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6098001 No.6098001[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So is every atheist author now "fedora"?

If all atheists are fedora then what is the right thing to believe? Christianity?

Or do people just want to feel superior to others so they denounce the old atheist books as fedoracore?

>> No.6098032

>letting internet maymays dictate what you do or don't believe

>> No.6098040

basically for any point of view, picture someone wearing a fedora talking about it and if it makes sense in your head don't do that. it's the only true form of morality

>> No.6098047

great thread

>> No.6098111

it's literally the only response that butthurt religionists have any more

poster 1: omg teh bibel/quooran/random other religious book is awesum!!!!1!!111!!! all gays/adulterers/people who say jehovah must be stoned to death etc etc
poster 2: ya know, there probably isn't a god, and you're a dick
poster 3: *tips fedorda*
poster 4: "&&tipss fesdoora*"*"
etc etc
poster 2: you're all retards

>> No.6098127

Here is my advice 4 u op:
Allah is the true god
Koran is the true gospel
ISIS is the true movement
Embrace the bomb op, embrace the bomb

>> No.6098145

Because the people who actually talk like that are either a) 12 or b) some guy who needs to grow up.

>> No.6098174

This OP. I'll admit, it's a Strangelove, but This is how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb.

>> No.6098175

/lit/ seems to agree on Hellenismos as the right thing to believe.

>> No.6098179

Talk like what?

>> No.6098190

I see it more being used by other atheists who seem ashamed about their own beliefs, and want to pretend that religion is beyond criticism, and doing so makes one an asshole and a neckbeard.

>> No.6098197

No, the fedora is the last refuge of a group of people who ran out of arguments

>> No.6098215


'If all atheists are fedora then what is the right thing to believe?'

Think about what you're saying there. Because you've just stated the implicit belief that makes fedoratheists so problematic. You're looking for a group identity, a creed.

>> No.6098225

It was rhetorical. I meant to say that if being atheist is in and of itself a bad idea, if you can't even mention your atheism without being branded fedora, then where can one go from there?

>> No.6098236


Shutting the fuck up, I would hope. Nobody in the Western world has genuinely suffered for being an atheist in well over a century. Except in small towns, where they already should know better than to tell anyone what they think.

People think freedom means you can expect validation at every turn. No, it means you can state your position whether anyone else will validate it or not.

>> No.6098251
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>> No.6098254

Good point. I never claimed that atheists suffered though. So should atheists not write about their beliefs?

>> No.6098273


Not to me, I don't give two shits. On 4chan you have no idea what the reader thinks, who the reader is. Same is true for believers in anything. Don't assume interest.

>> No.6098277

Answer the question. You're just spouting bullshit.

>> No.6098285


I answered the question. Nobody gives a shit about your worthless life, quit whining about it. The grief people get on here who suddenly witness to their religion out of nowhere is commensurate with what you experience.

>> No.6098290

I think it just boils down to the fact that pretty much any discussion involving atheism is extremely annoying and is naturally dominant on the internet unless if mocked out of existence

I fucking hate memes and shit but god dammit if I don't hate atheists even more.

>> No.6098291

There's an awful lot of religious iconography and signs you run into just going around, there's pamphlets all over the place, there's a Bible in every hotel room, God is even on all the currency. Atheists tolerate this pretty well, religious people would flip their shit if you had "there is no God" printed on money and atheist propaganda in every hotel room. Atheists are basically given a double standard and expected to be the more mature party.

>> No.6098308


None of these are hardships. There isn't an equal relationship. No, they are not going to change the currency for you. Tolerate it pretty well? You'd fucking better, your freedom to open your mouth was bought by a bunch of Puritans.

>> No.6098318

Yeah that's nice enjoy your dead cult for niggers

>> No.6098328

Atheism, especially the suburban atheism of people who were never in their lives really forced into any religious observance, is an oasis in Protestant history, not something existing outside it. This is what makes their whining so tiresome to anyone who knows anything.

>> No.6098331

>god dammit if I don't hate atheists even more.

those christian values really working for you huh

>> No.6098336

>muh special insights
you can get in the fucking sack too

>> No.6098339


Haha, look at that. Thank you, come again.

>> No.6098340

That wasn't the question. I asked, should atheist not write about their beliefs?

Note that I never talked about my life, or whined about it. You seem really aggressive.

What do you believe?

Yeah, I think atheists should be mature, but the consensus even when having a discussion is that atheists should just shut up, they have no right to a voice because every atheist is inherently annoying for trying to discuss their arguments.

I'm talking about an atheist who minds his own goddamn business here, not an actual fedora snob.

>> No.6098341

>Puritans gave us free speech

>> No.6098351


You were answered twice. The third time: no, they shouldn't, because nobody cares.

Atheists who mind their own business remain silent, by definition. So yes, this is a whine on your part. 'Why don't you respect me, waah. How can I make you respect me?'

>> No.6098352

>Yeah, I think atheists should be mature
But then why not religious people? Most of the shit "fedoras" complain about, religious people would call outright persecution if it were done to them. But when it's done to atheists, atheists are told to just "grow up". Well, okay, but then religious people are widely as bad as the worst caricatures of atheists.

>> No.6098356

*tips fedora* is the new *throws holy water*

>> No.6098357


If you're an American, yes they did. Learn what religion has actually meant before sounding off. Religious freedom guarantees the freedom to have no religion. But religious freedom was not established by atheists. You owe Puritans. Point blank period. So stop fucking grousing.

>> No.6098360

Obviously. We make fun of athiests because all the real intellectuals just happen to be christian. "hurr durr, it must be a coincidence"

>> No.6098386

So everyone should remain silent about their views?

Have you considered some people actually want to advance knowledge instead of whining and demanding respect?

You reek of bias. I'm sorry if you've had to deal with annoying atheists, but that doesn't mean that they should stop writing. I believe anyone should write about their beliefs if they are sincere. I don't tell people to shut up.

>> No.6098398

give some examples of what you call "intellectuals"

>> No.6098400

So the consensus is atheism is bad because it is and only religious people should write books apparently.

>> No.6098413
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>all the real intellectuals just happen to be christian

Funniest shit I've read in 10 years, thanks for the laugh anon.

>> No.6098415


No, just atheists.

They have no hope of advancing knowledge. They're just talking about the inside of their heads. Nobody gives a fuck. Their avowed aim is to change others' beliefs. The whole point of America is that everyone thinks whatever they like, and nobody gives a fuck what anyone else thinks.

'Bias'? Will you please grow up? Life isn't a debate. Your last two sentences are literally a child saying 'you're nasty, but I'm nice' to itself! 'I believe... I don't tell...'. I do believe people should shut the fuck up, especially if their aim is conversion. I do tell people to shut up, for their own good. People like you make jokes of yourselves with no help from others.

>> No.6098422


You didn't get that that guy who couldn't spell atheist agreed with you and was attempting heavy irony. Fucking hell, you fedoratheists are dumb beyond belief.

>> No.6098424

And philosophers aren't talking about the insides of their heads?

I'm starting to think you are b8'ing

>> No.6098425
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>someone is being papist near me

>> No.6098431


Oh, fuck right off! You're not a philosopher, son. Here's your problem - when people say 'step back, creep', you think it's an invitation to a debate. No, it's not.

>> No.6098437



>> No.6098439

I truthfully, from the bottom of my heart, have no idea what you're talking about anymore. Maybe if you use some more exclamation marks you'll get your point across.

You come across as paranoid.

>> No.6098453


I keep repeating the truth - nobody wants to hear about your beliefs, you're not on equal footing with philosophers, and your persistent 'but why though?' doesn't endear you to anyone normal.

You come across as a needy idiot.

>> No.6098464

I'm not talking about myself. I'm talking about writers like Schopenhauer and Nietzsche and Sam Harris. Should they have just shut up?

>> No.6098471

>inb4 Sam Harris is a neckbeard and thus my argument is discredited

>> No.6098479


Nobody who'd read the first two would have picked the third. You're done here.

>> No.6098488

While Luther fostered religious freedom, Puritans were not religiously tolerant, they took witch trials to a level beyond Europe. Religious freedom as enshrined in the U.S. was fostered by Masons.

>> No.6098495

Called it. Bait confirmed.

>> No.6098516

Sam Harris is shit, but certainly not worse than theologians who are touted as "Christian intellectualism". In fact, I'd say Sam Harris as a theologian of New Atheist Scientism doe a much better job.

>> No.6098529

I'm on the fence about Sam Harris. His book Waking Up is relevant to me because I'm interested in meditation, but don't like new age woo. It seems pretty solid, it reads a little like a self-help book though.

>> No.6098553

Sam Harris is good atheist theology. If you want atheist philosophy, Hume is the best place to start, and if want a lived philosophy pretty much centered around atheism, there's Max Stirner.

>> No.6098598

Thanks anon :)

>> No.6098604

I can't wait for the Christian memeposters to leave.

>> No.6098686
File: 486 KB, 821x1557, Sam Harris and the Straw Priest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sam Harris is good atheist theology

>> No.6098691

Yes, well that's what theology is.

>> No.6098924

Well the religion was spread through social reinforcement, as all faiths are, so naturally they will continue this tradition against outsiders. And god is dead, so religious arguments center around on history, politics, and identity because they have nothing else to argue legitimately. Honestly I just feel sorry for them having to propogandize and constantly push one side of history to maintain cohesion, but then I don't feel sorry because these people devote their lives to things they can't even argue. So my sadness transfers over to the people who get caught in the trappings set by the equivalent of philosophical vultures, who circle overhead ready to shove guilt and extreme unnecessary responsibility on every lost soul looking for guidance.

>> No.6100256

*tips fedora*