special than is the case
>than is the case

>> No.6105122

>adding a music track does not change the essence of it.

how does it not? it's not just 'a game and some music' -- they're both now a part of the same experience

>> No.6105125

>they're both now a part of the same experience
They're both experienced at the same time.
One affects your perception of the other; doesn't change the other in themselves.
They're both separate because they're separate media.

Just like illustrations aren't written text, no matter how much they enhance your perception of that text.

>> No.6105126
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>implying all art isn't entertainment
>implying that art shouldn't be entertainment

>> No.6105127

appearance is subjective.

anyway not sure how your 'winning' thing relates to how video games can't be art

>> No.6105128

nigger youre talking about interactive media.
atleast learn your own terminology.

>> No.6105130

music affects your mood, which in turn affects how you play the game. if specific music is chosen to have you consider the game and how you play it in a different way then it can't be said to be separate. the choice of the music and how it affects the playing of the game is something that supports the argument of video games (as a whole, not separate innumerable aspects) as an art form

>> No.6105131

what are you talking about?

>> No.6105132

i mute ingame music since super mario land on gameboy

>> No.6105133

>music affects your mood, which in turn affects how you play the game.

Important part.
Affects YOU; not the game.
It isn't the game. It's music played alongside the game.
And it affects your perception of it

>> No.6105135

the person, affected by the music, affects the game

>> No.6105136

>affects the game
Varies. As much as the player can affect the game.

>> No.6105137

Video games CONTAIN games you ignorant fuckwit, just as they contain sound and image. Video games are vastly different from games, which you should have realized if you looked at the games produced before 1962 and the games produced after 1962, especially around and after the year 2000. Compare Chess and Croquet to Grand Theft Auto and Silent Hill.

>> No.6105139



Most plot based games are maximum good films. Has film made reading obsolete?
I also don't get this comparison either. Games are only as good as there mechanic, aka set of rules. And honestly: The Mechanics in this games is far from overwhelming.

For me it boils down to the question: is interactive media art, which can be further reduced to: can a interplay of rules be art?
IMHO yes

>> No.6105140


also it's not played 'alongside the game' -- it is a part of the game (by which i mean the video game itself, not the game aspects of the video game)

>> No.6105142

One obvious difference between art and games is that you can win a game. It has rules, points, objectives, and an outcome. Santiago might cite a [sic] immersive game without points or rules, but I would say then it ceases to be a game and becomes a representation of a story, a novel, a play, dance, a film. Those are things you cannot win; you can only experience them.

>> No.6105144

>Affects YOU; not the game.
The point of games and all other art is to affect you.

>> No.6105145

I don't understand why people want something that isn't art to be called art so badly.
Like if it's suddenly acknowledged as something it's not, that will validate it. So god damn hollow and insecure.
If they had any comprehension of art, they'd realize it's not an elevation to be considered art it's just a different categorization for certain things.

>> No.6105146

chess and GTA is exactly the same.

>> No.6105147

gameplay is only important in that the person isn't removed from the experience by realising they've been holding down the 'up' d-button for the past three hours to advance the game

>> No.6105148

With enemies like this, who needs allies?

>> No.6105150

damn you tipped my fedora before I could even raise my hand

>> No.6105154

video games are distinct from games

>One obvious difference between art and games is that you can win a game.

that doesn't stop video games from becoming an art

>> No.6105155

Concession accepted.

>> No.6105156

well done, good sir, you've done it again

>> No.6105157

it is art though and it's not about validation

>> No.6105158

>it is art
Prove it :)

>> No.6105160

This line of reasoning is blatantly wrong. Consider SimCity. Impossible to win not counting Magna Santi, still a game and not a representation of a story, novel, play, dance or film.

>> No.6105162

>and it's not about validation
so by association, you admit it's about it being acknowledged as art, even though you apparently already know that

I guess that's why you didn't say it's not an insecurity

>> No.6105164

>good point. i concede
I already said why, but to reiterate, it's because it's a game. You cannot judge it's quality by any criteria other than how good of a game it is, that is, gameplay, which refers to it's rules and mechanics.

Also forgot to address this in your previous post:
>none of your examples have that critical aspect of the medium that video games (supposedly) have in gameplay.
They don't? Is the way the snakes are drawn in snakes and ladders more important to it's quality as a game than the rules of the game itself?

>> No.6105167

sandbox games have no win conditions
they are still about winning

>> No.6105168

video games are comprised of representational choices as are the traditional visual arts

>> No.6105170

>sandbox games have no win conditions
>they are still about winning
If they don't have a win condition, how can they be about winning?

>> No.6105171
File: 49 KB, 500x375, 1422032648092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>press X to jason
try again, hombre

>> No.6105172

no it's about explaining how it is art to people who don't think it is

and i didn't read your post that far

>> No.6105174

>no it's about explaining how it is art to people who don't think it is
It objectively isn't.
You're only explaining your delusions.

>> No.6105175

>it's because it's a game

it's a 'video' game. it's not just a game

>You cannot judge it's quality by any criteria other than how good of a game it is

yes you can. you judge it based on how good a 'video game' it is, because it's not just a 'game'

and gameplay is only important in that video games contain it. anything else is just as valid in terms of judging its worth as art

> Is the way the snakes are drawn in snakes and ladders more important to it's quality as a game than the rules of the game itself?

i'm not talking about things being 'more important' except that gameplay is not 'more important'

>> No.6105177

are you legit retarded or just pretending to be?
placing a block in tetris and surviving another second is a win.
collecting resources and crafting an item in minecraft is a win.

you cant finish these games, doesnt mean you cant win them.

>> No.6105179

>press meme arrow to shitpost

>> No.6105180

>You cannot judge it's quality by any criteria other than how good of a game it is, that is, gameplay, which refers to it's rules and mechanics.
Blatantly false, if modern games(i.e aesthetically advanced games) had their sound entirely removed and all the graphics replaced with the least number of untextured polygons then they would be garbage, which shows that there are other criteria other than mechanics. Can everyone please just stop constructing these ridiculous theoretical theories for one second and step back and think a little? Do you even play games before spouting this goofy bullshit?

>> No.6105181

Art has an objective definition now besides maybe self expression?

>> No.6105182

it objectively is

>> No.6105184

a video game is as much a game as techno is music

>> No.6105185

>reading one word and moving onto the next is a win

novels confirmed for games

>> No.6105189

No, that simply shows that they are bad games.

>> No.6105191

transistor is still a good game even when you remove the plot, music and visuals.

>> No.6105193

We're talking about video games here buddy

>> No.6105194

there is no interaction between reader and novel.
read: the text doesnt change when you reflect on/read it

thanks for confirming your stupidity

>> No.6105195

>Art has an objective definition now
It always has.
>besides maybe self expression?
That is the definition.

Art is a form of communication.
A game, regardless of all of the fluff contextualizing why you play it, 'enhancing the essence' of that game, is still a game.
A game is not expression.
There may be expressive aspects to it, but at its core, the game isn't.
>but why not
>no it isn't
There are no more answers/refutations to these non-arguments and non-questions, it's like asking why 2+2 isn't 3, because it's an incorrect defiance of an established system of categorization.

>> No.6105197

lmfao what are you even talking about

>> No.6105198

i would argure that final fantasy 7 is a better fantasy story than most

>> No.6105199

Jesus christ, I'm winning every second!

>> No.6105204

>you win real life when you live a second

real life confirmed for games

>> No.6105205

>mainstream normies
>hurr durr look at me i'm special

>> No.6105209

>That is the definition.

rofl pick up an art history textbook sometime pleb

>A game
>A game
>the game

we're talking about video games, not games

>> No.6105213

maybe adults do not play video games on their computer?

>> No.6105214

tetris is a glorified digital toy that has you win every second

toys confirmed for games

>> No.6105215

>it's a 'video' game. it's not just a game
No, it's just a game, the 'video' refers to the fact that it's a game played through electronic devices.

>and gameplay is only important in that video games contain it. anything else is just as valid in terms of judging its worth as art
If it doesn't contain gameplay then it's not a video game, it's a visual novel.

>i'm not talking about things being 'more important' except that gameplay is not 'more important'
In snakes and ladders? Anyway I don't think there's a point in talking about this analogy if you think video games aren't necessarily games.

>> No.6105217

This thread used to be common on /tv/. Never thought it'd end up here. The video games that gamers hold up as the pinnacle of storytelling would be mediocre Hollywood genre pictures. They couldn't even surpass the best of film, let alone the best of literature (a more conducive medium to story and character).

>> No.6105218

David is self-expression now? What was Michelangelo expressing about himself? Unless you mean self-expression as it must come from the self, but then that's the same for video games. Face it, art as self-expression is a scam by bohemian hipsters trying to increase their own value by putting the focus on the artist instead of their work and their craft.

>> No.6105220

>David is self-expression now? What was Michelangelo expressing about himself?
nigga, no one ever said 'self' expression
it's expression
of an aesthetic, ideal, a thing
it's not a game ;)

>> No.6105221

nice try.
if you dont place blocks strategically correct, you lose.
losing is the opposite of winning.
the process of extending the period of gameplay classifies as a win.

stay mad, kiddo.

>> No.6105222

Which are games played through electronic devices.

>> No.6105224

>it's a game played through electronic devices.

and represented on screen; those representations being chosen specifically to enhance the game and capture its 'essence'. how can you have gameplay in a video game if it's not represented by the art chosen for its representation on screen? it's crucial for the player to actually be able to play the game

>If it doesn't contain gameplay then it's not a video game, it's a visual novel.

yes that's why i literally said "gameplay is only important in that video games contain it"

>In snakes and ladders?

the game or the video game?

>> No.6105225

Bunch of rubbish.

>> No.6105226

video games are:

>it's expression
of a game

of a game

>of an aesthetic, ideal, a thing
game's aesthetic, its ideal gameplay, a thing (game)

games confirmed for david

>> No.6105227

Why play it? Its got boring gameplay...Just watch it on youtube. There are 3 hour compilations of cutscenes and important story elements.
It really is like watching a movie.

>> No.6105228

>rofl pick up an art history textbook sometime pleb
art has literally been a form of communication since cave paintings
might want to try that book thing yourself

>> No.6105230

>no one ever said 'self' expression

>besides maybe self expression?
>That is the definition.

>> No.6105231

if you hit the other cars on the highway you lose

driving confirmed for game. winning every second

>> No.6105233

guess that definition was wrong :^)
at any rate, it's a form of communication

>> No.6105235

>besides maybe self expression?
>That is the definition

>self expression?
>self expression?
>self expression?

>ctrl + f 'communication'
>0 results

rofl pick up a 4chan post sometime pleb

>> No.6105236


I think the point is made that both, film and game can tell a story, both are consumed for enjoyment.
Also as pointed out several times games need a minimum amount of interaction. This is the unique characteristic of any game (be it chess or real time strategy)
The line isn't very clear, though. Thinking of interactive films in the late 90ties.
The question at which point is a game mechanic art?
First of all it shouldn't break the immersion, but this is trivial, because when watching a film I don't want to recognize cheap CGI or greenboxes as well.

Going from here I'd even go a bit further and say the medium in question is the mechanic itself and not the game, which is merely a question of style, technique and form.
Can a game mechanic - this is: how the computer computes the input, and how is the response calculated - transport an idea?

I think it can. You can for example make it extremely tedious to achieve something in the game the one way, considered the good way.
You can make the same outcome extremely easy to achieved by acting bad.
Though this brings many practical problems. If both is equally easy it is just a mere decision. In most cases the easy way is also favoured because it is faster (s Black and White 1).
This are the real problems of gaming as art

>> No.6105238

>nigga, no one ever said 'self' expression

>>besides maybe self expression?
>That is the definition.

>of an aesthetic, ideal, a thing
yeah GTA totally doesn't communicate the aesthetic of a criminal
civilization totally doesn't communicate the aesthetic of world domination
the new metal gear totally doesn't communicate the aesthetic of PMC or whatever
you're ignoring your own example here, there is nothing in minecraft which can cause you to lose, just die and respawn, and even if dying was losing minecraft would be "won" by constructing a 25-block dirt prison and placing yourself there forever, which shows that you've basically ruined the concept of winning by stretching it too hard

>> No.6105239

i dont disagree.

video games will never be art tho.

>> No.6105240

Fucking narratologists ruined gaming. There's a reason the only games worth talking about nowadays are sports games.

>> No.6105241

it doesn't communicate those things at all though
same reason why genre fiction isn't considered literature
they communicate ham-fisted delusions of those things

>> No.6105242

Because with "games as art" the liberal douchebags can try to "chaaaaaange the world". Gamergate is essentialy a clash between those liberals, redpilled people and some good delusional ones.

>> No.6105243
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>mfw video game kiddies this mad about not being art

>> No.6105245

>The question at which point is a game mechanic art?

i think with a successful (maybe even creative) abstraction and representation of something in real life. a translation. communication, essentially, of an interpretation (real life + imagination), which is what art is (according to probably all people in the thread)

also art: the progression of game mechanics, including their introduction and evolution throughout the game

>> No.6105247
File: 39 KB, 640x427, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: /lit/ argues with 14yos

>> No.6105248

because you don't win every second with art?

i'm not even sure what your point is now

>> No.6105250

>they communicate ham-fisted delusions of those things
No, they glorify them. Everyone knows that thug life is mostly hanging out and doing cheap drugs and delivering packages to other bums and not cool shootouts and shit, just as war really mostly is sitting around in base and then being blown up by a improvised explosive, doesn't make The Godfather a delusion.

>> No.6105252

say that to my face not online and see what happens

>> No.6105253

who gives a fuck about game designers?
No seriously, gamedesigners =! gamers for fucks sakes.
people like you make me sick

>> No.6105256

driving is so game that they made games of a game

so you can drive while you drive

>> No.6105258

>implying life aint a game
babby plz

>> No.6105259


>> No.6105261

>this shameful understanding of vidya
y'all niggas need some icycalm

>> No.6105266

semiconductor devices dont have plots you dimwit

>> No.6105267

Vidya has a lot of potential for great storytelling, and occasionally it really succeeds. For instance, Silent Hill 2 and 3 both told emotional, gripping stories both through exposition, but also the game world itself and how the characters interacted with it.

>> No.6105280

>and represented on screen; those representations being chosen specifically to enhance the game and capture its 'essence'. how can you have gameplay in a video game if it's not represented by the art chosen for its representation on screen? it's crucial for the player to actually be able to play the game
Depends on how you define art here obviously. You can have the game represented by the bare minimum pixels or high quality graphics. And that's no different from playing chess with rocks or high quality carved pieces. But that doesn't change my point, I already said that non gameplay elements can be used to complement and enhance the game.

>yes that's why i literally said "gameplay is only important in that video games contain it"
I wasn't disagreeing.

>the game or the video game?
I was asking about the board game, but I'm curisous if you would have a different answer for a video game version.

>> No.6105302

There is something wrong with you if haven't grown out of video games past 15 years old

>> No.6105303

it's like you fuckers want to deny post modernism, but guess what? you can't and it's here to stay. a text is interactive as well, any kind. a text has rules, as well. it's all a game. authorial intent and Kantian definitions is as relevant as alchemy and astrology.

>> No.6105320

How about artists paid by the government or some charities to simply create art?

>> No.6105329

a benefactor always has an agenda
dont be foolish