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/lit/ - Literature

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6088448 No.6088448 [Reply] [Original]

>describing the main character looking into a mirror

>> No.6088468

>le Rape of the Lock face

>> No.6088472
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>when they describe how "sad" their eyes look

>> No.6088483
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>describing how crooked a characters nose is

>> No.6088486
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>when they describe how a girl's curves are all "in the right places"

>> No.6088490
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>when they describe things
>when there are words in the book
>when the book is about something

*tips cane*

>> No.6088492

>holding things in the crook of their arm

>> No.6088500
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>when the book uses dashes

>> No.6088503
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>when there are adverbs after said

>> No.6088522
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>when the main character is a good looking, "ironic" loner

>> No.6088528
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>> No.6088532
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>having main characters

>> No.6088540
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>> No.6088544
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>the main character is a writer

>> No.6088552
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>The book ends

>> No.6088555
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>greentexting non-sense

>> No.6088560
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>We need diverse books!

>> No.6088565
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>glorified shitposting

>> No.6088567

Would you rather have the eleventh Pynchon thread today?

>> No.6088572

>when the book is about something

this one is semi true though.
"nothing happens" is a pleb critique for plot readers

>> No.6088574

>it's written by a white male

>> No.6088580 [DELETED] 


>> No.6088581

Link me the Pynchon threads from today

>> No.6088584
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>when a female tries to write a male character

>> No.6088589 [SPOILER] 
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I'm only responsible for three of those.

No. I was just stating that these "statements" are non-sense. And also funposting. But I enjoy funposting so I can't say I mind.

>mfw getting banned for funposting

>> No.6088604

W-Well, what about this?

>He walked up to the apparatus of self-abasement with great self-conscious confidence and put his face forward so that his nose almost touched it. He then tried intensely to have a feeling of profound reflection and introspection, as a great thinker ought to when confronted with a reflection of their mortal coil. Death and relations and convention and all the rest. These efforts went on for perhaps 20 or 30 seconds; having failed, he returned to his default state of ironic self-admiration, and began to contort his naturally androgynous - if not downright effeminate - face into as stern and manly a configuration as possible. The full, red lips he tried to turn into a thread of determination. The jiggly trunk of a neck he tried to turn into something resembling the shaft of a penis, veiny and well-defined. He then removed his clothes with immense care, as if performing for an audience, and glared desultorily at his flabbiness. He applied the masculinizing contortions he had affected on his face to his whole body, to little effect. Having made the day into an abject failure already, he clattered down the stairs, the ugly puke-yellow walls mocking and jeering all the while.

>> No.6088609

What is this from?

>> No.6088615


I came up with it on the fly, to see if I could make a mirror-looking passage interesting in the least.

>> No.6088652

I really liked it anon.

>> No.6088662

Well then, good. I dunno, I felt I might've been just a tad too verbose, but as you can probably tell I was kind of vacillating into and out of the character portrayed's point of view. But overall, I think it isn't bad, too.

>> No.6088878

Lel good one

>> No.6088905


I think it would be even better if that was a passage in the book that your main character is writing, because he should be a novelist.

>> No.6088940

don't they carry off K like that in The Trial?

>> No.6088949

>when Murakami tries to write a female character

>> No.6088962

>> Katie's sad eyes gazed deeply into the mirror. A familiar feeling of disgust swept over her as she contemplated her crooked nose and mishapen eye brows. She let out a long sigh. All the boys at school said lustily that she had “curves in all the right places” but her strange face of which she was very self aware had ironically made her somewhat of a loner. In the crook of her arm was a book she was writing. Due to her lack of friends she had turned to literature for comfort. It was a genre fiction which didn't have any main characters. She had been up all night fleshing out the main character who was modeled on a boy from school – Chad.

>> No.6088971

>He then tried
Fucking dropped

>> No.6088972

Satisfying to read. Good job.

>> No.6088973
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> the title of the book is in the last sentence

>> No.6088978


>> No.6089042


Wow, that hurts. For a second I thought someone on /lit/ actually liked what I wrote. Still, I give that burn a 9/10. Nice meme'ing.

>> No.6089055


What's so bad about that? I tried the other two possible formulations, but in that context "He then tried" was by far the naturalest and best-sounding.

>> No.6089067
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>> No.6089076


Go fuck yourself. It should be a word, so I use it.

>> No.6089086

couldve used most natural my friend

>> No.6089092


But I don't want to. I'm a naturalest advocate. It sounds better than "most natural."

>> No.6089103

you became one 4 minutes ago

>> No.6089104
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>when a male writes a female character and tries to make them seem like an actually interesting human being

>> No.6089106

Would you say it sounds naturaler?

>> No.6089119

I would.


>> No.6089137

Are you saying it is impossible or the writer fails to?

>> No.6089143

In an interview I read, Borges brought up a word he'd only read in a single poet's work: "neverness". I hope it gets used more often.

>> No.6089152

jesus christ

>> No.6089154


That bad, huh?

>> No.6089171

well it's exactly the kind of thing i'd expect from a poster on /lit/, is that the joke?

>> No.6089182


I-It wasn't a joke. I was actually trying there to make a mirror passage interesting in the least. I guess I wasn't successful. Then again I haven't done virtually any creative writing since high school, so I suppose that's to be expected.

>> No.6089238
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underrated post

>> No.6089302
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>> No.6089316

Gotta love Pynchon

>> No.6089364

This is actually nice. I like it, it's not a mirror used as a sole excuse to describe the character physically, it actually shows his psyche well.

The ending phrase was especially good. Keep it up, anon.

>> No.6089387

W-Well at least someone likes me!!

>> No.6089389

that would honestly be a dope fit if he wasn't a fat ass and took off that faggot hat and scarf

>> No.6089438

>socks with sandals

>> No.6089463
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>book has pages with numbers privileged in a patterned of ascending order

>> No.6089471

>i don't understand fashion and i'm a huge fuccboi, please fuck my boipussy
what's your kik?

>> No.6089479

>not conforming ZFC set-theoretical hierarchies
i'm honestly vomiting so much please why

>> No.6089489

>not embracing the absurdity of existence in the couture neuveux

>> No.6089497

You shouldn't take criticism too seriously here. Not that you should completely disregard it either, but funposting (as you can tell from this thread) is a thing and so is bringing others down for no reason in particular. It was good, you succeeded in making it interesting, if you like writing you can actually get somewhat good at it. Don't take /lit/ too seriously, it will do you no good.

I'm not sure what my point was, I probably came off as condescending but I didn't mean to. I'm just tired of seeing decent writing ripped to shreds by bitter people. Or maybe I just have shit taste and that's why I like stuff /lit/ doesn't. Who knows?

>> No.6089684

In the mirror he saw himself thinking while looking at himself how behind the mirror was the ibuprofen he walked in here to get for his headache, watching himself snap to about how he wasn't sure if he'd taken three or four - one of those being the maximum number or else something bad would happen with his liver or spleen. He reached for the handle and saw his hand come forward in the mirror and tried to see if he could tell how many he'd taken, intuiting the subconscious vectors, when he noticed a fly he'd smashed hovering there smashed head to smashed head with a razor-thin slit of mirror's only real surface disillusioned by the self-met fly. Imagining himself backing up many yards that weren't there and gnashing himself into the mirror all symmetric he decided against the ibuprofen and took a long piss in the toilet, his askew yellow reflection distorted, his stream pissing into his own stream, but only the live fly, buzzing and widowed, could see from her place upside-down and underneath the toilet seat.

>> No.6089701


That was fucking wild, man. I liked it. Good job.

>> No.6089710

but it was terrible? it read like something rendered totally self-conscious by years of exposure to exactly the kind of /lit/ shitposting you're referring to
way too wordy and the penis comparison was way fucking out of place
i understand exactly what you're talking about with regard to needlessly harsh and undeserved criticism, but that was terrible

>> No.6089713

>the main character is a college professor
>the main character is a tenured college professor under the age of 35

>> No.6089721

>when the phrase 'abject terror' is used
>using the word profound unironically
>using the word ironic unironically

so many more but it's too painfully bad to reskim

>> No.6089742


Well, for one thing, the phrase "abject terror" is not used. And if you read it (you admitted you didn't), you'd see that both of those words are used ironically. Poor show.

>> No.6089756

not ironically enough

>> No.6089763

/lit/ never disappoints.

>> No.6089766


>> No.6089784

haven't read it, speaking of novels written in our current shitty times mostly

>college professor has affair with student who is a Scheming Slut

>> No.6089810

>When Murakami characters have boring, weird sex

>> No.6089836
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Do you get a sexual thrill off of being smug? Or is it just to fit in here?

>> No.6089862

>smiled quite jewishly

>> No.6089972

>so it goes

>> No.6089998

I just liked the scene, in a general sense. I think the penis comparison was a decent enough analogy to a character who tries to be very manly and fails; there's also the lack of great details on the character's appearance (besides some very nonspecific stuff that complement the failed man character) which is unexpected for a mirror scene, and the dellusion of grandioseness that is, in the end, revealed to be completely fake (and the closing sentence was funny, it was almost cathartic to see the asshole shatter).

I'm not saying it's great, it definitely isn't, and it seems way too autobiographical - not only because it was posted on lit, where we can safely assume more than 1/3rd of the posters would fit the character, but also because the character's depiction sounds like it was written by the man himself. It was still ok. It was still creative. It's not great, especially by /lit/'s standards (I'm assuming we all read great books most of the time here), but not bad enough to warrant the disencouragement he got.

What do you mean by
>rendered totally self-conscious by years of exposure to exactly the kind of /lit/ shitposting
? I'm actually curious, I did not understand.

>> No.6090078

Did you write this? Seriously incredible stuff, I'm fucking jealous.

>> No.6090139
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I-I totally didn't do that in the one I'm editing right now

>> No.6090791
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>using 'said' ever

are you serious?

>> No.6090817

Kite Runner

>> No.6090820

>hooked like a jew's nose

>> No.6090966

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that phrasing, you pseudointellectual child.

>> No.6091000

Knowing 4chan it's the former

>> No.6091006

It's not that bad, don't you know /lit/ is overly critical of everything? Having said that, it's not that good, either. You have some skill, but much to learn.

>> No.6091110

>fitting in
fucking normies get off my board

>> No.6091179

>...but he did not see anything, for he was a vampire.

>> No.6091194
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>obligatory 'gurrrrl power' character

>> No.6091200

>not using "sez"

>> No.6091259

>Book color codes the speech of every character

>> No.6091275

I'm so deeply afraid of women

>> No.6091278
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>Thematically important facial "quirks", usually involving the mouth, eyes, or brow

>> No.6091281

That's actually fucken wicked.


>each character gets their own unique font

Even better.

>> No.6091286

>the chucklefuck character uses comic sans

>> No.6091297

Perfect--let the nerds twist their blue coloured tighty-whites in a bunch.

>> No.6091320

Tristram Shandy would break you.

>> No.6091335
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>passages where the character does nothing but listen to music and play with cats

>> No.6091338
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>main character's name is a biblical allusion

>> No.6091343
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>the book is spliced with dream sequences

>> No.6091344

>several paragraphs dedicated to head patting

>> No.6091365
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>book is under 300 pages

>> No.6091366

>dreams are mostly incoherent and don't contain any important details

>> No.6091367
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>drug use

>> No.6091368

>Author dedicates book to self

>> No.6091377


scrolled for ages to post this

>> No.6091385

lol I've never seen this.

>A special thanks to myself, I'm that fucken awesome.

>> No.6091388
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>foreward of the book spoils plot points
>then shamelessly goes on to state that the book is better than Dune

To be fair, Lord of Light was, but I can't even think of a better way to try and alienate a reader before they even start.

>> No.6091390

>reading anything before Chapter/Canto/Act/Book I
>Reading anything that doesn't have any of those things to begin it.

You do it to yourself anon.

>> No.6091398
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>character discovers important plot details by googling stuff

>> No.6091533

>not using the mirror to render your protagonist through lacanian psychoanalysis

>> No.6091549

>Meghan Trainor
>Le All About That Bass faec

>> No.6092693
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>character's internal monologue is broken by a qt3.14 asking him a question

>> No.6092717
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>book describes things that happen in real life
>book describes things that don't happen in real life
>book describes something that was described in other books
>book uses words that other books have in them
>author has stolen a bunch of words from the language the book is written in and written the book with them
>book is liked by anyone other than me
>even the author must hate it

*tips HD cans*

>> No.6092802

>>each character gets their own unique font

Has any book done this?

>> No.6092808
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>> No.6092815

>legs that go all the way down to the floor

>> No.6093038

Holy shit that's fucking brilliant. Sorry, but I'm stealing this.

>> No.6093043
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>Asuka, we did it. We have finally reached... the End of Evangelion.

>> No.6093044

while you're doing gimmicky bullshit that's horrible why not have the text on the pages be in shapes like hearts or skulls and stuff depending on if the character is good or bad

>> No.6093059
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>main character is a writer

>> No.6093084

Homestuckers fuck off please

>> No.6093086

A fansubbed episode of Zoku Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei did it. It's passé.

>> No.6093096

Now you're talking!

While we are at it, add in "scare quotes," interrobangs ‽, and irony mark ؟

This is a new age of punctuation.

>> No.6093103

that's shit but let me raise you one higher:

>main character talks about how much they love reading and how magical books are

>> No.6093104

>the story is about a writer with writer's block as he can't come up with the story, and ends with the story of the book becoming his story

>> No.6093109

>Proust whining about he'll never be a great writer

how did this shit get to be canonical again? can't we just ditch him and replace it with a underrepresented minority or something

>> No.6093416

would buy