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6095816 No.6095816 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most bourgeois thing you've ever done?

>never worked until summer after first year of uni
>it was a cushy consultancy office job I got solely due to my dad knowing the owner
>next summer
>get first job on my own, a kitchen job

After my first 8 hour day there, I was this close *holds index thinger and thumb close together while unzipping dick* to quitting due to the mind numbingness of it all.

Should I have quit right there?

>> No.6095837
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I'm in my third year of university, aged twenty-two, and I've never had a job ever. Stop being so casual OP.

>> No.6095841
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>I'm in my third year of university, aged twenty-two, and I've never had a job ever.
At that rate, you never will.

>> No.6095949

That better have been a vegan kitchen you facist

>> No.6095995

I travel Europe in a flying contraption fuelled by the corpses of dead plebs.

>> No.6096164

I'm turning 25 soon and I've never worked a day in my life.

>> No.6096167

I never had job. I literally never worked in my life. Im trust fund baby as for now.

>> No.6096990

Well, going by Marx's definition, probably not be in debt and have enough money saved up to subsit for a month or so.

>> No.6097706

Its funny how marxists how classify "working" as one of the most horrific and oppressive things a human can do. They'd rather starve than pick up a hoe or telephone and get something down.

>> No.6098193

Work is good. Work is the activity that you endow yourself into labor and see yourself reflected into the object of your own production. I contrast this with a job, work done for someone else's benefit, in which the product of your labor is alien to you. There is a difference between work a "Marxist" would approve of, and the kind of work A Marxist would disapprove of. It's the difference in satisfaction, say, of building a house to your own specifications for yourself to live in (in which you are invested), and building a house for someone else in which you have no intrinsic connection, you're doing it because you need money to survive. There is a difference in Marxian terms.

>> No.6098208

"Communism has never been tried"

>> No.6098216


>> No.6098239

I worked since I was legally able to. Actually, before that since I had a paper route at age 13 or so.

How is it possible that you guys never had a job, well into your mid-20's. It's kind of pitiful.

>> No.6098246

Alienation is unavoidable in a social economy.

I'd like to see a Marxist come with up with how people could have an economy were people don't make shit for people they don't know.

>> No.6098250
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>> No.6098299

>How is it possible that you guys never had a job, well into your mid-20's. It's kind of pitiful.

Because I'm rich lol.

>> No.6098316

>Marxism is anti-work
And the award for dumbest post of the day goes to this anon.

>> No.6098325

You're not rich. Someone else is rich for you.

>> No.6098396

No, the money belongs to me. The person it originally belonged to passed away and left it to me.

>> No.6098423

Right, so someone else was rich for you.

>> No.6098436

Why are poor people always so butt-flustered?

>> No.6098448

Maybe you can answer >>6098133

>> No.6098645
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31. had one job selling newspapers when i was 17. dad made fun of me. brother made fun of me. haven't worked since. only people who thought it was good were my depression era grandparents.