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6095780 No.6095780 [Reply] [Original]

Is a new type of gender thought going to become a major area of discussion on the level of religion and politics in terms of mass-organisation?

The splintering of what used to be a simple system creates additional minorities, leading to a need for belonging and advocacy as soon in every minority group. People complain about the influence of various racial and religious lobbies today, what will the popular thought be in the generations to come?

Is this an overestimation of the importance of this minor yet recently expanding school of thought?

>> No.6096202

Complimentary bump

>> No.6096213

I wouldn't worry about it, OP, concern over gender roles and wanting to be free of its 'restraints' is one of the signs of decline for any civilization. We'll be back to Traditionalism soon enough.

>> No.6096217


Nothing consequential.


Any further questions?

polite sage

>> No.6096226

This is this attempted practical application of critical theory. One finds problems with gender/sex inequality or the overall construct of gender, knows the methodology of critical theory and social constructivism, and yet does not know of the next steps to mitigate or solve the problem. Critical theories do no provide practical applications or solutions. So they are narrowed into the hallways of those same social constructions they dismissed to find a solution - use gender constructs to solve the problem of gender constructs.

I really can't predict where this is going. I would hesitate to call it a 'school of thought' for it isn't coherent among its membership or its own logical base. I feel the moment someone or a specific group attempts to coalesce contemporary gender issues into a coherent project, its own members will tear it apart.

>> No.6096238

Critical divisionism

>> No.6096344

we will probably have less people like this being dragged kicking and screaming like this holding onto "muh values"

>> No.6096387
File: 60 KB, 450x557, Smiling_Rei_Ayanami_by_lionheart088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations. You responded to a reasoned and coherent (if extremist) post with absolute shit.
You are the cancer killing intellectual discussion. [Trigger warning: anime]
Here's a picture of Rei. Enjoy.