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6094315 No.6094315 [Reply] [Original]

Are buddha teachings unfalsifiable nonsense?

>> No.6094326
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>eastern shit

>> No.6094328

> Falsifiability is the only standard for knowledge.

Pro-tip, that only applies to science and non-scientific thinking isn't non-knowledge. If I know how to cook a good steak, and another guy has done a bunch of controlled experiments on how to make a good steak, and my steak is better, I know how to cook a steak better than he does, despite all his science. Ditto for any other practical skill. And pto-tip, Buddhism at its core is just that; it's a system of spiritual work, a practice, not a hypothesis.

Falsifiability comes into play when you deal with yahoos like Zizek who make predictions about the future.

>> No.6094332

Is Scientismos your religion?

>> No.6094335

>Falsifiability comes into play when you deal with yahoos like Zizek who make predictions about the future.
Zizek doesn't make a lot of predictions about the future. He psychoanalyzes liberal ideolgoy

>> No.6094339

>being a western only pleb

>> No.6094354


I read as much as I can from everywhere, even Islamic theology. But eastern philosophy is pretty rubbish compared to western tradition. Not to mention the fact that white kids suck on that eastern dick all the time because they hate their whiteness.

>> No.6094368

Similar to >>6094328 falsifiability is only useful in proving a fact of the matter but some facts of the matter may be unfalsifiable.

>> No.6094372

You're unfalsifiable nonsense.

>> No.6094377

>Its like fractals and shit man, all we need is love

>> No.6094397
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>eastern thinking is shit according to western values systems derived from western thinking
>therefore eastern thinking is shit

>> No.6094436
File: 26 KB, 274x321, 1420550368632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the foundation of this universe is my thesaurus and carefully selected ill defined capitalized Words that vaguely relate to some over-anlyzed Analysis of the universes systems using scientific and psychological concepts as metaphors because actually Understanding those concepts is too hard for me
>anyways this all relates to this really cool Aesthetic I've been developing which is basically just some kind of vague ideal of someone who practices my political opinions

See I can do it too.

>> No.6094455


Even your simplification sounds smarter than a simplification of eastern philosophy, though.

The thing is, you can pretty much sum up eastern philosophy in a sentence and people get it.

You can't even sum up western philosophy in one sentence when you're making fun of it and trying to make it sound worthless.

>> No.6094464
File: 59 KB, 210x180, total pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The thing is, I can pretty much sum up eastern philosophy in a sentence because I read a wikipedia article about like sunny zu or something like that

>> No.6094512

my god...

>> No.6094514


Eastern philosophy is pleb, though. You should report yourself.

You'll never admit it, but you're a weeaboo. There is no area in eastern philosophy that is unique and hasn't been covered by western philosophy, but better.

Just slap a couple of platitudes together and white people think you're totally deep.

Literally the facebook wall of the ancient world.

>> No.6094517

there's a reason the world is divided into The West and The Rest

>> No.6094526

check you privelige you white sis scum.

>> No.6094574

Eastern philosophy isn't "pleb". The Tao Te Ching was created centuries before Christ. Some of the West's most prominent philosophers, such as Schopenhauer, Kant, Nietzsche, Heidegger, et. al. were influenced by Buddhism. A lot of the more complicated ideas (I'm thinking of Heidegger specifically) put forth by Western philosophers were explained more simply by Taoists and Buddhists, and more eloquently by a number of Tang poets.

To OP: Buddha's teachings are falsifiable because they aren't abstract ideas to be grasped; rather, his teachings are a "way of liberation" to be experienced, so you can test them personally. In some ways it is like cognitive behavioral therapy.

>> No.6094587


>non-scientific things

>> No.6094588

all philosophy is unfalsifiable nonsense

>> No.6094598

It's unfalsifiable non-science.

>> No.6094603

moral principles are by definition unfalsifiable and possibly nonsense

>> No.6094608


>non-empirical things existing

>> No.6094641

>implying knowledge isn't dialectical and a continuous revisiting of older arguments with newer insights.

>implying normative claims can be justified by natural facts like empirical observation.

>> No.6094656

who is this semen demon

>> No.6094661

idk but I'd like to introduce my unfalsifiable to her 'buddha' if you know what I mean.

>> No.6095229

It's a religion, they are all like that.

>> No.6095238

Science can be falsified

>> No.6095239

wowzers trousers look at those tits

>The West and The Rest

hahaha, thats a funny phrase, im going to use that

>> No.6095254

The teachings on kammic destiny, the arising and passing away of beings, and the four noble truths are verifiable upon attaining bodhi (well, according to the Buddha - not exactly convincing to someone disinclined to believe them anyway). The mundane teachings on good conduct are verifiable in the here-and-now, if you put them in practice and see whether they increase craving, greed, and delusion, or decrease them.

>> No.6095264

Conclusions of science can be falsified, science itself cannot

>> No.6095284

Well yeah I guess you can't falsify the study of stuff, but being able to falsify the conclusions is good enough.

>> No.6095297

Science is more than simply a study of stuff, it's a theory that a particular method of study yields truer results than other methods.

>> No.6095311

Firsthand experience is the only way to know, since Gautama was talking interior mind stuff

>> No.6095349

You are conflating the scientific method with the concept of science. Besides the way we are at it now better and truer than any other method we have. Maybe one day we will find an even better way, but for now this serves us very well.

>> No.6095357

You make them synonymous by saying anything which does not adhere to this method is not science.

>> No.6095380

I specifically separated them. And the most common reputations I hear are pseudoscience, bad science, or quack science. Still the 'study of' just done in obviously flawed ways. If you have some sort of argument against the scientific method we currently use spill it and stop beating around the bush.

>> No.6095394

>I specifically separated them.
You said you did, but you don't. Name one other method of study you consider science, apart from those which use the scientific method.

>If you have some sort of argument against the scientific method we currently use spill it and stop beating around the bush.
I don't, I just consider turning it into a religion to be folly.

>> No.6095434

I did it in concept, which is the best I can do since there is no other way to do at the moment. I specifically left to door open for another possible method. Science is not and can never be a religion, it's falsifiable by design. I only seems unquestionable because we have exhausted most of the basic questions, which is what you and I as laymen deal with. For some religion and faith do not work, me, for example. Faith is meaningless to me, it enlivens no nerves, it is a child's toy by my reckoning. Science, on the other hand works, our conversation is a testament to that.

>> No.6095438

>I specifically left to door open for another possible method
Therefore science is unfalsifiable. Like Marxism, if it gets falsified, it simply adapts itself.

>> No.6095442

Just want to know who is this girl.

>> No.6095479

The method we currently use to do science is falsiable. Science is the study of and cannot be falsified because to falsify the act of studying something is nonsensical, the conclusions of the study, however can be. Stop trying to diminish science because it hurts your fee fees.

>> No.6097218


>> No.6097335

>Just slap a couple of platitudes together and white people think you're totally deep.

That's the postmodern French you are thinking of.

>> No.6097339

Good enough for Heidegger, good enough for me

>> No.6097510

>non-scientific thinking isn't non-knowledge
non-scientific 'results' are not knowledge but experience
and non-scientific 'thinking' is by definition fantasy

>> No.6097572

Are you an unfalsifiable faggot?

>> No.6097578

>Schopenhauer, Kant, Nietzsche, Heidegger, et. al.

Pleb shit. How many chins do you have? lol

There is no way but the way hurr durr i'm a faggot

>> No.6097587


>> No.6097588
File: 113 KB, 1024x768, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow me, /lit/tle Western ones. I will explain it to you in terms you can understand.

>> No.6097605 [DELETED] 


>> No.6097613

The teachings of the Buddha are false nonsense.


>> No.6097626


>> No.6097628


>> No.6097630

>anything unfalsifiable or not profitable to university science teachers is nonsense

>> No.6097637


>> No.6097638 [DELETED] 

>m-muh /b/oogey man! muh PTSD!


>> No.6097640

>muh strawman "Im so triggered!!!!!!!"

>> No.6097641


>> No.6097645

>Tao Te Ching was created centuries before Christ
God was still in control even before Tao Te Ching was born

>> No.6097647
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>> No.6097659

I can disprove that with logic.

Jesus was born centuries after the Tao Te Ching was created. Jesus is God. Thus, God was born centuries after the Tao Te Ching was created.

>> No.6097676
File: 22 KB, 413x384, 1422057716816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus is God

>> No.6097703

Not according to the Bible, he wasn't.

The argument, rather, goes as follows:

If God created the Universe, then any post hoc creation is a creation after God
Lao Tzu is born.
Centuries later, God decides to manifest himself in the form of Jesus.
Jesus is God and God is Jesus.
Thus, Jesus precedes Lao Tzu. QED.

>> No.6097747

Just re-read my argument and spotted a grievous mistake that makes the argument invalid.

Convert the conditional "If God created the Universe, then any post hoc creation is a creation after God" into a conjunction.


God created the Universe and any post hoc creation is a creation after God
Lao Tzu is born.
Centuries later, God decides to manifest himself in the form of Jesus.
Jesus is God and God is Jesus.
Thus, Jesus precedes Lao Tzu. QED.

>> No.6097825

what I took from my limited studies was that

-life is fucking shit suffering and death no pleasure
-because I believe in all this reincarnation samsara bullshit I can't just kill myself
-therefore I must continue on and try to reach enlightenment to escape the brith rebirth cycle rather than just killing myself

now we know that shit's bullshit and I think if the buddha were alive today he would advocate a fucking antinatalist suicide cult. rebirth cyle isn't real, so just end your life. all is flux al is dukkha there is no self just flowing and fleeting perceptions and experiences belong to nobody and yet the pain is felt and experienced and there's methods to bring it's end

it's just a suicide cult held back by medieval mythological thought

also there is nothing worse than western mac using coffeshop hand roasted hipster 1st world buddhist who have never set foot in india

india is a fucking hole, there is literally so much fucking misery and pain there it's unfathamoble, kids dying on the street, car accidents and dead bodies just swept to the side, beatings and abuse, rampant amphetamine and alcohol abuse, homelessness shanties child prostitution filthy fucking waterpeople drink from the ganges next to rotting bodies and no words can describe the filth, t=it permeates everything, sweatshiops and dung cake sellers people begging and scamming older orphans bullying the younger for anything sleeping on cold concrete train accidents and suicides just carry on no ambulance healthcare is free but you'l die in the wards from all manner of shit bandits and pack rapes along with one of the worlds most disgusting class systems including the untouchables, gold sweeprs and selling sewer drain bags of shit for a few specks of flake sleeping top and tail 20 to a room dahl naan and rice all your miserable life of work work work work work work work work stuatus work work fuck india fuck buddhism fuck every one of these filthy anal finger scrubbing unhygenic curry niggers to hell, can't even fucking walk on the beach without tripping over piles of human shit combined with non stop diahrea and food poisonging because these cunts don't know a fucking thing about sterilisation or food hygeine no toilets so it's eaith shit your pants or shit in public surronded by 45 fucking street kids grabbing at your belongings and clothes trying to take your hair just fuck off

>you will never decimate hundreds and hundreds of thousands of curry niggers, these people are truly subhuman, especially in the north, less empathy than fucking chnks kikking their kids out at 6 to go to the city because you cant keep your fucking legs shit after your 12th fucking baby just keep spitting them out and get further and further into poverty and debt, selling your sons into bondage to pay for your granfatehrs medical bils that gets passed from kin to kin interest so high nobody ever getting out of the cycle

it's a country of amphetamine and hash highs mixed with suicidal lows

>> No.6097837

apparently it's the profile pic of some chick who did some steins;gate fanfiction about 3-4 years ago

apparently she killed herself, but more likely it was just a throwaway ARG to promote herself

wish she came back for more pictures

>> No.6098137

>knowledge didn't exist before the concept of falsifiability
Mein Gott.

>> No.6098153

Anon, your weak anti-intellectual bait doesn't work on a board of literate anons. You may want to lurk to find out how to bait /lit/, or perhaps go back to where you came from. Just some friendly advice on how you can improve your trolling experience, no hate.

>> No.6098163

I don't know much about eastern philosophy but them gooks sure can fry a good chicken.

>> No.6098173

>Are buddha teachings unfalsifiable nonsense?

What do you mean by "buddhas teachings" ?

If you're talking about reaching nirvana and all that metaphysical bullshit, clearly that's unfalsifiable and faith-based.

>> No.6098186

Your limited studies have left you with an incorrect impression, as is often the case.

>> No.6098194

So now you're defining science as "the act of studying something"? Then philosophy is a science, yes?

>> No.6098268

The basic teachings of buddhism are on point. The religion is the same as the rest of them.