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File: 471 KB, 750x500, 342342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6102995 No.6102995 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6103000

He used to be so handsome. What happened?

>> No.6103005

he died

>> No.6103008 [DELETED] 

>muh evil bourgeoise
>*tips beard*

>> No.6103010

I am responding to your post

>> No.6103070

I am insulting you in such a way that it relates to what I think Marxists believe

>> No.6103101

No, no, no; I am!

>> No.6103108

the system causes them to do 'evil' if thats the word you wanna use. The bourgeois themselves aren't inherently bad

>> No.6103146
File: 132 KB, 788x1024, hella bakunin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6103149

I am quoting a short phrase from your post and adding an image of a person laughing

>> No.6103171
File: 68 KB, 599x300, Pierre-Joseph-Proudhon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top Kek.

Just starting reading Das Kapital, gotta say it's interesting, but the anarchists honestly make better arguments.

>> No.6103179
File: 74 KB, 700x507, USmilitaryOUT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why don't you support the DPRK?


>> No.6103184 [DELETED] 

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>> No.6103185

Workers states and bourgeois states are not the same thing.

Marx was not an anarchist.

>> No.6103192

>Workers states and bourgeois states are not the same thing.
All of those flags are flags of bourgeois states.

>> No.6103194

I quote a small sentence made up of assumptions and add a similar image while smirking at the thought of my cleverness, thinking that you have undoubtedly missed a crucial point.

>> No.6103207
File: 40 KB, 436x599, Trotsky_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bourgeois states
They are called "degenerated workers' states."

>> No.6103218


>> No.6103285

This is pretty interesting actually, I guess it fits the whole idea of the superman for Nietzsche to hate anarchists.

>> No.6103307

>their arguments are more suited to the ahistorical bourgeois values I've been drip fed since a tot.

Anarchism is slipping it's bonds and turning into some nasty militia disaster prep deal, you get anarcho-papism, anarcho-distributism and any hideous shit you can dream up, it's what happens when you give their notions an inch.

>> No.6103311

It gets better further down when he tries to save anarchist tradition from being based on resentment towards power.

>> No.6103362
File: 18 KB, 252x320, pjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6103370

That's why all those anarchist revolutions have been so effective, right??

>> No.6103379

They were but on microscales. Much of the things you are as an individual are thanks to anarchists.
>Edgy teens and leftists are not anarchists

>> No.6103385

I find it kind of weird that both Nietzsche and Bakunin would oppose the idea of the social contract in a similar way. Is Nietzsche's idea of the Ubermensch different from the social contract in a meaningful way?

>> No.6103388
File: 118 KB, 720x960, 1419549812831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waooooooh another marx thread cooooooool!!

dont start the revolution without me """"""""comrades""""""""""

>> No.6103395

I'm sorry Trotsky, but the value form existed in all those states. Read Volume 1 Chapter 1 again for the determinate element of capitalism.

>> No.6103398


take a look, friends on either side of the aisle:
this is the kind of ironic shitlord poster you don't want to be, Marxist or not

>> No.6103461

In my opinion Nietze focused on the individual death-rebirth cycle of the faulty self. Being the superman is being yourself.

>> No.6103522

I've seen his name spelt Nietche, Nietzche, Nietsche, and Nietzshe, but never until now have I seen someone spell it Nietze.

>> No.6103534

Have another one...

>> No.6103535 [DELETED] 
File: 251 KB, 900x1148, 1386967582809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you all must toil and slave away to pay for my transition therapy

>> No.6103602

This is the greatest photograph of all time.

>> No.6103622



>> No.6104482
File: 49 KB, 653x443, 1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is a writer and philosopher. He also wrote short fictions under a different pseudonym

>> No.6104713

Theres nothing fundamentally different between being a Communist and an Anarchist. To be either is to desire the abolition of the State and the creation of a society where where power structures (especially economic ones, as these form the basis of all others) are democratic and formed based on mutual consent and understanding.

Ideological differences matter less now than ever before, because the powers that endorsed such rigid ideology have disintegrated, ideology has proven to be a relic of an era that ultimately failed Socialism.

>> No.6105026

"anarchist economics" are essentialy marxism dumbed down. Proudhon was an antisemitic mysogynistic liberal prick.

>> No.6105029

Though I agree with you I believe Trotsky was well aware of this.

>> No.6105143

>proudhon represents anarchist economics
wow you literally could know less about the subject

>> No.6105151

As opposed to all those successful marxist revolutions?

Anarchist revolutions might not have survived long-term, but at least they had legitimate elements of social revolution, unlike leninist revolutions which just placed bourgeois capitalism in the hands of the state and built a repressive police system to go with it

>> No.6105159

While what you write is true in *some* sense, its obviously true that there is a difference between anarchists and "communists" of a leninist (trotskyite or stalinist) bent

Perhaps there is no difference between marxism and anarchism within the anti-authoritarian left (luxembourgists, councilists, anarchists etc)

>> No.6105163

Jesus fuck I hate the US left so much, bunch of liberals who hasn't understood a word of Marx or Lenin.
Oh wow.

>> No.6105173

>opposing queer liberation
God tankies get less and less crypto and more and more fascist every year

>> No.6105219

What? No!

I'm absolutely for the liberation of non-normative gender identities and sexualities, but the liberal teens that make up the "progressive" moment in the US (and in large part Europe as well) mistakenly believe that mere change in specific structures is going to cause large-scale social change.

We mustn't say "the class struggle is prioritized before feminism/hbtq" but by only seeing a specific part of the system, they ignore that it's part of the greater hierarchic groundwork of capitalism.

>> No.6105237

the fact that his sign says "socialist revolution now" makes me think that he is hardly a liberal identity politicker

His politics seem fine, he's just a douche

>> No.6105255

No he's definitely part of the liberal agenda, even if he doesn't know it.

I known people like him, they make communism a lifestyle choice within the capitalist system, akin to the modern day green movement. They buy Das Kapital at Waterstones and then never read it, drink starbucks or whatever other coffee brand that says they support the rainforest and mistakenly believe that this is a revolutionary act.

Now, these people are usually 14-18 years old, and then either become liberals or actual leftists when they grow up, but the fact he looks 20+ and still acts like this suggest he's likely completely withdrawn from any actual politics.

>> No.6106123

the second sentence was not intended to be connected to the first one. I just gave my opinion, completely unrelated to the topic. My core argument was that Bakunin's and Kropotkin's stuff are basically marxism light.

I used to call myself an anarchist a time ago. I read some Bakunin and some Kropotkin and I was underwhelmed by their work. Then I picked up Marx and I was fascinated by his accuracy and his rigor. IMHO his theories were far more appealing those of the anarchists.

>> No.6106293


I'd say that a regulated Free Market to prevent monopolies, close observance of corporate practices, anti-poverty laws, and workers rights are about as fair as it's going to get.

Wealth should be obtained through work, we shouldn't just take away money from the few and give it to the many. If someone is more skilled, more intelligent, or better equipped to deal with life's challenges, it's fair that they succeed and keep the fruits of their labor.

>> No.6106875

Given that "actual politics" happens in the workplace and household, of course that student is withdrawn from it. There are piddling few students who treat themselves as workers in a workplace. And they're mostly business and engineering students.

>> No.6106889

>If someone is more skilled, more intelligent, or better equipped to deal with life's challenges, it's fair that they succeed and keep the fruits of their labor.
Are you implying that's what happens today?

>> No.6106910

I know Karl Marx's name is synonymous, which isn't very fair, because there are many different currents and Marx spent a great deal of his time criticizing these in order to form his own.
Marx wrote at length about the difference between the difference between money in the form of wages and capital. Redistribution would not be effective in the form of money, only in the means of production.

>> No.6107451

If I could go back in time to kill one person, it'd be Karl Marx.

>> No.6107464
File: 67 KB, 480x567, 3535w (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't have mattered, he thought that Marxism was inevitable.

>> No.6108525

You got a point breh

>> No.6108528

why not nip all this shit in the bud and kill jesus instead? i mean kill him earlier