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/lit/ - Literature

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6101676 No.6101676 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6101682

anyone who even slightly enjoyed anything by Coelho should be shot on the spot

>> No.6101686

I read Hegel

>> No.6101689

start with the greeks

>> No.6101690

Alternative literature is the only relevant contemporary movement. Hypertext fiction needs to make a comeback, but people are still caught up on passé pomo tripe that lost all relevance with the advent of the Internet. If you're still using footnotes in 2015, your writing is regressive and stale.

>> No.6101692

i read

>> No.6101696


>> No.6101697

Saved and reported. Get back to /soc/ you /v/eddit swine

>> No.6101702

It's 'literary fiction.'

>> No.6101707

I could already feel Heidegger's views resonating with me upon my first reading of Bee and Tee.

>> No.6101712

*reads with cover standing vertically*

>> No.6101714

Real literature teaches us about what it means to be human. It doesn't matter how intelligent an author is, nor how much effort they put into their fiction. If they fail to provoke empathy in the reader their work is as bad as any brand of serialized genre trash.

>> No.6101716

I think Pynchon is not a meme author.

>> No.6101724
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The Bible is nothing more than a collection of bronze age desert myths.

>> No.6101729
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>implying the best authors aren't meme authors

>> No.6101773

Literature is the endeavour of those not intelligent enough to compose unadulterated philosophy, and it's consumption the pastime of those not intelligent enough to read philosophy.

>> No.6101775

>butthurt idiot who was too lazy to start with the Greeks

How's the weight loss coming along? Still the same?

>> No.6101776


Harry Potter can teach us much more than The Bible or Plato can.

>> No.6101783

This thread looks no different than any other /lit/ thread.

>> No.6101798
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>reading "literature"

>> No.6101801


>> No.6101803
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I post on /lit/

>> No.6101875

I hate when people who only listen to audio books but I also have no real arguments against them.

>> No.6101972

I'm not sure if you meant that people who read with a vertical cover are pretentious or if making fun of them is pretentious. Sometimes it just has to happen, Dawg.

>> No.6101981

the fact that Kafka never finished The Castle is the greatest tragedy of human literature.

>> No.6102002

>implying the unfinished endings to Kafka's works don't fit their elusive, mysterious quality perfectly
*shakes muzzle*

>> No.6102019

you're right, that would be even more pretentious.

>> No.6102047
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I, too, am filled with irrational anger.

>> No.6102055

I read while walking down the street sometimes

Fite me

>> No.6102057

but the unfinished aspects to his work only add to the Kafkaesque

>> No.6102063

Hellenism /general/

>> No.6102069

I've always considered literature the highest of art. Notice how different is compared to music or science, both which can be praised be the mainstream.
It takes work and training to appreciate a piece like the wake.

>> No.6102094

I was joking, mostly. I do think that the best Kafkaesque and at the same time everything Kafka wanted to say in The Castle you can find in Investigations of a Dog. That was a good call, with trying different method, this form turns out to be much better and cleaner. So as much as I enjoyed reading The Castle, I don't actually believe that the ending would mean anything more, then we already have.

>> No.6102097

oops, >>6102057

>> No.6102128
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Does reading have any mental benefits like meditating (supposedly) does?

Have you noticed improvements since you have started reading? Things like stress reduction, memory improvement, strong analytical thinking skills and improved focus and concentration to name a few.

Do you think these ''improvements'' only come from reading non-fiction?

Let's discuss, my friends :^)

>> No.6102135

oh god, this was supposed to be a new thread. Please ignore. I'm such a fucking idiot LOL.

>> No.6102283

Reading should not be fun. It should not be enjoyable. It is not for pleasure. It is not for plot. It is not to find characters you "relate" to. It is not to make yourself sound smarter for cocktail parties. It is not to introduce you to new ideas. It is not for aesthetic bliss. It is not to enrich your soul. If you read for any of these reasons, you are the cancer killing /lit/.

>> No.6102919

Now you're getting it.