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6090375 No.6090375[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My sister is trying to read through Freud's entire corpus, which apparently is a massive undertaking. Is there any particular reason for someone to do that today, especially a woman when Freud is so incredibly sexist? She seems to think there's validity in psychoanalysis, but I don't see it.

>> No.6090496


>> No.6090506

its a waste of time.
coming from somebody who read a lot of pseudo-scientific psychology

>> No.6090519

Then why does she study it?

>> No.6090526

Your sister is probably just a moron who wants to look smart. If she wants to waste her time with outdated theories, let her. She'll probably give up when she get to the "misogynistic" bits.

>> No.6090534

She's actually pretty smart but a bit of a dingbat. When I was sick, she diagnosed me and made medicine she got from Hippocrates..

>> No.6090541
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>she diagnosed me and made medicine she got from Hippocrates..
I can't tell if this is a ruse or not

>> No.6090547

because it works, sometimes.
the reasoning is completly wrong, but it does lead to results in some cases.
similar to NLP.

>> No.6090561

I shit you not, she gave me a hot mixture of vinegar, honey and water.

>> No.6090567

well you're still here making bad posts in the internet

fuck off empiricist

>> No.6090578

It's psycho-analysis may no longer be respected today, but it's still brings up a lot of interesting points and gives some insight that is more enjoyable to read than reading some textbook.

Reading his entire work, however, isn't going to be that fun. Better narrow down to reading his most praised work. It's complete autismo to want to read ALL of it.

>> No.6090618

Doesn't Freud use empirical examples? My sister wanted to trying us psychoanalyzing each other according to his method.

Yeah, well she is a bit weird, but she gets like that, when she reads an author, she reads everything she can get by them in chronological order.

>> No.6090635

Link her to "One or Several Wolves?" by Deleuze + Guattari to save her now before it's too late and she falls into lacanian/zizekian witchcraft.

>> No.6090652

She absolutely refuses to read books electronically, the most she'll do is shorter essays. I could buy it for her, if you think it would really affect her on the matter.

>> No.6090782

Has she read Sam Harris or any of the other analytic philosophers? Continental stuff seems deep and interesting, but you never go back one you experience an actually scientific approach to philosophy.

>> No.6091482


>> No.6091523

Weren't you the guy whose sister tried to get you to read Sade?

>> No.6091536


>> No.6091554
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>My sister wanted to trying us psychoanalyzing each other according to his method.

>> No.6091558

>Is there any particular reason for someone to do that today, especially a woman when Freud is so incredibly sexist?
Yeah, there's lots hidden kinkyporn in Freud. (Considering that some women today find something as anemic as 'Fiddy Shades' to be a sexually arousing work, Freud should work too.)

>> No.6091563

Freud is a direct heir to Sade in his thinking.

>> No.6091590


>search thread for Descartes

>/lit/ does not disappoint

OP don't be stupid, she's practically begging you.

>> No.6091602
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Real life is not 4chan, genius

>> No.6091608


>Real life is not 4chan

Define "real". Also

>implying this sort of thing doesn't happen daily

>> No.6091609

This girl wanted her brother to read Sade with her before.

Have you ever read Sade? It's literally about sodomising your sister and how incest is an artificial spook taboo.

>> No.6091612

Reading through this thread and asking myself if there is any difference in comment quality between here and YouTube.

>> No.6091613

"Real" as opposed to imaginary.

It's about breaking every taboo. If you like Sade, it doesn't mean you want to break every fucking taboo or even most. If you think ti does, you missed the point.

>> No.6091617


None whatsoever


You can't define a thing by its opposite because then you'd have to define the opposite too, it's circular reasoning. This is like Philosophy 101, man.

>> No.6091625
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thirsty edgelords will defend this

>> No.6091626


>A picture of an English Royal accompanies a criticism of incest

Oh the ironing

>> No.6091630

She wants to examine for own feelings towards you, OP. Intense taboo feelings she can't just ignore.

But since you seem to be a faggot, her pure love probably won't bloom.

>> No.6091634

Nice armchair psychology there.

>> No.6091640


I think you've read one too many "m-my hips are moving on their own!" incest hentai.

>> No.6091641

What's your problem with the purest from of love?

>> No.6091644


It's gross, symptomatic of social inadequacy (you're so incapable of going out and finding a female that it has to be one that lives in your own house) and produces potato babies.

>> No.6091646

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6091649

Nowadays I mainly read VNs. But yeah, I usually start with sister routes.

Incest between siblings. That's what one big group of people considers to be the purest form of love. Other big group says it's yuri - lesbianism.

>> No.6091654

Finding a girl is one thing, finding one you know intimately and live well with and and with whom you are already in a relationship of mutual love based on something other than physical attraction is rather hard.

>> No.6091659

Why is he so incredibly sexist?

>> No.6091669

because he acknowledges that man and woman are different

>> No.6091687

She can understands that once a theory goes into mainstream media, it coincides with new better models going beyond the said theory.

>> No.6091739

Reminder that MBTI is useful as a broad classifier

>> No.6091746

Sexism, Racism and the other forbidden 'isms' are all part of forming a logical conclusion.

Unless of course you think there is absolutely zero factor-difference between race and gender.

>> No.6091962

could you post a picture of her OP?

>> No.6091965

>Is there any particular reason for someone to do that today, especially a woman when Freud is so incredibly sexist?
To understand Freudo-Marxism and apply it to the fundamentals of critical theory.
>She seems to think there's validity in psychoanalysis
She is a crank.

>> No.6091969

This has to be a fucking joke.

>> No.6091973

It isn't.

>> No.6092368

>It's about breaking every taboo. If you like Sade, it doesn't mean you want to break every fucking taboo or even most. If you think ti does, you missed the point.
Could you rephrase this clusterfuck, please?

>> No.6092416

Well, all three of those things are good for you, so, eh?

>> No.6092417

It actually is. You just take note of who takes it seriously and you dismiss those people.

>> No.6092702

The id, who, and superego is an insightful model of consciousness even if not entirely correct.

The death drive vs Eros is real and probably Freud's most important point

Freud's account of childhood sexuality is mostly wrong, but childhood sexuality does exist and it's good that he tried to explore it

Psychoanalysis as a medical profession is useless
His interpretation of dreams is useless

>> No.6092711

And by "who" I mean "Ego

>> No.6092825

I went through the Freud complete works. I also study psychology. Freud is incredibly persuasive, you have to read many times. When you read him without attention you will fall right where he wants you to. I like his style, I cannoy buy into his ideas, though he had some interesting questions.

>> No.6093433

so did it help or what?

>> No.6093436

freud had some good insights on other shit besides than all the freaky inbred jew sex, even though that's all he's remembered for today

>> No.6093468

Has she already gone through Lacan?

>> No.6093542

>literally pure sugar
>good for you

Where the fuck did you hear that?

>> No.6093552

its the most natural sugar u dumb cunt honey has many benefits

>> No.6093811


You the guy with the patrician little sister? You fuck her yet?

>> No.6093846

>real life is not 4chan

There is no such thing as "real life"

>> No.6093856

a messy goo produced by some fucking insects is more natural than sugar from sugarcane? ooooh kay

>> No.6093858

Why talk out of your ass when you have no fucking clue?

>> No.6093862

i didn't know the honey lobby hired a marketing firm to viral 4chan, interesting

>> No.6093881

Just stick it in already, OP. She's probably dripping as we speak.

>> No.6094028


She said it was supposed to soothe my throat irritation, whereas the vinegar was intended to dissolve the mucus and function as an expectorant.

>> No.6094245

literally say this: "ay baby i got something to soothe your throat and deal with that oral fixation at the same time"

you're in.

>> No.6094264

You really can't help but be a loud ignoramus at all times huh? Even when you have literally zero knowledge of the topic? That's priceless.

>> No.6094282

I'm curious... what makes you such a honey expert?

>> No.6094299

I worked with bees. I'm also not the original guy, it's just funny to see you going on an all-out sperg attack and trying to be flippant when really you're just an idiot who doesn't know very much. I assume this is pretty common behavior for you so just keep being the little loaded cannon you are and eventually you'll end up embarrassed as fuck.

>> No.6094313

Why is Freud pseudo-scientific?

Why are his theories outdated?

Freud was a genius, sure his teachings can't describe a lot of the things we are influenced by today, but all that he said is appliable, because he obviously just observed and interpreted, andwhat he observed is existent through the ages.

>> No.6094428

OP clearly wants to fuck his sister. He's always telling /lit/ about the things his sister is doing.

His sister possibly wants to fuck. If she's willing, then OP is set.

I don't see the shame in this, OP. Incest gets a bad rap because of fathers raping their daughters. But two siblings having consensual sex seems morally defensible. Just wear protection so you don't end up with retard baby.

>> No.6094444
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Because he never shaved with occam's razor.

>> No.6094493

Entire corpus?


Reading Freud?


He not only had some great ideas but he was also a great writer. You'll enrich your life by reading Freud.

> sexist

What does that have to do with anything? Either his ideas are right or they're wrong, no ubermensch would seriously care about how they register in the PC dialogue.

>> No.6094522

>She's very cute and lovable and we're quite close (we used to read to each other under the blanket with a flashlight) but her being my sister makes such a thing impossible, it would be like trying to fuck my mother, dude, there's just not a sexual code of programming in my brain there. Also seriously doubt she has inclinations toward me like that, when someone recommends Sade on /lit/ it doesn't mean they're sexually into, so why would it in real life?


>> No.6094539


He's lying to himself.

>> No.6094560

>when someone recommends Sade on /lit/ it doesn't mean they're sexually into
this nigga

>> No.6094604

She is probably reading him through Lacan OP

>> No.6095271

No ubermensch would care about making sure he qualifies as an ubermensch.

>> No.6095383

>My sister wanted to trying us psychoanalyzing each other according to his method.
that's incredibly incestuous

>> No.6095402

Care to explain why?

>> No.6095426

Psychoanalysis is all about repressed sexual urges towards family members. WTF are you gonna do when she tells you that she thinks you subconsciously want to fuck the hole where dad cut her dick off? Don't want to be in that situation? Stop the train now

>> No.6095429

Is that really all Freud is about? wtf. That's not the way she made it sound

>> No.6095450

>"To put it more plainly: the fetish is the substitute for the woman's (the mother's) penis that the little boy believed in–and for reasons familiar to us—does not want to give up."

that's just an excerpt I have on hand

>> No.6095461

Damn. She was saying that it would help me find a more fulfilling and meaningful life, and I could discover untapped joy. It's just about sex?

>> No.6095466

Your sister sounds like a telemarketer or a pamphlet.

>> No.6095472

One of the central ideas in freudian theory is that you unconsciously want to fuck your mother and kill your father. Once you first see your mother doesn't have a penis (an experience so scarring that you have to hide it with fetishes), you think that your father cut your mother's penis off, and that he might do the same to you if you fuck her behind his back.

Acknowledgement and acceptance of these secret desires is meant to relieve you of unconscious anxiety—nothing bad can prosper in the light of day, after all—but, unfortunately, most of Freud's ideas aren't relevant anymore.

But yeah, Freud sees the most powerful desires of human life are either fucking or killing—and that all other desires are subaltern to them.

Jung moves things back up into the spirit—ask your sister to read Jung. That's meant to really free up your life.

or be a cynic and accept your perversity. I pray one day to get a GF who will freudian roleplay with me

>> No.6095473

Her hobby is writing and drawing fake propaganda and advertisements for various ideologies and products, so that's no surprising.

>> No.6095476

Your sister sounds very interesting, regardless. Not even in a bad way—you don't usually get such characters on /lit/. Most people on here are chain-smokering 20-something losers from glasgow or belgium—or worse

>> No.6095506

I don't know what more can she possibly do to make you understand she wants the D aside from straight up telling you, OP you're denser than the nucleus of a supermassive black hole.

>> No.6095522

Yeah, she's fun. When she was a little girl, we saw a documentary on Communist Russia, and after that she went through a state pretending to be "Minister of Propaganda" in Soviet Russia, and was always shilling for the Glorious Revolution. One time I finally confronted her with a bunch of facts from the documentary that showed Russia was an oppressive regime, and she said, "That's just propaganda, comrade!"

>> No.6095525

>don't smoke
>not that much of a loser, but kind of, I suppose
>from the obviously superior neighbour of Belgium
Voelt goed, man

>> No.6095527

if u ain't dutch, u ain't much

>> No.6095530


>stating the superiority of your country in the language of another

Can you even see the irony?

>> No.6095534

quit shitposting idiot. you have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.6095541

wow. this site is terrible.

>> No.6095544


You can always go back to reddit.

>> No.6095545

>My sister is actually rather squeamish,she doesn't even swear, it's a bit unusual for her if anything.

>17 and she's majoring in math. Her social background is the same as mine, pretty normal.

>> No.6095555
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>mfw this level of denial

He wants to dick her so bad he doesn't even know it

>> No.6095594

This doesn't even make sense.

>> No.6095599


>> No.6095792
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No irony here, we're an adaptable people and proud of it.

>> No.6095794

Yes it does. And his sister is trying to get him into Freud to help him recognise these oppressed desired.

I like his threads though.

>> No.6095799

European countries are all the same: a bunch of rich, stuck up faggots who think they deserve special treatment because they created the entirety of civilization a la Golden Bough.

The Dutch are just the most stuck up faggots of all the stuck up faggots.

>> No.6095807
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>european countries are all the same

>> No.6095809

But European countries actually get special treatment because we are actually the height of civilisation.

>> No.6095813

>Spaniards, Frenchmen, and Italians are lazy fucks
thought so

>> No.6095817

After reading some of your posts I have to say your sister is really patrician, OP. I envy you and I hope you learn to appreciate having her as a sister.

>> No.6095820


Not defending my ignorant countrymen here, but there are even lower percentages on that map.

>> No.6095822

in commie ville where the lingua franca was russian

doesn't count

>> No.6095824

6% of the irish can't converse in english

>> No.6095866

scandinavians only have high percentage because they aren't dubbing english tv series, but they are using subtitles instead, because it's less profitable for them due to small amount of viewers in their own language. you can't compare their numbers to french or german market.

>> No.6095868

Too drunk

>> No.6095877

If things can be linguistically arranged into binary states, then it is only logical that they are interdependent on each other for their definitions. Female cannot exist without male, good cannot exist without evil and so forth

>> No.6095924

Dubbing is also simply inferior to subtitling.

I can't understand how Germans can go see Christopher Walken being dubbed by some German fag and feel like they're not missing out.

>> No.6095953

Not really. Balkans also don't dub yet most of them have much poorer knowledge of English, compared to Scandinavians.

>> No.6095955

This isn't necessarily true.
For example Bud Spencer and Terence Hill movies were only successful because of their German dubbing which added extra humor.

>> No.6095958

>slavs are white
Why do you compare Europeans with slavic people?

>> No.6095971

How is that even relevant? The point is that dubbing isn't the main factor at all. It is probably globalization, both at the level of culture in general, and in their educational system in particular.

>> No.6095982

>work ethics
Have you ever studied a foreign language?

>> No.6095991

Yes, English for example.

>> No.6096127

Yeah but they are, well, the Balkans.

>> No.6096134

I guess they also have low crime, a proper welfare state, great living conditions and high general happiness because of not dubbing.

>> No.6096147
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>> No.6096159

Might as well say the same thing about Italians and the French - and that's the point. Scandinavians don't just subtitle their films, their culture is different in general.

>> No.6096181

No. Psychology is a silly poo poo field that is made up by faggots and degenerates. Literally nothing in psychology is falsifiable or based on anything except conjecture. Freud and all other psychologists belong in the trash bin.

>> No.6096182

There's that word again. Read Freud's essay on the notion of "the unconscious", he talks just about this there.

>> No.6096252

She should certainly read some Freud but rather focus on Jung if she is interested in the legends since he is more in vogue with modern thinking.

>> No.6096261

This is not true

>> No.6096264
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>he will never drop a mixtape as Yung Jung

>> No.6096269

I always got the idea that the French and Italians are just chauvinistic assholes and the Balkans are merely incompetent.

>> No.6096294

she's just reinforcing her feminist preconceptions

>> No.6096363

If that were so she would shit all over Freud without reading him at all.
Not to say that feminist critique of Freud isn't valid (it very much is), one just shouldn't dismiss so easily the whole Freud just because a part of him seems stupid to us now. What most people know of Freud is a caricature anyway.

>> No.6096631

>I always got the idea that the French and Italians are just chauvinistic assholes

We're not.

>> No.6096643
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>"Freud has no place in contemporary psychology or thought. His works are outdated and aged psychobabble at best."

>> No.6096665


It's true, also posting a picture of a guy with a hat isn't a substitute for an actual argument.

>> No.6096674

Not that anon, but neither was OP's statement an argument.

>> No.6096684


>but neither was OP's statement an argument.

I never said it was. I just don't want discussion here to fall to the level of "fedora!" "no, it is YOU who are the fedora".

Let's have some standards.

>> No.6097377

>sam harris

pick one

>> No.6097456

I take it you never wrote a serious psychology paper because you'd be in trouble for using the discredited Freud as a solid source.

Also kill yourself

>> No.6097534

He's Nietzsche's heir and the fulfillment of Marx. How can you not?

>> No.6097692


There is a whole rich, beautiful tapestry of analytic philosophers stretching over two or three-hundred years, and you choose Sam Harris to represent them?

This world is a sad, sad place.

>> No.6099612

Sam Harris bridges the gap between science and philosophy the best.

>> No.6101805
