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/lit/ - Literature

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6104372 No.6104372 [Reply] [Original]

>reading Moby-Dick for the first time
>reading it very slowly and really enjoying it for about 2 months
>reaching the end
>it's getting more and more and more compelling
>finally reach the last page
>it's absolute perfect
>sit back for a while in awe and satisfaction
>go back to the last page
>tear the last page out delicately
>rip a tiny corner of the page off
>place in mouth
>eat the whole page

does anyone else do this? I've also done this for War and Peace, Great Expectations, and Les Miserables

>> No.6104377


>> No.6104381

That's fucking funny, I don't even care that you're lying

>> No.6104382
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>does anyone else do this?
I will now

>> No.6104383


Was it Autism?

>> No.6104386
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My school encouraged this practice growing up but I never got into it myself. mostly because they were all crummy library books with the final couple of pages already eaten out of it by the previous owners.

>> No.6104387

why do most of you take months to read a single book

life is short, get a schedule going

>> No.6104388

lmao, someone has an oral fixation.

>> No.6104389

>not buying two copies and chewing on the page you're reading the whole way through, savoring every last word

You literally could not be more pleb.

>> No.6104390

I find Melville goes well with a dash of salt and a light hollandaise

>> No.6104394

No one going to comment on him spending 2 months finishing a book?

>> No.6104396


>> No.6104405

I'm not lying


I read about 3~ other books in each of those months

>> No.6104409

Francis Dolarhyde?

>> No.6104420

>I read about 3~ other books

Weak. You read slower than most college students. I bet you're monolingual too.

>> No.6104423


it's a little funny you say that because I feel like watching the old Hannibial films when I was younger on TV definitely plays a part in it

I just want to consume the book and everything in it (particularly after I've essentially consumed it with my mind)

it's very satisying/almost carthathic

>> No.6104436


>projecting this hard

>> No.6104441


>a book a week

step up. doing five times that is easy unless you work 80 hrs a week

>> No.6104447

my sister does this and she reads a lot. shes really into the greeks

>> No.6104454

are you anime

>> No.6104456


is ur sister a qt pi :3

>> No.6104471

Actually I know three languages and my wpm is around 800. So no, I'm afraid that you're wrong. Have fun making up excuses for your inferiority, I guess.

>> No.6104476

How do I get my wpm game strong?

>> No.6104477

yeah but she has a picture of Stalin in her bedroom so be mindful of that

>> No.6104478


>around 800

how's that 11% comprehension treating you? 4-500 is a solid pace but anything above is just reaching and tryhard

>> No.6104490

dyslexic pleb detected

>> No.6104501


>trying to show off on an indonesian social network


>> No.6104505


autistic recycling bin spotted

>> No.6104513


>reading at 800wpm for fiction


how to tell ur a stupid pleb who doesn't appreciate/enjoy literature properly

do you also sprint through museums?

>> No.6104636

you can tell when /lit/ gets defensive, break out the retarded analogies

>> No.6104646

if you don't sprint through museums how will you take in all the masterpieces and get home in time for your daily reread of Ulysses

>> No.6104647
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>>go back to the last page
>>tear the last page out delicately
>>rip a tiny corner of the page off
>>place in mouth
>>eat the whole page

>> No.6104649


that was a great analogy

>> No.6104696


>> No.6106046

>sprint through museums
I love it

>> No.6106138

>omg you read so slow what are you retarded amirite??!!huhuh
>'actually i read at quite a rapid pace but some books i enjoy taking my time to read'
>omfg you read too fast dummy what do you sprint through museums??!!
Jesus the trolls are getting more autistic day-by-day

>> No.6106162

There's a guy I work with who tears the pages out of books as he reads them. I gave him a weird look one day and he said he never reads a book more than once anyway so he does it cause he doesn't need them and to keep his place.

>> No.6106170

Usain Bolt in a museum detected

>> No.6106807

The fuck is wrong with you people? How is this the shit you choose to argue about? Reading speed, number of languages you speak and how many books you go through in a month. Some people do more than just sit around reading, they have social lives that don't involve book clubs and poetry readings.

>> No.6106824
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>social lives

>> No.6106832


Its taken me about 6 years to finish Return of the King.

>> No.6106838


>Some people do more than just sit around reading, they have social lives

yeah, we call these people normative faggots and tell them to leave the board. I'd advise you do the same

>> No.6106845

>dear /adv/ my gf left me because she hates me how do I get her back, if I can't should I just kill myself

well troled sir, I tip my fedora to you

>> No.6106870

Because only obsessive douchebags should read? Way to just keep jerking yourself off with your own misguided sense of superiority as lube.

>> No.6106876


tell me more about how going to the pub with your 3 middle class friends is more interesting than reading all day

>> No.6106902

Because no matter how much you use books to escape into another world, you're still a part of this one and locking yourself away from it doesn't change that. I'd rather spend time with my friends while I can and read the rest of the time rather than substituting books for having a life.

>> No.6107042

>literally being the definition of pleb
just leave

>> No.6107059


fuck off normie
read more

>> No.6107572

>book clubs and poetry readings.


>> No.6107585


This is almost as bad as the time I told /lit/ I tried forcing myself to cry while reading The Catcher in the Rye in high school, but couldn't, so I spit on my fingers and rubbed it on my eyes to make them appear wet.

Good trolly, m8 :^)