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6103621 No.6103621 [Reply] [Original]

I've been so fucking stressed lately and I can't focus because of it. It has really hurt my reading patterns, what would you do?

>> No.6103629

Probably have a wank tbh.

But being a neet that's my response to most problems.

Things never seem so bad after a nice wank.

>> No.6103634

I haven't gotten a boner for a few days

>> No.6103651

Try to relieve the stress. Not sure what you could do.

I had a major one a few months back. Various things seemed to pile up


>> No.6103733


take a deep breath
breathe s-l-o-w-l-y
calm down
have a drink if you feel like it
walk around a bit
now settle down and try again
just take it one page at a time

>> No.6103759

Realise that nothing you or anyone else does really matters, the sun will engulf the earth, and all that ever is, was or will be will be gone in the inevitable heat death of the universe.
I tend not to care too much once I remind myself of that, there's no point getting flustered.

>> No.6103766
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Id probably read. Its one of the best stress relievers for me anyway

>> No.6104200

Get an eye test.
Stressed. Distracted when reading. Tension headaches. I needed reading glasses

>> No.6105342

You should masturbate. Sex is a stress reliever.

>> No.6105351

Try meditation

>> No.6105362


>drink/get high
>mindless entertainment

But a good book should help you unwind all the same.

>> No.6105411

You think that's bad? I don't even enjoy sex. Blowjobs are almost unenjoyable, yet I can wank just fine.

At least virgins can look forward to it.

>> No.6105429

exercise. if you're thin or average weight, go for a run. if you're overweight, join a gym and use a stationary bike.

>> No.6105475

Remind yourself you don't actually have to read at all. Making reading a chore you have to do is so bad and will only add to your stress. Take a break and then start again when you feel like it.Do what you really feel like doing even if it is stupid or banal.

>> No.6105490 [DELETED] 

Guys, you're missing the point

I don't know what kind of stress OP is talking about but in my case when I'm seriously stressed and I've had major depressive episodes for a long time, which are obviously associated with some extreme stress[/spoler] I just c a n n o t fucking read with any comprehension to it

The focus-disabling(as OP mentioned) level of stress, in 90% of cases, can't be relieved via shallow and temporary one-time impulses

OP, I don't know your context but if I were you right now, I'd probably throw half of the shit out of my room, fix a strict long-term diet, sleep way more and try doing something to your main source of stress

>> No.6105492 [DELETED] 

Guys, you're missing the point

I don't know what kind of stress OP is talking about but in my case when I'm seriously stressed and I've had major depressive episodes for a long time, which are obviously associated with some extreme stress[/spoiler] I just c a n n o t fucking read with any comprehension to it

The focus-disabling(as OP mentioned) level of stress, in 90% of cases, can't be relieved via shallow and temporary one-time impulses

OP, I don't know your context but if I were you right now, I'd probably throw half of the shit out of my room, fix a strict long-term diet, sleep way more and try doing something to your main source of stress

>> No.6105498

Guys, you're missing the point

I don't know what kind of stress OP is talking about but in my case when I'm seriously stressed and I've had major depressive episodes for a long time, which are obviously associated with some extreme stress I just c a n n o t fucking read with any comprehension to it

The focus-disabling(as OP mentioned) level of stress, in 90% of cases, can't be relieved via shallow and temporary one-time impulses

OP, I don't know your context but if I were you right now, I'd probably throw half of the shit out of my room, fix a strict long-term diet, sleep way more and try doing something to your main source of stress