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6091979 No.6091979 [Reply] [Original]

>To Kill A Mockingbird author Harper Lee to publish a second novel in July, her publishers say


>> No.6091987

She's still alive?

>> No.6092018


>> No.6092024

Holyyyy shit!

>> No.6092027

you mean Truman Capote to publish mockingbird sequel

>> No.6092046


Yes she's still alive, she's 88


>> No.6092047

Crazy. Milan Kundera is publishing a book around the same time.

>> No.6092052


Actually she wrote it decades ago but thought she lost it and never tried to write it again

>> No.6092078


oh wow, she wrote it at the same time as to kill a mockingbird too

>> No.6092080

Even more reason to be hype

>> No.6092082


>> No.6092094
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>Go Set a Watchman, completed in the mid-50s but lost for more than half a century, was written before To Kill A Mockingbird and features Scout as an adult

>> No.6092100

People joke about Half Life never being released but some people have been waiting 55 years for this

>> No.6092102
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>implying she wrote to kill a mockingbird

>> No.6092112

This, she wrote the basic story but her publisher literally rewrote it himself so it wasn't so shit

>> No.6092115


Hurr durr a woman couldn't possibly have written it

>> No.6092120

>imply her second novel will be as good as TKaM

>> No.6092127

At the very least it'll be a fascinating insight into how a great novel comes to be.

>> No.6092131

>"When I found the state the novel was in I had to take it into my own hands to rewrite it"

Im not even joking, look it up

>> No.6092135

>more Atticus Finch

cool, he's one of my favorite characters of all time

>> No.6092185

That haircut is heinous.

>> No.6092212
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>muh conspiracies

>> No.6092228
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>being a plebe

shit is well documented, just like how Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote Frankenstein..

>> No.6092231

I'll read it. It won't live up to TKaM. Seems like a bit of a money-grubbing move. If I were her, I would just keep my good reputation -- that way at least people could imagine me producing a greater number of high-quality books. This one will probably reveal her as a one-hit-wonder artist.

>> No.6092250

>harper lee
>not an anti-southern bigot

>> No.6092252

he didn't write all of it

>> No.6092264

To Kill a Mockingbird is the single most overrated book I've ever read.

>> No.6092274

He contributed like 1/6 or 1/5

>> No.6092278

>publishers relying on the fame of her novel written decades ago to market her second novel
she's a talentless hack

>> No.6092282
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So /lit/ doesn't like female authors? What about my nigga Agatha Christie, though?

>> No.6092287

Written by her gardener.

>> No.6092301

The author who is famous for publishing only one novel, one of the most loved novels ever, is publishing another, and /lit/ still feels the need to shit on the whole thing. There could hardly be bigger news in the world of books.

>> No.6092303

I'm more amused by it than anything.

I mean, fuck, I didn't know that Harper Lee was still alive.

>> No.6092327

She's 88. There's no way she'll finish it before she dies.

>> No.6092334

When have you ever seen /lit/ discuss Harper Lee? She is quintessential high school-tier shit.

>> No.6092359

Because Capote never ever told a lie.
>burden of proof

>> No.6092367


It's finished you mouth breathing retard. Dud you even read the article?

>> No.6092373

We never talked about her before and we have no reason to start.


>> No.6092423

>When I found the state the novel was in I had to take it into my own hands to rewrite it

Google search for that quote just brings up this thread. What's your source?

>> No.6092443
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>> No.6092458

im predicting a modern masterpiece that wont sell nearly as well as it should. this won't be dumbed down like TKAM was because she won't have her idiot publisher to tell her to dumb it down.

>> No.6092459

bump for hype is real

>> No.6092463

not even high-school, pretty sure i read that shit in 8th grade and promptly forgot it because it was some trite bullshit

>> No.6092473

inb4 its a book about hacking and he post-9/11 world

>> No.6092499
File: 1002 KB, 1870x1244, Nelle_Harper_Lee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harper Lee, the reclusive author of the beloved best-selling novel “To Kill a Mockingbird,” will publish a second novel in July, her publisher announced Tuesday.

>The recently discovered book, “Go Set a Watchman,” was completed in the mid-1950s, in the midst of the civil rights movement. It takes place 20 years after “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Though it’s effectively a sequel, Ms. Lee actually wrote “Go Set a Watchman” first. The 304-page novel takes place in the same fictional town, Maycomb, Ala., and unfolds as Scout Finch, the feisty child heroine of “To Kill a Mockingbird,” returns to visit her father, Atticus.

>Ms. Lee said in a statement released by her publisher that her editor at the time was taken with Scout’s childhood flashbacks, and told her to write a different novel from Scout’s perspective.

>“I was a first-time writer, so I did as I was told,” Ms. Lee, 88, a native of Monroeville, Ala., said in the statement.

>> No.6092512

this thread is a good enough source

>> No.6092517

so it's basically a failed first draft

>> No.6092522

>racism is bad and there are only good and bad people


>> No.6092523

it's an excuse for her to win that swede prize since they only give it to americans who write about race because apparently racism is the only important thing that happened in america in 200 years

>> No.6092524

>"no no, make something for the kids, Harper."

>> No.6092529

holy shit this isn't a troll thread

>> No.6092532

the issue in the book could have been easily replaced with any social issue, such as gay or womens rights

the book was about prejudice in general, not racism.

>> No.6092533

Eh, it should be interesting to read at least

>> No.6092536

I'm actually related to Harper Lee somehow

>> No.6092540

so her kids are basically selling her out?

>> No.6092541

*slow clap*

>> No.6092543

you mean rewrote and made it shittier

>> No.6092549

awesome, maybe having men write critically acclaimed books for you runs in your genes, ask your boyfriend if he has any drafts you can put your name on!

>> No.6092555

well, it made capitalism possible

>> No.6092558

gotta get that paper, my dude! can't buy luxury condos in hip neighborhoods and mountains of coke with a "literary legacy" you feel me

>> No.6092561

>harper lee

>> No.6092566

yeah, without racism capitalism never would have began in italy before america was discovered, you are very correct, sir...

>> No.6092576

I've already read the book

>> No.6092590

Lol no way Lee ever gets the Nobel.

>> No.6092594

why not? an old granny who wrote about how racism is bad? they love that kind of shit

>> No.6092600

obama got one

>> No.6092615

She's too middlebrow and conventional and she hasn't published enough.

Not for literature...

>> No.6092618

yeah obviously I don't mean capitalism as a global system

>> No.6092630

I like TKAM and enjoy rereading it
It's a well written story, very American, and Atticus is based.

What don't you like about it? (Other than the fact that it's commonly read in school)

Also the movie is GOAT

>> No.6092633

but, american slavery was a kind of serfdom, not capitalism, it was pre-capitaist...the capitalist north put the south out of it's feudal misery...you gotta stop reading silly shit written by european communists who don't know dick about america

>> No.6092637

>What don't you like about it?
You're on /lit/, where 16-year olds who haven't even read the book need to shit on it, possibly because of their erectile disfunction, phimosis, or similar

>> No.6092642

>where 18 year olds who read it and forgot about it need to shit on it to justify the amount of money theryre spending on their LA degree


>> No.6092647

even better, I agree

>> No.6092671

The book is for 16 year olds

>> No.6092709

>A new excerpt from the book, courtesy of HuffPo.


"Daddy, I'm home from New York City, bastion of equality, with a college education and a new attitude on race."

Looking up from his newspaper, Atticus said, "Now, Scout, I may defend a negro in court from time to time but only if I don't have to see them much. Segregation suits us Southerners just fine."

"No, daddy, there's a new way of doing things," said Scout, shaking her head. "Those Yankees have it all figured out. You see, in the North, they aren't racist anymore! They invented these things called ghettos."

"Ghettos? Why, I was just reading about those in this here newspaper!" exclaimed Atticus.

Scout closed her eyes and nodded. "Ghettos are places where blacks aren't legally forced to live, but they wind up there anyway thanks to jobs, housing costs, and discrimination in white neighborhoods."

"The government doesn't have to enforce racist policies and look bad?" asked Atticus, clearly interested, as he shifted forward in his seat.

"No, daddy, that's the point! The Northerners have the moral highground when talking about Southerners and they still don't have to look at black people. It's wonderful! There is an amazing place in New York City called Harlem. All of the blacks live there. They beat one another, shoot one another, drink, use drugs, join gangs, and the cops don't even have to come around! The children go to third-rate schools and that's okay because it's based on taxes, not a concerted effort of the government. The blacks don't have a chance. Don't even get me started on these new 'public housing projects.' The government wants to use this post-WW2 boom to construct housing for the poor on the pretense of charity, even though the money won't last forever and they will really serve and a means of consolidating blacks and moving them off of prime real estate that can be used for economic development!"

"Scout, I must say..." Atticus covered his face with his hand. Tear drops fell and stained his wool pants.

>> No.6092718



Scout walked over to Atticus and started to rub his back with her right hand.

"Daddy, are you okay? Don't feel so bad about being a racist inbred piece of white trash. I'm not judging you with my Northern liberal education. You don't know any better."

"No, my beautiful daughter, it's not that. This new way of doing things sounds so wonderful. I think we should both make it out life's mission to end segregation and institute ghettos. We can start with St. Louis!" Atticus stood up from his chair and looked out the window as he imagined a new life for Southerners, free of guilt but fearful of home invasions.

"Oh, daddy, I am so glad you understand!" Scout embraced her father around the neck and kissed his cheek. "I have someone to introduce you to."

The screen door swung open and in walked a rodent-like creature. Its skin was an opaque yellow, a large nose rose like a mountain between two small shiny black eyes, and two curly locks of hair fell messily along either side of its face. It wore a large flat brimmed hat and a black cloak crudely covered its twisted and misshapen body. It stuck out its clawed hand.

"Feivel Kuntsler, attorney-at-law, at your service. For a price, of course, but you're mishpocheh now so I'll give you a discount."

"Daddy, this is my new husband. He's a real mentsh. We already have all the plans drawn up and I already called all of the local ministers. We march tomorrow!"

"Feh!" spit Feivel. "We'll show those racist shmendriks the error of their ways, especially concerning Antisemitism!"

"Darn right!" giggled Scout. She looked at her watch. "Oh! Look at the time! We really must get going across the tracks."

"Why?" asked Atticus.

"Feivel made an arrangement with a local black bull. He's going to fill me up with nine inches of black pipe! I need a good breeding."

"The blacks know how to pleasure women!" exclaimed Feivel. "I don't care much for intercourse myself. I prefer the company of Presidents." He pulled a wad of bills out of his pocket, held them up to his nose, and took a deep breath. Feivel shuddered with pleasure as he exhaled.

Atticus's eyes got wide with amazement. He had imagined white women being defiled by black men ever since his famous court case. He turned to Scout with a smile on his face.

"Can I watch?"

"Certainly, daddy," said Scout, giggling once again. She grabbed Atticus and Feivel by the waste and the trio walked out of the house. They started their journey to the place where Scout's big black bull was waiting to split her pussy in two.


>> No.6092720

This wasn't funny

>> No.6092741

prepare for scouts' black boyrfriend.

>> No.6092745

>serve and a means of consolidating blacks...

u fucked up.

>> No.6092750

>/pol/ tries to write
>it fails miserably

>> No.6092754

>/pol/ posts bait
>/lit/ gobbles it up hook line and sinker

>> No.6092756

>haha I have only pretended to be retarded
>it was a ruse on my part

>> No.6092758

I didn't post it. The fact you're so buttblasted proves my point though.

>> No.6092763

I'm fine with being "buttblasted" if we can all agree that was a horribly boring and unfunny piece of writing.

>> No.6092770

>if we can all agree that was a horribly boring and unfunny piece of writing.

It probably wasn't written to be entertaining or funny,

>> No.6092776

Oh, then it was a success! I love it now, because it was so good, at being bad.

>> No.6092777

sjws dont think anything is funny, so why would i write to impress you?

>> No.6092779

>writes one novel
>is a talentless hack
Do you know what hack means?

>> No.6092785

it wasn't even good at being bad:

The Room was good at being bad,
The Grumpy Cat Christmas Movie was just bad.

That above post was the Grumpy Cat Christmas Movie of /pol/ copypastas.

>> No.6092792


>> No.6092795


Holy shit, I just realised Poirot = Bilbo

>> No.6092797

it's all true though, except if it was updated for 2015 it would include stop and frisk harassment under the cover of a mayor with a son with a big afro, that's what /pol/ will never understand, liberals are super racist, they just have better taste about how they avoid the browns

>> No.6092804

This is so cool.

>> No.6092814

What are you talking about, Half-Life was released in 1998

>> No.6092945

This is fucking hilarious

>> No.6093000 [DELETED] 

Yaaaasssss slay mama

>> No.6093012

This is what I thought

>> No.6093034
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>no publishing history to speak of
>out of nowhere writes a classic bestseller
>writes nothing else for half a century
>childhood best friend is a famous, prolific, well-respected author with a history of making shit up
nope, nothing suspicious there

>> No.6093041

Art thou pale for weariness
Of reading shitpost and trolls post

>> No.6093051

>write book
>surprise smash hit
>can't deal with the publicity
>sister shields off all the invasion
>have stroke at 90
>son-in-law of former agent tries to steal rights
>live in assisted care facility
>sister dies
>suddenly, another book appears

gee she surely wants to do this and is totally the instigator of all of this

>> No.6093060

>I can't recognize literary style

>> No.6093064

sounds lazy to me

>> No.6093071

agreed. even before this it seemed fishy. I think people are going to start questioning things now.

>> No.6093128

i swear, i heard on the radio recently (~a week ago) she died but she is alive. how. why the government lied to me

>> No.6093129

2 Kill 2 Mockingbird
To Kill a Mockingbird 2: Mock Harder

>> No.6093147

i know, it's all lies

>> No.6093181
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>textual analysis can prove authorship for a fact and can't be gamed in any way

>> No.6093186

I've never read TKAM
Is it good, should I bother

>> No.6093189

Yes it's good, don't let the fedoras tell you otherwise. It's an American classic

>> No.6093191

its brety gud

Atticus Finch is a bit "larger than life", but someone many people still strive to be (he's at least *the* name that comes up when you ask lawyers why they chose their job). It's not a long book, and certainly worthy of a read.

>> No.6093497
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>Wanting to read more White Guilt: The book

lol, no. fuck niggers.

>> No.6093502

>don't let the fedoras tell you otherwise

Rad meme!

>> No.6093510


Yeah, it's pretty amazing, definitely worth a read at any age

>> No.6093523
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Did she kill a mockingbird?

>> No.6093524

Then her publisher can do it again.

>> No.6093533 [SPOILER] 
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Just revealed: character sketch from Go Set a Watchman.

>> No.6093548


Take it anywhere but here

>> No.6093576

Cotton was a major industry before shipping became as big as it did in the north. Whether you like it or not, slavery is part of the foundation of our American Capitalism.

>> No.6093584

Haven't been this hype for a novel since Children of Hurin, and this time it's actually a wholly original work.


>> No.6093647

Jem better be in it dammit.

>> No.6093659

it was a foundation of america but i don't know about capitalism, the whaling and shipping industry was the foundation of american capitalism came from, the south had no significant banks, j.p. morgan, which started out investing and speculating on shipping in massachussetts, became the unofficial central bank for america until the jews established the federal reserve in the 20th century around world war one, the south was old school agricultural economy...i mean it was based on SLAVES how much more pre-capitalist can you get...

>> No.6093662
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But she didn't kill a real bird

>> No.6093716

>i mean it was based on SLAVES how much more pre-capitalist can you get...
Slavery is not incompatible with capitalism. John Locke, one of the first ideologues of capitalism was a slaver owner as were many of those involved in the founding of the US up north.

>> No.6093946

Still waiting for someone to publish the full version of Richard Yates' Uncertain Times. The 3 chapters published online are promising (http://www.richardyates.org/bib_uncertain.html).).

I've seen conflicting suggestions about the book's completeness (some suggesting it was unfinished, others suggesting it was a draft, and a story about an MS of it stored in a freezer that suggests it was completed), but I'm interested anyway in the hopes it's more of a Last Tycoon than an Original of Laura.

>> No.6094008

>TKAM inspired me to want to become a lawyer when I was in middle school.
>tfw making $125k/yr
thanks, harper

>> No.6094014


>> No.6094023

Truly outrageous.

>> No.6094034

What kind of lawyer?

>> No.6094044
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I think we all know what to expect.

>> No.6094050
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Publishers reprint To Kill a Mockingbird with new title.

>> No.6094142


Implying that something which the country was built upon isn't important.

>> No.6094200

$160k/yr in Biglaw, get on my level.

>> No.6094375


>> No.6094383

$9001gazoople/yr cum on my fagit

>> No.6094402

"Someone's gunnin' for blacks."

>> No.6094407
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>> No.6094578

why did Salinger, harper lee and Capote stop after their acclaimed novels were published?

Its like in cold blood, TKAMB and catcher in the rye were the end of them

I know Capote was kinda haunted and became an alcoholic but the other two why??

>> No.6094580
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>> No.6095040

>She's too middlebrow and conventional

remember, Hemmingway won for The Old Man and the Sea

>> No.6095737

Capote isn't that good.

>> No.6095988

Hemingway was not a conventional or middlebrow writer

>> No.6096053

>Hemingway was not a conventional or middlebrow writer
Fucking top fucking kek.

>> No.6096071

He wasn't, Hemingway was a very unique writer, nobody before was like him.

>> No.6096114

every time i see bush i can't help but feel sympathetic towards him. he seems like such a dorky guy.

>> No.6096157

In Cold Blood is vastly superior to To Kill a Mockbird.

>> No.6096512

I don't know about Harper Lee but Salinger definitely didn't stop writing or even publishing after The Catcher in the Rye (Franny and Zooey, Raise High the Roof Beam, I think a few of the stories in Nine Stories). He just became a recluse and his other writings weren't as insanely popular.

>> No.6096538

I know what you mean.


>> No.6096585

Is the Mockingbird the MC this time?

>> No.6096628

This thread is weird. Next someone's going to tell me Walker Percy wrote Everything That Rises Must Converge.

>> No.6096826
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>mfw she publishes some incomprehensible hallucinatory Pynchonesque shit from the 50s and is hailed as a precursor of Pomo

>> No.6097022

It sounds like she actually wrote it before TKAMB, and her editor convinced her to write another book around Scout's childhood memories.

>> No.6097041
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The south is cancer though anon.

>> No.6097145
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>TFW no official Catcher in the Rye sequel

>> No.6097153

Racism is bad. Fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.6097688

I haven't read To Kill a Mockingbird. Is it really that great if you're not an American or living in a country with a history of racism?

>> No.6097714


>> No.6097726

It's not even great if you are. It's an average book at best, even by high schoolcore standards.

>> No.6097843
File: 10 KB, 320x240, RocksEyebrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> not recognizing the style differences between Capote and Lee
Have you even read them? Can you even read? Are you literate? Can you be literate? What is literacy?

>> No.6097871

I know, I make ~100k as a patent agent(not attorney) at an IP law firm. Must be a shitty lawyer if you're making a pitiful 125.

>> No.6097902

>or living in a country with a history of racism?

European people love to claim that they had no involvement in the slave trade, that they are post racial, that they are the bigger man. but European people have never confronted their sins like Americans have. the Belgian adventures were not even 100 years ago. the suburbs of Paris are more isolated then even the deepest south. major political parties have direct platforms of racial supremacy. and school children are taught that black people are only arriving in Europe in the last 30 years.

what possible country do you think has no history of racism? if your not European, i guess sorry for jumping down your throat, but the question still stands.

>> No.6097927 [DELETED] 

the prose is the worst thing I've read and ever actually finished the book.

>When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the
elbow. When it healed, and Jem's fears of never being able to play football were
assuaged, he was seldom self-conscious about his injury. His left arm was
somewhat shorter than his right; when he stood or walked, the back of his hand
was at right angles to his body, his thumb parallel to his thigh. He couldn't have
cared less, so long as he could pass and punt.
Agony to read.

>> No.6097928

Every race has conquest and discrimination in its past, with many of their histories leading up to just as recently. Why don't you go yell at a Chinese guy for being complacent in the repression of Uighurs?

>> No.6098124

Jem <3

>> No.6098130

Would be kind of interesting if she made this book about the same topic but referring to modern times/today.

>> No.6098133

I don't understand how you're all so rich but basically engage in cheap, shoddy "entertainment" like 4chan. Can't you buy tickets to shit that matters?

4chan is like the Wal-Mart of entertainment. Those who can buy better products in a better store do.

>> No.6098323

Would be about how niggers can do anything now, and all white people are boogymen.

>> No.6098359

psst they're not really rich

>> No.6098377

Stale Literary cancer.

>> No.6098385

you have a distorted idea of how rich people live

>> No.6098458

that nigga has a six head

>> No.6098466


This has been a current question of debate. Supposedly she's meant to be senile, but her agent makes her sign contracts and shit she doesn't even understand. She's being used by publishing houses etc. to make $$$

Her sister was one of the only people who genuinely prevented people from exploiting her, so it's no surprise that after she dies this is all happening.


>> No.6098491

>excited Lee has a new novel coming out
>read it's a sequel
>lose all interest

>> No.6098556

>money grubbing move
Not only is she rich, she's fucking 88. I'm pretty certain money isn't a contributing factor.

>> No.6098629

Surely Harper Lee has plenty of money they could be swindling out of her already without having it all play out in the public eye.

I think it's all bullshit. Just idle speculation to fill the vacuum caused by the author's desire for privacy. The idea that she's senile seems to have been adopted just because "she's 88, she must be".

It's pretty nasty allegation for media outlets to throw out at her lawyer. Even accusing them of falsifying quotes etc.

>> No.6099007

not that anon but biglaw hours are brutal so it makes sense to come to 4chan for a quick kek

>> No.6099056

Isn't truman capote dead?

>> No.6099087

aaah the ultimate cucknovel
seriosly thou fuck anyone who reads this garbage and takes it seriously

>> No.6099806

She had a stroke, is basically blind and deaf, and the person taking care of her interests (her sister) died very recently. It all seems to fit.

>> No.6101020


>> No.6101105


>> No.6101564

nup not the same actor.

>> No.6101570


>> No.6102054

Norway gives out the Nobel peace prize, that's why it's so fucking retarded! They stole it form us and disgraces us by giving it out left and right!

>> No.6102198


>> No.6103375


>> No.6103397

Also, Harper Lee wrote most of the notes and did most of the interviews for In Cold Blood. I thought that was common knowledge.

>> No.6103446

I'd drink with him.