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609983 No.609983 [Reply] [Original]

'Sup /lit/erati,

Do books make you laugh? Or cry, for that matter? I always tend to absorb books in an observant manner. I don't really get into the emotion (or intended emotion) until after I put the book down. My girlfriend, on the other hand, is always laughing at something funny, or crying at something sad in whatever book she is reading.

What do you do /lit/?

>> No.609986

Sometimes I display emotion.

I got misty-eyed at the end of "The Road".

Didn't actually cry though.

>> No.609985

I tear up at sappy stuff in books but I don't cry too often, and I don't laugh much when reading, occasionally but it isn't common. Although I admit I don't read much comedy.

>> No.609990
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I'm re-reading Gravity's Rainbow and got to the joke in the pic yesterday..I was giggling like a schoolgirl for 10 minutes straight.

>> No.609993


I will get exited and gung-ho when the action happens though.

>> No.610015

I vomited while reading sybil... does that count?

>> No.610016

I smirk, but that's about all. For comparison I laugh during movies, but it has to be very funny for me to laugh out loud.

>> No.610018

I laughed and misted up a little in Catch 22.

>> No.610027

tortilla flat is pretty lol-funny

>> No.610028

Anything by Bill Bryson is guaranteed to make me laugh out loud.

>> No.610046

Augusten Burroughs makes me chuckle,
The Joy Luck Club made me cry. :*(

>> No.610047

Bawwed at the end of 'flowers for Algernon', most recently cried (on a train in rush hour, no less) at the line "hey, Boo" in 'To Kill A Mockingbird'.

>> No.610048

hahaha you cried from fucking words on paper

>> No.610049

It's a pain to cry at books because your eyes fill with tears, so you wipe the tears. Then you go back to reading the sad thing and your eyes start to fill with tears again. FOREVER.

>> No.610051
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>> No.610052

Books are the only things I can feel any emotion towards anymore. I'm almost constantly chuckling or smiling, or on the edge of my seat, or weeping manly (or not-so-manly) tears while I'm reading. Not much else does that anymore. I blame video games and television.

>> No.610056


I blame your autism

>> No.610070

I rarely have any strong emotional response, too. At most it's an "oh shit, no!" or a slightly funny joke, but I'm never deeply touched. The thing is that I actually want to. But since it never happened I never got to read a book that I ended up considering my favorite.

>> No.610076

I have chuckled on occasion, or given a perplexed "hm, really?" on occasion but that's about it.

>> No.610083

What about sexual reactions to lit?

I have to say I got wood during some choice parts of Lady Chatterley.

>> No.610100


American Psycho.

>> No.610101

If you can't feel anything when reading books I don't know why you should bother.

>> No.610109


I get wood from the practically anything. A stiff wind could get me as hard as a rock. These days I just use it to prop up the novel I'm currently reading.

>> No.610122

so far no book made me cry except the part about karenin's last days in "unbearable lightness of being"

>> No.610137

Great book.

>> No.610138

That's the way.

>> No.610139

A lot of book have made me cry...not a femanon btw...and books make me laugh constantly especially beckett...I think the last book to make me cry was Story of the Eye which also gave me a raging hard on several times.

>> No.610151

I read books that make me see things in a different light than before.

I usally read political or science fiction.

>> No.610167

Never cried. I don't think it's a bad thing or anything, but I am quite unfortunately conscious of the manipulations of writers, and that every word has been specifically written by someone with an intention. I suppose I don't mean to, but I need only think about the author sitting there typing giddily to his or herself thinking OH SHIT MAN THEY'RE SO GOING TO CRY to be out of the mood completely.
I don't have any such problems with laughing, though. Might be some kind of neurosis

>> No.610432

I laughed all the way through Persuasion. And Pioneer Go Home.

Also Robert Benchley's books.

>> No.610454

I laugh and cry all the time when I read books. My husband make fun of me when I cry. But I fall in love with the characters so when one of them dies I get very emotional. I cried like a baby when Hedwig died.
And I'll laugh for hours when I read a Christopher Moore book or anything by Dave Barry.

>> No.610640